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  "What are your findings?"

  "Based on the biometric readings of everybody in the room, as well as our observations, nobody appeared to be hiding anything. Other than those who already knew about Levin's kidnapping, everybody in the conference room appeared to be genuinely surprised at the news."

  "How long will it take to compile all of the readings and video footage from the cameras?"

  "There are camera microphones embedded in the roof tiling, and another set waist level when seated, completed by an additional set foot level. We will work on the audio-visual feeds throughout the night, in combination with all of the biometric readings from the sensors placed throughout the room. The initial data will be on the desks of the directors of both ISA and the Mossad, as well as Udi Ra'am and the chief of military intelligence."

  "A team of body language experts is reviewing the raw video now. Their report will also be concluded by morning."

  The room with all of the audiovisual surveillance equipment was two floors under the conference room.

  The director of the ISA internal Israeli intelligence agency had requested that the conference room be set up to monitor the bio signs of every participant to include: heat signatures around the face with infrared scanners, carbon dioxide levels of each participant in the room, heartbeat and perspiration levels registered from sensors embedded in the arm rests of each chair, retinal scans to measure dilation which were gathered from the video surveillance that scanned each person, and more.

  Various teams of each facility would undergo a similar meeting with similar bio scans as the agency worked to ferret out the traitor among them. It was agreed to start with the leadership of each facility, working their way down to every employee, until all personnel associated with The Project had undergone this first step of extra security measures.

  Not only where all employees under scrutiny, but also every member of the military up to and including Lieut. Gen. Ashkelon himself.

  Agents of the ISA and the Mossad who had even the most tangential association were also to be vetted. No stone was to be left unturned.

  The bio-monitoring room had a cold atmosphere to it, much of the light being emitted from blue and green computer monitors. The room itself was physically cold; necessary to maintain the temperatures of the hardware itself.

  "Director, I'm sorry to interrupt."

  "What is it?"

  "Reviewing the satellite feeds, we believe we know where Dr. Levin was taken after being spirited from the resort. Based on this information, we are tracking a yacht that departed the shores of Brazil and appears to be headed to Western Europe."

  "Thank you."

  "One more thing sir. A helicopter retrieved somebody from the yacht. We were unable to get a view of the person's face, but based on height, build, and the way the person was handled while being assisted into the helicopter, we believe it to be a woman. The helicopter has been tracked to a private airfield in Rio de Janeiro. As it was landing, something jammed our satellite feed. We were unable to follow the target from that point. Two of our agents have been dispatched to the airfield to question the pilot of the helicopter."

  Table of Contents

  4. Called to Serve

  “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.” - Mahatma Gandhi

  Jerusalem and Negev, Israel

  Jeff Stauffenberg enjoyed his time in the Old City of Jerusalem. He never tired of visiting the ancient sites held sacred by the three great Abrahamic religions that span the globe: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

  Avoiding the tourist trap 'The Church of the Holy Sepulcher' neither the church nor the location having anything to do with the burial and resurrection of Jesus; he did frequent the 'Garden Tomb' site as often as occasion would permit.

  He also enjoyed strolling through the Armenian section of the Old City. The sights, sounds, and beautiful language of the Armenian people never ceased to be a source of wonder for Jeff. The Armenian people were nearly eradicated by the Turks; a Holocaust in its own right that provided Hitler with the assurance that the world would be equally impassive and unresponsive as he attempted to do the same with European Jewry. It was an assurance that proved all too correct.

  Each time he ventured into the old city, Jeff's final stop would be to say a prayer at the Kotel, what most English speakers called the "Wailing Wall" or the "Western Wall." The Kotel is the only part of Herod's Temple that remains intact on the Temple Mount. The beautiful Al-Aqsa Mosque was located above the Western Wall, atop the Temple Mount. Inspiring as well as beautiful, Jeff would have enjoyed looking inside the mosque, but because it was situated where the "Holy of Holies" of the ancient Temple was, he chose to avoid that sacred site. At the top of the stairs that lead from the Western Wall Plaza to the Temple Mount above, a sign was posted that people of Levitical descent ought not to walk on that sacred site. While not a Levite himself, Jeff honored this request.

  Conforming to Jewish tradition, which held that a supplication written on paper and placed between the stones of the wall would rise up to God, and as a nod to his cousins in the tribe of Judah, Jeff covered his head with a hat; placing his own supplication on the wall.

  As wonderful and spiritually inspiring as it was to be at the Western Wall, he regretted not being able to worship in a Latter-day Saint Temple, a modern "House of the Lord."

  Strolling across the Western Wall plaza, he admired the new building complex of Yeshiva Aish haTorah. Seeing the clean cut young men who studied Judaism there, some pursuing a path to rabbinic service, he was reminded of his own time in the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. Both institutions of religious study and preparation for service to humanity had a lot in common.

  The Jewish people and Mormon peoples would always find faithful friends and true support from each group. These two, Mormons drawn primarily from the tribe of Ephraim, and Jews comprised largely of the tribe of Judah with some Levite, had ancient ties that would extend well into the future.

