Page 25 of Conor

  last far into the night."

  With matching sighs they stepped apart and continued on to their

  separate chambers, to oversee the unpacking and to prepare for a

  lavish banquet and ball for the royal visitor.

  Conor, dashing in black satin tunic and breeches, stood in the great

  hall. All around him, the crush of invited guests milled about,

  accepting goblets of ale and wine from the liveried servants who

  moved among them. Though he continued chatting with the lord

  mayor of a nearby village, he was aware of the exact moment when

  Emma entered the room. He felt his heartbeat quicken.

  She wore a gown of palest pink, the shade of a blushing rose. The

  low, rounded neckline revealed the swell of high, firm breasts. Her

  tiny waist was encircled with a girdle of pearls. The full skirt, dotted

  here and there with more pearls, fell to the tips of fine kid slippers.

  The full sleeves, inset with pearls, billowed to the elbow, then were

  tapered to the wrist and banded with a rope of pearls. Her hair was a

  mass of thick ringlets, pulled to one side with mother-of- pearl

  combs, the burnished curls spilling over her breast. She wore no

  jewelry at her throat or ears or on her fingers, which only seemed to

  add to her unassuming beauty.

  Conor saw the admiring glances of the men, and heard the whispers

  of the women as Emma passed. How he longed to take her hand and

  acknowledge his love for her. Instead, he had to be content to merely

  offer a simple greeting.

  "Good.even, my lady."

  She paused, smiled. "My lord."

  "Ale, my lady?"

  She accepted the goblet from his hand, enjoying the brush of his

  fingers on hers before acknowledging the introduction to the lord


  Conor saw Lord Dunstan walking toward them and whispered,

  "Brace yourself, Emma. Dunstan's looking far too smug.v-'

  "Ah. Emma, my dear. And O'Neil. How fortunate that I should find

  you two together. You're just the ones I'm looking for. You're in for a

  most pleasant surprise this night.

  Conor gave him a steady look. "Surprise?"

  Before Dunstan could reply, the earl entered the hall and announced

  the arrival of the queen. All conversation ceased. The men bowed,

  and the ladies curtsied, as Elizabeth made her way through the crowd.

  Elizabeth accepted a goblet of ale and took her place in an ornate

  chair positioned on a raised platform where she could be seen by

  everyone in the great hall. From the elders of the neighboring shires

  to the titled noblemen and their ladies, all eyes were fixed on the


  She summoned Emma and the other ladies-in-waiting to join her,

  then beckoned to Conor.

  "Is this not a lovely place in which to refresh ourselves?"

  Conor nodded. "Indeed, Majesty. The outpouring of love from your

  people has been amazing."

  "I quite agree." Elizabeth turned to her host and in regal tones

  announced, "My dear Blystone. Your queen's heart is so filled with

  joy at this magnificent setting, that I shall grant a number of favors to

  the assembled. Let those who wish to petition their queen step


  There was a moment's pause as the people glanced around, trying to

  summon the courage to approach their monarch. Though it was a

  common practice for the queen to grant such favors, many were too

  timid to take advantage of the blessing.

  While they murmured among themselves, they noticed a slight

  commotion near the back of the great hall. As a woman made her way

  forward, the crowd began to part. When she drew near, Emma and

  Conor were stunned to recognize Celestine, looking every bit as smug

  as Dunstan.

  Celestine wore a gown of rich cloth-of-gold, and over it, a cape lined

  with ermine. At her throat were dazzling diamonds, with more

  diamonds at her ears and about her wrist. She looked far more regal

  than the queen herself.

  Hearing Emma's little gasp of surprise, Conor turned. In her eyes was

  a look of pain.

  "What is it, my lady?"

  "Those were my mother's diamonds," she managed to whisper. "My

  father gave them to my mother on her wedding day. Before she died,

  she gave them to me."

  It was, Conor knew, one more reason to despise Celestine.

  Elizabeth seemed surprised to see her cousin so far from London. But

  she quickly composed herself and offered a warm greeting. "I see you

  have journeyed to Warwick to make me welcome, cousin. How

  gracious of you."

  Celestine curtsied and kept her eyes downcast. "I do indeed bid you

  welcome, Majesty. But I have made the journey for another reason as

  well. I would ask a favor."

  "Then ask it. For I am feeling most generous."

  Celestine lifted her head and stared past the queen to I where Emma

  stood. Her lips curved into the merest hint of a smile. "I ask that, since

  my husband has abandoned me, I be given all his titles, estates and

  goods here in England."

  "What do you mean, you have been abandoned?" The queen shot a

  questioning glance at Emma, who kept her gaze lowered.

  "My husband committed a most cruel and heartless act. He fled in the

  night, taking with him my beloved little stepdaughter, and all the

  wealth he could carry, leaving me alone and penniless, except for

  these clothes and jewels which were on my person. Without the

  protection of my husband's wealth and title, I will be at the mercy of

  those to whom he owes tremendous debts. I could even end up in

  debtors' prison."

