
  Elleese halfway hoped her husband Huen would beat and humiliate her like usual to make the murder easier for her to commit. She almost preyed he'd pull her hair and shove her against the wall while telling her she was worthless--one of his favorite pastimes. But Huen didn't assault her every night. Rather, it depended on his mood and whether or not he was drinking. Sometimes he could even be kind and gentle.

  On this night, Huen was in a gentle mood. He apologized for hurting her the night before and told her he loved her. He promised never to beat her again. He was tired from work, and went to bed early.

  Elleese stood in their home, the serpent's tooth pinched between her fingers, wondering what she should do. At last she walked upstairs and into their bedroom. Huen lay sleeping peacefully on the bed. He looked so innocent, a tall, lanky man with dark hair and a thin, young face. It was all too easy to forget how that boyish face could become contorted with rage, how those big, calloused hands could squeeze her throat.

  Tears rolled down Elleese's cheeks. She couldn't deny that she loved him, even after all the misery he'd inflicted upon her. If only he could change and lose that terrible temper, they could have a happy life together. Sometimes he could treat her like a princess (usually when he was trying to win her affections back after beating her senseless). She knew he was capable of being a sensitive, loving man.

  "I can't do this!" Elleese whispered.

  Huen groaned and rolled onto his side. For an instant he scowled in his sleep, and the memories of years of cruelty flooded her mind. She raised the tooth, rage boiling inside her. One tiny poke from that tooth and he'd get what he deserved. And she would be forever free of him.

  Elleese moved to the bedside and positioned the tooth an inch above his cheek. She was seconds away from freeing herself from a monster's grasp--or rather, two monsters' grasps. But still she hesitated, unable to force her hand to move.

  For several minutes, she fought an internal battle with herself. The tooth she held poised above his flesh was the key to her salvation. Or was it? She'd never hurt or killed anyone before, and she knew if she did so now, it would make her no better than her husband. He deserved to punished, but not like this--not as he lay sleeping.

  Elleese knew she was doomed. She couldn't sacrifice her honor and do what the serpent wished. But if the creature spoke true, she'd have to return its tooth or it would bring destruction to her and her family.

  Regardless, she was no murderer. And even though she knew must return to the well and probably be devoured, she could take some solace knowing she was a better person than the sorry wretch whose life she'd just spared.

  She turned away from her husband, believing she'd never have justice--that he'd never be punished for all the misery he'd inflicted on her.

  Was she a complete fool? She leaned against the wall, groaning. Was she giving up a great opportunity in favor of more suffering? She wished she'd simply drowned in that well--like she'd wanted to for weeks and weeks.