  Though he was expected to avoid regular patterns in his daily habits, and never go to the same vendor with marked frequency, today Jeff couldn't resist going to his favorite falafel place in a nearby Arab shook.

  Falafel in one hand, can of soda in the other, Jeff found a vacant chair under a palm tree to rest in the shade and watched the masses of people as they walked by. Two elderly Arab men seated nearby regarded him casually, deciding that he was nobody of particular interest and most likely just a tourist, returned to their game of backgammon while casually puffing on a shared hookah.

  He wished that Lynn could have joined him on this pleasant walkabout. One couldn't have asked for more beautiful day.

  He was glad that his wife and children were acclimating so well to their new home and language. Brian and Samantha both picked up Hebrew with relative ease, but for Lynn it was a struggle. To her credit, she never gave up, and was now able to speak basic, conversational Hebrew.

  Still unable to meet with the local Mormon community, they received permission from their bishop back in Colorado to hold Sabbath meetings in their flat. Naturally he wasn't able to tell his Bishop the circumstance that led to their relocation in Israel, but explained that they would be unable to meet with local Mormons for a while. An understanding man, he authorized Jeff to bless the Sacrament, what other Christians call 'Communion,' and administer the same to his family. Lynn was to be their Sunday School President and teacher. Sami and Lynn would be the women's Relief Society group of two, while Jeff and Brian were the complimentary Priesthood group of two. At least it would be easy to keep track of the spiritual and temporal needs of this small congregation!

  He wished they were able to meet with the Mormon community, but was glad that the relative isolation wasn't affecting his family too much.

  In this timeline Lynn didn't know what Jeff's real occupation was, though her suspicions were growing. It'd become obvious to her that he was no common corporate accountant. The
security measures alone, she realized, went beyond that of the typical Israeli citizen. Knowing and trusting her husband as she did, she kept her own counsel. The leaders of The Project agreed; it was important to keep her busy during the day, more for her own sake than anything else.

  Paperwork was underway to clear her for employment in the country, and place her in one of the front companies run by the ISA. Documentation nearly completed, her office skills would, in truth, be valuable as the front company was an operational company that turned a profit. Busy during the day, with genuinely important work, Lynn would be happier, and safer.

  Documentation was recently completed to grant dual citizenship to his wife and children; Jeff already having been a dual citizen as requirement for his security clearance.

  Now that his entire family enjoyed citizenship status with their adopted country, they would not only be able to utilize many of the programs afforded by the state, such as healthcare, more importantly they would have a stronger sense of belonging.

  Brian had entered university studies, with an emphasis on criminal justice. Samantha had just matriculated from a local high school, now in the process of deciding if she wanted to go to a trade school, or university.

  Both children had developed friendships with local youth in the neighborhood. Jeff wasn't very happy about a boy that Sami had started to date. Nothing was wrong with him per se, in fact he was really a great young man, but he wasn't Mormon. Understanding that he could not ask her to live like a hermit, he bit his tongue and accepted the inevitable.

  Making a mental note to himself to raise the issue of their religious isolation, which negatively affected so much in their lives, he returned to his falafel and soda, enjoying the warm sun at his back.

  A trained former member of an elite special forces unit in the United States, Jeff was constantly aware of his surroundings. Since his admission into The Project, he had become even more vigilant than before.

  Employing what could be considered a sixth sense, he was aware of, and could even somehow feel, the ISA agent approach him from behind. Standing, while turning simultaneously to face him directly with instant eye contact, Jeff appeared to have caught the agent off guard. He thought he saw just the slightest hint of surprise on the agent's face. Were it there, he would never know for sure.

  Jeff held a deep respect for the Israel Security Agency. He was especially appreciative of their work on his family's behalf. In turn, the agents assigned to Jeff had also come to appreciate and respect this man, not Jewish or born in Israel, but vital to their nation's safety. They also could see his military training, not only in his bearing, but in the way very way he moved. They had no idea what he did for their country, but they understood that in some way he was a hero and held in the highest of esteem within The Project.

  "Mr. Stauffenberg, you are needed at the Facility. Please come with me."

  While Jeff had never met this particular agent before, he spotted him earlier in the morning; recognizing that he was being tailed, but that the man wasn't hostile. He accepted that all times while he was in Israel he would have one or more ISA agents tailing him for his own security, as well as a counterespionage measure.

  His family was also being tailed by Shin Bet agents for their protection. The rare times that they returned to the United States as a family or, more rarely Jeff or Lynn individually, a handful of Mossad agents shadowed them. Jeff doubted they would ever again lead a normal life.

  He recognized the sign and code words that the agent provided, to confirm that he really was who he said he was. Everything matched the rotating math and linguistics codes used for the specific day.

  As if on cue, a taxicab pulled up beside them, Jeff entered the passenger front seat while the agent made himself comfortable in the backseat. Without a word, the journey began.

  Driving through the circuitous and congested streets and highways of Jerusalem, for what seemed to be the better part of an hour, the taxi pulled into a lower level garage of a large building.

