Page 29 of Goddess of the Rose

Chapter Twenty-Nine

  HE couldn't stop looking at Mikado. She was asleep, her naked body pressed against him. She was using his arm to cushion her head. One of her long, smooth legs was thrown intimately over his inhuman one. Her hand lay limply on his chest. He drew a deep breath, letting her scent imprint upon his senses.

  He'd never imagined this. Even when he'd wildly hoped that the other Empousa might care for him . . . love him . . . he'd only thought about the sweet softness of her hands touching him. It was only in his dreams that he'd allowed himself to imagine making love to a mortal woman. But his dreams never came true. Until now. Until Mikado. When he had touched her and realized that the pain of the goddess's spell had been lifted, and what that meant, she had spun reality into his dreams, and in doing so had healed the wound of loneliness that had been festering within him for an eternity.

  What was he going to do? She had saved him. Could he do any less for her?

  If he did not sacrifice her, the realm would die. It might not happen immediately. Hecate might find another Empousa, but irrevocable damage would already have been done. The betrayal of one Empousa had caused sickness in a realm that had never before known blight or pestilence or illness of any kind. Those things did not belong in Hecate's realm of dreams and magick. But betrayal and abandonment had caused the barrier to weaken. Asterius was certain that only Mikado's swift action had prevented further disaster.

  So he must choose between destroying his dream or destroying the dreams of mankind.

  It was really no choice at all. Only a beast could choose himself over mankind. He felt the agony of what he must do press against him like a flaming spear thrust into his entrails.

  "I can feel you watching me," Mikki said. Sleepily, she opened her eyes and smiled up at him. "Don't you ever sleep?"

  "I would rather gaze at you. " He brushed back a thick strand of hair from her face.

  "I should have guessed that you'd be a romantic when you put the rose in my wine. "

  "That is not romantic; it is civilized. " He tempered the gruffness of his voice with a slight smile and caressed the graceful slope of her neck and shoulder, smiling again when she sighed happily and stretched like a contented feline.

  "Don't burst my bubble. I prefer to think of it as romance. "

  "Then, for you, I will call it romance, too. " Slowly, with a sweet hesitance and innocence that were at direct odds with the fierceness of his body, he bent and gently kissed her lips. "When you came to me today, you offered me more than your body and your love. You offered acceptance. And that is something I never imagined knowing the joy of. "

  She took his hand and threaded her fingers with his. "That's something you and I have in common. In my old world, I didn't feel like I belonged. " She took a deep breath and made the decision. She wanted him to know. She needed him to know. "Hecate explained to me part of the reason I felt so out of place - because I was meant to be her Empousa in this world, that I carry the blood of a High Priestess in my veins. But there's another reason. It's why I never let anyone, especially any man, get too close to me. It has to do with my blood, too. " She studied his dark eyes, silently pleading with him to understand. "The women of my family are tied to roses through their blood. If we feed roses water mixed with our blood, they grow. Always - incredibly. In the mundane world, what I could do was unheard of - outside of the women in my family, no one would understand. It made me feel like I was a freak. I had to hide my secret. " Worried by how still and pale he had suddenly become, she felt herself shrinking inside. "I wish you'd say something. I've never told anyone else. " When he still didn't speak, she started to move away from him, but with a low growl, he pulled her fiercely into the protection of his arms.

  "You did not feel accepted there because it was your destiny to be Hecate's Empousa - to come here and to save the roses and their lonely Guardian. The blood that runs through your veins is this realm's life force, and it is your love that sustains us. " He closed his eyes and buried his head in her hair, willing himself not to tremble . . . willing himself not to think . . .

  Mikki relaxed and fitted herself more comfortably against him. "It still amazes me. If the exact sequence of events hadn't happened, I wouldn't be here. " She leaned back in his arms so she could look into his face and wondered, briefly, about why he still looked so pale. "You know, it was my blood that woke you up. "

  "I did not know. " His voice was gravely. "I just know you roused me and that I could smell your scent and knew you were Hecate's Empousa. "

  "Actually, that's one of the weirder aspects of what happened. Just that day an exotic old woman had given me some perfume. On impulse I wore it. As strange as this sounds, it is the same scent I'm wearing now. Gii calls it the Empousa's anointing oil. "

  He frowned. "How can that be?"

  Mikki shrugged and nestled back against him. "I have no idea, but she was really eccentric. And beautiful, even though she was old. She had the most incredible blue eyes. She was foreign, but I couldn't place her accent. She said she got the perfume . . . " Mikki had to stop and think about what the woman had said. "Somewhere in Greece, if I remember correctly. What I do remember for sure is her name, because, like me, she's named after a rose - Sevillana. "

  She felt the jolt of shock jerk through his body. She pulled back to find him staring at her with an unreadable expression on his unnaturally pale face.

