She was drawn into this by evil not of her making. She is an innocent with a young soul. She has the ability to be a kind and helpful being to others who have been tainted by grief and other hardships.
“No,” he mummured.
He stood, slipping the small deadly knife into his pocket.
He looked at her with love and compassion.
Have a good life, young one.
He turned from her and withdrew into the trees.
Lorie moaned softly; her body relaxing even more as she settled into a deeper healing sleep. A faint smile touched her face.
Megan, Patrick and Nanny watched Gem’s departure. Surprise and amazement followed by confusion etched their faces. A subtle blend of soft laughter, sighs of relief, and joyous murmurs drifted through the air from the cemetery on the top of the hill.
The three old souls dissolved into the air as a breeze sprung up to cool the tear ravaged face of Lorie as she dreamed of a richer and more fulfilling future.
Died between 2:00 pm Sunday afternoon and 3:00 am Monday morning
Found by young jogger
Lying under live oak tree on ‘Live Oaks’ estate on bluff overlooking beach by Gulf of Mexico
Murder victim
Two throat cuts…carotid arteries
No signs of sexual activity-------------( insert )
No other signs of trauma
Did not struggle
Placed on quilt after death
Alabama Star quilt pattern
Symbol of astrological sign of Virgo in corner of quilt---not discovered yet
Blond hair
Blue eyes-----------------( insert )
Young ( mid twenties ?)
5 ft. 4 in.
105 pounds
Astrological sign of Virgo on ring finger---------------------(insert)----not recognized yet
Basket of sweets…emptied
Manda June Harris
Born: 10-11-1984 Gary, Indiana by Lake Michigan
Age 23-------------------------(insert)
Black/blue highlights curly hair…shoulder length
Very light blue eyes
Very fair complexion
5 ft. 6 in.
123 pounds
No siblings
No love relationship
Graduated high school
Undecided on career
Studied Astrology
Loves to read
Drives Taurus
Dad died in accident at her age 11
Mother remarried when Manda age 14 she and husband live in North West
Inherits ‘ Live Oaks’ at age 23 from Great Aunt previously unknown to her
Drives back roads to area of Gulf Shore, Alabama to claim inheritance
Stays in Harbor Hotel…room # 210…hotel phone 251-632-1011
Tends to stress easily
Desires simplicity in life
Loves chocolate
Vague recognition of Karyn’s picture on news---realizes she looks like Susan at bedtime
Asks her mom to get Manda’s dad’s family tree
Teresa June O’Neill
Manda’s mom
Had Manda at age 32
Lost husband and Manda’s father from work accident in 1995 when she was 43
Remarried in 1998 at age 46
Moved to Pacific North West
Low to middle class
Born at ‘Live Oaks’----does not know this
Has never heard of ‘Live Oaks’
Has never researched family tree
Has never heard of Violet Louise Cochran…..listed in courthouse records as her mom and Manda’s grandmother-------------(check this in story)
Believes her mom is Megan Katherine Simpson….the woman who raised her-----(check this in story)
Thinks her father’s name is Whitman James O’Neill….courthouse lists his name as James Whitman O’Neill-------------(check this in story)
Believes her father died several years after her birth…court records show he died in 1998
Has never seen birth certificates….lost many years ago
Manda reassures her that she will get the info straightened out.
Asks Manda for updates
Agrees to get Manda’s dad’s family tree
Appearance: unknown
Identity: unknown
Any other information regarding him: unknown
Drawn to ‘Live Oaks’ during day light.
Afraid of and intimidated by ‘ Live Oaks’ during night.
Hears sounds of grief and laughter at ‘ Live Oaks’ at night.
Hears ? Senses ? commands from house ? at night.
Feels he has mission ?
Doesn’t want mission.
Must obey orders.
Has conflicted thoughts and feelings.
Feels shame …….for actions ?
Feels bitterness……. for having to obey orders ?
Wants normal life.
Being around Manda concerns him as it drains his energy
Mrs. Collins
Manda’s neighbor and landlady in Gary, Indiana.
Short in height.
