Page 8 of Chase Me

  In fact, the horny cheerleader for team sexy times sat on sane good girl and squashed her into the dirt.

  Ciara shoved one hand into Jakob’s soft hair and scraped her fingers across the back of his neck, and got the growl she hoped for. Jakob sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit hard enough to send a pleasure pain shooting through her.

  “Ah, my dirty witch likes it a little rough, huh? That I can do, sweetheart.”

  He moved his mouth from her lips down to her neck, sucking and nipping at her. His hand kneaded her butt and his hips pushed at her rhythmically.

  “Mmm, yes.” Each scrape of his teeth across her bare skin send shivers through her body, up and down her spine, sparking her lust for him. “You need more hands so you can do that thing where you hold my wrists over my head.”

  A pile of stones rose up underneath me, creating a seat at exactly the right height. Jakob grabbed both her arms and shoved them against the metal at her back. He didn’t raise his face, only buried it deeper into the crook of her neck.

  “Tell me right fucking now if you don’t want this, Ciara.”

  Uh, duh. She answered with a whimper. Shoot, that’s not what she wanted to do. She wanted to shout her yes, yes, yes, so the whole village heard. But, each time his tongue licked over her collarbone, each rasp of his teeth, every biting draw of her skin into his mouth sent her body into complete reactionary mode.

  Her mouth to brain connection fritzed and nothing more than moans made it out.

  He brought his face up to hers. The green of his eyes had gone dark, his eyelids hooded, and he stared straight into her soul. “Say it, Ciara. Say you want this, want me.”

  “Mmm.” Whimper. Nope. Try that again. “Ya….uh…esss.”

  “Say. It.” He was a wild predator, focused only on her and what he wanted from her.

  “I...” she more than wanted him and his body. She needed both. Ciara swallowed and pulled in a shaky breath, recovering from the unabashed desire enough to say what they both wanted to hear. “I want you, right here. Right now.”

  His eyes went incredibly darker, his pupils elongated and Ciara saw the dragon inside, rising to the surface. Brilliant green scales rippled across his skin and the night lit up with a green light. The crystal at his neck sent ribbons of magic and light into the darkness like the Aurora Borealis.

  The necklace she wore matched it, but with sparkles of dazzling white.

  Jakob captured both her wrists in one of his hands and ripped open his belt and pants with the other. She tilted her hips forward, trying to meet him, show him with her body that she wanted him.

  He pushed aside the torn bits of fabric from her dress and positioned his cock at her entrance, but froze. “Where the hell are your panties?”

  “Don’t stop now, dragon.” She wiggled against him, trying to get him to move. She’d changed out of them hours ago when Mrs. Bohacek had given her this dress. “I’m not wearing any.”

  “That is sexy as fuck.” He finally, finally pressed forward, sinking his cock into her, filling her, stretching her around him.

  “Oh, god.” The guy didn’t need an ego boost, but, he was so big, and it felt so damn good. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, reveling in the way his body matched hers so perfectly.

  Jakob lowered his head, latching his teeth around her collarbone, but not biting down. Then he thrust and withdrew, thrust again giving them both what they wanted, what they needed.


  Chapter Eight


  Ciara’s whimpers went on a war path directly from Jakob’s ears, down his spine and straight to his cock. Being inside of her wasn’t enough. He needed to possess her body and soul. God, how he wanted to take it slow, make sure she was getting as much fucking pleasure from their joining as he was. But, he simply couldn’t help himself.

  Every thrust inside of her sent the same message through his brain. Mine.



  She was beautiful, she was lush, she was a goddess, mother nature come to life in his arms. She was his.

  The skin at her neck was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. Addictive. She would be covered with bruises and bite marks, all that he promised himself he would soothe, after he claimed her.

  He couldn’t.

  He had to.

  No dragon since before his father’s generation had claimed a mate. Not for seven-hundred years. Because the only woman a dragon could claim was their true mate.

