Page 62 of Our Mutual Friend

Chapter 12


The winds and tides rose and fell a certain number of times, the earthmoved round the sun a certain number of times, the ship upon the oceanmade her voyage safely, and brought a baby-Bella home. Then who so blestand happy as Mrs John Rokesmith, saving and excepting Mr John Rokesmith!

'Would you not like to be rich NOW, my darling?'

'How can you ask me such a question, John dear? Am I not rich?'

These were among the first words spoken near the baby Bella as she layasleep. She soon proved to be a baby of wonderful intelligence,evincing the strongest objection to her grandmother's society, andbeing invariably seized with a painful acidity of the stomach when thatdignified lady honoured her with any attention.

It was charming to see Bella contemplating this baby, and finding outher own dimples in that tiny reflection, as if she were looking in theglass without personal vanity. Her cherubic father justly remarkedto her husband that the baby seemed to make her younger than before,reminding him of the days when she had a pet doll and used to talk to itas she carried it about. The world might have been challenged to produceanother baby who had such a store of pleasant nonsense said and sungto it, as Bella said and sung to this baby; or who was dressed andundressed as often in four-and-twenty hours as Bella dressed andundressed this baby; or who was held behind doors and poked out to stopits father's way when he came home, as this baby was; or, in a word, whodid half the number of baby things, through the lively invention of agay and proud young mother, that this inexhaustible baby did.

The inexhaustible baby was two or three months old, when Bella began tonotice a cloud upon her husband's brow. Watching it, she saw a gatheringand deepening anxiety there, which caused her great disquiet. More thanonce, she awoke him muttering in his sleep; and, though he mutterednothing worse than her own name, it was plain to her that hisrestlessness originated in some load of care. Therefore, Bella at lengthput in her claim to divide this load, and hear her half of it.

'You know, John dear,' she said, cheerily reverting to their formerconversation, 'that I hope I may safely be trusted in great things. Andit surely cannot be a little thing that causes you so much uneasiness.It's very considerate of you to try to hide from me that you areuncomfortable about something, but it's quite impossible to be done,John love.'

'I admit that I am rather uneasy, my own.'

'Then please to tell me what about, sir.'

But no, he evaded that. 'Never mind!' thought Bella, resolutely.'John requires me to put perfect faith in him, and he shall not bedisappointed.'

She went up to London one day, to meet him, in order that they mightmake some purchases. She found him waiting for her at her journey'send, and they walked away together through the streets. He was in gayspirits, though still harping on that notion of their being rich; andhe said, now let them make believe that yonder fine carriage was theirs,and that it was waiting to take them home to a fine house they had; whatwould Bella, in that case, best like to find in the house? Well! Belladidn't know: already having everything she wanted, she couldn't say.But, by degrees she was led on to confess that she would like to havefor the inexhaustible baby such a nursery as never was seen. It wasto be 'a very rainbow for colours', as she was quite sure baby noticedcolours; and the staircase was to be adorned with the most exquisiteflowers, as she was absolutely certain baby noticed flowers; and therewas to be an aviary somewhere, of the loveliest little birds, as therewas not the smallest doubt in the world that baby noticed birds.Was there nothing else? No, John dear. The predilections of theinexhaustible baby being provided for, Bella could think of nothingelse.

They were chatting on in this way, and John had suggested, 'No jewelsfor your own wear, for instance?' and Bella had replied laughing. O! ifhe came to that, yes, there might be a beautiful ivory case of jewelson her dressing-table; when these pictures were in a moment darkened andblotted out.

They turned a corner, and met Mr Lightwood.

He stopped as if he were petrified by the sight of Bella's husband, whoin the same moment had changed colour.

'Mr Lightwood and I have met before,' he said.

'Met before, John?' Bella repeated in a tone of wonder. 'Mr Lightwoodtold me he had never seen you.'

'I did not then know that I had,' said Lightwood, discomposed on heraccount. 'I believed that I had only heard of--Mr Rokesmith.' With anemphasis on the name.

'When Mr Lightwood saw me, my love,' observed her husband, not avoidinghis eye, but looking at him, 'my name was Julius Handford.'

Julius Handford! The name that Bella had so often seen in oldnewspapers, when she was an inmate of Mr Boffin's house! JuliusHandford, who had been publicly entreated to appear, and forintelligence of whom a reward had been publicly offered!

'I would have avoided mentioning it in your presence,' said Lightwood toBella, delicately; 'but since your husband mentions it himself, I mustconfirm his strange admission. I saw him as Mr Julius Handford, and Iafterwards (unquestionably to his knowledge) took great pains to tracehim out.'

