
  Four hours later, Kelly stood in the lab of her office. Aiden and Troy had assured her they were a blink away if she needed them. Since that had proven more than true the night before, Kelly believed them, but she still felt antsy about the unlocked lab door. But the idea was to get attacked, not to stay safe as she wanted to, no matter how much her previous night’s poor judgment said different.

  Exactly why she’d buried herself in her work since arriving, occupying her mind by testing residue samples of the substance the six dead women had all carried, looking for a reaction – something that identified it or deleted it. Mostly, that kept her from thinking of the unlocked door. It didn’t, however, prove effective in finding answers about the drug, she’d hoped for, or a reason why it would leave the users both dead, and depleted of blood.

  She sighed and walked to her office, thinking she’d go home if this were a different day. But home included two big, hot, masculine men, one of which she had made a fool of herself with. She drew up short to find Aiden sitting in the corner chair of her office, a laptop in his lap.

  She blinked. “How did you get in here?” There were no windows, no entrances.

  “You were thinking pretty deeply, leaning over that microscope.”

  “How long ago?”

  He glanced at the Texas Longhorn clock on her wall. “About four hours ago.” Her eyes went wide. “You’ve been here the entire time?”

  “Pretty much,” he said. The phone on her desk began to ring and he set his laptop on the credenza next to him. “I’m placing odds on that being the Detective. It’s being recorded. Get him to say as much as you can.”

  She inhaled and walked toward the desk, snatching up the receiver and wondering how she was going to speak with her heart lodged in her throat. “Hello,” she croaked.

  “Kelly. Thank God. I hit some rough spots last night and I was afraid you didn’t make it out of the club safely.” It was the Detective and her gaze went to Aiden’s, a small nod confirming what he’d suspected.

  “I’m fine, Detective, though I’m not sure I can thank you for that. Was all of that really necessary?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “And I can’t explain why now, but it was, and it kept you alive.” He hesitated. “Look.

  I’ll explain when I can, but right now, I just needed to know you were safe. I’ll make last night up to you.

  I’ll get you your sample of the killer’s cocktail. I just need a few days. I’ll be in touch.” The line went dead.

  Kelly stared at it and then shook her head. “He hung up.” She returned the receiver to the cradle. “He said he wanted to make sure I was okay and that he was getting me a sample and that was it.”

  “He’s making sure you don’t go into hiding,” he said. “Planning to watch you a few days and make sure you aren’t being used as a setup.”

  “Days,” she repeated flatly, staring at her desk so he wouldn’t see the moment of panic she felt. She liked control, she needed control, and she had none right now.

  “Kelly,” he started and she knew instinctively he was about to talk about the kitchen, about her on that counter, acting like a wanton fool.

  Her gaze rocketed to his. “I’m starving,” she said, walking to her drawer and grabbing her purse from inside. “I’m going to the store and then home. You coming?” She cringed at the choice of words and then somehow, without planning it, she blurted. “No. I forgot. That’s too dangerous.” She whirled on her heels and rushed away. Her mother had always told her that her mouth would get her in trouble, and she’d been pretty much right. However, at this point, she was already in trouble up to her neck. It couldn’t get much worse.

  Then again, maybe it could. She could end up dead.

  Chapter Nine

  Kelly had changed into her favorite pink sweats and a t-shirt when she’d arrived home thirty-minutes before. Somehow it was seven o’ clock and she didn’t know how that had happened. Aiden had texted her as she pulled up to the house, telling her it was clear. She pretty much gathered that he was avoiding her.

  She hated that, but she knew she should be relieved. No more hot man breathing down her neck, reminding her how much she enjoyed said hot man breathing down her neck. And other places.

  She grimaced at that thought and snuggled down onto the couch to flip through the paid movies. No to horror, no to stalkers and no to danger. Okay, so she needed to find a chick flick. Ah, no. Make that chick flick minus the sex and the romance. A comedy it was. Ms. Congeniality with Sandra Bullock. That worked. She purchased it, and the doorbell rang. Pizza had arrived. She liked pizza, she ordered it several times a week, and she wasn’t changing that because Aiden had eaten pizza the night before. She didn’t even know if he’d be around and he’d said do what she normally did. That meant pizza on Saturday night and Thursday night and it was kind of embarrassing how structured and predictable she was.

