Page 29 of Brawn

  She spread her legs, smiling at him. Brawn climbed onto the bed and a purr rumbled from his throat. Big hands caressed her skin as he lowered onto her body, placing light kisses on her belly, upper thighs and inching closer to her pussy.

  Becca closed her eyes. “God, that feels amazing.”

  He chuckled. “I love your taste and the sounds you make. I just love you, Becca.”

  Her head jerked up and she stared down at him, her heart racing for an entirely new reason. “You love me?”

  He kept eye contact with her as he traced her clit with his tongue. “Mmm. Yes, beautiful. I love everything about you.”

  She believed him. “I love you too.”

  He groaned, nearly attacked her with his hot mouth and mercilessly manipulated her pussy. His finger slid inside, found that spot that drove her wild and brought her to climax fast. She panted and opened her eyes as Brawn dragged her down the bed. Her thighs wrapped around his hips as he slowly stretched her vaginal walls as his thick cock filled her.

  “You’re my mate, Becca,” Brawn rasped roughly. “I’m yours. Say it, beautiful.”

  As she stared at the passion in those amazing catlike eyes, she felt true happiness for the first time in forever. “I’m your mate,” she confirmed. “You’re mine.”

  He leaned over her, hesitated with his lips less than an inch away from hers and softly growled. “I love you. Never doubt that. You’re everything to me. I want and need you.”

  He drove into her as his lips crushed down on her mouth, kissing her and using his tongue to mimic what his cock was doing. Sensations swamped Becca—wonderful, wild ecstasy. This was more than hot sex, her mate was making love to her and she was being claimed with each powerful thrust of his hips and sweep of his tongue. Her body tensed and she tore her mouth away from his to cry out his name as she came hard. Brawn followed her, roaring out her name. They held each other tightly, catching their breaths and Becca smiled.

  “I’m your mate.”

  “Yes,” he whispered, kissing her throat. “We belong to each other and will be happy.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Justice North, leader of the NSO, watched Tim Oberto from across his desk. Tim studied him too, a worried expression on his face. Justice felt dread at having to tell Tim the news, not certain how the man would react. Jessie, his mate, walked into the office. Justice frowned at her surprise arrival.

  Jessie stared at her mate, shrugged and winked. “He’s my old boss. I know him better and I think I should be the one to handle this.”

  Justice hesitated. Part of him was relieved but the other part worried the male would lose his temper. He noticed the determined look on his mate’s beautiful face though and nodded his consent. No way was he going to tell her no and have her accuse him of not trusting her. He did, with his very life.

  Jessie licked her lips and her gaze lowered to his mouth. She promised silently that she would show her appreciation of his trust later. Justice relaxed in his chair. His mate could handle the leader of the human task force and the tough situation. His mate was fierce.

  “Hi, Tim. How are you?” Jessie sat on the edge of the desk.

  “Jessie!” Tim grinned and his body relaxed. “What are you doing here? I mean, I know you are working for the NSO and dating Justice now but why are you at this meeting?”

  “I wanted to be here. Justice and I got married.”

  Tim gasped. His gaze darted between them but he finally smiled. “Well, I’ll be damned. Congratulations.”

  Jessie grinned. “Thanks.” She glanced at her mate. “I’ve never been happier.”

  Justice chuckled. “Me neither. Jessie completes my life. When I claimed her at the bar, it was forever, Tim. Marriage was bound to happen. I respect your human traditions.”

  “That’s great.” Tim nodded. “I’m happy for you both. Is this why you called a private meeting, Justice? You said it had something to do with a human and a New Species. Do you need help with more security? I’m sure when the press finds out there’s going to be a big hoopla about it and your gates are going to be flooded with reporters and protestors. We’ll handle it though.”

  “No. This isn’t about that. We’ve managed to keep a lid on that secret. This is actually about a personal matter involving you.”

  Tim frowned. “Me?”

  Justice nodded. Jessie suddenly stood and moved to the chair next to her old boss. Her gaze flicked to her husband before settling on Tim.