'Quite true. But it was not my object or my interest,' said Rokesmith,quietly, 'to be traced out.'

Bella looked from the one to the other, in amazement.

'Mr Lightwood,' pursued her husband, 'as chance has brought us face toface at last--which is not to be wondered at, for the wonder is, that,in spite of all my pains to the contrary, chance has not confrontedus together sooner--I have only to remind you that you have been at myhouse, and to add that I have not changed my residence.'

'Sir' returned Lightwood, with a meaning glance towards Bella, 'myposition is a truly painful one. I hope that no complicity in a verydark transaction may attach to you, but you cannot fail to know thatyour own extraordinary conduct has laid you under suspicion.'

'I know it has,' was all the reply.

'My professional duty,' said Lightwood hesitating, with another glancetowards Bella, 'is greatly at variance with my personal inclination; butI doubt, Mr Handford, or Mr Rokesmith, whether I am justified in takingleave of you here, with your whole course unexplained.'

Bella caught her husband by the hand.

'Don't be alarmed, my darling. Mr Lightwood will find that he is quitejustified in taking leave of me here. At all events,' added Rokesmith,'he will find that I mean to take leave of him here.'

'I think, sir,' said Lightwood, 'you can scarcely deny that when I cameto your house on the occasion to which you have referred, you avoided meof a set purpose.'

'Mr Lightwood, I assure you I have no disposition to deny it, orintention to deny it. I should have continued to avoid you, in pursuanceof the same set purpose, for a short time longer, if we had not met now.I am going straight home, and shall remain at home to-morrow until noon.Hereafter, I hope we may be better acquainted. Good-day.'

Lightwood stood irresolute, but Bella's husband passed him in thesteadiest manner, with Bella on his arm; and they went home withoutencountering any further remonstrance or molestation from any one.

When they had dined and were alone, John Rokesmith said to his wife, whohad preserved her cheerfulness: 'And you don't ask me, my dear, why Ibore that name?'

'No, John love. I should dearly like to know, of course;' (which heranxious face confirmed;) 'but I wait until you can tell me of your ownfree will. You asked me if I could have perfect faith in you, and I saidyes, and I meant it.'

It did not escape Bella's notice that he began to look triumphant. Shewanted no strengthening in her firmness; but if she had had need of any,she would have derived it from his kindling face.

'You cannot have been prepared, my dearest, for such a discovery as thatthis mysterious Mr Handford was identical with your husband?'

'No, John dear, of course not. But you told me to prepare to be tried,and I prepared myself.'

He drew her to nestle closer to him, and told her it would soon be over,and the truth would soon appear. 'And now,' he went on, 'lay stress,my dear, on these words that I am going to add. I stand in no kind ofperil, and I can by possibility be hurt at no one's hand.'

'You are quite, quite sure of that, John dear?'

'Not a hair of my head! Moreover, I have done no wrong, and have injuredno man. Shall I swear it?'

'No, John!' cried Bella, laying her hand upon his lips, with a proudlook. 'Never to me!'

'But circumstances,' he went on '--I can, and I will, disperse them ina moment--have surrounded me with one of the strangest suspicions everknown. You heard Mr Lightwood speak of a dark transaction?'

'Yes, John.'

'You are prepared to hear explicitly what he meant?'

'Yes, John.'

'My life, he meant the murder of John Harmon, your allotted husband.'

With a fast palpitating heart, Bella grasped him by the arm. 'You cannotbe suspected, John?'

'Dear love, I can be--for I am!'

There was silence between them, as she sat looking in his face, with thecolour quite gone from her own face and lips. 'How dare they!' she criedat length, in a burst of generous indignation. 'My beloved husband, howdare they!'

He caught her in his arms as she opened hers, and held her to his heart.'Even knowing this, you can trust me, Bella?'

'I can trust you, John dear, with all my soul. If I could not trust you,I should fall dead at your feet.'

The kindling triumph in his face was bright indeed, as he looked up andrapturously exclaimed, what had he done to deserve the blessing of thisdear confiding creature's heart! Again she put her hand upon his lips,saying, 'Hush!' and then told him, in her own little natural patheticway, that if all the world were against him, she would be for him; thatif all the world repudiated him, she would believe him; that if he wereinfamous in other eyes, he would be honoured in hers; and that, underthe worst unmerited suspicion, she could devote her life to consolinghim, and imparting her own faith in him to their little child.