A Grandmother….at least three Grandsons.
Has bad feelings about Manda relocating.
Cautions Manda.
She and Manda promise to keep in touch.
Manda gives her hotel name and number--------Harbor Hotel # 251-632-1011
Co-owner with husband of Mimosa Bed and Breakfast----------( insert name of B&B ?? )
B&B located near small town of Erin, Tennessee…just across Kentucky border
Last stages of pregnancy.
Hobbies: cooking…quilting…grows flowers for cutting… grows grapes and berries.
Her mother teaches her quilting twice a week.
Her mother always quilting for family, special orders, general sales, uses web sites and chat rooms.
Country style B&B
B&B entrance has sign on large slab of dark green and grey ( peridot ??)
Lane of mimosas
Lake on property.
Lonely…husband on road a lot.
Anticipating baby…will give companionship and keep her busy.
Born: July 14
Astrological birth sign of Cancer
Delivered of baby boy shortly after Manda’s visit
Murdered by Gem,(she sees her husband, Perry)---is it him or shape shifter ????
Gem paints symbol for Cancer on fingernail and poses her
Gem kisses her good-bye ------------(check if in story)
Gem weeps
Susan’s husband
Ordinary appearance
Great sense of humor
On the road a lot.
Finds Susan
Tremendous grief
Susan’s mom and Perry care for baby
Young male
Jogging on beach
Discovers Karyn at approximately 8:30 Monday morning.
Prefers blonds
Interviewed by police and cleared.
Very shaken
His footprints ending 13 feet from body only evidence at crime scene.
Detective Gary J. Haworth
Jaded by human atrocities
Transferred from New Orleans to escape high crime level
Hates autopsies
Flooded media with photos of victim
Alerted other law enforcement
Checked data base for identificati
on purposes
Can not identify
Can not find any evidence
Is informed by data base, two other woman, almost exact mo, similar appearance, found, one in Georgia, one in Louisianna, can’t identify, no evidence.
Murders approximately 6 months apart.
Calls old friend, Sam for help ( FBI ??)
No ego problems about asking for help.
Faxes info to Sam ( pics of victim, quilt, and symbol)
Wonders if symbol on quilt is ‘deliberate quilter’s mistake’
Police dispatcher
Recognizes Karyn’s quilt as being the Alabama Star pattern
Tells Gary about the ‘deliberate mistake tradition’ by quilters
FBI ??
Called for help by Gary
Tells Gary the following:
Quilt under Louisiana victim has symbol corner of underside
Found by Mississippi River---------------------( Change to lake ????)
Gold symbol for sign of Leo(symbol not recognized) on fingernail--------------(insert)
Asks Gary the following:
Body around water ? ( Yes…Karyn 300 feet from Gulf )
Symbol on quilt ?
Take pictures of quilt and send
If symbol on quilt…take pictures and send
Hasn’t received info from Georgia murder yet.------------(same mo…symbol on fingernail ??? check)
Dr. Dennis Mitchum
Forensics------------------------- (coroner or medical examiner ???)
Does Karyn’s autopsy
Dr. Dennis Mitchum’s assistant
Has taken x-rays
Has taken photographs
Helps turn Karyn over
Mr. John Lanier
Has first appointment with Manda 10:00 am Tuesday-------(check day)
Nanny May’s lawyer for years
Executer of Nanny May’s estate
52 years old
Silver hair
Good manners
Excellent lawyer
Tells Manda ancestors bought land 150 years ago
Tells Manda 200 acres on Gulf with private beach
Makes appointment with Manda for next day ( Wednesday ) for lunch and tour of estate-------(check day)
2nd appointment::::
Gives Manda all info she needs to navigate area, contact staff, medical needs, orders local paper
Manda’s 1st trip to estate.
