Page 20 of Broken Dreams

  Layton walked up, handed me a beer, and slapped me on the back. “Holy shit, man. This place is packed. I’m just glad Whit is taking a breather from dancing.”

  I smiled as I nodded my head and looked around the club. “Shit.”

  I saw the two girls who had approached Layton and me at the bar the other day. They were out dancing on the dance floor.

  Great. Hopefully, they see us with the girls and stay away from us.

  Layton got closer to me and started yelling, “What is Courtney up to? She has that look in her eye, and trust me, dude, when she gets that look, you better watch out.”

  I let out a laugh as I shook my head. Courtney thought I hadn’t noticed her not putting on panties as she got dressed, but I’d noticed…and I’d been fighting my hard-on all night while just thinking of her with no panties on.

  I shouted at Layton, “Oh, believe me, I know she’s up to something. I’ve got my guard up to Defcon level one.”

  Layton chuckled and took a drink of his beer.

  The song changed, and Selena Gomez’s “Slow Down” started.

  Layton and I both said, “Shit.”

  Both girls loved that damn song and would play it all the time.

  Layton downed his beer and set it down. Then, he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s do this!”

  He slapped his hands together and grabbed Whitley when she walked up to him. They made their way to the middle of the dance floor, and Court and I were right behind them. I tried like hell to keep my laughter in as Courtney’s dancing got more and more provocative. She was trying like hell to get me turned-on.

  As long as I don’t touch her too much, I’ll be okay.

  I glanced over at Layton and Whitley, and they were all over each other. I rolled my eyes and noticed one of the girls from the other night walking toward me. I grabbed Courtney and pulled her up against me. The girl stopped in her tracks, made a face, and turned to walk away.

  I let out the breath I’d been holding and looked down at Court. She had the biggest grin on her face. The song ended, and I was again breathing a sigh of relief until “Cyclone” by Baby Bash started playing.

  Fuck me. It’s the song from our first night together.

  The look in Courtney’s eyes changed. She turned around and backed her ass right up next to my poor hard dick that I’d been trying to keep under control all night. She began grinding and rubbing her hands all over her body.

  Come on, Reed. You’ve got this. This is the same girl who called you a tree-loving, cultivating-plant pussy. Stay strong. Don’t touch her.

  Courtney turned around and was sucking on her damn index finger. I looked away and caught a glimpse of Layton and Whitley.

  Holy shit.

  Those two were practically having sex on the dance floor. I quickly looked away and tried to look everywhere but at Courtney. Then, she reached down and grabbed me. I jerked my head and looked at her as she started moving her hands all over me while she danced like I’d never seen her dance before. I’d never seen anyone so fucking sexy in my entire life. She moved her whole body up and down my body, and then she turned around and started with the whole ass-grinding again. My dick was so hard that it was beginning to hurt. She placed her head back against my chest.

  I leaned down and said, “You’re driving me crazy, Courtney.”

  The dance floor was packed, and the damn place seemed to be getting darker. Before I knew what she was doing, she grabbed my hand and pushed it under her dress. I sucked in a breath of air and closed my eyes as I brushed my fingers across her lips. I quickly slipped one finger in, and she was soaking wet. I pulled my hand out, and she turned around and looked at me.

  “I want you, Reed.”

  Oh, motherfucker, she’s good. Stay. Strong.

  She pulled me down and put her lips up to my ear. “Now is one of the times I just need to be fucked…by my husband.”

  I’d underestimated my wife.

  Janet Jackson’s “If” started playing, and I knew I was toast. Courtney smiled as she grabbed me by the shirt and began walking off the dance floor.

  Just stop your feet from moving, Reed.

  She turned and looked over her shoulder, and the smile she gave me was my undoing. I looked up to see where she was going. I smiled when I saw she was leading us to a dark little nook by the restrooms at the back corner of the club. She turned and backed herself into the corner. She began moving her hands up and down her body while the beat of the song was pounding in my head.

  She pulled me to her and yelled, “Now, Reed!”

  I looked her up and down and decided right then and there that this girl had a power over me. I put my hand on the wall next to her head and placed my other hand on her thigh. She bit down on her lip and dropped her head back against the wall. I lightly brushed my fingertips up and down her thigh, slowly making my way up to the treasure that was waiting for me. She grabbed my hand and pushed it up. I slipped two fingers inside her and started working her.