  "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "It - it is . . . nothing. Nothing is wrong. I am only surprised that a woman in the mundane world would carry the anointing oil of Hecate's High Priestess. It is a mystery. " He wrapped his arms around her. "Lie against me. Let me feel your body touching mine. "

  Mikado lay on his chest, and as he caressed the long, graceful line of her back, his mind whirled unbelievingly. Sevillana . . . the name had sent shockwaves through his body. It was she! He, too, would always remember the cold beauty of her calculating blue eyes as well as her name. The last Empousa was still alive in the mundane world. How could it be possible? Time moved differently there, he knew that. But at least two hundred of that world's years must have passed. Perhaps the absent Empousa had taken more with her through the crossroads than a vial of anointing oil. Perhaps she'd managed to steal some of the realm's magick.

  Then the enormity of the truth sifted through his shock. Sevillana lived! In the spring when an Empousa must be sacrificed for the realm it would be Sevillana and not Mikado who must die. All he need do was to find a way to return the absent Empousa to the Realm of the Rose. It had to be possible. Sevillana had escaped - she could certainly return. He held Mikado more tightly. That was his answer. He would not sacrifice Mikado. He would exchange her for the errant High Priestess, returning Mikado safely to her home in the mundane world. He would still be without her, but Asterius could live with that. He would miss her for all of eternity, but he could bear that. What he could not bear was knowing that it was by his hand she would die. If she left, he would lose his love. If he sacrificed her, he would lose his soul.

  He wouldn't sacrifice his love, nor would he lose his soul. He had his answer, and he had the powers of the son of a Titan. He would turn that vast store of magick to achieving his end. But not now. Not tonight. Tonight he would revel in the miracle of Mikado's love, and he would not think about the endless empty dawns to come.

  MIKKI leaned against the smooth entrance to the cave and gazed out at the misty morning while she chewed a piece of bread. Asterius came up behind her, and she leaned comfortably into him.

  "Rain," he said, sounding surprised. "It does not often rain here. "

  "I did it. It's what I commanded Water to do when I cast the health and protection spell yesterday. Every fourth morning it's going to rain for a little while. It's good for the roses, and it's good for the realm, too. Rainy mornings are restful - a perfect time to sleep in and rejuvenate the soul. " She turned in his arms. "Unfortunately, I didn't think to tell the handmaidens yesterday that rain
y mornings equate to taking the morning off. I imagine the four Elementals are wondering impatiently why I haven't called them to work. And because last night was the first time men could be invited into the realm in a long time, I would bet that at least a couple of them are tired and grumpy while they wait. I should go see to them. What are you going to do?"

  "I will do the same thing I do every morning. I will follow the rose wall around the realm to be certain all is secure. Then I will collect more threads for the Dream Weavers. " He caressed the side of her face. "Only this morning I go about my duties with your scent on my skin and the memory of your smile, touch, taste, in my heart. " He smiled. "Some say rain is dark and dreary, but to me this morning is bright and filled with promise. "

  "An incurable romantic. Who knew?" Mikki tugged at his cuirasse. "Kiss me so we can be on our way. " She wondered if he would ever lose that look of startled happiness that was reflected on his face when she surprised him with a touch, or, like now, with a kiss. She sincerely hoped not. "Can you take time to eat the midday meal with me?"

  He kissed her again before he answered. "Of course. All you need do is to call me to you. "

  "And tonight?"

  "Command me, Empousa, and I shall obey," he said, dark eyes shining.

  "You say that now, but let's see what you think of obeying my every command in a year or so," she teased, raising an eyebrow at him cockily, and was surprised to see his look tighten and his eyes lose all their sparkling humor.

  "I would never tire of you, or of your commands, Mikado, not if we had an eternity to share together. "

  His words pressed heavily on her heart. How had she forgotten that he was an immortal? She would age; he would not. She would die; he would not. No! She wouldn't think about that now, not at the beginning of their love. They deserved time to savor the sweet, heady feeling of new love - in that way they were no different from any other couple. She wouldn't ruin the honeymoon of their love with dire thoughts of a future with her, shrunken and tottering around the gardens, leaning on his perpetually virile arm. Would he let her? Would he still want her then? Stop it! I'm doing exactly what I just promised I wouldn't. Mikki made her lips smile.

  "I wasn't being serious; I was just kidding you, Asterius. But since you mentioned the whole command thing, I'll be happy to command you to come to me tonight. " She glanced over his shoulder at the cozy cave, as filled with his presence as it was with the exquisite art he created. "Actually, I think I'd rather come to you. "

  "I do not believe you received the tour you requested earlier. "

  "Well, that's one of the things you'll be doing tonight, but only one . . . "

  The light rain changed the appearance of the gardens, washing them with a watercolor brush, turning reality impressionistic. Mikki decided she liked it. It went with the theme of the place - dreamy.

