taken a bullet for me once. I don’t want you to be placed in that position again. Not if I can do something about it. If I lost you because I wasn’t equipped to handle the situation, I’d never forgive myself.”

  Ash swallowed hard. He let out a resigned sigh and nodded. “I understand.”

  “Cael’s right,” Dex said, grabbing his bag off the floor. “We need to step up our game. If Sparks can help us do that, then I’m all for it. Pearce, the Coalition, Hogan? We’re dealing with a whole new type of criminal. They’re strong, smart, and will do whatever is necessary to take anyone down. We can’t give them the means to do that.”

  “The only question is, what’s Sparks’s training going to cost us?” Sloane put his arm around Dex, taking the duffel bag from him. “We don’t know what the end game is with Sparks. She’s not putting in all this time and effort for nothing. At some point, she’s going to want something in return. On a lighter note, see you all at my apartment tomorrow morning.”

  Cael groaned before turning to glare at Calvin. “Thanks for shooting me the day before moving day.”

  Ash gave Cael’s head a kiss. “That’s okay, sweetheart, it means Calvin will have to do twice the lifting.”

  Calvin flipped Ash off before grabbing his jacket. The rest of their team said their good-byes and headed off, leaving Ethan and Calvin alone. Knowing there was no one in there for the time being, Ethan turned to Calvin and drew him close to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

  “You did great,” he said quietly. His partner had been quick thinking, using whatever was available at the time to help him survive, because that’s what Calvin did. Survive.

  Calvin smiled up at him, his blue eyes filled with warmth. “Thank you. Now let’s get out of here. I’m starving. Mom’s invited us over for dinner.”

  Ethan’s eyes lit up, and his stomach rumbled. “Did she…?”

  “Of course she did. She made chicken-and-dumpling casserole, cornbread, fried green tomatoes, and her famous pecan pie. Like she doesn’t know you,” Calvin said with a chuckle.

  A mew escaped Ethan, and his mouth watered. Calvin’s mom made the best southern food ever. Usually he ate so much he wouldn’t be able to move for hours. She knew all his favorites and always cooked up Therian-sized portions, plus leftovers because she knew neither he nor her son liked to cook. Ethan could eat Darla’s cooking every day, though it was probably a good thing he didn’t, or he’d never fit into his uniform. He grabbed Calvin’s hand and pulled him along to hurry him up, making him laugh.

  “I’m driving,” Ethan declared before hurrying out of the locker room with Calvin in tow.

  “Yeah, all right. Just don’t get us pulled over. Again. I have a feeling the next cop might not see jambalaya as a good enough reason not to give you a speeding ticket.”

  They were headed for the elevator when Dex and Sloane showed up. Both were out of breath and flushed. Dex’s uniform shirt was half hanging out, and Sloane’s collar was a mess.

  “I don’t even want to know,” Calvin muttered.

  “Hey, we’re getting some dinner,” Dex said as he tucked in his shirt. “You guys wanna come?”

  Ethan shook his head and pointed to Calvin before patting his belly.

  “Sorry, Mom’s homemade chicken-and-dumpling casserole wins out over air itself. Seriously. There’s no keeping Ethan from my mom’s cooking.”

  Dex’s eyes sparkled. “That’s right. Your mom cooks real southern food. Old-school recipes made from scratch, passed down for generations. Fried green tomatoes?”

  Calvin sighed and took his phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen before placing it to his ear. “Hey, Mom. We got enough for two more? One’s a Therian, the other eats like one. Great. Thanks. Love you too. See you soon.” Calvin hung up and grinned as the elevator pinged. He motioned to the open doors. “After you.”

  Dex and Ethan all but fell over each other trying to get in the elevator. Inside, Ethan gave Dex a shove. Calvin stepped in after Sloane.

  “Yeah, a word of warning. Don’t get between Ethan and my mom’s dumplings.”

  Ethan narrowed his eyes at Dex. I will bust your shit up.

  Dex held his hands up. “I apologize for any disrespect caused while hungry. It’s not me. It’s my stomach.”

  Ethan patted Dex’s shoulder, perhaps a little harder than necessary. Dex shook his head and chuckled. Good food and good company. Today was turning out to be a pretty good day after all.

  Chapter Four

  OH NO you don’t.

  Ethan smacked Dex across the ass with a throw pillow, causing him to give a start. He turned to gape at Ethan.

  “What? Why are you attacking me?”

  You know what you did, and you were about to do it again. Ethan pointed at Sloane, who was bent over a box, organizing its contents. You were going to pounce, and then you’d both disappear to the bathroom for ages and leave me to move the heavy stuff.

  Dex gasped, a hand going to his chest. “I don’t know what you’re insinuating. I was merely checking to see if my partner needed help.”