  Dragons no longer had true mates.

  Companions. Human women who one could have a relationship with, maybe even children. But not one that he loved, not one who he was created to love and be loved in return.

  Real love was no more. Not for him or any of his kind.

  The draw to Ciara was undeniable. Every raw instinct screamed the truth.

  He’d known it from the second he saw her, he just hadn’t wanted to believe it. Now, he couldn’t deny the rush of need that went well beyond lust. It hit him in the chest, directly behind his soul shard, traveling through him like landslide.

  He needed her more than the earth needed the sun. The deepest, most primal part of him, the place inside where his dragon came from pushed him to mark her, claim her, make her his mate.

  “Jakob, yes, yes.” Ciara keened and her body tightened around his.

  Thank god. Because with this rush of emotion, the pure compulsion he had to fuck her, mingle his scent with hers, his essence with her being, he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  He be damned if he’d let the primitive drive to own her completely make him into an ass. She would come long and hard with his cock buried deep inside of her. She would his then, and she’d love every minute of it.

  Jakob reached one hand between their bodies and slid his fingers into her slick folds. With each thrust into her he stroked his fingers across her plump clit.

  She gasped and arched her back, seeking more from him. He longed to whisper all the dirty things he wanted to do to her body, but there was no fucking way his mouth and teeth were moving from her throat.

  He bit down harder, not yet enough to break the skin, but so she would know he was never letting her go. His cock begged for release, his mouth watered, and his mind barked for him to finish it, to claim her for his own.

  Not. Yet.

  “Please, please. Harder. Ahh, harder.”

  The perfect fucking woman for him.

  Jakob bit down, pistoned his hips, and pinched her clit until her body bucked beneath him.

  Her body gave him the final signal he needed, a flutter of her pussy, on the verge of complete bliss. He sunk his teeth into her tender flesh, the dragon part of him marking her so everyone would know she was his. His soul to hers, his life for hers, two made one.

  Ciara cried out, the bite pushing her over the edge, the orgasm slamming into her, taking him with. Jakob poured himself into her, letting the ecstasy of being with her finally take over. His hips jerked and his jaw locked on to her.

  Ciara's fists opened and closed, still held fast in Jakob's grip. Her pussy clenched around his cock, drawing out both of their orgasms. Stars burst, like lightning in a thunderstorm, electrifying his body.

  This down and dirty sex with Ciara was so completely beyond anything he'd ever experienced with any other woman. His past trysts didn’t even compare.

  While his mind continued to whirl, his body relaxed and he found his breath again. He finally released her flesh from his mouth, seeing for the first time the damage he had wrought. From her neck to her shoulder, a dark bruise was already forming.

  The wound had to hurt, but he couldn't help but be a little proud of his handiwork, or rather mouthiwork. Teethiwork.

  He gently licked the wound and blew a soft puff of healing dragon's breath over the mark he’d made on her. The green mist settled and sank into her skin. The dragon's breath swirled and eddied, instead of relieving the bruises, they concentrated into dark green lines.

nbsp; Ciara shuttered and her eyes flew open, wiping away the sloppy satisfied smile she had on her face. “What in the world are you doing to me? This must be what they call a whole-body orgasm.” Her eyes drifted shut again and she tipped her head to the side exposing her neck and shoulder. The dark lines were forming a shape, but he couldn't quite tell what it was yet.

  Her voice was not shocked or scared as he expected, but a low husky sex-laden sound. She moaned again, and the walls of her pussy rhythmically clenched around him again. If his cock thought it was going soft after their joining, it was wrong.

  He was as fascinated with her reaction as he was with the magic happening on her skin. He’d done this to her, and she was his to take care of. “Shush, shush. That's it, my sexy, lush witch. Ride that wave of pleasure.”

  Jakob blew another stream of Dragon's breath and enjoyed the first glance of the image before his eyes. The image of an emerald green Dragon.

