Page 9 of Breaking Hollywood

  “Perfect. What’s the movie about?”

  “It’s an espionage thriller.”

  “Wow. Sounds really good.”

  “You got that from espionage thriller? Fuck, I must be a better actor than I thought.”

  “You’re such a dick.” I laugh, shaking my head.

  He cups his hand around his ear. “I have a huge dick? Why, thank you, Speedy. I didn’t know you knew. Have you been sneaking peeks when getting me out of the bath?”

  “No. Because I can keep control of my eyes, unlike you,” I say indignantly, pointing in the direction of the girls.

  His eyes meet mine. “So, what you’re saying is, if you couldn’t keep control of your eyes, you’d sneak a look at my cock?”


  “Because you don’t have to sneak a look. Just say the word, and I’ll show you my monster cock anytime.”

  “You have a monster cock? That sounds terrifying!” I snort. It must be the wine, loosening me up a bit. I always get giddy from vino.

  “Monstrous in size but absolutely fucking glorious to look at.” He winks. “And a total beast in bed.”

  I burst out laughing. “You crack me up!”

  Yep, I must be tipsy. Not that I’ve had that much to drink. God, I’m such a cheap date.

  “Right back at ya, babe.” He chuckles.


  He called me babe.

  I really need to stop with the wine.

  We finish dinner, and Gabe polishes off the second bottle of wine.

  I’m just stacking the plates on the tray when Gabe starts to get up.

  “You okay?” I ask him, as he seems to be struggling a bit.

  “Yeah. I’ve just gone a bit stiff.”

  I go over to him and offer him my hand. He takes it, and I try to ignore the fireworks that go off in my stomach.

  He puts his other hand on the sofa and pushes up as I pull.

  He comes upright, but because he’s on one leg—and also probably because of the amount of alcohol he’s consumed and the fact that I’m not feeling the steadiest after the wine—he tips forward, onto me, grabbing hold of my waist. And I grab his biceps, using every ounce of strength to stop us both from going down.

  “Shit, sorry,” he says.

  “It’s fine.” I smile up at him.

  Then, I’m acutely aware of how close we actually are. My breasts are just brushing his chest.

  And we’re still touching.

  My hands on his arms.

  His hands on my waist.

  I feel his fingers flex against me.

  I suddenly feel hotter. My breaths start to come in shorter.

  I see his eyes darken.

  Then, they drop to my mouth.

  I lick my lips.

  He’s going to kiss me. Holy shit, he’s going to kiss me…


  No, he’s not.

  He lets me go and is grabbing his crutches, tucking them under his arms.

  “Thanks for the save,” he says. Then, he’s moving, hobbling out of the living room.

  Okay then. Guess I read that moment wrong.

  For the best really.

  I sigh.

  Gucci comes up alongside me and rubs her head against my leg.

  I reach down and pick up the tray with the plates. “Come on, baby girl, let’s go do the dishes.”


  I lied to Speedy before.

  I told her that my parents were dead.

  They’re not.

  It’s a lie I’ve told with ease hundreds of times before. But, for some reason, it’s bugging me that I lied to her.

  And it shouldn’t.

  I mean, it’s not exactly like I can tell her the truth. About anything from my past.

  So then, why am I lying in bed an hour later, wide awake? And, trust me, I’m not the type of guy who lies in bed, analyzing shit. I’m the type of guy who falls asleep as soon as his head hits the fucking pillow.

  And it doesn’t help, knowing that she’s down the hall, all sexy as shit, quite possibly naked—okay, that’s wishful thinking on my part. But she’s here, staying under my roof, and it isn’t making things any easier on the sleeping front.

  I sigh and throw my arm over my eyes.

  And, now, all I can see in my mind is her. How she was looking at me earlier.

  I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad in that moment. She was right there in my arms, and it would’ve been so easy to take her.

  Now, I’m a strong man. I’ve resisted women before and not lost a minute’s sleep over it. But, fuck, it took every ounce of strength to resist her.