A twilight calm of happiness then succeeding to their radiant noon, theyremained at peace, until a strange voice in the room startled them both.The room being by that time dark, the voice said, 'Don't let the ladybe alarmed by my striking a light,' and immediately a match rattled, andglimmered in a hand. The hand and the match and the voice were then seenby John Rokesmith to belong to Mr Inspector, once meditatively active inthis chronicle.

'I take the liberty,' said Mr Inspector, in a business-like manner, 'tobring myself to the recollection of Mr Julius Handford, who gave me hisname and address down at our place a considerable time ago. Would thelady object to my lighting the pair of candles on the chimneypiece, tothrow a further light upon the subject? No? Thank you, ma'am. Now, welook cheerful.'

Mr Inspector, in a dark-blue buttoned-up frock coat and pantaloons,presented a serviceable, half-pay, Royal Arms kind of appearance, as heapplied his pocket handkerchief to his nose and bowed to the lady.

'You favoured me, Mr Handford,' said Mr Inspector, 'by writing down yourname and address, and I produce the piece of paper on which you wroteit. Comparing the same with the writing on the fly-leaf of this book onthe table--and a sweet pretty volume it is--I find the writing of theentry, ”Mrs John Rokesmith. From her husband on her birthday”--and verygratifying to the feelings such memorials are--to correspond exactly.Can I have a word with you?'

'Certainly. Here, if you please,' was the reply.

'Why,' retorted Mr Inspector, again using his pocket handkerchief,'though there's nothing for the lady to be at all alarmed at, still,ladies are apt to take alarm at matters of business--being of thatfragile sex that they're not accustomed to them when not of a strictlydomestic character--and I do generally make it a rule to proposeretirement from the presence of ladies, before entering upon businesstopics. Or perhaps,' Mr Inspector hinted, 'if the lady was to stepup-stairs, and take a look at baby now!'

'Mrs Rokesmith,'--her husband was beginning; when Mr Inspector,regarding the words as an introduction, said, 'Happy I am sure, to havethe honour.' And bowed, with gallantry.

'Mrs Rokesmith,' resumed her husband, 'is satisfied that she can have noreason for being alarmed, whatever the business is.'

'Really? Is that so?' said Mr Inspector. 'But it's a sex to live andlearn from, and there's nothing a lady can't accomplish when she oncefully gives her mind to it. It's the case with my own wife. Well, ma'am,this good gentleman of yours has given rise to a rather large amountof trouble which might have been avoided if he had come forward andexplained himself. Well you see! He DIDN'T come forward and explainhimself. Consequently, now that we meet, him and me, you'll say--and sayright--that there's nothing to be alarmed at, in my proposing to himTO come forward--or, putting the same meaning in another form, to comealong with me--and explain himself.'

When Mr Inspector put it in that other form, 'to come along with me,'there was a relishing roll in his voice, and his eye beamed with anofficial lustre.

'Do you propose to take me into custody?' inquired John Rokesmith, verycoolly.

'Why argue?' returned Mr Inspector in a comfortable sort ofremonstrance; 'ain't it enough that I propose that you shall come alongwith me?'

'For what reason?'

'Lord bless my soul and body!' returned Mr Inspector, 'I wonder at it ina man of your education. Why argue?'

'What do you charge against me?'

'I wonder at you before a lady,' said Mr Inspector, shaking his headreproachfully: 'I wonder, brought up as you have been, you haven't amore delicate mind! I charge you, then, with being some way concernedin the Harmon Murder. I don't say whether before, or in, or after, thefact. I don't say whether with having some knowledge of it that hasn'tcome out.'

'You don't surprise me. I foresaw your visit this afternoon.'

'Don't!' said Mr Inspector. 'Why, why argue? It's my duty to inform youthat whatever you say, will be used against you.'

'I don't think it will.'

'But I tell you it will,' said Mr Inspector. 'Now, having received thecaution, do you still say that you foresaw my visit this afternoon?'

'Yes. And I will say something more, if you will step with me into thenext room.'

With a reassuring kiss on the lips of the frightened Bella, her husband(to whom Mr Inspector obligingly offered his arm), took up a candle, andwithdrew with that gentleman. They were a full half-hour in conference.When they returned, Mr Inspector looked considerably astonished.

'I have invited this worthy officer, my dear,' said John, 'to make ashort excursion with me in which you shall be a sharer. He will takesomething to eat and drink, I dare say, on your invitation, while youare getting your bonnet on.'