  Ethan shook his head. The only thing you were checking was your boyfriend’s ass. Ethan grabbed a box and shoved it at Dex. He pointed to the other end of Sloane’s living room.

  “But….” Dex pouted.

  Yeah, nice try. That doesn’t work on me. He folded his arms over his chest and arched an eyebrow at him. Don’t make me carry your ass over there.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m going,” Dex huffed before stomping over to the bookshelf to start packing it up. Ethan shook his head. It was like babysitting two horny teenagers. Sloane straightened, his gaze landing on Dex. He took a step forward, and Ethan cleared his throat.

  “Oh, hey. I didn’t realize you were there,” Sloane said, scratching his head. “Thought you, uh, left with the guys.”

  Ethan shook his head. Nope.

  Sloane shoved his hands into his pockets. “We’ve been at this all morning. You sure you don’t want something to eat? There’s leftover pizza in the fridge.”

  Really? That’s the best you got? Ethan smiled brightly and pointed to the box behind Sloane. Get back to work.

  “What are you, our chaperone? His virtue is way past being salvaged, just so you know. I’ve pretty much annihilated it.” Sloane wriggled his eyebrows before puffing up his chest, clearly proud of himself.

  Ethan wrinkled his nose. That was way more information than I needed to know, but thanks.

  “Hey,” Dex protested from across the room. “You’re as much of a slut for me as I am for you.”

  Sloane let out a resigned sigh. “That’s true.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes. Each of you is as bad as the other. He pointed to the box behind Sloane. Get to work, oh fearless leader.

  With a pout, Sloane returned to his box, giving it a pitiful kick. Dex did the same. Ethan had started putting a box together when the front door opened and Calvin walked in. Oh thank God.

  “All right, guys. We need to load up the van. Ash is double-parked. Rosa and Letty already unpacked the last load at Dex’s. They went for a coffee run.”

  Sloane and Dex each grabbed one of the packed boxes lining the left wall and headed for the door. Calvin turned to Ethan with a smile.

  “I see the supervising is going well.”

  The door closed, and Ethan threw his hands up. “Seriously. I can’t let my guard down for a minute. Those two can’t keep their hands off each other. It’s amazing they leave the house every morning.”

  Calvin shrugged before heading over to the wall of boxes. “It’s kind of sweet, though. I mean, being that in love with someone you can’t help but touch them when they’re near you, wanting to always be in their arms. Like being away from each other is painful. They’re lucky.”

  Ethan frowned. Was that what Calvin wanted? Ethan walked over and took hold of his arm as his partner reached for a box. He worried his bottom lip. He wanted to say something, but he wasn’t sure what. Calvin cocked his head to o
ne side and studied him.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Is that how you feel?”

  Calvin averted his gaze. “I wasn’t implying that… I mean, I don’t want to make things uncomfortable for you.”

  Ethan couldn’t help his surprise. Did Calvin hold back from showing affection so Ethan wouldn’t feel uncomfortable? He took hold of Calvin’s face and kissed him. I’m sorry. There was nothing he wanted more than to give Calvin everything he wanted. He needed a little more time. Please don’t stop loving me, wanting me. God, I do want you so bad. I need—

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Ethan gave a start. He turned to find Ash, Cael, Dex, and Sloane standing there frowning at him. He gave them a sheepish smile.

  “No, you know what? If there’s no sexy times for me and Sloane, then none of you are getting any either.” Dex jumped on the couch and addressed the room, pointing to everyone one by one, starting with Ethan. “No sexy times for you.” Then Calvin. “None for you.” He pointed to Ash. “None for you.” He pointed at Cael. “Definitely none for you.” He ignored Cael rolling his eyes and moved to Sloane. “Sorry, babe, none for you either. We’re all chaste until moving is over.”

  Ash let out a laugh. “You and Sloane, chaste? That’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all year! You two can’t go one day without boning each other. All Sloane has to do is look at you, and you drop your pants.”

  “Hey, I have self-control,” Dex said with a sniff.

  Ash and Cael looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Yeah, Ethan didn’t buy it either. Sloane took a sudden interest in a piece of tape stuck to his shirt.

  “What? You’re saying I don’t?”

  Ash reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bill. “Fifty bucks says you two can’t go forty-eight hours without getting off.”

  Dex eyed Ash warily. “What are the rules?”

  “What I said. No getting off. Kissing is fine. Nothing else. Who wants in on this? Easiest money you’ll ever make.”

  Calvin pulled out his wallet and handed Ash a fifty. Cael followed suit. Ash smiled sweetly. “I’m gonna put in for Rosa and Letty, because we all know they’re going to jump in on this.” Sloane handed Ash fifty bucks. Dex gaped at his boyfriend.