  And, worse, I know she wanted me to kiss her.

  That’s not me being arrogant. I just know women. And I know when they want me.

  Speedy wanted me to kiss her, no doubt.

  I could feel it in the way her body responded to me. The way her pupils dilated when her eyes hit mine. How her nipples hardened, brushing against my chest. The short gasps of her breath. The way her tongue swept her lower lip.

  And, now, I’m hard.

  Just fucking great.

  I curl my hand around my cock, squeezing it through my boxer shorts.

  I deserve a fucking medal for stepping away from her in that moment.

  Knowing that she would have let me kiss her if I’d made a move only makes it so much harder to stay away from her.

  But I don’t get involved with people I work with. And I definitely do not fuck people I pay a salary to.

  And I never will.

  But I can fuck her in my head.

  I push my boxer shorts down my ass and take hold of my aching cock.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I let my mind flood with the images of Speedy that I’ve been trying to ignore all night.

  I stroke up my cock, thinking of her bending over earlier, when I could see her tits down her top.

  I let that play into fantasy.

  I tell her to come to me. She does willingly. She climbs onto my lap. I take her mouth in a rough kiss, tangling my fingers into her hair. Then, I pull her back and yank the front of her dress down, revealing those gorgeous tits of hers.

  “Fuck,” I groan. My grip on my shaft tightens, and I start jacking it with determined strokes.

  I take her tit in my mouth, sucking and biting the nipple, while I slide my hand up her thigh, reaching her pussy. She’s not wearing panties. And she’s fucking soaked.

  My hand is flying up and down my cock. Harder. Faster.

  I push a finger inside her, rubbing her clit with my thumb.

  She moans my name.

  “Get my cock out,” I tell her.

  She quickly unzips me, freeing my dick. Wasting no time, I lift her up and impale her with my cock. She screams.

  I start jackhammering her from beneath.


  My hand can’t go fast enough.

  I need to come.

  Her nails dig into my shoulders. “Fuck me harder, Gabe.”


  I’m fucking my fist, desperately chasing relief.

  My balls tighten up, telling me I’m close.

  Her tits bounce as I fuck her. She’s so fucking hot.

  I grab her head and pull her mouth down onto mine.

  My other hand grips my balls as I squeeze my fist tighter around my cock.

  Ava. Ava. Fuck.

  My cock is buried in her tight pussy, my tongue thrusting deep in her mouth.

  “Mine,” I tell her.

  Pleasure surges down my spine, my muscles contracting, and—

  Fuck! My fucking foot!

  And I’m coming in my hand. Pleasure and pain rack my body.

  “Fuck,” I groan.

  My foot is killing me. But, God, it was so worth it.

  I take a minute to catch my breath, and then I pull my boxer shorts up and slide out of bed.

  Using one crutch, I go to the bathroom and wash my hands.

  I need a smoke. I always do aft
er sex or a good jacking off. And my foot is throbbing, so I’ll grab a drink to take the edge off the pain.

  Still using the one crutch, I hobble toward the kitchen.

  When I push the door open, I see the utility room light is on, and the door is ajar.


  I know Gucci is sleeping in there tonight, but I’m surprised that Speedy left the door open.

  I flick the kitchen light on and go over to the utility room. I push the door open wider.

  And there, asleep on my floor, with her head on the goat’s fluffy pink fucking bed and the goat curled up against her, is the object of my jacking-off desire.

  And she’s wearing barely there pajama shorts and a tank top.

  My dick instantly goes hard at the sight.

  Jesus fucking Christ.

  I close my eyes, pinch the bridge of my nose, and count to ten until my dick gets the message and goes down.

  Then, I say her name, but she doesn’t rouse.

  So, I move closer.

  “Speedy,” I say a little louder.


  “Why are you asleep on the floor?”

  “Huh?” She blinks open her eyes and looks up at me.

  I stare down at her, amused. “Do you not like the bed I gave you to sleep in?”