Mr Inspector declined eating, but assented to the proposal of a glass ofbrandy and water. Mixing this cold, and pensively consuming it, he brokeat intervals into such soliloquies as that he never did know such amove, that he never had been so gravelled, and that what a game wasthis to try the sort of stuff a man's opinion of himself was madeof! Concurrently with these comments, he more than once burst out alaughing, with the half-enjoying and half-piqued air of a man, whohad given up a good conundrum, after much guessing, and been told theanswer. Bella was so timid of him, that she noted these things in ahalf-shrinking, half-perceptive way, and similarly noted that there wasa great change in his manner towards John. That coming-along-with-himdeportment was now lost in long musing looks at John and at herself andsometimes in slow heavy rubs of his hand across his forehead, as if hewere ironing cut the creases which his deep pondering made there. He hadhad some coughing and whistling satellites secretly gravitating towardshim about the premises, but they were now dismissed, and he eyed John asif he had meant to do him a public service, but had unfortunately beenanticipated. Whether Bella might have noted anything more, if shehad been less afraid of him, she could not determine; but it was allinexplicable to her, and not the faintest flash of the real state of thecase broke in upon her mind. Mr Inspector's increased notice of herselfand knowing way of raising his eyebrows when their eyes by any chancemet, as if he put the question 'Don't you see?' augmented her timidity,and, consequently, her perplexity. For all these reasons, when heand she and John, at towards nine o'clock of a winter evening went toLondon, and began driving from London Bridge, among low-lying water-sidewharves and docks and strange places, Bella was in the state of adreamer; perfectly unable to account for her being there, perfectlyunable to forecast what would happen next, or whither she was going, orwhy; certain of nothing in the immediate present, but that she confidedin John, and that John seemed somehow to be getting more triumphant. Butwhat a certainty was that!

They alighted at last at the corner of a court, where there was abuilding with a bright lamp and wicket gate. Its orderly appearance wasvery unlike that of the surrounding neighbourhood, and was explained bythe inscription POLICE STATION.

'We are not going in here, John?' said Bella, clinging to him.

'Yes, my dear; but of our own accord. We shall come out again as easily,never fear.'

The whitewashed room was pure white as of old, the methodicalbook-keeping was in peaceful progress as of old, and some distant howlerwas banging against a cell door as of old. The sanctuary was not apermanent abiding-place, but a kind of criminal Pickford's. The lowerpassions and vices were regularly ticked off in the books, warehoused inthe cells, carted away as per accompanying invoice, and left little markupon it.

Mr Inspector placed two chairs for his visitors, before the fire, andcommuned in a low voice with a brother of his order (also of a half-pay,and Royal Arms aspect), who, judged only by his occupation at themoment, might have been a writing-master, setting copies. Theirconference done, Mr Inspector returned to the fireplace, and, havingobserved that he would step round to the Fellowships and see how mattersstood, went out. He soon came back again, saying, 'Nothing could bebetter, for they're at supper with Miss Abbey in the bar;' and then theyall three went out together.

Still, as in a dream, Bella found herself entering a snug old-fashionedpublic-house, and found herself smuggled into a little three-corneredroom nearly opposite the bar of that establishment. Mr Inspectorachieved the smuggling of herself and John into this queer room, calledCosy in an inscription on the door, by entering in the narrow passagefirst in order, and suddenly turning round upon them with extended arms,as if they had been two sheep. The room was lighted for their reception.

'Now,' said Mr Inspector to John, turning the gas lower; 'I'll mix with'em in a casual way, and when I say Identification, perhaps you'll showyourself.'

John nodded, and Mr Inspector went alone to the half-door of the bar.From the dim doorway of Cosy, within which Bella and her husband stood,they could see a comfortable little party of three persons sitting atsupper in the bar, and could hear everything that was said.

The three persons were Miss Abbey and two male guests. To whomcollectively, Mr Inspector remarked that the weather was getting sharpfor the time of year.

'It need be sharp to suit your wits, sir,' said Miss Abbey. 'What haveyou got in hand now?'

'Thanking you for your compliment: not much, Miss Abbey,' was MrInspector's rejoinder.

'Who have you got in Cosy?' asked Miss Abbey.

'Only a gentleman and his wife, Miss.'

'And who are they? If one may ask it without detriment to your deepplans in the interests of the honest public?' said Miss Abbey, proud ofMr Inspector as an administrative genius.

'They are strangers in this part of the town, Miss Abbey. They arewaiting till I shall want the gentleman to show himself somewhere, forhalf a moment.'