  A warmth spread across his body, like being wrapped in a blanket of soft moss. He’d known she was his, now anyone who looked at her would know too.

  Ciara took his command literally and pushed her hips forward, re-seating Jakob's cock fully inside of her. Her feet dug into his ass, holding him exactly where she wanted him. Her body slid over his again and again driving them both up towards another climax. “Please, Jakob. Please.”

  Her need pushed at his hunger to have her again. “That's right. Ride my cock, baby.”

  She slid her eyes open and bit her lip. She ground against him. “It's not enough. Please, make me come. Again. Now.”

  Fucking hell, hearing her try to boss him around was so hot he nearly came inside of her right then. She was a strong, confident, curvy woman, and there was nothing sexier than that.

  “You'll do what I say, come when I tell you to, because we both like it when you do.” He punctuated his words by pinching her clit again. “You're not in charge here, witch.”

  She reacted exactly as he hoped she would, hissing in a breath and batting her eyes at him. She wanted to submit, but this gorgeous thing had never found anyone powerful enough to give into.

  He would be that man for her. He would be the only man for her.

  He released her arms. “Put your hands on my shoulders. Don't let go.” She paused the gyration of her hips and stared at him, a flash of rebellion in her eyes. “Do it, Ciara, or you will be left unsatisfied.”

  She raised an eyebrow, but he caught the sparkle that put in her eye. She did as she was told and gripped his shoulders, digging her fingers and nails into him. Good girl.

  With his arms now free, he grabbed her under the knees, forcing her legs into the air.

  “Oh, holy yoga,” she groaned.

  He didn't give her a chance to say another word before he withdrew his aching cock and thrust into her deeper than he'd been before. This new position led him fill her to the hilt. He could stay this way for a day, but that wouldn't get her screaming, pleading to let her come. Which was what they both wanted.

  He swiveled his hips, listening to her ragged gasps to find just the right spot. When her yeses became nothing more than guttural squeaks he slowly withdrew, ready to drive her well beyond pleasure.

  “Remember, you don't come, until I tell you to.” He waited for her to nod, gripped the stones around her ass, and slammed his way home, driving into her.

  “Oh… oh.” Her first exclamation was surprise, but the second was a purr.

  Jakob pumped in and out, picking up speed with each of her cries. The grip she had on his shoulders grew tighter and tighter, until he was sure he would have bruises of his own in the morning. The faster he slid in and out of her, the higher her keens.

  “Yes. Yes, right there, Jakob. Right there.”

  The muscles of her channel squeezed and her body shuddered, she teetered on the brink.

  “Ciara, look at me.” He was breathing hard and his own body begged for release. But it wouldn't get it until he heard begging from her. He slowed, swiveling his hips again.

  She blinked and close your eyes, not acknowledging anything but the sensations of her body.

  “Ciara look.” He sucked in a breath, and stopped moving. “At me.”

  She blinked again and her glazed eyes found him. That's what he wanted to see, her on the verge of losing it, ready to succumb to the pleasure. Because he was about to spike it even higher, make her fly. “Are you allowed to come yet?”

  The little reminder that he was still in control had her pussy clenching tighter and she bit her lip.

  “Are you?” he growled.

  She shook her head.

  “Good. Remember that.”

  He thrust into her one last time and slid out. “Grab onto the side of the phone booth.”

  He waited for her to obey and then dropped to his knees. He supported her thighs, one in each hand, and spread her wide. Then he flicked his tongue over her clit, lapping up her sweet and salty cream.

  She squirmed and jolted, sensitive from all their fucking. “Ooh, Jakob. That is so unfair.”

  He'd show her unfair. He let one of her legs drop to his shoulder and thrust two fingers into her pussy. He flicked his tongue across her clit, crooked his fingers inside of her, and dragged them across her g-spot. He knew he'd hit it because her moans jumped two octaves.

  “What I said earlier about right there, I was wrong. That the spot.” Her breasts heaved with the breaths she took in short pants, showing him she was damn close. He continued to finger her but lifted his mouth. “Don't come.”