  She hesitated at the door, cash in hand. When she’d ordered she’d really assumed Aiden would be around sometime soon. She inhaled, wondering if this cheese pizza would be the death of her. Sixty-seconds later, the pizza boxes in hand, she was alive, and in her kitchen, collecting paper towels, a plate and a fork, and a Diet Sprite. She headed to the living room, to find Aiden, and Troy, sitting in the leather chairs that framed the couch. No doubt, they’d come through her patio door off the living room. She didn’t ask how they’d gotten past the stick she kept shoved inside the door for safety, but she would later. If they could get in, so could someone else, and that wasn’t a comforting thought.

  “Smells good,” Troy said, rubbing his stomach. “Got enough for us?”

  “You can have a slice,” she said.

  “And me?” Aiden asked, rushing to her aid, taking the boxes from her.

  “You can have two.”

  “Why does he get two?” Troy asked, as Kelly sat down and opened her drink.

  “He helped with the boxes.”

  Troy snorted. “You mean you think he’s nicer than me.” He reached down beside his chair and set a six pack on the table. “Beer?”

  “No,” she said. “And the offer doesn’t change my answer. Aiden is nice.”

  “And I’m not.” Troy snorted. “You’re right. Seems I can’t pull a damn thing over on you, now can I?” She arched a brow at the subtle reference to her asking his personal agenda in this hell that had become her life.

  “He’s got a soft middle,” Aiden assured her. “You just have to cut through the bullshit to get to it.”

  “Well then,” she said, reaching for the remote. “I have just the movie or you.” She punched the button to show the movie she’d chosen on freeze frame. “Ms. Congeniality. So Troy, here’s the deal. If you vow to watch the entire movie, you can have all the pizza you like.” Aiden sighed. “Now you’ll never get rid of him.”

  Troy opened the box. “I’d watch a knitting show if it had Sandra Bullock in it.” Kelly was surprised at the little piece of personal information that somehow made Troy more likable. She laughed and turned to catch Aiden staring at her, the look on his face sent a flutter through her stomach.

  The connection of the contact, ripe with shared attraction, shared need. He wanted to talk to her, she could see that, and to her surprise, she saw torment in the depths of his uniquely, strangely, beautiful too black eyes. Torment that had been there in her office too, she realized, and she regretted not listening to him then.

  “Push play and let’s get the movie going,” Troy said, breaking through the silent connection between her and Aiden.

  Reluctantly, Kelly broke the contact with Aiden, and hit the remote. She reached for a slice of pizza and settled it onto her plate, discreetly capturing a warning glare from Troy directed at Aiden. What the heck was that about?

  They ate and she never saw the look between brothers again, and she watched for it, but every time she and Aiden looked at each other, she warmed inside and out. Halfway into the movie, she was so hyper-sensitive to the man, tha
t she headed to the kitchen for another cold drink. She snatched it out of the fridge and would have returned to the living room, but she paused a second, when she heard the brother’s soft murmurs.

  “Damn it, Aiden, I’m protecting you from yourself, and her from you too. You know how this goes down for us. People we care about always end up dead.”

  “Enough Troy,” Aiden said sharply. “Enough I…” His voice trailed off. Damn. She was busted listening in, and she knew it.

  Kelly backed up and flattened herself against the refrigerator, her attention settling on the counter where she had been naked and wanton for Aiden the night before. His words, his actions, came back to her and the torment she’d seen in his face made sense. Troy was a wreck, destroyed by some tragedy that had compounded a previous tragedy and he was unintentionally, but very definitely, pulling Aiden into the depths of his Hell. She couldn’t let that happen, even if it meant she had to do something very out of her nature and play the aggressor. She’d seduce Aiden Brooks. It was the least she could do to thank him for protecting her.