'While they're waiting,' said Miss Abbey, 'couldn't you join us?'

Mr Inspector immediately slipped into the bar, and sat down at the sideof the half-door, with his back towards the passage, and directly facingthe two guests. 'I don't take my supper till later in the night,' saidhe, 'and therefore I won't disturb the compactness of the table. ButI'll take a glass of flip, if that's flip in the jug in the fender.'

'That's flip,' replied Miss Abbey, 'and it's my making, and if even youcan find out better, I shall be glad to know where.' Filling him, withhospitable hands, a steaming tumbler, Miss Abbey replaced the jug bythe fire; the company not having yet arrived at the flip-stage of theirsupper, but being as yet skirmishing with strong ale.

'Ah--h!' cried Mr Inspector. 'That's the smack! There's not a Detectivein the Force, Miss Abbey, that could find out better stuff than that.'

'Glad to hear you say so,' rejoined Miss Abbey. 'You ought to know, ifanybody does.'

'Mr Job Potterson,' Mr Inspector continued, 'I drink your health. MrJacob Kibble, I drink yours. Hope you have made a prosperous voyagehome, gentlemen both.'

Mr Kibble, an unctuous broad man of few words and many mouthfuls, said,more briefly than pointedly, raising his ale to his lips: 'Same to you.'Mr Job Potterson, a semi-seafaring man of obliging demeanour, said,'Thank you, sir.'

'Lord bless my soul and body!' cried Mr Inspector. 'Talk of trades, MissAbbey, and the way they set their marks on men' (a subject which nobodyhad approached); 'who wouldn't know your brother to be a Steward!There's a bright and ready twinkle in his eye, there's a neatness in hisaction, there's a smartness in his figure, there's an air of reliabilityabout him in case you wanted a basin, which points out the steward! AndMr Kibble; ain't he Passenger, all over? While there's that mercantilecut upon him which would make you happy to give him credit for fivehundred pound, don't you see the salt sea shining on him too?'

'YOU do, I dare say,' returned Miss Abbey, 'but I don't. And as forstewarding, I think it's time my brother gave that up, and took hisHouse in hand on his sister's retiring. The House will go to pieces ifhe don't. I wouldn't sell it for any money that could be told out, to aperson that I couldn't depend upon to be a Law to the Porters, as I havebeen.'

'There you're right, Miss,' said Mr Inspector. 'A better kept house isnot known to our men. What do I say? Half so well a kept house is notknown to our men. Show the Force the Six Jolly Fellowship Porters,and the Force--to a constable--will show you a piece of perfection, MrKibble.'

That gentleman, with a very serious shake of his head, subscribed thearticle.

'And talk of Time slipping by you, as if it was an animal at rusticsports with its tail soaped,' said Mr Inspector (again, a subject whichnobody had approached); 'why, well you may. Well you may. How has itslipped by us, since the time when Mr Job Potterson here present, MrJacob Kibble here present, and an Officer of the Force here present,first came together on a matter of Identification!'

Bella's husband stepped softly to the half-door of the bar, and stoodthere.

'How has Time slipped by us,' Mr Inspector went on slowly, with his eyesnarrowly observant of the two guests, 'since we three very men, at anInquest in this very house--Mr Kibble? Taken ill, sir?'

Mr Kibble had staggered up, with his lower jaw dropped, catchingPotterson by the shoulder, and pointing to the half-door. He now criedout: 'Potterson! Look! Look there!' Potterson started up, started back,and exclaimed: 'Heaven defend us, what's that!' Bella's husband steppedback to Bella, took her in his arms (for she was terrified by theunintelligible terror of the two men), and shut the door of the littleroom. A hurry of voices succeeded, in which Mr Inspector's voice wasbusiest; it gradually slackened and sank; and Mr Inspector reappeared.'Sharp's the word, sir!' he said, looking in with a knowing wink. 'We'llget your lady out at once.' Immediately, Bella and her husband wereunder the stars, making their way back, alone, to the vehicle they hadkept in waiting.

All this was most extraordinary, and Bella could make nothing of it butthat John was in the right. How in the right, and how suspected of beingin the wrong, she could not divine. Some vague idea that he had neverreally assumed the name of Handford, and that there was a remarkablelikeness between him and that mysterious person, was her nearestapproach to any definite explanation. But John was triumphant; that muchwas made apparent; and she could wait for the rest.

