Page 6 of Paradise Discovery

  As he watched Triton swim away, Dax realized grimly that it was all he'd been thinking about since the moment he'd spotted Isabelle on the beach.

  Chapter Seven

  Early the next morning, Isabelle rapped on Dax's door, fully intending to question him about his origins.

  Of course, he wasn't there. She turned and scanned the beach and water, looking for signs of him. The sun had barely risen, its cheery rays highlighting the glassy surface of the turquoise ocean.

  No one was out there. No boats, and certainly no people diving.

  And no Dax. Which didn't surprise her in the least. She'd bet a million he was hiding out somewhere, hoping to avoid answering questions about himself.

  Irritated, she stalked to her bungalow, grabbed her bag and set off for the hotel. He was probably mingling around with the masses on the other side of the island. What normal male wouldn't? All those sexual games? Would be difficult for a guy to resist.

  Either that or he was diving somewhere. And the ocean was way too expansive to even attempt to find him.

  But find him she would. And when she did, she'd get answers to her questions.

  The resort was busy this morning, couples scurrying off to various sexual activities, no doubt. Her thoughts drifted to the sexy fun and games she'd enjoyed with Dax last night. Her body thrummed to life, heating up at the images of his warm mouth covering her nipples, the way he licked her pussy until she screamed into the night, the feel of his cock stroking rhythmically inside her.

  She fought the emotions that had grabbed onto her mind, forcing her to think about Dax in a way that was anything but clinical. This connection she'd felt last night had been nothing more than a fleeting aftereffect of some really great sex. She was a biologist--she knew how chemistry affected one's emotions. And that's all it had been with Dax. Just great sexual chemistry and nothing more.

  The fact her body wanted more of it was just too damn bad. They'd had fun, she'd gotten the sexual release that she'd obviously needed, and that was the end of it.

  Blowing out a sigh of frustration, she forced her thoughts away from the sexual and concentrated instead on looking for the source of her anxiety.

  "You look lost."

  Isabelle turned and smiled at Morgan Marino, then nodded. "Some days it seems that way to me, too."

  "Are you looking for someone? Can I help you?"

  How was she going to explain she was searching for her bungalow neighbor who'd fucked her brains out the night before and now she needed to ask him some questions to find out if he was even human. "You know that guy who checked in next door to me?"

  "Dax Seagrove? Yes." Morgan frowned. "Is there a problem?"

  "No, not at all. He was supposed to dive with me today and I can't find him."

  Morgan pursed her lips. "You know, I think I saw him early this morning, following a group heading towards one of the activities."

  Isabelle's heart fell to her feet. Activities? Like, sex activities? "Uhh, do you know which one?" And did she really want to know?

  "Let me think a minute. Oh, now I remember. Water Fun. They'll be down at the beach. You should go join them. Have a little fun yourself while you're down there!"

  Isabelle smiled politely at Morgan, thanked her and then headed down the path toward the private beach. A mix of emotions swirled through her. Dax hadn't seemed the type to engage in the sexual play at the resort, and had specifically told her he was only there to do some diving. So why did he suddenly decide to take part in the activities?

  Had he been lying to her? Tricking her into thinking he was someone else, only to get her to spread her legs for him? Not that she hadn't been more than eager to do that, she thought with some disgust.

  And now he was probably in the water with some strange woman, fucking someone else the same way he'd fucked Isabelle last night. Fury roiled within her and she stopped dead in her tracks.

  What right did she have to be angry? Dax wasn't hers exclusively. In fact, she'd run like hell from him last night as soon as they'd finished having sex. He was free to fuck whomever he chose.

  But still, it hurt that he'd no sooner pulled his cock out of her before he'd stuck it in another woman. And to think that last night she'd been worried about them getting emotionally involved.

  Ha! Not likely considering his current whereabouts.

  And yet she still marched down to the beach, intending to do what? Pull him away by the ear like a wayward husband? Give him a stern talking to?

  Get real Isabelle. Turn around and go back to the other side of the island, and do your damn job! And they say it's only men who think with the brain between their legs? Ha!

