Page 8 of Brawn

  “Right.” The guy nodded. “I used to clean floors, damn it. How the hell did this happen?”

  “We worked for the wrong damn place,” Mike muttered. “Let’s worry about getting this bastard to the other room without him killing us and take it one day at a time. We’ll get to Russia and hell, we’ll buy us a few of those hot brides we see on the internet all the time.”

  “Yeah.” Greg reached behind him and pulled out a Taser gun from his waist. “Let’s get him.”

  Brawn didn’t speak as he watched the two humans approach the cage. He’d heard enough to know they were too afraid to be lured by the promise of money. They wanted to capture a primate Species and he worried about the officers mixed with that DNA who traveled between Homeland and Reservation. He watched with rage as they shot the drugged male, hit him with enough volts between the two guns to make him lose consciousness and entered 919’s cell. They lifted the limp male and carried him away.

  They said they weren’t taking the male to mount Becca. They could have lied but he doubted it. Humans were cruel, enjoyed inflicting emotional pain and they would have taunted him with the knowledge if it were true. A growl tore from his throat as he began to pace the confines of the cage. Where is she? What are they doing to her? Why hasn’t the task force located us?

  * * * * *

  “Why isn’t she on something if she’s his girlfriend?” Dean looked confused.

  “Because they can’t get a female pregnant yet, moron.” Doctor Elsa glanced at Becca and shook her head. “See what kind of idiots I deal with? Get her up, Dean.”

  He wasn’t gentle as he helped Becca sit and pulled her off the exam table. She shivered, inched away from the guy and watched the doctor walk back to her desk to stare at the monitor.

  “Do you know why he chose you? Did he ever say why he was attracted to you specifically?”

  “No.” Becca hugged her chest.

  The bitch turned and smiled coldly. “Do you care about him?”

  “Yes.” That wasn’t a lie. She didn’t want anything to happen to Brawn.

  “Good. Follow me.”

  The doctor strode out of the room and Becca followed, the goons right on her heels. They turned in the opposite direction from which she’d come and walked farther down the hallway to a closed door. The doctor paused and glanced at one of her men.

  “Is he ready, Ray?”

  “Yeah. They stunned the shit out of him, got him all tied up good and he’s shaking off the stun-gun effects.” He tapped his ear. “He’s secure. Mike said it’s all good.”

  Becca didn’t like the sound of that or the way the doctor smirked, seeming amused at the news. The door swung open and Randy stood there. He looked surprised at finding anyone on the other side of the door and two more men stepped next to him.

  “Move out of the way. I’m going to show our guest what we do here.”

  All three men backed up to allow the doctor admittance and Becca hesitated long enough to get a hand shoved against her back to propel her forward. She turned her head long enough to see it had been Ray who had done it.

  She turned back and halted again, her mouth fell open and a soft, horrified gasp passed her lips. The pacer, the New Species from the cage, had been moved. He’d also been totally stripped naked, was chained upright, spread-eagle, near the back wall and he snarled loudly at the sight of them.

  The overhead light fixtures where what they’d attached restraints to. His ankles were locked to what appeared to be large concrete blocks with metal pins inside them. He was very muscular, didn’t have a lot of body hair and his cock was erect. Becca jerked her gaze to his face, refused to glance lower to see that sight again and wanted to set him free. Doctor Elsa turned, stepped to block Becca’s view and smiled coldly.

  “It’s primitive but effective. We tried to move the equipment to their cages. It would have been easier to string them up from the bars but there aren’t any electrical outlets close enough. We’d have needed hundreds of feet of extension cords. It compromises the equipment if there’s a short and we can’t risk it.”

  “Why are you hurting them?” Becca whispered. “What are you doing to him?”

  A hand lifted and the doctor jerked her thumb at her prisoner. “Blame the people who interfered with my research and his kind. I wasn’t left with a choice once they were discovered. We were lucky to get out with three of them and that’s only because we got a little notice first. Your boyfriend is spliced with large cat DNA. I wasn’t able to get one of those. Oh hell no. I got stuck with only dogs.”

