Before I had entered into conversation with the Captain, I saw abarouche approaching on the opposite side, apparently coming from theFrench quarter of the city. It was a handsome equipage, driven by awell-clad and evidently well-fed black, and as it drew near, I couldperceive that it was occupied by a young and elegantly-attired lady.

  I cannot say why, but I felt a presentiment, accompanied perhaps by asilent wish, that the occupant of the barouche was about to be afellow-passenger. It was not long before I learnt that such was herintention.

  The barouche drew up on the crest of the Levee, and I saw the ladydirecting some inquiry to a bystander, who immediately pointed to ourCaptain. The latter, perceiving that he was the object inquired after,stepped up to the side of the carriage, and bowed to the lady. I wasclose to the spot, and every word reached me.

  "Monsieur! are you the captain of the Belle of the West?"

  The lady spoke in French, a smattering of which the Captain in hisintercourse with the Creoles had picked up.

  "Yes, madame," was the reply.

  "I wish to take passage with you."

  "I shall be most happy to accommodate you, madame. There is still onestate-room disengaged, I believe, Mr Shirley?"

  Here the Captain appealed to the clerk, in order to ascertain if suchwas the case.

  "Never mind!" said the lady, interrupting him, "for the matter of astate-room it is of no importance! You will reach my plantation beforemidnight, and therefore I shall not require to sleep aboard."

  The phrase, "my plantation," evidently had an effect upon the Captain.Naturally not a rude man, it seemed to render him still more attentiveand polite. The proprietor of a Louisiana plantation is a somebody notto be treated with nonchalance; but, when that proprietor chances to bea young and charming lady, who could be otherwise than amiable? NotCaptain B., commander of the "Belle of the West!" The very name of hisboat negatived the presumption!

  Smiling blandly, he inquired where he was to land his fair charge.

  "At Bringiers," replied the lady. "My residence is a little below, butour landing is not a good one; besides, there is some freight which itwould be better to put ashore at Bringiers."

  Here the occupant of the barouche pointed to a train of drays, loadedwith barrels and boxes, that had just driven up, and halted in the rearof the carriage.

  The sight of the freight had a still further pleasant effect on theCaptain, who was himself _part owner_ of his boat. He became profuse inoffers of service, and expressed his willingness to accommodate his newpassenger in every way she might desire.

  "Monsieur Capitaine," continued this handsome lady, still remainingseated in her carriage, and speaking in a tone of good-naturedseriousness, "I must make one condition with you."

  "Please to name it, madame."

  "Well then! It is reported that your boat is likely to have a race withsome other one. If that be so, I cannot become your passenger." TheCaptain looked somewhat disconcerted. "The fact is," continued she, "Ihad a narrow escape once before, and I am determined to run no such riskin future."

  "Madame--," stammered the Captain--then hesitating--

  "Oh, then!" interrupted the lady, "if you cannot give me the assurancethat you will not race, I must wait for some other boat."

  The Captain hung his head for some seconds. He was evidently reflectingupon his answer. To be thus denied the anticipated excitement andpleasure of the race--the victory which he confidently expected, and itsgrand consequences; to appear, as it were, afraid of trying the speed ofhis boat; afraid that she would be beaten; would give his rival a largeopportunity for future bragging, and would place himself in no enviablelight in the eyes of his crew and passengers--all of whom had alreadymade up their minds for a race. On the other hand, to refuse therequest of the lady--not very unreasonable when properly viewed--andstill more reasonable when it was considered that that lady was theproprietress of several dray-loads of freight, and when still furtherconsidered that that lady was a rich _plantress_ of the "French coast,"and might see fit next fall to send several hundred casks of sugar andas many hogsheads of tobacco down on his (the Captain's) boat;--theseconsiderations, I say, made the request quite reasonable. And so wesuppose, upon reflection, it must have appeared to Captain B--, forafter a little hesitation he granted it. Not with the best grace,however. It evidently cost him a struggle; but interest prevailed, andhe granted it.

  "I accept your conditions, madame. The boat shall _not_ run. I giveyou my promise to that effect."

  "_Assez_! thanks! Monsieur le Capitaine; I am greatly obliged to you.If you will be so good as to have my freight taken aboard. The carriagegoes along. This gentleman is my steward. Here, Antoine! He will lookto everything. And now pray, Capitaine, when do you contemplatestarting?"

  "In fifteen minutes, madame, at the latest."

  "Are you sure of that, mon Capitaine?" she inquired, with a significantlaugh, which told she was no stranger to the want of punctuality of theboats.

  "Quite sure, madame," replied the Captain; "you may depend on the time."

  "Ah! then, I shall go aboard at once!" And, so saying, she lightlytripped down the steps of the barouche, and giving her arm to theCaptain, who had gallantly proffered himself, was conducted to theladies' cabin, and of course for a time lost to the admiring eyes, notonly of myself, but of a goodly number of others who had already beenattracted to gaze upon this beautiful apparition.