Page 1 of Broken Dreams

  Broken Dreams

  Book Two in the Broken Series

  by Kelly Elliott

  Copyright © 2014 by Kelly Elliott

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Designer: Angie Fields, i love it design studio

  Editor and Interior Designer: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing,

  Photography by Jay Fuertez

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Visit my website at

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9913096-4-1

  This book is dedicated to

  my amazing husband, Darrin,

  and my beautiful daughter, Lauren.

  Thank you so much for your support.

  Prologue: Courtney

  Chapter One: Courtney

  Chapter Two: Reed

  Chapter Three: Courtney

  Chapter Four: Reed

  Chapter Five: Courtney

  Chapter Six: Reed

  Chapter Seven: Courtney

  Chapter Eight: Reed

  Chapter Nine: Courtney

  Chapter Ten: Reed

  Chapter Eleven: Courtney

  Chapter Twelve: Reed

  Chapter Thirteen: Courtney

  Chapter Fourteen: Reed

  Chapter Fifteen: Courtney

  Chapter Sixteen: Reed

  Chapter Seventeen: Courtney

  Chapter Eighteen: Reed

  Chapter Nineteen: Courtney

  Chapter Twenty: Reed

  Chapter Twenty-One: Courtney

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Reed

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Courtney

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Reed

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Courtney

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Reed

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Courtney

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Reed

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: Courtney

  Chapter Thirty: Reed

  Chapter Thirty-One: Courtney

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Reed

  Epilogue: Courtney

  Bonus Scene: Whitley

  Broken Promises: Taylor

  Thank You


  High School: Sophomore Year

  “He is so dreamy. God, Court, I can’t believe he asked you!”

  I rolled my eyes as my best friend, Whitley, jumped up and down with excitement. I knew I should have waited until later and told her on the phone.

  “Jesus, Squeak, keep it down. I don’t want the whole world knowing,” I said in a hushed voice as I pulled her into the girls’ restroom.

  “Lollipop, Noah Wylie just asked you to the prom. The prom! Your brother’s best friend, who you have lusted over for the last…how many years? The prom!” she yelled out as she began jumping up and down again.

  I couldn’t help but giggle. It was true. I’d been lusting after him ever since I could remember. I loved that dark hair of his and those deep green eyes that felt like they pierced my soul. He’d finally noticed me, and my brother was going to freak when he found out, which made this all the sweeter.

  “Court, what did you say?” Whitley asked as she clapped her hands.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I told him I’d think about it.”

  “What?” Whit yelled out.

  I lost it, laughing, from the expression on her face. “I’m totally kidding, Squeak. I said yes, but I told him if he thought he was going to be getting a piece of ass, he had another thing coming.”

  Whitley’s mouth dropped open, and she leaned against the sink, shaking her head. “Court, he would never expect you to sleep with him. I mean, my God, he’s your brother’s best friend, and Tyler would kill him.”

  I shrugged my shoulders again. “I hope so. When I said it, I was kidding, but he got a funny look in his eyes. It did something weird to my stomach, like…I think I got turned-on by it.”

  “Shit, Court. You wouldn’t…sleep with him, would you?” Whitley asked with wide eyes.

  I gave her a wicked smile. “He’s so perfect, Whitley, and he’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of, but I don’t think I could do that. I’m only sixteen, and he’s almost eighteen and getting ready to leave for college. I want my perfect moment, ya know? I want the whole thing with Prince Charming sweeping me off my feet. I want the romance. I am wondering though why he asked me to prom. I mean, he’s never given me a second glance, and he’s always treated me like…well, like I’m his best friend’s little sister.”

  Whitley gave me a big smile. “Maybe he’s liked you this whole time, and he is just now getting the nerve to ask you out.”

  I smiled back. “Maybe! I hope so. Anyway, we need to go shopping for a dress this weekend. I know we have a few more months before the prom, but a girl can never start looking too early for a dress!”

  Whit started with the whole damn jumping thing again. “Yes! Oh, this is going to be so much fun! It’s your first real date and with the guy you have dreamed of going out with. It couldn’t be any more perfect, Lollipop!”

  I giggled as we made our way out of the restroom. “I know. And his parents are out of town this weekend, so I get to see him at my house for four whole days!”

  We headed out to the parking lot to go to Whit’s house. As we both laughed and talked about the prom on the way to my car, I glanced over toward my brother’s Jeep. Noah was leaning against it, looking sexy as hell. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

  Yep, this is going to be perfect. My Prince Charming finally noticed me.

  Twelve Hours Later

  I heard my bedroom door open and then quietly shut. I opened my eyes and saw it was almost three thirty in the morning. I turned around to see Noah standing over my bed, looking down at me. I smiled, but he didn’t smile back.

  I sat up and tilted my head. “Noah? Is everything okay?”

  “Do you know how many times I’ve come in here and watched you sleep, Courtney?”

  My heart started pounding. “Um…really? Why?”

  He smiled slightly and shook his head. “It’s taken everything out of me to wait until you were older.”