  “Doc…” Randy stepped closer. “Why are you telling her anything at all?”

  “Shut up.” She shot him a glare before her hand lowered and she peered at Becca. “I need your help.”

  “No way.”

  “You don’t even know what I want from you.”

  “I don’t care. The answer is no.” Becca took a step back and bumped into Ray. Her body inched forward to avoid touching him any longer. “I won’t help you.”

  “I’m wanted by the police and the FBI. I’ve lost everything.” Anger deepened the other woman’s voice. “They seized my home, my car, my bank accounts and even arrested my husband, thinking he knew what was going on. He wasn’t a big loss but it hurt that they hauled my parents in for questioning. I am not spending the rest of my life in prison for trying to make the world a better place.”

  “Is that what you call working for Mercile?” Becca’s temper flared. “You tortured and abused New Species. You held them captive in prisons all their lives. How dare yo—”

  “Oh shut up,” the doctor snapped. “Our research helped. That is the important factor in this. People benefited from the research we did before it ended. The test subjects aren’t really people, weren’t created to ever live outside the testing facilities and are no different from rats or mice used in experiments.”

  “You’re nuts.” Rage poured through Becca. “And pathetic.”

  “That might be but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re going to help me.”

  “Never,” Becca swore vehemently. “You won’t get away with this.”

  “Who is going to stop me? This warehouse was abandoned three years ago and nothing will link me to it. Randy’s cousin used to work here until it went out of business. I found buyers in Europe who are sure they can find a way to artificially inseminate women with the sperm from them.” Her thumb jerked over her shoulder at the restrained Species. “Their scientists believe they are so damn smart and can figure out what we couldn’t for years.”

  Dean snorted. “They are never going to breed those things.”

  Doctor Elsa rewarded him with a smile. “They are smart enough to know that the sperm dies quickly after leaving the canine-spliced subjects. It’s some kind of weird side effect with their mutated genetics. It isn’t viable for long after it’s released from them.” She pointed to a corner. “Do you know what those are?”

  Becca turned her head to study some large, weird machine with small tanks attached to it. “No.”

  “It’s a cryogenic freezer. Are you familiar with that?”

  Becca stared at the woman.

  She sighed. “Obviously you don’t work in the medical profession. I’ll use small words for you. The Europeans believe if they are given enough samples that they can find and fix what makes the sperm die so fast, use human surrogate mothers to birth half-breed New Species and profit from it. There seems to be a black market over there for rich people who want to own them.”

  “Exotic pets,” Ray snickered. “They don’t know how mean the sons of bitches are when they get big.”

  “The point is,” the doctor spoke louder, shot a glare at him and crossed her arms over her chest again. “We get the samples, freeze them immediately before the sperm dies and they pay us for each of those tanks. They offered to help us smuggle the subjects out of the country but I don’t trust them. They could kill us, or just steal them and I can’t afford to risk that. I figure i
n three more months they’ll have paid us enough money between the sperm samples and what they offered me to sell the subjects outright that we can all get the hell out of here to retire to a non-extradition country. We’ll live well somewhere else and never have to worry about being brought back to the States.”

  “You’re a monster.” Becca fought the urge to attack the bitch just for the pleasure of punching her in the face. If there was ever a woman who needed a broken nose, Doctor Elsa was the one. “It’s morally wrong and didn’t you take an oath at some point to do no harm?”

  That amused the doctor. “Probably but the point is, that’s what we’re doing here. The males have to be aroused for their sperm to be activated, the people we deal with test some of the samples despite the quick death once they are removed from the tanks and we don’t get paid unless it’s active sperm from an altered male.”

  Bile rose in Becca’s throat but she swallowed it down. These people were twisted and sick. “You’re selling their sperm?” That piece of information finally sank in.

  “Yes. The Europeans don’t think I will sell the actual subjects though. We’re haggling over prices and they want a full set when they do buy. Unfortunately I don’t have that yet but I will.”

  “A full set?”

  “At least one of each.”

