Page 1 of I Love You Darling

I Love You Darling


  By Hiranya Borah

  Copyright 2017 Hiranya Borah

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  This book contains only two poems with diametrically opposite themes. The first one is based on true love for a daughter and the second one based on our indifferent attitude towards a burning problem lurking over our society.

  Thanks to my readers and friends and above all my family for their constant support to write something usual and unusual. I love them all.


  Lion of a Jungle

  He prowls silently;

  In the dead of the night;

  Sometimes all alone;

  Sometimes, in the midst of a group of hungry wives.

  He can see all his preys;

  None can see him,

  Before he positions himself;

  To choke the victim to death.

  He defends his cubs,

  Like his own heart;

  He can lay his own life;

  For the sake of his progenies.

  He always wants to keep more and more wives;

  Does not want to share any of them with anyone else.

  He does not mind,

  If his wives go hungry for a night or two,

  Even though they are the real hunters;

  But feed his cubs before he eats.

  He never minds to go hungry;

  For days and nights together;

  After feeding his offspring;

  Up to their neck.

  He seldom takes part in hunting;

  Only he appears in the scene;

  When he feels

  It is absolutely necessary;

  To kill a Hyena or to kill an Elephant;

  Or to kill a Giraffe or to kill a Buffalo.

  He is known as the King of the jungle;

  For his fearless approach,

  To all he surveys;

  No matter how big or how small they are in size.

  But I am not interested about the King of the Jungle any more;

  I am interested to know about a lion,

  Who behaves like a jungle king;

  In the midst of millions people.

  This lion is different;

  This lion is more ferocious than the lion in the jungle;

  Who prowls at day and night

  Not to kill a Hyena nor to kill an Elephant;

  Nor to kill a Giraffe nor to kill a Buffalo.

  This lion can kill anyone;

  No matter how big his victim is.

  He kills his victims,

  Even when he is not hungry;

  He can have sex with a lady;

  Who is not his wife.

  He treats any lady as his wife;

  If he desires so.

  He can have wives at his will;

  Out of wedlock;

  Though law does not permit for the same.

  Law cannot catch him;

  No, he is not a lion of Sabana;

  Nor he is a lion of Gir;

  He is a lion of a concrete jungle;

  Where we live in.

  He is a different lion;

  But still he defends his cubs(sic),

  Like his own heart;

  He can also lay his own life;

  For the sake of his progenies.

  He always wants to keep more and more wives in his harem;

  Does not want to share any of them with anyone else.

  He does not mind,

  If his wives go hungry without food,

  Or hungry for earthly desires,

  Even though they are ready to serve him

  At anytime- anywhere even with an empty stomach.

  But this lion also,

  Feed his cubs (or children) before he eats.

  He never minds to go hungry without food or sex;

  For days and nights together;

  After giving everything to his offspring.

  Distractors call him a fox or a jackal,

  Not a lion.

  I think,

  They are jealous about his prowess.

  Everyone wants to be lion;

  But only few can be a lion of a concrete jungle;

  After killing the Alfa lion;

  Who rules the concrete jungle for some time.

  You may like him;

  You may dislike him;

  But you cannot ignore him.

  You do not know;

  When he prowls into your life,

  Silently but with a clear intension;

  Of killing you;

  Physically or mentally;

  Or both ways.

  He prowls silently,

  To take away your wife,

  Or to take away your teen aged daughter.

  We behave like the proverbial rabbit;

  Who closed his eyes,

  To save himself from the menacing lion.

  We pray,

  We also believe,

  The lion will never prowl silently,

  Inside our home,

  To take away our wives and daughters;

  To douse his sexual desire.

  Last night he picked up my neighbour’s daughter;

  She cried for help;

  Her father was killed;

  Mother was thrown to the wolves.

  I heard the commotion;

  I did not go out to help the hapless girl;

  Or to help the dying man;

  Or to drive away the wolves who pounced on the mother of the teen aged girl.

  I thanked the God,

  The ever hungry lion did not prowl into my home.

  My teenaged daughter asked me,

  What would you have done

  Had the lion prowl into our home,

  To pick me up and throw my Mom to the wolves????????

  My Darling

  She was my only darling;

  Sometimes, I called her Sweetheart;

  Sometimes, little Honey;

  And so on.

  Time has wings to fly;

  I do not have.

  I can walk through my memory lanes;

  At speed of a snail.

  For me,

  She is still a little girl;

  Who used to clutch my arms,

  When she was awaken by a barking dog down the street.