  My stomach dropped, and I couldn’t figure out what he was saying. “Noah, I’m confused. What are you talking about?”

  He put his finger up to his lips and smiled bigger. “Lie down, Courtney. I’ve waited long enough.”

  Oh. My. God. Please…no… “Um…Noah, I think you should probably leave my room. If my dad or brother find you in here, they’re gonna—”

  The next thing I knew, his hand was covering my mouth, and he was forcing me down. I tried to scream and push his hands away.

  He put his lips right next to my ear, and at first, his hot breath calmed me, but then he started talking. “I swear to God, Courtney, if you scream or tell anyone about what we are about to do, I will hurt your brother so badly that he can say good-bye to his football scholarship.”

  My eyes widened, and I felt the tears building.

  “Are you going to make any noise, Courtney?” he asked as he looked me in the eyes.

  Those eyes that used to hold me captive now only made me sick to my stomach.

  What is he planning on doing to me?

  “Courtney, answer me,” he whispered as he lifted his hand off my mouth.

  I slowly shook my head and said, “I won’t make a sound.”
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  He smiled. “Good girl. I’ve been waiting for you, Courtney. You’re going to be mine.”

  I tried to keep in the sob, but it escaped. “Noah…why? Why are you doing this?”

  He slowly started pulling off his boxer shorts, exposing himself to me. I felt like I was going to throw up.

  No! No, this is not how my first time is supposed to be! He’s supposed to make it special. He’s supposed to make me feel like I am his everything.

  Oh God, please don’t let this happen.

  This is not how it happens in my dreams! He is supposed to love me. I’m supposed to love him.

  God, please no.

  The moment his hands touched me, I jumped and let out a gasp.

  He put his hand over my mouth again. “If you can’t be quiet, I’m going to have to do something I don’t want to do.”

  I quickly nodded my head, terrified of what he was talking about.

  He started pulling up my T-shirt, and he looked my body up and down. When he began sliding off my panties, I grabbed his hands.

  “Noah, please…oh God, please don’t do this.”

  “You want this, Courtney. I see how you look at me. You want me just as much as I want you.”

  I thrashed my head back and forth as I cried, “No! I don’t. I don’t want this.”

  “Yes. You. Do.”

  “No, I don’t. Stop! I don’t care what you do to my brother. I just want you to stop.”

  He pulled back and looked at me. “Maybe Sissy wants me.”

  I threw my hand up to mouth. “No…” I whispered.

  Sissy was my fourteen-year-old sister.

  “You keep pissing me off, Courtney. Stop pissing me off. If you even think of telling anyone, I’ll not only hurt your brother, but your parents might end up in a car accident caused by faulty brakes, and your little sister might get her cherry popped a little early.” He began putting on a condom as his eyes locked on to mine.

  I felt the tears pouring down my face as I closed my eyes. I totally relaxed my body and tried to just disappear. I needed to be anywhere but where I was.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me give you what you’ve been wanting.”

  As I felt him up against me, I cried harder, but I held my hand over my mouth to muffle out my cries of pain. With each time he pushed himself in, I grabbed the sheets and tried to hold it all in. He just kept moaning and telling me how good it felt.

  I just want to disappear. This isn’t happening.

  Nothing had ever hurt me so badly in my life.

  “Does it feel good, baby?”

  I squeezed my eyes closed tighter and thought of my favorite book. I began saying my favorite quotes over and over in my head as I tried to block out the nightmare that was happening.

  Once he was done, he stood up, took off the condom, and smiled at me. He tossed it in the trash and told me to get rid of it first thing in the morning.

  “Soak in a hot bath, Courtney. It will feel better next time, I promise. The first time always hurts.”

  Next time? Oh God…no. “No! I don’t ever want to do that again, Noah…ever!”

  He bent down and grabbed my face as he said very slowly, “Yes. You. Will. If I don’t get it from you, I’ll get it from the next best thing. You remember what I said about what would happen if you told anyone? I mean, anyone, Courtney. This stays our secret.”

  I slowly nodded my head.

  “Say it. Now.”

  “It’s our…it’s our…” I was sobbing as I tried to get it out. “It’s our secret.”

  He stood up and smiled at me. “Good girl.”

  He turned and walked toward my bedroom door. He unlocked the door and gave me one more look before he stepped out and closed it. I quickly got up and ran into my bathroom. I turned on my shower as hot as I could stand, and I stayed in there for at least an hour, trying to wash his scent away.

  I sank to the shower floor. “That was not how my first time was supposed to happen,” I cried out over and over.

  Reed and I walked Whitley’s parents and Stacey out to the car.

  “Are you sure you have the directions down, Mr. Reynolds?” Reed asked as he held the car door open for Whitley’s mother.

  “Yes, son, I’ve got this. Now, be sure to take care of things while they are gone.”

  “I will,” Reed and I both said at the same time.

  We quickly glanced at each other, and I rolled my eyes as he looked away. I was house-sitting and puppy-sitting for Layton and Whitley while they were on their three-week honeymoon. I had no idea what in the hell the plant pussy was still doing here.