  Her feet ignored her wishes and kept walking. The end of the path opened up onto the sand beach. Isabelle's eyes widened and she skidded to a halt.

  She gasped. Couples engaged in varying sexual activities were spread out all over the place. Many lay on blankets in the sand, the already steamy sun baking their naked, sweat-soaked bodies. Her gaze was riveted to the carnal pleasures they enjoyed. Oral sex, fucking, touching, any type of intimacy imaginable.

  Others played in the water either on floating rafts for two or lying at the ocean's edge, the waves crashing over them.

  Everywhere she turned there was sex going on! Didn't these people believe in privacy? She was no prude, but really!

  "Shocking, isn't it?"

  She jumped and turned at the sound of Dax's voice behind her, her momentary delight at seeing him immediately replaced by irritation. Maybe she'd been wrong about him. Maybe he did want to join in the intimate fun and games on the beach. "What I'm shocked about is the fact you aren't out there joining in."

  He raised a brow and smiled. "Why would I join in?"

  "Isn't that why you're here?" She hated the accusing sound of her own voice, but couldn't help herself. The mere fact she'd found him here confirmed her suspicions that she'd been royally used last night by an expert con man.

  "Nah. Just studying human nature. Fascinating isn't it?"

  She turned to follow his gaze. A couple kneeled on a blanket spread over the shimmering sand, naked and entwined. The woman was on her hands and knees, the man situated behind her, his cock plunging slowly in and out of her pussy. The woman had a death grip on the blanket spread underneath her, her eyes shut tight and howls of pleasure escaping between her open lips. As Isabelle watched, another man dropped to his knees in front of the woman, grabbed her hair and thrust her head back, then plunged his thick cock all the way down her throat.

  It was savage, brutal, the woman immersed in the throes of pleasure. Despite Isabelle's annoyed state, her body responded to the hot sex on the beach. Her nipples tingled and hardened beneath her thin tank top and she instantly wished she'd worn a bra. But in this oppressive heat it had been the last thing on her mind. Looking down, she saw twin peaks poking against the nearly transparent white cotton and fought the urge to cross her arms to hide her arousal.

  She shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the moisture seeping between her legs. Dax's position behind her wasn't helping. She'd clipped her hair up this morning and his breath caressed the wispy curls at the nape of her neck.

  "Does watching other couples have sex turn you on, Isabelle?" he asked, his voice no more than a husky whisper.

  "Not really. It's just biology," she lied. She'd never thought herself a voyeur, but her gaze was fixed on the threesome rocking and writhing together.

  "I think you like that three-way over there." Dax lightly rested his fingers on her shoulders, caressing her enough to elicit goosebumps all over her skin. And yet her body burned at his touch.

  "Do you ever think about having sex with more than one man?"

  She should move away, should throw off his hands. She didn't want him to touch her. And yet her body melted at his light touch. Damn him! "No, I never think about things like that."

  "Really." When his lips brushed the back of her neck, his teeth lightly grating across her sensitive flesh, s
he shivered, her nipples tightening into hard nubs. "I think you're lying to me. I think you do fantasize about all kinds of naughty things. Care to share?"

  "I will if you will," she blurted, then closed her eyes and sighed, wishing she'd never come down here.

  "Okay, let me tell you about my fantasies."

  Oh, God. Did she really want to hear about them? "That's okay, I don't need to--"

  But he started telling her, anyway. "They take place on a private island, a very small island with sand, trees, fresh water and plenty of fish and fruit. I'm marooned, shipwrecked maybe, washed ashore unconscious. When I wake, I realize I'm the only survivor."

  Her imagination put him on the island. Weak, clothing tattered, and alone.

  "I build a shelter and find food, but I'm desperately lonely. Days, weeks, possibly months pass by and I'm going crazy, talking to myself, desperate for companionship. Until one morning when I'm fishing on the beach, I see two women swimming out in the ocean. I can't believe it, either. They're beautiful...and naked. They dive under the water and I see fins. They're mermaids."