  Chapter Ten

  Aiden felt like absolute crap for being so crass with Kelly the night before and he owed her an explanation. He stalked towards the kitchen, ignoring Troy’s warnings to stay where he was at, to stay away from Kelly. Like that was even possible. He sure wasn’t leaving her in Troy’s wildcard care. And a wildcard was exactly what his brother had become.

  Besides, Aiden didn’t need Troy, or anyone else for that matter, to tell him he was no good for Kelly, or that he’d made a mess of this entire situation. Kelly was in her own home, clearly feeling uncomfortable because of what he’d dared let happen between them and then because her hating him would make his life easier, (he was or he’d been )a rude ass. And he still wanted her, and didn’t doubt she could see that written all over him. He couldn’t turn off his attraction to her, no matter how much he told himself he should, he had to, and that was new to him. In fact, the more time he spent around her, the more attractive she became to him. He freaking thought everything about her, from the way she held her own with Troy, to the dimple between her brows when she was in deep thought, was sexy.

  He entered the kitchen and didn’t immediately see Kelly, but he sensed her, he could hear her heartbeat thrumming wildly in her chest at his approach – with anticipation not fear. His blood thickened in response, and he rounded the refrigerator, to have her suddenly in front of him, pushing him against the doors. One minute her soft curves were pressed to his, the next her even softer lips touched his.

  He inhaled, telling himself not to respond, and proving himself instantly weak where she was concerned.

  His gums tingled, desire uncurling the animal within him – the vampire was an animal – a hungry animal that wanted her beyond reason. He pulled her against him, one hand melding her closer, the other lacing into her hair. His mouth slanting over hers, his tongue stroking hers, caressing, taking.

  She moaned, her arms wrapping around him, her scent sweet with arousal. His teeth began to elongate, and somehow, he grabbed a moment of logic, and pulled back. “Kelly,” he hissed. “Stop. I told you-”

  “The only thing dangerous,” she hissed right back, “is you living life in the past. It slips away too quickly.

  It’s here and it’s gone.”

  Not for him. For him it, and the pain of loss, went on forever. “You don’t know my past.”

  “I know that you aren’t. But you can’t live your life a certain way because of whatever happened to your brother. I get that his story is his to tell, but you’re life is yours to live as well, and yours to mold. No matter how tough you think you are, out fighting the bad guys and living on the road, you’re hiding. And you’re living in fear. That’s no life Aiden. Is that what you really want?” The truth of her words washed through him like a new morning sun did the darkness of a starless night, like new blood bleeding strength and power into him. Emotions thundered inside him, emotions long suppressed – one emotion he didn’t like, didn’t want, but had to own. Fear. Fear of loss. Fear, it had been controlling him since Darla’s death. But he already felt fear for Kelly – fear for her safety, fear of not knowing her, of not knowing what might have been, what could be. What might come of her, if he turned his back on her—if he didn’t. And if that fear had to exist, if there was no escaping it, he wanted it to exist with her in his arms, with her a part of his life. Even, he silently conceded, if it could be for only a short time.

  “Since you aren’t saying anything,” she said, “then maybe conversation isn’t what’s important.” Suddenly, she was on her knees, hand sliding over his zipper. “Kelly,” he warned, trying not to moan when she caressed the ridge of his erection. “My brother is in the other room. Troy—“

  “Can’t save you from me,” she promised. She pressed her lips to his jeans, against his cock, her hands caressing the hard ridges that proved just how aroused he’d been the instant she’d pressed her lush body close to his. She popped the snap on his jeans. “And I want you to have the same fond memories of this kitchen as I do.” She pulled down his zipper and he didn’t stop her. He knew he should, but he wasn’t sure why. Her hand pressed past denim, past his boxers. His head fell back against the refrigerator, all logic fading away at her soft touch, against his hard erection. She shoved down his boxers enough to free him, his erection jutting forward, her hand wrapping the base. Her sweet little pink tongue snaked out, licking the wet tip of his shaft, teasing him for a mere torturous, delicious instant, before her lips closed around him, and she suckled. Desire rose inside him, and the man faded away. There was just the vampire, the lust, the need – and the woman who created those feelings.

