Page 31 of Death at Lampier

  Chapter 31

  Fred got the duty county attorney to assist on the search warrant and arrest warrant for Phil Mason, while Oriole finished up with charges and processing of Monique Richards. The partners gathered their paperwork and vests and drove over to the condo to meet and greet Phil Mason.

  “Mr. Mason. May we come in? We have another search warrant. You may want to call your attorney because we also have an arrest warrant for you for first degree murder of Lisa Wood. I’m going to Mirandize you.” Fred read the warning and pulled out his handcuffs.

  “I can’t make a phone call handcuffed. Will you release me so I can call my attorney?” Phil’s tan faded to a pale yellow.

  “We can release your right hand and handcuff you to this chair. Will that work for you?” Fred exchanged the handcuffs and handed Phil his cell phone.

  “It’s late at night. I don’t know if I can reach Mr. Williams. What will I do if I can’t reach him?” Phil fumbled the phone while trying to dial the Flagstaff attorney. “There is no answer. I’ll just leave a message.”

  “Phil. We’re going to lock the condo and take you down for an interview.” Fred unlocked the handcuffs, repositioned them behind Phil and escorted him out to the SUV.

  Once the detectives had Phil set up in the interview room and audio and video going, and had re-Mirandized him, Fred began.”The reason we have an arrest warrant is Monique told us what happened. She said you were the one who strangled your wife and she was just there. She said you wrapped the body in the carpet and dropped off the car. She said it was so Lisa couldn’t file divorce papers. Anything you want to tell us?”

  “That lying bitch. She killed Lisa. She strangled her and told me to get the car and meet her. She’s the one who did it all. I’m innocent. I never would harm Lisa. Monique has been pushing for the divorce. I’ve been putting her off. All of a sudden, Lisa found out everything and was done. Monique is the one who wanted to cover up the money and our affair. She’s the one that lured Lisa out to the ranch and killed her. She told me I had to move the car or she’d blame me for Lisa’s death. That’s the honest to God’s truth. You gotta believe me.” Sweat beaded on Phil’s shiny forehead as he finally stopped talking.

  “Phil, we’re going to book you on conspiracy, theft, hindering prosecution, tampering with evidence and anything else I can think of. Tomorrow we may be adding murder. A lot depends on which one of you the county attorney believes and who comes forward first with a believable story. I’m going to leave you here for a few minutes and get the paperwork started. Need water or anything?” Fred stood and opened the door.

  Oriole met Fred at his desk and pulled up a chair. “So who do we believe? She seems pretty vindictive. He seems pretty pathetic. Let’s charge them both and let the courts sort it out.”

  “Whether he did it or she did it, they both were in on it. It’ll be a long time before either of them walks the streets. I’ll call the CA and tell her what’s happened. You add murder and conspiracy to both of them. Then let’s dictate our reports, put them in transcription box and go home.”