  “You have four including my…boyfriend.” Becca didn’t want to tell them Brawn’s name in case they didn’t know it yet.

  Randy inched closer. “There are three types of subjects. Dogs, cats and monkeys. We only had dogs until we caught the kitty cat. They rarely leave their damn zoos and it cost us a fortune to locate the one with you. We had to bribe a guard at the gate to warn us when a pussy was leaving and hire a pilot to follow the vehicle he left in right to your house. We just need to capture us a monkey next. Then we can sell them to make even more money.”

  That’s how they found Brawn. “What guard?” She wanted a name. The New Species had someone working for them who’d betrayed their trust. They needed to discover who it was to protect another Species from being kidnapped.

  “Who gives a shit what his name is?” Randy glared at the doctor. “Why are you telling her anything? Just make her do what you want or we’ll beat her until she agrees.”

  The doctor gave him an annoyed glare. “Marco is willing to pay triple if we can give him samples without the drugs present in them. One of the idiots he has working for him believes that’s the problem. I told him it’s not but he’s willing to fork over the money anyway. His ignorance is making us richer.”

  “Shit.” That perked Randy’s mood up and he smiled. “That’s a lot of money.” He studied Becca closely. “Ah. You want her to turn him on and jack him off to get his goodies without having to dose him up.”

  “Exactly.” The doctor focused on Becca. “That’s what you’re going to do.”

  “Fuck no,” she hissed.

  “Grab her,” the doctor ordered, dropped her arms to her sides and turned away.

  Ray’s hands clamped around Becca’s elbows painfully and she didn’t struggle, knew it was useless with five men in the room and watched with dread as the doctor walked to another corner with a bunch of strange medical equipment stacked on carts and tables.

  One of the men followed the doctor and held out his arms. He took a box and turned to approach the restrained Species male. Becca was afraid to see what they planned to do to him. It would be awful, she just knew and closed her eyes. She refused to watch his torture.

  Minutes passed and a slight humming sound filled the room. Her eyelids parted out of curiosity and she really wished they hadn’t. She didn’t understand why they’d placed some weird helmet over his head with a black face shield that hid everything from his lips up. A strap had been secured under his chin, probably to prevent him from shaking the thing off and worse, she saw what the doctor was doing.

  The cold-hearted bitch pushed some machine that looked similar to a vacuum canister with attachments in front of the restrained male, handed the cord to her assistant, who immediately walked to an outlet to plug it in. A thick, bulky attachment came off the machine and to Becca’s horror, the doctor attached it over the man’s stiff cock. Straps were secured around his hips to keep it in place and the male howled aloud in protest. His body tensed, muscles bulged as he fought the restraints but he couldn’t get away.

  “Oh my God,” Becca pleaded. “Stop it!”

  The asshole holding her leaned in closer, lowered his head and his breath fanned her ear. “It feels good. I tested it out myself. It’s some fancy jerk-off machine that simulates a pussy and sucks literally. As soon as he shoots his load it sends it into that clear cup at the base of the machine. We dump it into a cylinder and rush it to the tanks to be frozen. Pretty cool, huh?”

  Her head whipped in Ray’s direction and she couldn’t resist anymore. Her hand clawed his crotch. She was horrified to feel he had a hard-on but dug her nails in viciously against his slacks. He yelled in pain and she twisted out of his hold.

  She tried to reach the poor victim, to set him free, but Randy reached her first. She cried out from the pain when he fisted her hair and jerked back but turned and her fist shot out the way her dad had taught her, nailing him in the face. He reared back, taking her with him with his tight hold and his open palm flew at her. Pain exploded in the side of her face.

  Becca’s knees gave way from the blow, she saw stars and barely heard the doctor yell for everyone to stop. Someone else grabbed her from behind and she opened her eyes. A dizzy spell hit as everything seemed to spin around her.

  “Don’t hurt her!” Doctor Elsa shrieked the order. “We need her, damn it. I said hold her, not beat her.”