  “I need you to remain calm and professional. You need to hear me out before you hit the roof. Can you do that for me, Tim?”

  He looked confused. “Okay.”

  Jessie took a deep breath. “This relates to when Rebecca and Brawn were kidnapped and taken by Mercile Industries employees.”

  Rage instantly tensed his features. “Is there another threat to my girl?”

  “You need to remain calm, all right?” Jessie regarded him. “I need you in professional mode. Set your feelings aside for a few minutes until I’m done explaining. This involves Rebecca but she’s absolutely fine, happy and safe. Don’t think there’s some kind of threat against her. There isn’t. Can you just please remain calm and hear me out?”

  Tim didn’t look composed but nodded.

  “The situation was very stressful and Rebecca didn’t tell you everything that happened. She was afraid you’d go ballistic.”

  Tim suddenly gripped his chair. “Goddamn, Jessie. She was raped, wasn’t she? She lied to me and that’s why she took off to Europe. I knew it! I even think I know who did it. I saw he was scratched and had a bite mark on him. That bastard raped my baby, didn’t he?”

  “She wasn’t raped,” Jessie assured him. “Calm down and let me finish?”

  He gritted his teeth and jerked his head in a nod.

  “The doctor running the lab they were taken to was selling semen samples from Species men. You were banned from knowing the details because we were afraid you’d think the worst. They were selling the samples to some foreign person or company we’re still tracking. They had three canine Species males but they needed a feline and planned to try to kidnap a primate mix next. Their contact in Europe wanted to buy a set of the Species males. Primate, canine and feline. I guess there’s a black market over there and their wish list includes New Species babies. They are trying to figure out a way to open some kind of fucked-up breeding operation using Species’ sperm and human surrogate mothers to create a bunch of infants to sell.”

  “They put her in with those men, didn’t they?” Tim’s eyes filled with tears. “You just found out. Was it just the one or was it all of them?”

  Jessie shook her head. “I’m telling you this because it was a stressful situation and they wanted samples from Brawn that weren’t, um…” She glanced at her mate for help.

  “They hooked them to sex toys that made them come to get their samples.” Justice sighed. “They asked Becca to take the samples from Brawn directly because they believed she was his girlfriend, therefore turned him on without the use of drugs and she had to take samples by manipulating his dick.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Tim shot out of his chair. “I suspected she was the one who bit and scratched him. She wanted to talk to him, probably confront that bastard, but I made sure that didn’t happen. I kept them apart.”

  Jessie stood. “Sit down now.” She frowned. “How did you keep them apart? What are you talking about?”

  Tim sat but was pale and furious. “She wanted to talk to him and I was told he wanted to talk to her. I don’t care if he’s sorry or whatever the hell he wanted to say. He hurt my baby and I wasn’t going to allow him to do it again. I had the therapist we use say she was too traumatized.” He glared at Justice. “I knew you’d keep that son of a bitch from talking to my girl if the therapist suggested they not talk and I told my baby he wouldn’t talk to her. He’s not going near her. If he wants to apologize, too damn bad. She’s obviously upset and she fled to avoid the pain of the memories. I knew so
mething happened, damn it. I knew she was lying and he was involved.”

  “What choice did she have but to lie to you, Tim? It’s not as bad as you’re imagining. Just listen. I talked to Rebecca myself and she was okay with touching Brawn. The circumstances were horrible but so was him having to be hooked up to the machines. She saw that happen to one of them and it was pretty horrific, okay? She liked Brawn, they shared a cage and became really close.” Jessie sucked in air. “Really close, Tim.” She leaned in to stare at him. “They fell for each other. Are you following me? They started to have feelings—deep ones—for each other.”

  Tim looked pissed. “So you’re telling me he had to fuck my daughter but he made sure she enjoyed it? She bit him and he had scratches. He obviously hurt her.”

  Justice growled, his own temper flaring. “Jessie is saying they fell in love. He never forced your daughter to touch him, actually asked her not to and was willing to submit to being drugged and hooked to their machines to force his samples. She refused to allow it.”