  “Dude, you’re betting against us? What the hell?”

  Sloane shrugged. “I’m being realistic.”

  “That’s it. We’re doing this.” Dex jumped off the couch and marched over to Sloane. He poked him in the chest. “It’s on now.”

  Ethan gave Ash his fifty, smiling apologetically when Dex gaped at him.

  “You too? I thought we were bros?”

  Ethan shrugged. We are, just, let’s face it, you’re going to lose.

  “All right. Let’s get the van filled up. You can collect your winnings from me on Monday.” Ash laughed as Dex flipped him off. “Oh, and just for shits and giggles, that’s thirty minutes of silence.”

  Dex stared at him. He spun on his heels and stormed over to the wall to pick up a box. On the way to the door, he stopped next to Ash and glared at him some more. It was more likely Dex was cursing him out in his head. Then he marched off.

  Ash sighed. “I have a feeling this is going to be a great weekend.”

  They all laughed and grabbed boxes to take downstairs. Cael stayed in the truck to organize, and in no time they had the whole thing full. Ethan thanked his lucky stars Sloane was moving into Dex’s and not the other way around. He’d been to Dex’s basement. It was scary. Dex had used his Tetris skills to fill it to capacity. Who knew what was down there. The guy was a pack rat. He’d deny it until his dying breath, but he was definitely a pack rat. The fact that the majority of what was in his basement belonged in the eighties didn’t change a thing.

  Soon they were on their way to Dex’s house. Rosa had called Cael to let them know she and Letty had picked up everyone’s coffee order along with some pastries. There was still the bedroom and living room to finish packing up, but they’d done the kitchen, dining room, hall, closets, and bathroom. While they packed, Rosa and Letty moved the boxes they dropped off into the right rooms in Dex’s house and helped unpack, organizing and even putting stuff away. It was like a military operation with how smoothly and quickly everything went on their end. Now that he thought about it, there was probably a reason they chose to be where the rest of their team wasn’t.

  While their coffees cooled down, they all unpacked the van. By the time they were done, Ethan had worked up quite a sweat. Luckily the cool air kept him from getting too hot. They left the van parked outside and decided to take a little rest. The living room was filled with boxes, some unpacked and a few empty and waiting to be tossed into the back of the van to be reused. Ethan was definitely ready for a little caffeine boost.

  Dex checked his watch for the umpteenth time, his big smile telling Ethan his thirty minutes of induced silence was about up. “Yes!” He shouted, startling Rosa.

  “Me cago en diez. Really, Dex?”

  Dex opened his mouth to reply, then looked at Ash warily. When Ash chuckled and continued to unpack, Dex let out a sigh of relief.

  “I’m so enjoying this,” Ash said to no one in particular. Ethan couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Ash this happy. It didn’t take much, did it.

  Dex took a sip of his drink and frowned. “This isn’t my triple shot mochaccino. This is hot chocolate.”

  “It’s not there?” Letty asked, checking the cup labels. “I know I definitely picked it up. It was bucket sized, with enough whip cream to give me diabetes.”

  Calvin checked the other cups on the island counter that hadn’t been picked up yet. “These are all coffees. Who ordered the hot chocolate? Maybe they got them mixed up.”

  Sloane went pensive. “Is there anyone who doesn’t drink coffee?”

  “Oh shit.” Dex’s eyes went wide.

  “What’s wrong?” Calvin asked worriedly.

  “Cael. He’s the only one who can’t drink coffee.”

  “Why’s that again?” Letty asked.

  “Cheetah Therian metabolism and his general Cael-ness. That shit makes him—”

  “Dex! Dex, look! Deeex, you’re not looking! Looook at meee! Dex!”

  They all turned toward the dining room, and Ethan couldn’t help his laugh. Dex on the other hand looked horrified. Cael stood on top of the dinner table wrapped in bubble wrap from his shoulders to his ankles. Ethan cocked his head to one side. How the heck had he managed that without any help?

  “It’s like being in a big squishy bubble!”

  “How much of the coffee did you drink?” Dex asked, hurrying over to his brother.

  “You know I don’t drink coffee. I had hot chocolate. All of it! Oh my God, there was so much whip cream!” Cael bent his knees, and Dex gasped.

  “Don’t you dare! Cael, no!”

  “Dex, I think I can hear colors,” Cael whispered loudly, his pupils dilated. “Your T-shirt sounds like Journey.”

  “Oh dear God. Ash, help me out here.”

  Ash made his way over just as Cael launched himself off the table. Ethan was enthralled. It was like watching a weird action movie in slow motion. Ash dove for Cael, catching him before he could hit the floor. Cael landed on him and bounced off, rolling slowly across the wood floor with a frown on his face.