  Jeff wasn't in the least surprised when another car pulled up beside them, the left rear door opening up automatically. The taxi driver and agent silently watched as Jeff transferred himself from the taxi to the awaiting vehicle.

  The vehicle itself was dark, windows tinted, the passenger seat sealed off from the front by an equally dark window. If Jeff needed to contact the driver there was a speaker through which he could communicate.

  Accustomed to rides that were carried out in silence, he was surprised when a voice came through the speaker to his compartment.

  "Mr. Stauffenberg, I'm sorry that we had to cut your day short like this. All of the senior staff of each facility, not already on-site, have been called into the Situation Room of the main facility. It's necessary to bring you in as well."

  Biometric sensors, such as those employed throughout the conference room during the briefing of the senior staff, were carefully placed in the passenger compartment, measuring Jeff's body readings. The other side of the darkened glass separating him from the driver's section of the vehicle held small video and infrared cameras to capture eye movement, pupil dilation, heat, and a host of other biometrics invisible to microphones.

  "I regret to inform you Dr. Moshe Levin was kidnapped while on vacation in Brazil."

  Due to the darkness in the vehicle, Jeff removed his sunglasses. As soon as the sunglasses were removed the retinal scans and eye movement measurements automatically engaged.

  Jeff's left hand moved to the armrest of the car door to press the button to respond to whomever was in the forward area with the driver.

  "We are on an open, two-way communication Dr. Stauffenberg. You won't need the standard speaker button."

  "When did this happen? How did it happen?"

  The intonation, pitch, speed, and lung volume - as measured to carbon dioxide exhalation - were precisely measured and recorded as he posed the two questions.

  "I'm afraid I don't have all the details yet sir. This is just a short briefing to get you up-to-speed, before we reach the facility. You will be given greater detail upon your arrival."

  "His wife was with him, what is her current location and status?"

  "I'm afraid she's dead. Again, I have no further information regarding her death or what became of Dr. Levin."

  The monitors that registered infrared changes in his body marked the fact that rather than blushing, blood was draining from his face as he spoke.

  Those working in the biometrics room of the facility were pleased, though not at all surprised, to see this. A person experiencing any feeling of guilt would have shown an increased heat signature in the face, especially in the areas of the cheeks and forehead. A sudden shock, on the other hand, in most cases gives a reading of decreased heat as the blood drains from the face. A heightened measurement of carbon dioxide, more than would be expected in the course of normal breathing, indicated an exaggerated exhalation of air from his lungs as Jeff heard the news.

  Thus far, all signs pointed to the fact that Stauffenberg had no previous knowledge of the kidnapping. Almost certainly he was innocent of any complicity of the events leading up to the kidnapping as well. Had indicators pointed to any degree of guilt or avoidance on his part, he would've gone immediately to interrogation. Because nothing in his past, and nothing in the biometric readings, indicated any form of deception on his part, the driver was given a green light to take them to the main facility.

  "Thank you. I hope they have more information when we arrive."

  "I'm sure they will sir."

  Entering the door of the Negev Desert facility, Jeff was grateful to see Rachael at the far end of the lobby, walking toward him. From the look of consternation under a worried smile, he could tell that he she was glad to see him as well.

  "Rachael, so good to see you. On the way here I was informed that Moshe was abducted, his wife killed. The security agent in the car didn't have any more information than that. What have you heard?"

nately, little more than you know." Rachael's voice had a slight quiver in it. "The leadership of The Project was called in earlier today. In the meeting we were provided a little more detail, as it was made available by agents on location in Brazil, such as approximate time and location. The killing and kidnapping transpired while they were on vacation in Brazil. Beyond that not much is known, other than the fact that it was professionally executed, and exceptionally well organized."

  "Do you know why I'm here?"

  "Yes, I do. The general has ordered that a team be sent back to Brazil, thirty days before the time of the abduction. I believe it is strictly for surveillance purposes. The team will be you plus four other individuals."

  "We've never had that many people land at once. What did Dr. Barkat say?"

  "She expressed some concern, but the general overrode her. Given the gravity of the situation, not to mention some pretty powerful implications, I think that she, as well as everybody else, agrees with the general. There are times when one must throw caution to the wind. This is one of them."

  "Yes, I can think of several implications. Aside from learning who abducted Dr. Levin, do you know what our mission parameters are?"

  "I believe the who, how, and when, pretty much complete your mission parameters. Udi Ra'am and his team are going to focus on how somebody knew about Moshe's work with The Project. All things considered, it's believed by the two intelligence agencies that the abduction had to be associated with his role here. Further, with the previous timeline altered, it is believed that this had to be an inside job. One or more people who work here must have leaked the information."

  "I agree with that assessment, Rachael. Do intelligence and military believe that the traitor may have been in Brazil at the time of the abduction?"

  "I don't know. We didn't get into such details. You and the other four team members will have a briefing tonight. I'm certain at that time you'll be given a complete information packet."

  "I'm sure you're right. My only other concern would be, what if one of the four people time traveling with me proves to be the traitor?"

  "That thought crossed my mind as well."