  She whimpered and slammed her head back. He’d never get enough of seeing her like this.

  She couldn't have much control left, but he would push it. He continued stroking over her most sensitive places, and sucked her clit into his mouth. She squealed and it turned into sobbing gasps.

  “Jakob, please. Please.”

  He knew what she was asking for, but he wouldn't give it to her until she fully begged, said the words. He suckled her clit, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub inside his mouth.

  “Please, please.” she squirmed, first trying to pull away from him, and then pushing her plump pussy closer to his mouth.

  Not yet.

  His own cock was almost as tortured as she was, straining for release. He was as hard as the stones beneath his knees. Harder.

  Not yet.

  The tremor in her legs became a shutter, and then a full-on quake. The muscles in her ass clenched as she tried to hold back.

  Not yet.

  “Please, Jakob.” She took in a shuddering breath. “Please let me come.”

  There it was. That's what he'd been waiting for.

  He licked her one more time, and stood, not for a second pausing the thrust of his fingers inside of her. Her eyes were screwed shut tight, her little frown clenched between her teeth.

  “Ciara, look at me.” This time her eyes flew open.

  “Please,” she moaned.

  “Let me hear you say it again. Ask me for it, Ciara. Asked me to let you come.”

  “Asshat.” She panted. “Please let me come.”

  He chuckled, even now she had a potty mouth and knew how to use it. He loved that. “That’s what I want to hear, my curvy, sexy witch.”

  He slid his free hand between her pussy lips and flicked his thumb across her clit in time with his fingers inside of her. He bent his head, and whispered in her ear. “Come for me, witch. Come now.”

  Her entire body locked, the final command contracting her muscles. She convulsed with the power of the orgasm. Her pleasure was his, and it was the most beautiful god-damned thing he’d ever seen.

  He had every intention of sliding his cock into her and letting her milk him with her heat, come to the pulse of her around him. But, she was too hot, and it was too late. He groaned her name and his cock jerked. He came on the stone beneath her ass.

  When her body finally released the grip it had on her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.
br />   They were both gasping for breath, floating on cloud nine, ten, and eleven. What the hell kind of sex was that? Sex wasn’t even the right word for it.

  If anyone was peeping out their windows, Jakob’s body would block their view of Ciara. But, they had more problems than any voyeurs that might be around. He’d been stupid to allow them to be so exposed and defenseless with the possibility of more demon dragons around.

  Man, he was a complete dumbass for letting his instincts outweigh his good judgement. He could have claimed her in the safety of his home, in the comfort of a bed, instead of shoving her up against a metal pole and taking her like the base animal he was.

  He would make it up to her. She would have the finest, softest bed, and he would fill her room with every flower in the country. He would make love to her, over and over, repenting with his body for not treating her properly this first time.

  He tugged her ripped dress around her thighs, and yanked his own pants back on. “Ciara, love. Let me take you home.”

  She didn’t say a word, but let her legs drop and leaned back, pulling away from him. He missed her warmth and her touch immediately.

  She pushed his hands away and straightened her clothing herself. The new dragon tattoo shimmered on her neck and shoulder, remaining uncovered by the tatters of her clothing.

  The necklace at her throat glimmered, asking him to reach out and touch it. “Is this charm important to you?”

  Perhaps he would get a new tattoo to match. He lifted the piece from her neck and the metal disintegrated, no, it shifted, turning into a handful of multi-colored dragon scales.

  The First Dragon’s relic. It had been right under his nose all along.

  The scales swirled as if picked up by a gentle breeze and scattered into the night sky.

  Ciara smacked his hand away and grasped for the chain, but it dissolved in her fingers and joined the rest. “Hey, what did you do to my necklace?”

  “You did an excellent job hiding it from me. I don’t know how you did that. Enough of your games. Bring it back, Ciara. What’s your is mine, now.”