  “Oh. No. I mean, yes, of course I do.” She sits up and rubs her eyes, and the goat is immediately awake. “Gucci wouldn’t settle when I tried to put her to bed. So, I came to lie down with her to get her to sleep. She’s used to sleeping with me. I must have fallen asleep.”

  “You let the goat sleep in your bed?”

  “Yeah. Of course I do.”

  I have nothing. So, I say nothing.

  And then my eyes make the mistake of going lower, and, Christ al-fucking-mighty, I can see her nipples through her top.

  “Well, you can’t sleep here. Let’s get you to bed.”

  I put my hand out to her, but she ignores it.

  “If I leave her, she’ll cry.”

  “And then she’ll go to sleep when she’s done crying.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “I’m not doing that. That would be cruel.”

  “No, it would be called the goat doing as it’s told.”

  “Stop being horrible. And she’s not called goat; she’s called Gucci.”

  She folds her arms over her tits, and for once, I’m relieved because she’s covering those goddamn nipples up.

  “Anyway, how does where I sleep affect you?”

  My stare darkens. “It doesn’t. Sleep there for all I care. But, when you wake up, stiff as fuck, don’t come crying to me.”

  I make it as far as the door before the guilt hits, and I stop and growl out, “For fuck’s sake! Fine! Take the goddamn goat in your bedroom with you. But, if it wrecks anything—”

  “The money comes out of my wages. I got it. You’re the freaking best, Gabe.”

  And then do you know what she fucking does?

  She presses herself up against my back and wraps her slender arms around my stomach, and she motherfucking hugs me.

  Great. Now, I’m gonna have to go jack off again. There’s no doubt about it.

  “Go on then. Get to bed.” My tone is testy, but I’m too wired to care.

  “Come on, Gucci,” she coos, moving past me and into the kitchen.

  And the goat trots on after her.

  I shut the utility room light off and move through the kitchen.

  She’s holding the door open for me.

  I shut the kitchen light off, plunging us into darkness.

  “You need me to do anything before I hit the hay?”

  Suck me off. Show me your tits. Let me fuck you seven ways till Sunday.

  “No. I’m good.”

  I see her smile in the darkness.

  “Thanks again, Gabe. I really do appreciate you.” Then, she puts her hand on my shoulder, reaches up, and kisses me on the cheek.

  Her lips are soft against my rough stubble.

  She smells like apples and sex. Really great fucking sex.

  “Sleep well,” she whispers, withdrawing. Then, she’s walking down the hallway, disappearing into her room.

  And I’m left with another raging hard-on.

  “Jesus Christ,” I mutter, dragging a hand through my hair.

  I stomp back to my bedroom—well, stomp as best as I can with a broken foot and boner. I drop down onto my bed, tossing my crutch across the room in frustration.

  Goddamn hot chick in my house, driving me fucking crazy.

  Why did I have to say she could stay here and that I’d pay her for taking care of me?

  I could be balls deep in her right now if I’d kept my big fucking mouth shut.

  Goddamn it!

  I need a drink.

  Ah, fuck!

  I forgot to get a whiskey because of her sexy ass sleeping on my floor, and I didn’t even get to have a smoke.

  I swear, she’s doing this shit on purpose just to torture me.

  I grab the pillow from under my head and cover my face with it.

  “For fuck’s sake!” I growl into it.

  A few days ago, this woman wasn’t even on my radar, and now, she’s invading my headspace and my home.

  I take hold of my throbbing dick and squeeze hard.

  Speedy is going to be the death of me. I swear it.




  “Baaahhh! Baaahhh!”

  I blink open my heavy eyes to see that fucking goat inches from my face, staring at me.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Go away, goat. I’m trying to sleep.” I shut my eyes, ignoring it.

  “Baaahhh! Baaahhh! Baaahhh!”

  “For fuck’s sake! You shouldn’t even be in here. Will you shut—ow!” My hand goes to my nose, my eyes flying open.