Gives verbal description of house
Gives Manda reassurance and offer of help when she’s overwhelmed
Suggests rescheduling for rest of tour
Gives Manda blueprints and platt
Drives her to hotel
3rd appointment::::
Manda’s relaxed
Mr. Lanier quiet
Mr. Lanier anxious
Tour of main house
Back to office
Will read
Gives Manda to-do list
Gives Manda 2 sealed envelopes
Tells her that he and Grace will look into ancestor discrepancies
Gives Manda keys to property
Tells Manda about Karyn
Manda scared
Tells Manda about security devices
Suggests guard dog
Suggests guard
Suggests bringing staff back
Tells Manda he will call Sheriff Turner about dog and guard
Manda asks that he call sheriff right away…very frightened
4th appointed…unexpected
Mandy angry and upset
Mr Lanier reads letter Nanny wrote to Manda
He’s surprised by Nanny’s apparent eccentricities
Manda demands full security started immediately
Manda demands appointment for safe deposit box as soon as possible
He talks to Detective Haworth about more security for Manda
He gives Detective Haworth Manda’s
He gives Detective Haworth Manda’s Hotel name, room number, and phone number
Mrs. Case
Clerk at accessor’s office
‘golden ager’
Tiny woman
Wishes Manda good luck
Owner of Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch
Old friend and classmate of John Lanier
Teasing relationship
Mr. Lanier always gets Reuben or home made barbeque on every other day basis
Kate concerned how Kate will take news of Karyn
Asks Mr. Lanier for updates
Mr. Lanier’s secretary
Southern accent
Serves tea and coffee
Patrick and Megan
Manda’s G.G. Grandparents ???
Ghosts ??
Try to fight evil
Try to protect innocents
Visit Manda while she sleeps
They are still romantic
They flirt with each other
Manda wakes up hearing them giggle….although she thinks it’s part of a dream
Their presence comforts Manda …though she doesn’t know they are there
2nd visit
They are delighted to see ‘spunk’ in Manda
Manda hears them again
Nanny May O’Neill
James’s sister
Teresa’s ( Manda’s mom ) Aunt
Manda’s Great Aunt
Willed all possessions to Manda
Left 2 envelopes to Manda
One letter is personal
One envelope contains money and key to safe deposit box----------(journal ????)
Same birthdate as Manda
Never married
Never had children
Unknow to Manda until Nanny’s death
Unknow to Manda’s mom ( Teresa ) until Nanny’s death
Violet Louise Cochran
Wife of James
Sister-in-law of Nanny May O’Neill ( Teresa’s Aunt) as stated by courthouse
Mother of Teresa ( who is Manda’s mom ) as recorded by courthouse
Unknown to Teresa
Grandmother of Manda as recorded by courthouse
Unknown to Manda
Megan Katherine Simpson ( No Personal Records exist )
Whitman James O’Neill’s wife
Raised Teresa ( Manda’s mom )
Teresa believes her to be her mom
Manda believes her to be her Grandmother
Her birth certificate has never been seen by Teresa
Her marriage lisense has never been seen by Teresa ( insert )
She never spoke of of ‘Live Oaks’ or any relatives recorded at courthouse
Her name and birth information does not exist at courthouse
Whitman James O’Neal ( No Accurate Personal Records Exist )
Megan’s husband
Raised Teresa
Teresa believes him to be her dad
Manda believes him to be her grandfather
His birth certificate has never been seen by Teresa
His marriage license has never been seen by Teresa
He never spoke of ‘ Live Oaks ‘ or any relatives recorded at courthouse
His name and birth information does not exist at courthouse
His first and middle names are reversed from Teresa’s father as recorded by courthouse
Live Oaks
Address:7249 East Sunset Road
Palatial Estate
Built in area of Gulf Shores, Alabama before Gulf Shores established
Built in 1853 to 1855
Built by Patrick Ian O’Neill who sailed over from Ireland
p; Sits on 200 acres on Gulf of Mexico
Private beach
All O’Neills born since 1855 were born at ‘Live Oaks ‘
Willed to Manda by Great Aunt Nanny May O’Neill
Stanley Brand-------- (check name)
Dog trainer
Trains dogs for security purposes
Trains dogs for Gulf Shore’s police departments canine unit
Mr.Lanier calls him about security for Live Oaks
Works at police desk