  Jessie sighed. “He didn’t hurt her, Tim. They fell for each other but she was afraid you’d kill him if you found out something had happened between them. She thought you might quit your job with the NSO. Brawn thought seeing him after they were released would only cause her pain because of what she’d endured at the hands of those asswipes. I can’t believe you had the therapist lie about that.” She frowned. “We’ll discuss that later though but we’re definitely hiring a new one you can’t intimidate. Brawn wanted to protect her and she wanted to protect him. They love each other. I think you misinterpreted the love bite and um, scratches she might have left on him during sex. He didn’t hurt her.”

  Tim sat there for a good minute. “That’s why she went to Europe?” He stared at Jessie grimly. “She fell for this guy and she’s too afraid to tell me because she thinks I’ll kill him?”

  “She’s not in Europe. She lied to you about that too,” Jessie sighed. “She’s up north at Reservation.”

  Tim was shocked. “Why?”

  “She’s pregnant. She and Brawn are going to have a baby.” Jessie held Tim’s gaze. “No one knows that a human and a New Species can conceive a baby together so you can’t tell anyone that you’re going to be a grandfather. It will put Rebecca and her baby in danger from the hate groups, from the media and from anyone who hates Species. It’s not just about her though. It’s about all New Species and human females. The hate groups would go nuts. Well, more nuts than they already are. Evil jerks who wanted to make money would kidnap more women the way they did your daughter and try to capture more of our males, Tim. Do you understand? You’re going to be a grandfather and we wanted you to know. Rebecca and Brawn are in love and living together.”

  Tim sat there stunned. “She could have told me.”

  “She was afraid you’d try to kill Brawn and was protecting him from you, Tim. She loves him. You forbade her from having anything to do with him, and no offense, but I’ve worked for you. I’ve gotten the daughter treatment from you. You can be a jerk sometimes. You make up your mind and there’s no changing it.”

  Justice spoke softly. “She was afraid you’d hate us all and she didn’t want that to happen.”

  Tim’s expression reflected many emotions but he finally stared at Jessie. “You’re married to one of them. Will he treat her good?”

  Jessie grinned. “Justice would do anything for me, Tim. Anything. He is so overprotective it’s not funny. They aren’t like regular guys. He’ll never hit your daughter or cheat on her. He’ll die to make her happy if that’s what it takes. We have two other pregnant mixed couples. The males hardly ever leave the women’s sides. They pamper the hell out of them. One child has been born and the father of that baby is the same way to his mate and baby. They never had anything of their own, never were allowed to love and now that they can, it’s amazing, Tim. I can honestly say that if I had a daughter I would hope that she fell in love with one of them. I’d sleep better at night secure in the knowledge that she’d be happy. Brawn will make Rebecca his entire world and when the child is born, it will be a part of that world. They will be everything to him.”

  “I want to see my daughter and Brawn.”

  Jessie studied him. “Are you angry with Brawn? Will you try to harm him, Tim? Rebecca would hate you forever if you did. She’s agreed to be his mate, which means more than marriage to New Species. It’s a pledge to solely be with each other until one of them dies. It’s as serious a commitment as they can make together and deeper than what our marriage implies.”

  “I just want to see them,” Tim stated softly. “I want to make sure she’s happy and that he really cares about her.”

  Justice reached for his phone. “I’ll have the helicopter prepare to fly us to Reservation. We’ll all go see them together.”

  “I have a request when we get there,” Tim demanded. He glanced at Justice. “My daughter was married before to a piece of shit. He was always really good at acting but I wasn’t fooled. I have an idea and I’d like your permission to do it. It will totally set me at ease if you agree.”

  Justice hesitated. “What do you want?”

  * * * * *

  Becca was nervous. “What if he tries to kill you?”

  Brawn chuckled. “I’m sure Justice removed his weapons and he can’t take me physically.”

  “Don’t hurt him. He’s my dad.”