  She fucking head-butted me!

  The damn goat just head-butted me in the face.

  “You little bitch,” I growl at her.

  She rears back and tries to head-butt me again. I stop her with my hand pressed to her, but she won’t give up, pushing against my hand.

  It’d be funny if I hadn’t just been head-butted in the face. I check my nose with my hand to make sure it’s not bleeding while simultaneously keeping the goat away with the other hand.

  “Jesus, Gucci, will you knock it off?”

  She backs off from my hand, and I think she got the message, but the little bitch hasn’t gotten the message at all.

  She starts to back away, and I can see it in her eyes.

  “Don’t you dare.” I point at her, warning her, as I sit myself up.

  But does she listen?

  Nope. The little bastard charges.


  I try to catch her, but she manages to butt me in the arm.

  “Fuck! Little fucker! Speedy! Get your ass in here! Your goat’s gone mental!”

  Gucci is head-butting any part of my body that she can. I grab hold of her and try to stop her, but she’s a strong little fucker.

  Moments later, Speedy comes bursting into my room, looking like she just leaped out of bed. “What’s going on? What are you doing to Gucci?”

  “What am I doing? Stopping your goat from butting the hell out of me—that’s what I’m doing! She’s gone fucking mental! I woke up to a head-butt in the face, and now, she won’t stop butting me!”

  “Gucci! Stop,” she says in a firm tone.

  But she’s fighting laughter; I can tell.

  At the sound of Speedy’s voice, the goat immediately stops fighting me. She wriggles free from me and trots over to Speedy, like nothing just happened.

  Psycho goat.

  Speedy picks her up. “You shouldn’t be in here, baby girl. Now, what have you been doing to Gabe?” She gently taps the goat on the nose with her finger.

  “Head-butting me is what it’s been doing,” I growl. “That goat’s as fucking nuts as its owner.”

  Ignoring me
, she says to the goat, “You’ve got to stop head-butting Gabe, baby girl. He’s being really kind, letting us stay here. Now, say you’re sorry to him.” She turns the goat to face me.

  I swear to God, if the goat could give me the middle finger right now, she would.

  “I don’t think she’s sorry,” I deadpan.

  Speedy puts Gucci down and ushers her out of the room and into the hall, closing the door on her.


  “I’ll be out in a second, Gucci.”


  Then, I hear little hooves trotting against the wood floor. She’s probably off to destroy something of mine.

  Little fucker.

  Speedy walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge.

  Her hair is all mussed up. Her tan legs are right there, all gorgeous and enticing. She looks sexy as hell.

  She’s a goddess. The goddess of sexual torture.

  And she’s still wearing those barely there shorts and tank. And, sweet Christ, I can see her nipples through her top again. More so right now, as they’re erect and poking through the fabric. They look so pink and round and inviting.

  God, I could just lean forward, take one in my mouth, and suck it through her shirt, making her all wet.

  “I’m so sorry about Gucci. I think she’s just struggling with the change. I don’t know how she got out of my room. I must not have shut the door properly. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. Are you okay? You said she butted you in the face? Does it hurt? Gabe? Are you listening to me? Gabe?”


  Her hands go to her hips. “I said, are you listening to me?”

  “Honestly, no. I can see your nipples through your top, and it’s really distracting.”

  “Oh my God!” she screeches as she clamps her arms over her chest. She jumps to her feet. “You-you crude, rude pervert!”

  My eyes follow her up.

  God, just look at that tight little body.

  “Hey. I’m not the one showing my tits off.”



  “I am not a cocktease! You-you’re just obsessed with staring at women’s breasts!”

  “I don’t deny that I love women’s tits. But, when they’re put on display like yours are, what am I supposed to do?”

  “Be a gentleman and not look. Or at least tell me that you can see them, so I can go change.”

  I narrow my eyes. “I did tell you.”

  “Not before you had a good stare at them! You’re just a damn pervert.”