  Emma seethed with impotent rage. There was no way she could

  expose Celestine's lies without implicating herself.

  "What about Daniel Vaughn's other daughter, Emma?" the queen


  Celestine stared directly at Emma. "Has she pleased Your Majesty

  with her service?"

  "Indeed she has. I find her both sweet and selfless."

  "I am gratified to hear that." Celestine's voice quivered with emotion.

  "My stepdaughter, Emma, will always have a place in my heart and in

  my home. Why, she is like my own dear child."

  Elizabeth nodded, pleased at Celestine's response. "Very well,

  cousin. Have my lord secretary draw up a list of Daniel Vaughn's

  titles and holdings in England. They shall be yours."

  Celestine gave a deep, dramatic bow, which nearly hid the satisfied

  smile that curved her lips. But Conor saw it, and clenched a fist at his

  side. The woman was a clever actress. And a shrewd thief.

  He glanced at Emma's pale face and could see how she struggled with

  shock and horror. Risking the queen's wrath, he touched a hand to

  hers. It was cold as ice.

  "What a cruel, spiteful woman," she whispered. "She strips my family

  of everything of value."

  "Nay," Conor muttered fiercely. "Don't despair, love. All she takes

  are worldly possessions. They have no true value. Don't you see? You

  and your father and sister have the things that matter. Love, family,

  loyalty. Celestine can never touch those."

  Emma swallowed back her tears and nodded. It was true. She had the
r />   best of life. She would waste no more regrets on the things that didn't

  truly matter.

  Conor stood in the darkness of the courtyard, studying the balconies

  above him. It had taken all of his considerable skill to excuse himself

  from the queen's chambers. Invigorated by the journey, and by her

  warm reception here at Warwick, she had danced late into the night.

  Even after she had made her grand exit, so that the guests could take

  their leave and return to their beds, she had been too excited to give in

  to sleep. Instead, she had insisted that Conor escort her to her private

  chambers, where she hoped to continue the festivities.

  "What is it, my charming rogue?" she had demanded when Conor had

  suddenly slumped against the wall.

  "I fear I've enjoyed the wine a bit too much, Majesty. Or perhaps it

  was the fine food. Whatever the reason, I am feeling indisposed. Can

  you forgive me?"

  "There is nothing to forgive. You will rest. And on the morrow, you

  will join me for the hunt."

  "Aye, Majesty." He'd kissed her hand. "It will be my great pleasure."

  And now, as the candles were being snuffed throughout the

  household, he studied one balcony in particular, and tested the rope in

  his hand.

  It pained him that he couldn't take advantage of the night and go to

  Emma's bed. The need for her was like an ache. But he had to get into

  Dunstan's chambers. He was quite certain that was where he would

  find Celestine. And where he might learn what other secrets she and

  Dunstan had in store.

  He tossed one end of the rope and felt it circle the railing before

  dropping into his hands. Securing the rope, he tested its strength, then

  began to climb. It was an easy matter to reach the balcony. From there

  he studied the two shadowy figures in the bed, then, needing to be

  closer, he slipped through the window and crept across the room.

  A quick glance around showed him the perfect hiding place. But as he

  crawled toward the armoire, he paused at the sound of Dunstan's

  voice. "Did you see the look on Emma's face when the queen granted

  your request?"

  "Aye." Celestine gave a throaty laugh. "She thought she had bested

  me, spiriting away her father and sister in the night."

  "You can't be certain it was Emma."

  "No matter who did the deed, the plan was Emma's. I'm sure of it. She

  was always too headstrong for her own good. But no matter. Now the

  little fool will learn a very painful lesson. No one crosses swords with

  me. No one."

  "You are a most spiteful creature, my love." At Dunstan's low growl

  of laughter, the mattress shifted, and his voice was muffled against

  her skin. "Which is probably why you and I are so evenly matched."

  Conor seized the momentary distraction to open the door to the

  armoire. But as he stepped inside he realized he wasn't alone.

  Someone was already concealed inside. Someone wearing black

  breeches and tunic, in order to blend into the darkness. Someone

  whose breath came out on a hiss of surprise. And whose hair and skin

  smelled of lavender.

  Emma felt a big hand close over her mouth, shutting out the little yelp

  of surprise that bubbled in her throat. Her eyes rounded in shock,

  before narrowing.

  "Not a sound," Conor whispered against her ear.

  Slowly he removed his hand, and she took in several gulps of air to

  steady herself.

  She was sweating, she realized. And it had nothing to do with the heat

  and stuffiness of the armoire. There was nothing she could do now

  but hunker down beside Conor and wait for this interminable night to


  "What have you planned for the morrow?" Celestine's voice was a

  low murmur as if filtered through the door of the armoire.

