Page 18 of Breaking Hollywood

  “And, when it came to my parents, I definitely didn’t want that getting out, so I had my lawyer take them NDAs to sign, saying they’d never talk about me and Tate to the press. I couldn’t have the fact that my parents were in prison for racketeering and murder in the papers. And I didn’t want it fucking up Tate’s life either. They’d screwed things up enough for the both of us already. I had us back on track, and I wasn’t going to risk them fucking it up when they saw my face on TV.”

  “Did they sign the NDAs?”

  He rubs his hand over his jaw, sadness filling his eyes. “Surprisingly, yes. Maybe they thought they owed us for fucking up our lives. I don’t know. I’m just glad they did.”

  “God, Gabe. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t worry. I just dropped a mother lode in your lap. And it’s not a story you hear every day. You probably need some time to digest it.” He gets up. “You want a drink? Brandy’s always good for shock.”

  I stare up at him. “I’m not in shock, Gabe.”

  I reach up and take hold of his hand, and he lets me.

  “Yes, it’s a lot to digest. But I’m just so sorry that things were so hard for you back then.”

  His eyes narrow at me, hard and black. “I don’t want your fucking pity, Ava.”

  I get to my feet, standing in front of him. “You don’t have it. I don’t pity you. But I am allowed to feel sorry for what you went through with your parents. And, honestly, I don’t think prostitution is a great way to earn money, but I don’t think it’s horrific if done in the right circumstances and for the right reasons. And yours was. How could anyone think that what you did to keep you and your brother together was a terrible thing? If they did, then they’d be fucking idiots. I’m just sorry that it made you feel bad toward the end, and I’m so glad that lady gave you an opportunity to get out and change your life.”

  He’s staring at me. There’s a multitude of emotions in his eyes. But I’m not sure where his head is.

  “It doesn’t change how you see me?” His words are almost a whisper.

  “Only that I see all of you now. And it makes you even more amazing in my eyes.”

  He looks confused. Like he can’t make sense of the words I said. “And you still want to be with me, even after knowing that I used to fuck women for money?”

  “Can’t say I like to hear about you fucking other women in general, so let’s not say that anymore.” I step closer to him. “But, yes, Gabe, I still want to be with you. Nothing in this world could make me not want to be with you. Apart from if you cheated on me. Because then I would have to chop your dick off, and that wouldn’t be good ’cause I’d have to go to jail. Or you stole money from me, which would be weird ’cause it’s not exactly like you need it. Or if you—”


  “Stop rambling, I know. I don’t mean to. I just—”

  “I love you.”


  He steps into my body and takes my face in his hands. “I love you. I’m in love with you or what-the-fuck-ever you want to call it. I’m in it with you.”

  He loves me.

  Tears well in my eyes. And my heart is going crazy in my chest right now. “I love you, too. You know that, right?”

  A smile edges his lips. “I do now.”

  Then, he kisses me so hard and passionately that it knocks the breath from my lungs.

  He presses his forehead to mine. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”

  “I ran you over with my car.”

  “And being with you is worth the broken foot, Speedy.”

  “I think that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  He tips his head back, staring into my eyes. “And me just telling you that I’m in love with you wasn’t?”

  “Of course it was. I meant, that’s the second sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  He pulls me into his arms. “Nice save.”

  “I thought so.”

  He chuckles softly and holds me even tighter. And I don’t ever want him to let go.


  It’s eight thirty a.m., and I’ve just climbed back into Gabe’s bed after letting Gucci out onto the terrace to do her morning business. I’m snuggled into his warm body when the intercom starts to ring.

  “It’s probably the cleaners.” Gabe sighs. “I’ll go let them in.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll go. I move faster than you do anyway.”

  “Not for much longer.” He swats my ass as I get out of bed.

  I speed walk out of his bedroom, jog over to the intercom, and pick the receiver up. “Good morning, Harry.”

  “Good morning, Miss Ava. The cleaners are here.”

  “Let them up, please.”

  I hang up the receiver and go back into the bedroom.

  “It is the cleaners,” I say, but I’m talking to myself, as the bed’s empty. I hear water running in the bathroom.

  When I go in the bathroom, he’s at the sink, brushing his teeth, with the faucet going.

  “Is it the cleaners?” he asks in between brushing.


  “Cool. Well, get your ass ready because I’m taking you out.”

  “You are?”

  He spits and rinses his brush under the faucet. “Yep. We’re going out for breakfast.”

  “Like a date?”

  “Yes, Speedy, like a date.”

  “You’ve never taken me on a date before.”

  He comes close and slides his arms around my waist. I press my hands to his bare chest and gaze up at him.

  “I’m well aware of that fact. Hence, I’m taking you out for our first date today. To rectify me being a bad boyfriend.”

  “You’re not a bad boyfriend.”

  “I am. But I’m working on being a better one for you.”

  “No need. You’re perfect as you are.”

  “Even when I’m being an ass?”

  I slide my hands to his butt and give his cheeks a squeeze. “Even then.”

  He smiles and leans down to give me a minty kiss.


  “Can I have pancakes on our breakfast date?” I ask him.