  “I wouldn’t.” His dark-blue eyes flashed amusement. “It will be fine, Becca. He will see how happy we both are and he’ll feel less worry.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Brawn moved, wrapped his arm around her and cupped her face. “He will see how much I love you, beautiful. He will also see how much you love me and that we want this baby.” His hand left her face and rubbed her rounded stomach. “He will love our son as much as we do once he is born.”

  Becca nodded. “I love you too and I’m sure you’re right. I’m just worried. I know my dad and he’s such a control freak and way too overprotective. He gets his mind made up and there’s no changing it.”

  “Then he’ll have to decide that we will be happy together and that he is happy for us.”

  She smiled bravely. “You make it sound so easy. I feel a little better.”

  “It will be fine. Are you thirsty?”

  She shook her head, smiling. “I’m good. You worry about me too much.”

  He grinned. “There’s no such thing as too much where you are concerned. Kiss me.”

  Becca rose on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck. Brawn purred as their mouths locked together and he pulled her tightly against him. His hands gripped her ass, squeezed and she laughed, breaking the kiss as she lowered her heels to the floor.

  “We’re in public. My dad could show up here at any time. Keep your hands in good places, Brawn.”

  “That was a good place.” His eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “Yeah, it was, but later. I’m kind of hungry.”

  Brawn gently maneuvered her to a chair at a nearby table. They waited in the hotel cafeteria. “Sit. What food do you crave?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Sit still and I will be right back.”

  Becca watched Brawn walk toward the buffet table. He glanced at her as he filled a plate. He loved to watch her—while she slept, in the shower and even when they made love. She grinned. Especially when they made love. Brawn walked back to her a few minutes later and her eyes widened when he set the plate down on the table.

  “That’s a lot of food. I can’t eat that much, Brawn.”

  He picked up a fork and studied the plate, before he stabbed a shrimp. He lifted it to her mouth. “I got you a little of everything they had. You can take a bite and see what tastes best.”

  Becca opened up and Brawn fed her the bite. She chewed, smiling at him while they stared at each other. He paused, taking the time to lift a straw to her mouth to make her take a drink of milk and continued to feed her.

  “You know I can do this myself, right?”

  “I know. I enjoy feeding you, beautiful.”

  “I hate eating alone.” She glanced at the plate and grabbed a crab cake. “Open up.”

  He opened his mouth. When Becca lifted the bite to Brawn’s mouth he suddenly moved, taking the food and her fingers into his mouth. He sucked on her fingers before swallowing the crab.

  “Ummm. Delicious.”

  * * * * *

  Tim leaned back in the chair. “I’ve seen enough.” He glanced at Justice and Jessie. “She’s happy. He’s great with her and I can see how much he loves her.”

  Justice nodded. “I would not tell them that you bugged the tables around them and hid cameras so you could see all of the room and hear what was being said between them. It would remind Brawn of our captivity inside the testing facilities.”

  “Thanks for allowing me do it. I just wanted to see them together without knowing anyone watched. That’s how you really get the truth from people sometimes. Nothing is more honest than seeing how people act with their guard down.”

  Justice nodded. “I understand. This is why I agreed to let you do it.”

  Jessie suddenly chuckled. “We should go in there soon or they might leave. Rebecca just used her finger to wipe food on his throat and is licking it off.”

  Justice stood. “Let’s go.”

  Tim frowned.

  Jessie winked. “Newlyweds. We leave them alone too long and this could get embarrassing for all of us. That cafeteria is empty and they know it.”

  Tim suddenly laughed. “Let’s go before I see more than I want to. I spent a fortune on room service when I married Rebecca’s mother because I had three weeks leave. We holed up in our room and I never let her get dressed the entire time.”

  * * * * *

  Becca heard footsteps and turned. Her father walked into the cafeteria with Justice and Jessie North. Brawn stood faster than Becca could and his body tensed. He moved slightly in front of her, taking a protective stance. Becca knew her father wouldn’t miss what Brawn had done as she slowly rose to her feet and hovered next to her mate.