  Shit…she’s dripping wet.

  I used my thumb and began my assault on her clit. She began thrashing her head back and forth, and I knew the moment she was coming when she clenched down on my fingers. I moved my fingers in and out faster as she brought her hands up and cupped her breasts.

  Fuck it.

  I pushed her around the corner of the nook and quickly unbuttoned my pants. I was thanking God that I had gone commando tonight. I lifted up her dress and pulled up her leg. She gave me a shocked look.

  “Remember my goals, baby. I intend on making you happy, and if having sex in public will make you happy, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  The beat of the song changed, and I slammed my dick into her, causing her to let out a scream. The music was so loud that there was no way anyone would hear her. She grabbed on to my arms and matched me thrust for thrust. It didn’t take me long at all before I felt the buildup.

  I leaned down and said, “I’m gonna come, Courtney.”

  We both began calling out each other’s name. She began squeezing my dick and taking every drop I was giving her. I pulled out quickly and dropped her leg as I pulled her dress down. She had her head leaning against my chest as she attempted to catch her breath. She leaned back against the wall, and I began buttoning up my pants as I looked around. I let out a laugh because not a single person was paying attention to us. I glanced back at Courtney. Her face was flushed, and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. The song stopped, and another immediately began playing.

  She quickly said, “Oh. My. God. That was the hottest thing ever! That shit needs to go in a book!”

  I laughed as the next song pounded its bass in my head. I grabbed her hand and walked down the hallway to the restrooms. I stopped at the ladies’ room and grinned at her as she pushed open the door and headed in. I fell back against the wall and ran both my hands through my hair.

  Holy shit. I just had sex with my pregnant wife…in a club…in front of hundreds of people.

  I looked down the hallway at everyone lost in their own little worlds, and I wondered if anyone had caught a glimpse of what Courtney and I had just done. The restroom door opened, and before I knew what was happening, some girl was pushing herself into me.

  I quickly grabbed her and said, “What the fuck?” as I gave her a good push back.

  “Oh, baby, come on. I saw the way you were looking at me. Ditch the blonde, and let’s go find somewhere to…play.”

  The next thing I knew, she dropped out of my sight, and I saw Courtney standing there. She was looking down, so I followed her gaze. The girl was down on the ground, bitching about Courtney pushing her. I snapped my head back up and looked at Courtney, who used her index finger to motion for me to follow her. As we walked back out into the club, I took her hand in mine, and we made our way back to the bar. Layton and Whitley were standing there, attempting to talk to each other.

  I leaned over and said in Layton’s ear, “I’ve got to get out of her
e, dude.”

  He nodded and motioned to Whitley that we were leaving. As we left the club, both girls decided they needed food, so we headed out to find them something to eat. When we got outside, I took a deep, cleansing breath of mountain air.

  Layton slapped me on the back and then grabbed me around my neck before pulling me off. “Where in the hell did you two go? We were looking everywhere for you. One minute, you were dancing, and the next minute, you were gone.”

  I peeked over at Court. She was laughing at something Whitley was saying.

  I never took my eyes off of her as I said, “I’ll fill you in later. I’m still trying to let it soak in.”

  I looked at Layton, and he gave me a questioning look.

  “Trust me, you don’t really want to know.” I made my way over to the rental car.

  “Well, hell, now you’ve piqued my curiosity, dude!” Layton called out to me.

  I sat there in the restaurant and watched Whitley and Courtney eat like they were starved. I just shook my head and smiled. The moment Whitley and Courtney got up to use the restroom, Layton went on the hunt for information.

  “Spill it,” he said with a wink.

  I rolled my eyes. “Trust me, dude. I don’t think you really want to know.”

  He let out a laugh. “I’m pretty sure I want to know. Whitley was in an uproar when you two disappeared.”

  I let out a sigh and said, “Will you drop it if I tell you? And you have to promise never to bring it up again—ever.”

  He gave me his crooked smile. “You know me better than that. Spill it.”

  “Fine. I said something to Court about driving up on you and Whit that day when you were getting it on in the truck. Court freaked that Whitley had never told her about it, and Court said she had to pay Whit back by having sex in a public place…a better public place.”

