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  The pride of a new Venator was a poor price to pay for the safety of her guests.

  Kritanu watched with his sharp, dark eyes as Victoria took an offensive stance, then as she flew into action, pivoting, kicking, and whipping her foot into a stack of cushions next to Eustacia's chair. The cushions went flying, and Victoria stopped whirling, hands on hips, right in front of her chair. "Aunt Eustacia, I nearly staked him! Though it would have served him right. "

  "Now, Victoria, that's over and done with. You'll need to learn to move on, to put your anger and frustration aside if you are going to be a fierce Venator. Focus and strength, quick thinking and bravery… these are all characteristics you possess, but you must refine them. Learn to use them. "

  As a Venator directly descended from the first Gardella, Victoria had been born with the innate fighting skills she would need to be a formidable vampire hunter. Agility, strength, and speed were already inherent in her; the purpose of Kritanu's training her in various martial-arts forms was to refine and hone those skills… draw them forth and teach her how to use them. And the vis bulla she would receive would provide her with additional protection and strength.

  Victoria ducked and spun about to meet a rear attack from Kritanu, mumbling something like, "I'd like to refine him," but of course Eustacia wasn't about to acknowledge that kind of talk.

  Instead, she allowed herself the pleasure of watching her lover and companion propel himself into smooth, lethal action as he dodged Victoria's defense and sent her tumbling to the floor. Kritanu, a wiry, muscular Calcuttan nearing seventy-five years old, was a daunting opponent even at his age. He wore an amulet that differed from the vis bullae given to Venators, but which gave him additional strength; but even without that, he was still quick and strong.

  Nearly sixty years ago, he'd been sent to Eustacia to train her in kalaripayattu, the Indian martial-arts form favored by Venators who fought the inhumanly strong vampires, and the Chinese qinggong. He'd remained at her side as her companion ever since. The fact that he also shared her bed was an item that they kept discreet; although Eustacia sensed that Max suspected the depth of their relationship. Kritanu's nephew, Briyani, had been Max's assistant for three years, and the trio of men spent much training time together.

  Eustacia looked at Victoria, who was pulling herself to her feet. Her hair straggled over her shoulders, but her face was set with determination. "Kritanu, I think she's had enough for the day. Thank you. "

  He gave a gentle bow, his dark eyes soft and warm. "I will excuse myself, then. "

  Eustacia turned to her niece. "Set your pride aside for one moment, Victoria, dear. Max was there as a support to you and for safety in the event that something went wrong. You performed well, even after he revealed himself to you. You will make a fine Venator, cam" she said. "And together we will put an end to Lilith the Dark. "

  The mention of Eustacia's nemesis took the edge from Victoria's eyes, and her annoyance seemed to collapse. "You promised to tell me more about Lilith the Dark after I executed my first vampire. And about my vis bulla. "

  "Indeed, and we will begin that as soon as you've had a chance to clean up a bit. Why don't you—Ah, he is here already. Now, Victoria," Eustacia said with a warning look as Maximilian entered the room with a swish and an air of impatience. She hadn't expected him so soon, and certainly wouldn't have had him arrive while Victoria was in dishabille. She was going to have to speak to Charley—the cook and erstwhile butler when Kritanu was otherwise engaged—about that again. She suspected that would be a losing battle, as Charley couldn't comprehend denying Maximilian anything, including the freedom to walk into any area of the house without being announced.

  "Signora," he said, squeezing her hand gently while he lifted it to his face and then released her fingers back into her lap. The sweetness of their homeland's language still flavored his words, and it sounded lovely to Eustacia. She missed Venice. "I apologize for my cursed punctuality. " He turned to Victoria, and Eustacia watched in fascination as his aristocratic features froze into a mockery of a smile. "And Miss Grantworth. Our protege. I bid you good evening. Apparently I have interrupted some training?"

  "Good evening," Victoria replied stiffly. She didn't bother to hold out her hand, and Max didn't appear to notice or care. "How does one address… the master of the vampire executioners? My lord? Your grace? Your Stakeness?"

  Eustacia intervened before he could reply. "Max, please take a seat. Victoria was just about to change out of her training gown. Victoria, go ahead. Charley will be along shortly with tea, or brandy if you wish. "

  "Brandy? Much as I'd like to indulge, signora, you know that I do not partake when I am going on the hunt. "

  Eustacia waited until Victoria had gone before she asked, "Any news?"