  “She clawed my dick.” Ray cursed. “The bitch—”

  “Shut up!” the doctor yelled. “Go put ice on your brain or better yet, shove it in one of the damn cryo tanks so it falls off. You’d be smarter. It’s not as if you use it much. Randy, hit her again and I’ll shoot you myself. He won’t get aroused if she’s all bloodied and fucked up. I control the damn money. Remember that unless you think you can avoid being arrested without me.”

  A third guy hauled Becca to her feet and yanked her hands behind her back. His hand clamped down around her wrists as if they were cuffs and she swayed on her feet, still hurting from the blow she’d taken. Her left cheek throbbed and tears blinded her.

  “We’re not hurting him,” the doctor snapped. “See the mask? It’s a top-of-the-line video system. He’s not seeing a game screen though. We have X-rated movies playing for him to get him in the mood. We’re showing him a woman masturbating. He’s just pissed because he knows we’re forcing a sample from him.”

  “It’s rape,” Becca rasped. “You’re fucking sick.”

  The other woman stormed forward and stood in Becca’s personal space, glaring at her. “This is what we’re going to do to your precious boyfriend if you don’t take the samples. I’ll drug him, string him up the way 919 is and hook him up to the vision goggles. I’m going to get samples from him one way or another.” She glared at the man restraining Becca. “Take her to the feline mix and let her think about that until we’re ready to freeze his samples when we’re done with 919.” She smirked at Becca. “You better do what I want so he doesn’t suffer the same fate as this one.”

  The doctor stomped toward the Species and bent, flipped on a switch at the machine in front of him and another howl of rage came from the poor male. His body bucked as the machine started, his hips twisting to get away from it, but the straps around his waist secured it to him. The horror of what was being done was unthinkable.

  “You’re all going to rot in hell,” Becca swore, struggling with the bastard who held her, but he refused to let go as he forced her to the door. “You’re the animals!”

  Chapter Six

  Becca meekly walked beside Randy. He took her through the double doors with two goons flanking her in case she put up a fight. She didn’t, happy to be taken to Brawn. The moment t
he doors opened into the other room, Brawn stood. His gaze fixed on her.

  “Are you well?” He sounded and looked enraged.

  “I’m fine.” Emotionally, she wasn’t but she knew he wondered if she’d been physically abused.

  Brawn growled at Randy as he backed up inside his cell. “Bring her to me. I will turn and not move.”

  “Nope, kitty cat. You don’t get your piece of ass yet. The doctor ordered me to put her in with 880 now. He’s going to mount her first. I bet that’s going to eat out your guts, watching him take her.”

  Brawn roared and lunged at the front of the cage fast. Vicious growls tore from his throat.

  “He’s lying,” Becca yelled. She had to shout to be heard over Brawn’s outrage. “He’s fucking with you. That woman said I’m to be put in with you.”

  Brawn stopped pulling at the bars and released them. He took a few ragged, deep breaths as he backed away again. Randy laughed and slapped Becca painfully on the ass.

  “You ruined my fun, bitch.” He paused before Brawn’s cage. “If I say jump, you better jump, kitty cat. Otherwise I am going to bend your bitch over in front of you and make you watch me mount her.”

  Furious catlike eyes narrowed when Randy laughed. Becca could feel Brawn’s intense gaze on her and stopped glaring at the asshole who was intent on verbally torturing him.

  Randy turned his head and his gaze roamed her body. “You want him bad, don’t you, bitch? You like it doggy style with the kitty cat?”

  Becca didn’t say a word, knowing he baited her. She was outside her cell, helpless with the men around her if they decided to attack. She watched the goons draw those dart guns as they edged behind the back of Brawn’s cage. He saw them too and turned to track their movements with his heated glare. His hands rose to hold the bars along the back of the cage, giving his back to the cell door.

  “I won’t fight or attack. You don’t need to stun me. I won’t move,” Brawn swore.

  The two men looked at each other and frowned. Randy hesitated. “Nail him if he’s lying and take him down. He’ll wake up to find his girlfriend fucked and crying if he attempts to rush us.”