  “You can have whatever you want.”

  He gives me one more kiss and then goes and turns the shower on.

  I brush my teeth while he takes off the boot and his boxer shorts, and then he climbs under the spray.

  I finish brushing and put my toothbrush back. “I’m going to get a shower,” I tell him.

  “Get in here with me.”

  “No way.” I laugh. “I get in there with you, and I know what’ll happen. And I am definitely not having sex with you while the cleaners are here.”

  He laughs and pokes his head around the shower screen. “Come on, baby. Get in the shower with me.”


  “I’ve got something for you. It’s about nine inches, and it loves your pussy a whole lot.” He palms his cock, knowing I can see through the glass.

  “You’re a deviant.”

  He grins seductively at me.

  My clit throbs.

  “I’m going!”

  I bolt out the door to the sound of his laughter.

  I walk out of Gabe’s bedroom and straight into Sadie.

  “Oh, hey, I was looking for you,” she says.

  And those are the most words she’s said to me since I first met her.

  “You were?”

  “Yeah. My boss has implemented this new form we have to get signed by each job that we do. It’s just to prove that we’ve been here and done the work.”

  “Oh, right. Do you need me to get Gabe to sign it? ’Cause he’s in the shower at the minute.”

  “No. It’ll be fine if you do it, as you live here.” She smiles and holds out a pen and a sheet of paper to me.

  It’s the first time she’s ever smiled at me as well.

  I take the pen and paper from her.

  My eyes drift over it. The cleaning compa
ny logo is at the top.

  “Just print and sign your name and date it at the bottom.” She points to the dotted line.

  I scribble my name down. And then I sign and date it. I hand the pen and paper back to her.

  She folds up the paper and puts it along with the pen in the pocket of her dustcoat.

  “Thanks,” she says. Then, she turns and walks off.

  I head into my bedroom to get showered and ready for my breakfast date with Gabe.

  I’m ready for breakfast. My hair is down and straight. Makeup light. And I’m wearing my Zara paisley-print maxi dress and jeweled white flip-flops.

  I look good for our first official date.

  And he loves me.

  I just need to keep reminding myself of that because it’s so amazing.

  I grab my bag and head for my bedroom door.

  “Come on, Gucci.”

  She jumps down from her spot on the bed. She kept me company while I got ready. I hate to leave her behind, but I can’t take her to a restaurant with us. I’ll leave her in the kitchen with her favorite food—sliced apples and pears.

  Gabe is sitting in the living room when I appear. He puts out the cigarette he was smoking and lets out a low whistle that makes me smile from ear to ear.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Right back at ya, handsome.”

  He’s wearing a pair of navy-blue cargo shorts and a light-blue button-up shirt.

  “You ready?”

  “I just need to feed Gucci, and I’m good to go.”

  “She’s coming with us,” he says.

  “Oh. I didn’t think I’d be able to take her to a food place.”

  “We can take her where we’re going.”

  “Okay. I’ll just grab her harness and lead.”

  I grab her stuff from the kitchen, go back to the living room, and put them on her.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  “Yep. I’ll just grab your car keys.”

  “No need. I’ve got a car waiting downstairs.”

  “Oh. Well, okay. Lead the way then.”

  He takes hold of my free hand, and he leads me and Gucci into the elevator.

  A town car is waiting for us outside his building. The driver is standing by the car. He opens the door for us.

  I get in first with Gucci, and then Gabe slides in next to me.

  I fasten the seat belt through her harness and put my seat belt on. She climbs into my lap, and I stroke her head.

  “So, where are we going?” I ask Gabe.

  “Not far.” He smiles.

  Twenty minutes later, in Beverly Glen, we pull up outside his field—or his piece of land, as I should probably call it.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask him.

  “Having breakfast.”

  The driver opens the door, and Gabe takes his seat belt off and climbs out. I take my seat belt off and unclip Gucci. With her in my arms, I take the hand that Gabe offers to me.

  “I’ll call you when I need you,” Gabe tells the driver.

  Keeping hold of my hand, Gabe walks us across the field. We veer off a little to the left where there’s a big old oak tree. And underneath the oak tree, laid out, is a huge dark blue picnic blanket with a light-blue wooden block in the middle, like a makeshift table. On the table are plates and cutlery. Flowers in a small vase. Candles. Champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne in a wine bucket. And beside it is one of those old-fashioned wicker picnic baskets.

  I turn to him, smiling from ear to ear. “You did this?”

  “I paid for someone to do this, but, yeah. You like?”

  “I love.” I reach up on my toes and kiss him. “It’s so romantic. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  “Neither did I.”

  We sit on the blanket. Gucci sits next to me. Poor Gabe doesn’t look the most comfortable with his booted leg stretched out.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “I’m fine. Just can’t wait to get this fucking thing off.”

  “Not long now.”

  “No. And then I can fuck my girl with all four working limbs.”

  A thrill shoots through me at the thought.

  “I’ve been more than satisfied with what you can do with three working limbs, so I can’t wait to see what you can do with four.”