  He crossed his long legs and leaned back into the seat he'd chosen on the settee next to her favorite chair. "Lilith is here for something called the Book of Anwarth. She has apparently located it somewhere in England. London, to be precise. She's moved her entire entourage here. "

  "The Book of Anwarth," Eustacia repeated. A cold shiver curled at the base of her spine. "I knew there must be a reason for her to bring her court here. That alone frightens me, Max. For her to uproot herself and leave the safety of her haven in the mountains… I have never heard of such a book, but I will send for Wayren. If Lilith seeks it, it can bode no good for us. She'll send Guardians for it, I'm sure. Imperials, too, perhaps. "

  "I'll visit the Chalice. Perhaps I can learn more…"

  "Yes, and Wayren will help. " Eustacia gave him a warning look, effectively ending the conversation as Victoria walked in. "Ah, Victoria. That was quick. We were just about to begin reviewing the history of Lilith the Dark," Eustacia said briskly, rubbing her knobby hands together. "Max, I have told Victoria very little about her; I thought it would be best if you were here to assist in filling in the details from your vantage point. "

  "Indeed. Please, signora, you tell the tale. I will comment as necessary. "

  "Very well. "

  Victoria leaned forward expectantly, and for just a moment Eustacia hesitated. Looking at the beautiful, innocent face of her great-niece, she felt a wondrous sense of pride. She had staked a vampire on her first try. She had taken amazingly well to her training and had accepted all of the darkness and evil that lurked on this earth with a worldly attitude—one that even Eustacia hadn't initially had.

  It would be a difficult life. She would give up many of the things other girls her age took for granted. She would be in danger more often than a young woman should be.

  Yet, at the same time, Victoria would have a life of unparalleled excitement and adventure. She would face down the most evil creatures ever imagined, and know that she had the strength and cunning to best them. She would lose control of some part of her life, yet gain more freedom than a young woman even in this age could ever fathom.

  And it was foretold: Only one descended directly from the first Gardella could destroy Lilith.

  Max, as formidable and magnificent as he was, was one of the few Venators who did not carry Gardella blood; and that was a fact that made him perhaps even more effective, more determined a Venator.

  "Lilith the Dark is the daughter of Judas Iscariot. "

  Eustacia began. She had told this tale only a dozen times in her lifetime. The first time had been to the pope.

  Perhaps this would be the last.

  "Judas Iscariot? The betrayer of Jesus Christ?"

  Eustacia nodded. "Indeed. The man who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. He is known as the Betrayer; yet the Lord forgave him as he did all mankind. But Judas Iscariot did not accept the forgiveness, and he hanged himself, as you know. He was thus damned to eternal hell. The devil sold him back his corporeal being, and gave him the power to walk the earth in the body of an immortal, a type of demon, in a form we call undead. An undead is damned for eternity once he drin
ks the blood of a mortal. He cannot be saved.

  "In this damned state, caught between life and death, Judas lived in this world for centuries. While he was damned and walking this earth, he turned his daughter into a vampire. That daughter is known as Lilith the Dark. She feeds on human blood and human weakness. Lilith is now the queen of vampires, and she seeks revenge upon us. She lives on the blood of mortals. "

  "Because we—the world of Christendom—consider her father a betrayer?" asked Victoria.

  "Indeed. There is no name in Christendom spoken with more malice than that of Judas Iscariot. Once a proud name, now it is spit upon, said with hatred and venom. Judas is gone, but Lilith roams the earth, and she builds her army of vampires. She intends to rule the world; her strength is always our weakness. It is our task, our legacy, to keep Lilith and her minions at bay. "

  "She and your great-aunt have been enemies for decades. Lilith knows that the only thing stopping her from taking over the world is Eustacia and her powers. "

  Max's face had deeper lines than usual, Eustacia thought. "When your aunt first came here from Venice, Lilith couldn't find her. She tore apart Venice, and then Rome and Florence… She sent her people to Paris and Madrid and Cairo, and here to London. It was nearly two decades before she found your aunt. Eustacia's people kept her well hidden, and well protected. "

  "You were the best of the lot, Max, young as you were. " Young and determined, he'd been. Angry because he'd lost his beloved father and sister to a vampire; and bloodthirsty in his own way. He chose the path of Venator.

  "What is Lilith doing now? Do you know her plan?" Victoria asked. Her hazel eyes were not worried or fearful, as Eustacia had feared. No, they were sharp and calculating. And intense. By God, the Legacy had chosen well.

  For the first time in years, Eustacia felt a glimmer of hope. With Victoria as her protege, and, eventually, successor as the head of the Venators, perhaps Eustacia would soon be able to rest easy.