  She meant to go straight to the palace and call the Elementals - the poor girls were probably going to be thoroughly pissed at her, especially if any of them had kicked someone scrumptious out of her bed - but she wandered, letting herself get lost in the misty magick of the roses. They felt better this morning. Even as she made her way slowly in a southerly direction, the sickness that had been pulling at her stomach whenever she immersed herself in the gardens didn't come. She even saw several hearty Floribunda lavenders she recognized as Angel Face in full bloom, where yesterday they had just been weak buds. Mikki smiled. Inordinately proud, she dubbed herself Goddess of the Rose.

  And she daydreamed about him. Her body felt deliciously sore in places she'd forgotten she had. It had been almost a year since the last time she'd had sex, but she'd never experienced anything like making love with Asterius. His body . . . the man/beast mixture had been intriguing . . . alluring, but what she'd found most seductive was the freedom she felt with him. She could let her own beast loose when they were together and trust him not to turn away from her. He matched her, passion for passion. And he knew her - he saw into her soul. Asterius, Minotaur, Guardian - he knew what it was to be an outlander. Well, they had finally found their home - together.

  "The rain was a clever idea, Empousa. "

  Mikki thought she'd stroke out at the sound of Hecate's voice. "Good grief, you scared the bejeezus out of me!" Then she remembered to whom she was speaking, cleared her throat and turned around to face the goddess with a heart that pounded painfully in her chest. "I'm sorry, Hecate. " Mikki curtseyed as she had seen the handmaidens do so often. The goddess was sitting on a marble bench just a few feet behind her. "You surprised me. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. "

  Hecate waved her hand dismissively. "My Empousa is allowed liberties few others will ever know. " She gestured beside her. "Come, sit with me. "

  Swallowing down her nerves, she approached the goddess. The enormous dogs were at their position by her side, and they ignored Mikki completely. Hecate was clothed in the colors of night - black, the deepest blue and gray. She had manifested as the striking middle-aged woman again, and the light misting of rain looked like jewels in her dark hair.

  "The spell of protection and health you cast yesterday was well thought out. I agree with your instincts. The rain refreshes the roses and the realm. Also, the little insects you commanded Earth to provide were a lovely surprise, and Wind was delighted to carry them here" - the goddess paused and then surprised Mikki with a musical laugh - "although you cannot see their red-and-black bodies through this mist. "

  "Ladybugs feed on aphids, and roses hate aphids," Mikki said, a little overwhelmed by Hecate's effusive praise.

  "The roses thrive again. I am pleased. "

  "Thank you, Hecate. "

  "It was also good that you instructed Flame to illuminate the rose wall, most especially at the gate. Now that men will be coming and going again, you must take special care with the gate. "

  Mikki rubbed a hand across her brow. "I didn't even think about that. Uh! I'm a fool. How did I expect them to get in and out of the realm?"

  "It is not a bad thing that you have allowed men here again. You've made many of the women very happy. All night I heard the names of lovers whispered in invitation and carried to the ancient world where they were eagerly accepted. " Hecate's expression became sultry. "Still this morning lovers are being called and enjoyed by my women, who have long been revered as some of the most beautiful and intelligent in the ancient world. Having males about means we will have new life in the realm. Girl children are a blessing, and I look forward to the births. "

  "But Dream Stealers are in the forest. We have to be careful if that gate is opening and closing at all hours. "

  "You are the Empousa, Mikado. You may place limits on when the men are allowed to come and go. " Hecate gave her a kind look. "It is good that you understand the dangers that lurk on the other side of the rose barrier, but you need not worry yourself. The Guardian's strength will protect the realm. Couple his vigilance with your nurturing of the roses, and all will be well in the Realm of the Rose. "

  Mikki tried not to think or react at all. She kept her mind blank and nodded respectfully.

  "Excellent. Now, what I came to tell you is that I have matters to attend to which will take me far from my realm. You are not to be concerned if I do not visit here for" - she moved a round, white shoulder - "some time. Within this realm my powers are always here if you have need of them. I sense that you are relying more confidently upon your instincts, and for that I applaud your wisdom. Let your intuition guide you. If your blood and heart and spirit tell you something, then you may always believe it. And remember, Empousa, I applaud what you have done for the roses, but it is not so much your actions that have begun their recovery. It is your presence, and the blood tie you have with them that assures they will thrive. Be wise, Empousa. The dreams of mankind depend upon you . . . " Hecate raised her hand and disappeared in a glittering of mist.