  Still I get the smell of her urine,

  On my best dress as if the fragrance of the best perfume.

  Still I can see the spots on the coat,

  With yellow colour of the curry;

  She used to throw on my coat;

  As a protest not to eat the tasteless curry.

  But time has wings,

  I do not have.

  I could not see time flying;

  I could not gauge the speed of flying time.

  Today evening my darling told me;

  I got a life partner and Mom knows it.

  My wife smiled with an approving nod.

  I do not know,

  Whether I should be happy

  Or to be unhappy.

  I smiled without knowing,

  Whether I am crying,

  Or smiling.

  Like any other days,

  She hugged me,

  Smacked a kiss on my cheek.

  She smiled and told,

  I know, you would be happy.

  I patted on her back and said,

  I am always happy to see you happy,

>   My little darling,

  My little sweet heart.

  My happiness starts with you and ends with you,

  My little darling,

  My little sweet heart.

  Time flies with wings,

  I could not cope up my speed;

  With flying times.

  Then I went to see my face,

  On the hanging mirror on the wall.

  For the first time I saw,

  Few wrinkles on my face,

  And few grey hair on my head.

  I told to myself,

  No matter how old you are,

  Your daughter will be,

  Your little darling,

  Your little sweet heart for ever.

  The author is a Government servant and a man of vivid experiences derived from his official postings across the country, travels across India and numerous visits outside India. He is presently placed at New Delhi.

  His earlier publications are:

  1. Random Thoughts through a Coloured Prism

  2. Dilemma of a Young Mind

  3. Funny Statistics and Serious Statisticians

  4. Melody of Fragrance

  5. Akhadya

  6. Few Cities through the Lens of Hiranya Borah

  7. Guilt: Gift of Winter Spring

  8. Beautiful Ghost

  9. Great Fighters: Grace of God

  10. All Blurred

  11. Putting kids to sleep

  12. How to become unpopular

  13. Soulmates

  14. My grumpy Face

  15. Love and Worries

  16. Discussion of own Birth: A Taboo

  17. Interview

  18. Indecent Love Affairs

  19. My Fair Lady

  20. Waiting time

  21. Two Stories

  22. My Mother: Dashami Borah

  23. Parineeta

  24. Manorama

  25. Unwanted

  26. First Attempt

  27. A father

  28. The Portrait

  29. Snapped Thread

  30. Only He Knows

  31. The Stupid Mother

  32. The Same Old Story

  33. The Old Scoundrel

  34. Third Attempt

  35. Some of my First Days and First Nights

  36. Snubbed Twice

  37. Have You Met the God

  38. Frequent Flier

  39. Messiah

  40. Forgive and Forget

  41. To Win or to lose

  42. Call Girl

  43. Beyond Blood Relation

  44. Lady with a Black Car

  45. My wife

  46. Complete Woman

  47. Diwali Gift

  48. Romance with a Lady

  49. Open Heart Surgery

  50. My First Love

  51. Replacement

  52. Pebbles on My Way Home

  53. My First Bengali Book

  54. Murder Mystery

  55. Niharika

  56. Swapping

  57. Make a Habit to Thank God

  58. Killing of a Bird

  59. The Hero

  60. Fantasy versus Reality

  61. The Party

  62. Road Rage

  63. Death of a Friend

  64. Cannot Live with Memory Only

  65. None Cares for Me

  66. A Tribute to My Guru

  67. Two Professionals

  68. The Choice

  69. The Elusive Spouse

  70. First Encounter with A P

  71. Plane Crash

  72. Plane Crash Part-II

  73. Plane Crash Part-III

  74. Abducted

  75. A Bag of Currency

  76. Suitable Groom

  77. Head Hunters

  78. My Dear Sister

  79. Selection While Waiting at the Airport

  80. Oh Shit

  81. Perverse

  82. He Got Back His Wife

  83. Beautiful Faces

  84. Elder Sister

  85. Good Morning

  86. Prey

  87. Pass on your Death to Someone Else

  88. Colour of Holi

  89. Why blame others

  90. A Forbidden Issue

  91. Hat-trick of Failures

  92. Agony of Writers

  93. Contrasts

  94. Three Directors

  95. An Unusual Love Affair

  96. Birth Day

  97. Do not Tell Anyone

  98. Anupama

  99. Late By Ten Years

  100. Murder in a Foreign City

  101. Strangelife

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  Email: [email protected]

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