  "Of course they are," she said, not bothering to keep the sarcasm from her voice. Every man's fantasy come to life. The only thing missing from Dax's description was a television and ESPN.

  "I watch, transfixed for awhile, unable to believe my eyes. Then suddenly they step out of the water, their fins replaced by long, sexy legs."

  Between Dax's story and the beach sex in front of her, Isabelle was sweating, beads of perspiration settling between her breasts and across her brow. She longed to strip off her clothes and head straight for the water, but for some reason she couldn't move.

  "They approach me. They're dripping wet, gloriously naked, their soaked bodies glittering like diamonds in the harsh sun. One's a blonde, with long, curling hair all the way down her back. The other has raven hair, straight and long. Both have beautiful breasts...full, not overly large, with dusky nipples."

  Dax moved his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, the straps of her tank top slipping down with his movements. Isabelle stilled, realizing she wore only her tank top and shorts. If she allowed him to continue, she'd be standing there bare-breasted in front of the other people on the beach.

  The other people on the beach currently fucking each other to the point where Godzilla could step foot on the island and they wouldn't notice.

  "Tell me what happens next in your fantasy," she said, the sun heating her breasts as he pulled her tank top down to her waist.

  "The mermaids approach me, smiling, their arms held out as if they were there for the express purpose of pleasing me. They take turns kissing me, their lips soft and tangy like the ocean."

  Right. And then they suck him and fuck him and he gets off and they go back to their watery lives while he lies there eating papaya with a shit-eating grin on his face. Gawd, how many times had she read this scenario about a man's fantasy?

  "So, I lay them both down on the palm fronds I've used to make a bed, shading them from the sunlight. They look so beautiful lying side by side like that, one light and the other dark."

  Isabelle resisted the urge to snort. Next he'd watch the two women go at it. Another top ten on the male wish list.

  "I kneel down between them, running my hands over their feet and ankles. Their skin is like the softest silk. I feel their calves, their thighs, watching as their breathing begins to labor the closer I get to the treasure between their legs."

  Isabelle's breathing was doing a little bit of its own laboring, imagining Dax inching his hands up her body slowly, knowing he was going to touch her there, but not yet.

  He moved his hands over her arms, his knuckles brushing the sides of her breasts every time he passed them. She sucked in a breath and shuddered at the contact, her body crying out for his hands to cover her breasts, tweak her nipples, turn her around and kiss her so hard she couldn't think straight.

  Not that she was thinking straight right now. Her mind was befuddled with mixed thoughts of needing to ask him about his origins and begging him to fuck her right there on the sand.

  "The women reach for me, but I just smile down at them," he continued, his hands stopping at her waist to knead her flesh. He gripped her hips and said, "Instead, I lean over and slide my hands over their breasts, watching their nipples stand up in their excitement."

  He demonstrated by cupping her breasts, his hands blazing a scorching trail as he swept his palms over the round globes. Her nipples stood painfully erect and begging for his touch. As he rolled the sensitive buds between his thumb and forefinger, shocks of pleasure pulses sailed straight to her pussy.

  "The women lick their lips in anticipation, knowing I'm so close to giving them what they crave, and yet I want to hold off, make them nearly beg for it, make it good for them."

  She let loose a whimper when he moved closer, his hard cock pressing against the cleft in her ass. Hell, she needed more than shorts to keep his touch from firing her up. She needed damn body armor. Steel-plated.

  He flexed his fingers against her hip and slowly slid the zipper down on the side of her shorts. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he whispered so softly his breath fluttered against her cheek. "Each woman watches me touch the other, knowing that whatever the other feels they soon will too. I kiss them both, our tongues hot and wet and sizzling together in a slow mating dance. While I kiss one I fondle the other, pinching her nipples until she gasps in pleasure."

  With one quick movement her shorts puddled at her feet. Dax reached around and palmed her lower stomach. It jumped and quivered against his hand. His fingertips rested on the top half of the curls covering her mound. Maybe if she stood on her toes his fingers would dip down and relieve the throbbing torture he'd begun.