  His hand went to her head, his eyes meeting hers as she drew him deeper, harder, her tongue swirling around him. “Harder,” he ordered, unable to hold back now. He was that primal creature that lived and breathed lust, desire, and blood. And he wanted hers. He wanted to taste her, to fuck her, to be inside her.


  Her hand slid around his backside, pulling him against her, silently telling him that she not only approved of his command, she wanted more of him. He pumped into her mouth, her hot, wet mouth driving him absolutely fucking wild. “That’s perfect, baby,” he murmured, feeling the tightening of his balls, the build of release. “Suck me just like that. Don’t stop.” He moaned, and not quietly, not giving a damn about Troy at this point. His release exploded from him, rising up in a rush that had him shaking with the intensity.

  Kelly sucked on him, licked on him, slowly eased the rhythm of her mouth, her hand, until she was licking the head of his cock, as if she didn’t want to miss one drop of his satisfaction. The prim and proper doctor, was so not prim and proper right now, and he was already getting hard again. “Come here,” he said, pulling her to her feet, bringing her hard against him.

  Her hands went to his chest, keeping him from pulling her mouth to his. “Do you remember when you said you couldn’t fuck me and protect me?”

  “I remember and I regret it.”

  “Prove it,” she ordered instantly, a woman in control, a woman unafraid of the primal animal in him, that he knew she had to sense, to feel.

  Aiden barely contained a smile that would have shown fang, “At your command.” He scooped her up and headed for her bedroom, where he was most certainly going to fuck her all night long, one lick and orgasm at a time.

  Aiden entered her bedroom and kicked the door shut, flipping out the lights a moment later. No matter how much he craved her blood, no matter how erotic and pleasurable his bite would be to both of them, Aiden did not dare taste Kelly. The laws of the Vampire Council were clear. Humans were not to be left with memories of their kind. To allow such a thing would risk a war between races, perhaps even lead to mass casualties. He knew he had to lose Kelly, knew their worlds wouldn’t meld together. But he didn’t want to wipe her memories and he didn’t want her to never know he’d been here. And truth be told, he knew it was
the man in him she was trying to save. He wasn’t sure she’d feel the same about the vampire, and he didn’t want to find out.

  He turned her to face the bed, determined to go slow, no matter how fast and hot he wanted to take things.

  He willed the vampire he’d let take command in the kitchen into submission. Tonight, he’d be a man making love to a woman, something he had not done in a very long time.


  Troy leaned against the wall outside the kitchen and squeezed his eyes shut, as the bedroom door to Kelly’s room slammed shut. Unbidden, an emotion he hid from, that he didn’t want to feel, bled into the anger that kept him alive and fighting. Kelly had been right. He wasn’t like Aiden. Kelly, or either of his brother’s for that matter, knew how true that was. The wolf attack had changed so much more than his hair and eye colors. He wasn’t human and he wasn’t even fully vampire anymore. He was something else altogether, something dangerous, something dark. Something that he had long realized would destroy him, and everyone around him, if he let it. He’d been wrong to pull Aiden down with him, wrong in so many ways, about so many things. Wrong to try and save Kelly from Aiden, when she was saving Aiden from being destroyed by a brother who was barely a brother. A brother who was quickly becoming a monster, if he wasn’t already there.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kelly wasn’t sure what she expected from Aiden, but it hadn’t been him undressing her from behind, kissing her neck, her shoulder, her neck again. It wasn’t the gentle way he touched her body, the slow, sensual way he explored and teased sensitive places she didn’t even know she possessed.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered softly, near her ear, his breath a warm trickle on her neck. He stepped back from her, and instinctively, she started to turn.

  His hands came down on waist, a gentle, but insistent grip, while he laughed near her ear, a rumble of masculine sexuality that tingled a path through her body. “What part of don’t move means turn around?” She smiled into the darkness, wishing for the lights. “Why do you get to decide when I turn around?” She could feel his hips against her back side, the bulge of his arousal pressing against her, teasing her as his hands and mouth already had.