  "The same as before." Dunstan's voice was pleasantly calm, with an

  air of assurance. "Only this time I won't miss."

  ' 'Who will take the blame? Another peasant?'

  "Not this time. There will be no need. I intend to lay the blame

  directly at Blystone's feet."

  "He's certain to protest his innocence."

  Dunstan chuckled. "Dead men don't protest. As soon asI've finished

  with our queen, I intend to put an arrow through his heart as well. And

  then, when Huntington is king, I expect his first act to be to declare

  war against that upstart little island across the sea. Conor O'Neil will

  be the first victim of our war with Ireland. I'll ask that our new king

  have him beheaded."

  "What about Emma?" Celestine's voice was filled with venom. "I

  want her dead as well."

  "Never fear, my love. She will join her lover in death."

  "Her lover?"

  "Aye. She and O'Neil have been carrying on their affair in Greenwich

  Palace, right under the nose of the queen."

  While the two shared a laugh, Emma shivered, and Conor drew her

  close against him in the darkness of the armoire.

  Dunstan's voice was low with pride. "And while our soldiers are

  crushing the Irish peasants, your brother, the new king, will see that

  Blystone's titles and estates are confiscated and apportioned to the

  hero who brought down Elizabeth's assassin."

  Hearing those words, Emma gasped. Beside her, Conor pressed a

  finger against her lips.

  Dunstan laughed again. "I've always wanted to be an earl. And I've

  always coveted Blystone's estate here at Warwick."

  Celestine clapped her hands in delight. "Oh, my love. We arc,a pair,

  aren't we?"

  The bed creaked as the two came together in a storm of passion.

  While the two were distracted, Conor caught Emma's hand and

  dragged her from their place of concealment. Minutes later they

  descended the rope and stood in the darkened courtyard.

  Conor's voice was low with anger. "Do you know what a foolish,

  dangerous thing you just did? What were you doing in their


  Emma stood her ground. ' 'The same thing you were doing. Listening

  to their plans, in the hope of finding a way to restore my father's


  "I told you to trust me to find a way. If you'd have been caught in

  there, you would have tasted Dunstan's sword."

  "As would you, Conor."

  "If only he would try," he whispered fiercely. "It would make for an

  enjoyable interlude. Nothing would make me happier than to finish

  what we once started."

  She fingered the glint of silver at her waist. "As for me, I have my

  knife. Now I'm going back up there and cut out Celestine's thieving

  black heart."

  He caught her roughly by the arm, halting her before she could step

  away. "There are more important things to worry about than revenge

  upon your stepmother. Do you understand what they plot?"

  "Aye. To kill the queen and blame her death on Bly- stone."

  "It's up to us to stop them." Though he spoke the words softly, she

  could hear the steel in his words.

  ' 'Then it will give me great pleasure to cut out both their hearts. But I

  will do it for myself, not for the Queen of England."

  He gave a long, deep sigh, wishing there were time to tell her
  everything. But all he could say was, "We must keep Elizabeth safe

  from harm."

  ' 'The English queen? How can you, who spy for Ireland, say such a


  "If Elizabeth dies, Huntington and Dunstan will wage a bloody war in

  Ireland. There's no time to waste. Something Dunstan said reminded

  me of what I'd forgotten. Now," he said impatiently, "I must ride."

  "Ride? I don't understand. Aren't you going to go to Elizabeth and tell

  her what you've heard?"

  "If I go to Elizabeth with this wild tale, she will confront Dunstan

  with my accusations, and he will simply deny. I need proof. I now

  realize where I must go to seek it."

  "Where will you go, Conor?" Too much was happening too soon. She

  couldn't seem to keep up with his sudden shift in plans.

  "To Fleet Prison. Pray I find what I'm looking for. And pray I make it

  there and back before the queen leaves on her hunt. Or all I've labored

  for over the past years will have been in vain." As she turned away he

  caught her by the arm and kissed her long and hard. Against her

  mouth he muttered, "I love you, Emma. No matter what happens,

  never forget that."

  "And I love you, Conor. With all my heart."

  He stared into her eyes. "If I don't return in time, you must warn the

  queen about the attempt on her life. She is not to go on the planned

  hunt. And you must caution her not to confront Dunstan with your

  accusations until I have returned. Do I have your word?"

  She gave a reluctant nod of her head. "You know I can refuse you

  nothing. Since you ask it, I'll warn her. But hurry back, Conor. For I

  know not what we're about."

  "That makes two of us," he muttered under his breath as he turned

  away and hurried toward the stables.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  As the rooftops of London came into view, Conor leaned low over his

  horse's neck and urged him into a gallop. His heartbeat kept time to

  the pounding of hoofbeats. And in his mind, the same phrase was

  repeated like a litany. No time. No time. Not nearly enough time.

  He thought about the years he had spent preparing for this mission. In