  “Ash,” Cael huffed, “I was fine. The bubbles were going to break my fall.”

  Ash crawled over to Cael and helped him sit up. “The floor was going to break your fall, and your head, you monkey.”

  “Nuh-uh.” Cael squirmed and tried to wriggle away. He paused and giggled. “Your T-shirt sounds like the Spice Girls.”

  “Thank you. I’m officially horrified. No more jumping off furniture.” Ash kissed the top of Cael’s head, then tore the bubble wrap off him. Before he had a chance to get up, Cael was already sprinting into the living room.

  “Oh my God, Ash! Look at this huge box!”

  Ash swore under his breath
before chasing after him. Ethan paused to look around. Why was no one recording this? Cael tried to strip while Ash did his best to stop him, but Cael was determined to shift into his Therian form to play in the giant box. Ethan had to admit he was tempted. There was enough room in there for at least two of them in their Therian forms. Maybe. Okay, maybe one of them. It was so big and cardboard-y. He did love a good box….

  “Don’t even think about it,” Calvin murmured, bursting his bubble. “You wouldn’t fit in there.”

  I don’t have to fit in there. The fun part is trying to fit. Ethan huffed and folded his arms over his chest. Party pooper. Humans were walking contradictions. When they were little they loved boxes as much as Felid Therians. Then they grew up, and suddenly they were too mature to play in boxes, yet many of them spent their lives working inside cubes.

  For every piece of clothing Ash attempted to keep on Cael, another piece came off. Until Cael’s attention was seized by a rustling sound. He gasped.

  “Packing peanuts!”

  Calvin took a sip of his cappuccino. “So that’s what happens when he has coffee. I always wondered.”

  Dex went to the fridge and grabbed three bottles of water. “It hasn’t even fully kicked in yet. If we don’t move quickly, he’s going to shift, pounce all over the place, climb the freakin’ walls, and scratch the shit out of whatever he can get his little cheetah Therian claws on before he passes out from exhaustion.” Dex turned to Sloane with a somber expression. “Babe, your pouf is about to become a casualty of war.”

  “Not my pouf!” Sloane darted off to save the round pouf that resembled the Death Star. Ethan had thought it was Dex’s. Apparently there was a lot they still didn’t know about their Team Leader.

  Dex let out a dreamy sigh. “One day I’m gonna marry that man.” With a chuckle, he headed off in Ash and Cael’s direction. Cael was emptying all the packing peanuts into the giant box. How come Cael gets to have all the fun? Dex handed Ash a bottle of water.

  Ash took it and tried to get it into Cael’s hand. “Sweetheart, you need to have some water. Lots of water.”

  “But I’m not thirsty. What should we do with all the peanuts?” Cael continued to pour packing peanuts into the box while Letty and Rosa snickered in amusement at their partners from their perch on the love seat. They sipped their coffees and munched on their donuts.

  “Let’s build a peanut pit! Like a ball pit but with packing peanuts!” Cael said excitedly. He was actually bouncing. Ethan gave him five minutes before he was stripping again.

  Dex returned and leaned against the counter, shaking his head in amusement.

  “So you’re going to leave Ash to it?” Calvin asked. “What about all the furniture you were worried about? Also, I’ve never seen Sloane move that fast. Has he always been a closet nerd, or was it all your doing?”

  Ethan would have put his money on it being Dex’s influence. It would also explain the gallons of coffee Sloane now consumed on a daily basis or the occasional eighties song Ethan heard Sloane humming.

  “Nope. He’s always been a closet nerd. Speaking of, he’s got a cardboard cutout of Han Solo in his bedroom closet. It’s on the left side to the back. I didn’t tell you. Pretend you stumbled across it. And yes, I’m going to let Ash take care of it. He has to learn how to handle these types of Cael-mergencies.”

  “Cael, sweetheart, please get out of the box.” Ash held a bottle of water out to him. “Or at least drink this.”

  Ethan pointed to the box and Cael, who was already nestled in the packing peanuts. I think Ash needs more training in that department.

  Cael smiled sweetly up at Ash. “I’ll take the water if you join me.”



  Ash let out a heavy sigh. “Because I don’t fit.”

  “Get your phone ready.” Dex dug into his pocket and pulled out his smartphone. At that moment Sloane reappeared.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Cael’s asked Ash to join him in the box,” Calvin replied with a chuckle.

  Sloane wrapped his arms around Dex. “You think he’ll do it?”

  “Are you kidding me? Cael’s about to bust out the sad puppy face. Not even my dad’s immune to that shit. Ash is finished, and he knows it.”