  “You won’t be able to walk straight for a week,” he says, the words a sexy growl.

  I take him at his word because I know he means it. And I can’t freaking wait.

  He opens the champagne with a pop that makes Gucci jump, so I stroke her to soothe her. Gabe pours the champagne into two glasses.

  I pick mine up and hold it out. “Toast?”

  “To us.” He taps his glass against mine.

  “And to my bad driving that brought us together.”

  “So, you finally admit that you’re a shitty driver.”

  “I admit nothing.” I grin and take a sip of my champagne. The bubbles go straight to my head.

  Gabe opens up the picnic basket. “I hope you’re hungry ’cause there’s a fuckload of food in here.”

  “I’m starving,” I tell him.

  “I got some food for Gucci, too.” He pulls out a Tupperware container and pulls the lid off. “Chopped apples, pears, grapes, and strawberries. That okay for her?”

  The fact that he brought food for her warms my insides.

  “That’s more than okay.” I beam at him.

  “What?” His brows push together as he hands her container of food over to me.

  “You love her.”


  “Gucci. She’s grown on you. Go on, you can admit it. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Fine,” he huffs. “I like her. But I don’t fucking love her. She’s a goat, for fuck’s sake.”

  I’ll take that. It’s the best I’m going to get from him.

  “I love you,” I tell him.

  His eyes meet mine. “Love you, too. Now, feed your damn goat, so we can eat.”

  I blow him a kiss and put Gucci’s food out for her while Gabe serves up our breakfast.

  Waffles, pancakes, and fresh fruit. Fresh bread rolls and a selection of cheeses.

  This man knows the way to my heart.

  When I’m stuffed to the brim and I can’t fit in another thing, I move over to Gabe’s side and lie down, resting my head on his good leg. Gucci is wandering nearby, sniffing some flowers.

  “I love it here,” I tell him, looking up at him.

  He brushes my hair off my forehead. “I’ve been in touch with an architect.”

  “You have?”

  He nods. “I told him what I’m looking for here. He came to scope it out the other day. Said he’s going to draw some plans up and come back to me with them next week.”

  “Wow. That’s exciting. You’re finally going to build your home.”

  “Yeah.” He runs his fingers through the strands of my hair as he stares out at the stunning view of the reservoir.

  “Well, I’m super happy for you. What did you tell him you wanted?”

  His eyes come down to mine. “A ranch-style house. With a paddock. And a swimming pool.”

  That’s what I said I’d put here if I were building a house.

  “You stealing my ideas?” I tease.

  “No. Just kinda hoping, if I build your dream house, it will give you a reason to stay.”

  My mouth dries, and my heart starts to hammer in my chest.

  Is he saying what I think he’s saying? No, surely not.

  I sit up and turn to face him. “You could build a shack, and I’d stay. I’m here for you, Gabe. Nothing else.”

  His fingers trace a line along my jaw. “Speedy, I want to build you a house because I want you to live in it with me.”



  “I know that it might seem soon, but we’ve been living together from the start. Before I was even in love with you. Living with you, spending all that time with you, is what made me fall in l
ove with you. So, why wait? Don’t look for an apartment. Stay with me at my apartment. Live with me permanently. And, when the house is built, move there with me. You and Gucci.”

  “Gabe, I…” I’m struggling for words for the first time in my life.

  “Don’t think about it. Just say yes.”

  I stare at him, thinking this is crazy but knowing it feels right.

  I press my hands to his face and kiss his mouth hard.

  “Yes,” I whisper against his lips. “Yes, you beautiful, crazy man. Of course I’ll live with you.”


  We’re on the way to the hospital, so I can finally have this fucking boot taken off. I can’t believe it’s been six weeks since Speedy literally crashed into my life.

  And, now, I’m in love with her, and she loves me back. And we’re going to build a future together.

  It’s nuts but amazing. I’ve never been happier than I am with her now.

  No one gets me like she does. No one makes me laugh harder or turns me on like she does.

  She knows the worst things about me, and she still loves me.

  She’s incredible. And I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

  With a smile on my face, I roll my window down and light up a cigarette. Then, I reach across the console and take hold of her hand.

  She glances at me and smiles, and my insides light up.

  I’m like a lovesick puppy over her, and I don’t care.

  She’s mine, and I’m never letting her go.

  She drops me off at the front of the hospital and insists I go inside while she parks the car.

  Instead of going upstairs, I grab some coffees and wait for her.

  Her face brightens when she sees me. “I thought I told you to go upstairs.”

  I hand her the black coffee and kiss her mouth. “Since when do I ever listen to you?”

  “True dat.”

  Chuckling, I catch hold of her hand, and we ride the elevator up to the X-ray department.

  Tate said he’d meet us there, as he wants to run an X-ray after he’s taken the boot off just to make sure everything’s okay. But I’m sure it is because my foot feels fine. I just want this fucking thing off for good.

  Tate is waiting for us in reception when we get there.

  “Hey, brother.” I hug him. In a manly way, of course.

  “Hey, Ava.” Tate kisses her on the cheek.

  My brother is fully up to speed on the status of my and Speedy’s relationship.