  "Finally, they're begging me to help them, to release them from their torment. I lie down on the palm fronds and pull the dark-haired girl over my hips, watching as she impales her pussy on my straining cock. The other, the blonde, knows what to do and she straddles my face, positioning her dripping pussy over my eager mouth."

  Isabelle whimpered as Dax's fingers began a slow march down her mound, nearly reaching her aching clit only to slide back up and out of reach of the intense pressure building between her legs. With his other hand he cupped her breast, beginning a relentless petting of her nipple until she nearly cried out. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from begging.

  "Both the mermaids are hot. Very hot. The raven-haired beauty rides my cock like a forty-foot wave, gliding back and forth and grinding her pussy against my pelvic bone. The blonde moves her hips rapidly over my face, her sweet nectar pouring over my tongue and chin. I'm licking her lips and clit as fast as I can."

  "Dax, please." Isabelle couldn't help it. The couples on the beach had reached a near frenzied state. Some of the other couples had already come. Others were near the edge, the crescendo of moans and cries of ecstasy building like an orchestra finale.

  He moved against her, the fabric of his shorts sliding down and rustling against her legs. Then he was naked behind her. She backed against his cock, his scorching shaft nestling between the cheeks of her rear. He rocked against her and she knew that he wanted this as much as she did.

  And yet he still hadn't slid his cock deep inside her, still hadn't made that first move to release them both from this torment.

  "Now it's getting intense," he continued, his voice tight with desire. "They're close to coming and so am I. The dark-haired woman digs her nails into my chest as she raises her hips and plunges down hard onto my cock. The blonde is shrieking as her orgasm approaches, grinding her pussy into my face."

  The threesome she'd been watching reached the pinnacle together, the one in front pulling out to spray his come all over the woman's eager tongue. The other gripped the woman's hips and drove hard inside her, his body shuddering with his release. Finally the woman screamed with her climax, throwing her head back and howling like a wild animal.

  "And then I'm coming along with them, sh
ooting hot jets deep into the dark-haired girl's pussy. She's whimpering uncontrollably, the blonde has come all over my face and I'm lapping up her juices, and then the three of us cuddle up for a nice, long nap afterward, knowing this is just the beginning of some seriously hot and heavy sex."

  "Dax, fuck me. Now, please." She hated begging, hated to be the one to ask him to do it when she knew damn well he was primed and ready for her, but she couldn't wait any longer. Her fingers slipped between her legs in search of her clit, but Dax grabbed her wrist and yanked her hand away, then turned her around. Her breasts pressed against him, her nipples hardening as they brushed the firm planes of his chest.

  He took her mouth in a kiss that seared her senses. She held on tight, not wanting to let go of the spiraling need that flamed at the touch of his lips to hers.

  Keeping his hands on her body, he dropped to the ground, then pulled her down on top of him. She dug her fingers in the sand and straddled him, his cock probing the entrance to her drenched pussy.

  "Is this what you want?" he asked, his tone harsh and guttural. "My hand on your clit like this? He searched between the folds of her pussy until he found her aching nub, then slowly massaged it with his thumb. Pleasure burst like a rocket between her legs.

  "Yes," she moaned, lifting her hips and positioning herself against his burning shaft.

  "And this, is this what you want, too? My cock buried deep inside that hot pussy, so deep it makes you scream?" At that moment he plunged inside her with one quick thrust, burying his thick shaft so far she felt it in her belly.

  "Yes!" she screamed, uncaring who heard, who watched. This is what she'd wanted, what she'd needed from the minute she'd run away from him last night. No, she hadn't been nearly finished with wanting him then, and she wouldn't be after today, either. Whatever hold he possessed on her was magical, like nothing she'd ever known before. Right now she didn't care who or what he was, as long as he kept his hard cock inside her.

  Such sweet torment, his thick shaft filling her with each thrust of his hips. She rocked against him, pushing her swollen clit into his questing fingers, urging him to stroke the nub faster as she moved like lightning against him.

  "Yes, baby. Fuck my cock," he groaned.