When John came home to dinner next day, he said, sitting down on thesofa by Bella and baby-Bella: 'My dear, I have a piece of news to tellyou. I have left the China House.'

As he seemed to like having left it, Bella took it for granted thatthere was no misfortune in the case.

'In a word, my love,' said John, 'the China House is broken up andabolished. There is no such thing any more.'

'Then, are you already in another House, John?'

'Yes, my darling. I am in another way of business. And I am ratherbetter off.'

The inexhaustible baby was instantly made to congratulate him, andto say, with appropriate action on the part of a very limp arm and aspeckled fist: 'Three cheers, ladies and gemplemorums. Hoo--ray!'

'I am afraid, my life,' said John, 'that you have become very muchattached to this cottage?'

'Afraid I have, John? Of course I have.'

'The reason why I said afraid,' returned John, 'is, because we mustmove.'

'O John!'

'Yes, my dear, we must move. We must have our head-quarters in Londonnow. In short, there's a dwelling-house rent-free, attached to my newposition, and we must occupy it.'

'That's a gain, John.'

'Yes, my dear, it is undoubtedly a gain.'

He gave her a very blithe look, and a very sly look. Which occasionedthe inexhaustible baby to square at him with the speckled fists, anddemand in a threatening manner what he meant?

'My love, you said it was a gain, and I said it was a gain. A veryinnocent remark, surely.'

'I won't,' said the inexhaustible baby,'--allow--you--to--make--game--of--my--venerable--Ma.' At each divisionadministering a soft facer with one of the speckled fists.

John having stooped down to receive these punishing visitations, Bellaasked him, would it be necessary to move soon? Why yes, indeed (saidJohn), he did propose that they should move very soon. Taking thefurniture with them, of course? (said Bella). Why, no (said John), thefact was, that the house was--in a sort of a kind of a way--furnishedalready.

The inexhaustible baby, hearing this, resumed the offensive, and said:'But there's no nursery for me, sir. What do you mean, marble-heartedparent?' To which the marble-hearted parent rejoined that there wasa--sort of a kind of a--nursery, and it might be 'made to do'. 'Made todo?' returned the Inexhaustible, administering more punishment, 'what doyou take me for?' And was then turned over on its back in Bella's lap,and smothered with kisses.

'But really, John dear,' said Bella, flushed in quite a lovely mannerby these exercises, 'will the new house, just as it stands, do for baby?That's the question.'

'I felt that to be the question,' he returned, 'and therefore I arrangedthat you should come with me and look at it, to-morrow morning.'Appointment made, accordingly, for Bella to go up with him to-morrowmorning; John kissed; and Bella delighted.

When they reached London in pursuance of their little plan, they tookcoach and drove westward. Not only drove westward, but drove into thatparticular westward division, which Bella had seen last when she turnedher face from Mr Boffin's door. Not only drove into that particulardivision, but drove at last into that very street. Not only drove intothat very street, but stopped at last at that very house.

'John dear!' cried Bella, looking out of window in a flutter. 'Do yousee where we are?'

'Yes, my love. The coachman's quite right.'

The house-door was opened without any knocking or ringing, and Johnpromptly helped her out. The servant who stood holding the door, askedno question of John, neither did he go before them or follow them asthey went straight up-stairs. It was only her husband's encircling arm,urging her on, that prevented Bella from stopping at the foot of thestaircase. As they ascended, it was seen to be tastefully ornamentedwith most beautiful flowers.

'O John!' said Bella, faintly. 'What does this mean?'

'Nothing, my darling, nothing. Let us go on.'

Going on a little higher, they came to a charming aviary, in which anumber of tropical birds, more gorgeous in colour than the flowers,were flying about; and among those birds were gold and silver fish, andmosses, and water-lilies, and a fountain, and all manner of wonders.

'O my dear John!' said Bella. 'What does this mean?'

'Nothing, my darling, nothing. Let us go on.'

They went on, until they came to a door. As John put out his hand toopen it, Bella caught his hand.

'I don't know what it means, but it's too much for me. Hold me, John,love.'

John caught her up in his arm, and lightly dashed into the room withher.

Behold Mr and Mrs Boffin, beaming! Behold Mrs Boffin clapping her handsin an ecstacy, running to Bella with tears of joy pouring down hercomely face, and folding her to her breast, with the words: 'My dearydeary, deary girl, that Noddy and me saw married and couldn't wish joyto, or so much as speak to! My deary, deary, deary, wife of John andmother of his little child! My loving loving, bright bright, PrettyPretty! Welcome to your house and home, my deary!'