  I thought back to last night when Reed had told me he wanted to make love to me. I instantly felt my cheeks turning red. I looked over at him, and he was staring at me. I put my hands up to my cheeks and closed my eyes as I imagined his breath against my neck.

  Shit! Stop it, Courtney!

  “Court?” Stacey said as she touched my arm.

  I jumped and quickly snapped out of my daydream. “Sorry,” I whispered.

  “Honey, are you okay? Are you getting sick? You look flush.” She put her hand up to my forehead.

  I pushed her hand away and laughed. “I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

  I glanced over toward Reed, and he was giving me a concerned look.

  “Well, take a nap, okay? You busted your ass yesterday and last night. Just think, at least you don’t have to clean up since Layton hired someone to come in and take care of it,” she said with a smile.

  I smiled as Reed walked up and stood next to me. I could practically feel the heat coming from his body.

  Shit. Why didn’t I just tell him the truth last night?

  “Courtney? Are you even listening to me? My God, you are a million miles away this morning,” Stacey said with a laugh.

  I let out a fake laugh. “Sorry. I guess I’m just thinking about Whitley and everything. Have a safe trip back, and don’t stay away for so long, okay? Oh! And think about moving here, bitch.”

  When Stacey gave Reed a good-bye kiss on the cheek, my hands balled up into fists before I quickly shook them loose.

  “Bye, you all!” Stacey said with a giggle.

  I rolled my eyes at her lame attempt to sound country as I shut her door. Reed and I stood there and watched them drive away. Once they were out of sight, Reed and I both turned and faced each other.

  “You can leave now,” we said at the same time.

  “I’m house-sitting,” we said together again.

  “What?” I yelled. “No, you’re not. I’m house-sitting and dog-sitting.”

  Reed smiled and shook his head. “Um…I think you are mistaken. I’m house-sitting and…um…um…cow-sitting.” He made a funny face when he realized how goofy that had sounded.

  I tried so hard not to laugh, and I had to bite my cheek to keep from smiling.

  “Cow-sitting? Really? Really, Reed?” I turned and made my way back up the stairs.

  It didn’t take me long to figure out what Layton and Whitley had done. They had arranged this whole thing.

  “Well, I’ve got this covered, so you can head on home, Reed.”

  I silently prayed that he wouldn’t argue with me for once, and he’d just leave. I needed to be alone for a bit, so I could try to figure out how I was going to kill Mitch while plotting my revenge on that bitch, Karen.

  “Uh…sorry, Court, but I took three weeks of vacation, and I really don’t think you can help Mitch take care of shit around the ranch.”

  I threw open the door before making my way through the house and into the kitchen. “Please, how hard can it be? I think I’ve got this covered. Really, you can leave the…cow-sitting to me,” I said with a wink.

  He gave me a smirk and turned to pour himself a cup of coffee. My cell phone rang, and I pulled it out of my back pocket.

  Whitley. Oh God, I need to talk to her. “Whitley!” I shouted.

  “Hey, Lollipop! How’s it going this morning?”

sp; I tried so hard not to start crying, but the moment I heard her voice, I lost it. I walked out onto the back porch and tried to calm down.

  “Courtney, no! Oh, please, no. Layton and I thought it would do you and Reed some good to spend time together. Oh, please don’t cry!”

  I shook my head. She must think I’m upset about Reed. “No, Whit, it’s not that. Oh God, Whitley…he’s been cheating on me!” I blurted out.

  “What? Who?”

  I quickly wiped my tears away. “Santa Claus. Who in the fuck do you think I’m talking about?”


  “Yes, Mitch, Whitley. He called me by accident last night, and I heard him talking to that bitch he had been with all night at the wedding, his ex. Then, I heard…I heard…” I couldn’t even get it out.

  I could overhear Whitley telling Layton what was happening.

  “Court, take a deep breath, sweetheart. What did you hear?”

  “I heard him fucking her, Whitley! Oh my God, I sat there, like an idiot, and listened to them having sex while she called out his name.”

  I collapsed into the rocking chair and began crying. I was trying to be quiet, so Reed wouldn’t hear me. I could hear Whitley talking to Layton, but I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Oh God, Whitley, I knew he wasn’t the one. I knew it! I mean, we’ve barely even slept together in the year we’ve been seeing each other. I knew he wasn’t the one. He just proved it to me, and I sat there, like a fool, and listened.”

  “Courtney, honey, I’m so sorry I’m not there,” Whitley said as she let out a sob.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Whitley, I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have told you before you left for your honeymoon today. I wasn’t going to tell you, but I heard your voice, and—”

  Just then, Reed came flying out the back door. “Motherfucking son of a bitch. I’m going to kill him!” he yelled as he made his way to the ranch truck.

  I jumped up and wiped the tears away. “Whit, did Layton tell Reed?” I asked as I saw Reed picking up the pace when he started jogging to the ranch truck. I took off after him.



  “Okay, well, he called Reed and told him to go fire Mitch,” Whitley said in a panicked voice.