  Layton’s smile quickly vanished, and it was replaced by a look of…terror.

  I slammed my hands on my face and dragged them down. “Oh God…what did I do?”

  “Holy motherfucking shit. You didn’t?” Layton whispered as he looked all around.

  I looked around. “What are you looking at? It’s not like I had sex with her in here!”

  Layton sat back and stared at me. “You’re right. I didn’t want to know.”

  I gave him a look and said, “I told you. And you can’t tell Whitley.”

  Then, the bastard started laughing. “Dude, she has you wrapped around her finger.”

  Wait, what? “What? No, she doesn’t,” I said.

  He tilted his head and lifted his eyebrows. “Hmm…yeah, she does. She talked you into having sex in a club.”

  I sat back and took it all in. Then, I smiled at Layton. “It was hot as fuck though, I’ll tell ya that.”

  Layton snarled his lip and grabbed his water. “Don’t need the visual, thank you very much.” He took a drink and looked around. “I bet it was though. Whitley was driving me fucking crazy with the way she was dancing.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Just don’t tell Whitley.”

  Layton nodded his head as Whitley said, “Don’t tell Whitley what?”

  Both Layton and I snapped our heads up. One look at Courtney’s face, and I knew I was in trouble.

  I think I see our first fight as a married couple coming on.

  “Reed! You didn’t tell him, did you?” Courtney gasped.

  “Um…” I looked at Layton for a little bit of help.

  He just sat there, smiling.

  Oh, you bastard. You wait.

  Whitley sat down next to Layton and looked around. “What’s going on?”

  Courtney sat down, and she glared at me and then Layton. For a second there, I was pretty sure I saw fear in Layton’s eyes.

  “Hello? Will someone tell me what in the hell is going on that I don’t know about?”

  “Reed and Court here…”

  I pointed at Layton. “Don’t do it, Layton. We’re best friends. We share a common bond. Dude, really?”

  Layton looked at Whitley, who shot him an innocent, sweet smile.

  “Don’t look at her smile! Don’t look into her eyes!” I shouted.

  Courtney hit me on the shoulder and whispered, “I can’t believe you told him! He’s going to tell her first before I get the chance to rub it in!”

  Rub it in? My mouth dropped open. “You used me? You used me to get back at Whitley. I feel so…so dirty now.” I stared at her in shock.

  She looked at me and smiled. “No, I didn’t use you, not really. I mean…pesh…please. You enjoyed it.”

  “Someone tell me what in the hell we are talking about,” Whitley said as she slammed her hand down on the table.

  Layton was just about to tell Whitley when he yelled out, “Ouch! What the fuck? You kicked me, Courtney?”

  She put both hands on the table and looked at Layton. “Listen here, cowboy. I warned you…don’t mess with me. You will not take this away from me. You got that?”

  Layton shut his mouth and held up both hands.

  Courtney turned and looked at Whitley. “So, missy, sex in Layton’s truck, huh?”

  Whitley’s eyes widened. “Did you see us?”

  Courtney was stunned for a second as was I.

  Then, Court tilted her head and asked, “How many times have y’all had sex in Layton’s truck?”

  Whitley’s face turned red. “Um…” She shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t know. Four maybe?”

  “Four? Where? Besides the first time when Reed caught y’all in the dirty little act, and you never told me about it.”

  I placed my head in my hands and mumbled, “Oh, this is not going to turn out well for me. I just know it.”

  “I’m waiting, Mrs. Morris,” Court said as she sat back and folded her arms across her chest.

  “I never told you about that? Are you sure? I’m positive I did,” Whitley said.

  “The other three, please,” Courtney said as she snapped her head over at Layton, who quickly looked away.

  Whitley leaned over the table and said, “Court. Really? Can we talk about this maybe another time?” She jerked her head over toward me and made a face.

  Courtney shook her head as she continued to stare at Whitley.

  “Fine. The second time was in the parking lot of a movie theater, the third was on the side of the highway after I picked Layton up at the airport, and the fourth time was in the ranch truck as we were making rounds around the ranch.”

  I shot my head up and looked at Layton. “Really? In the ranch truck, Layton? I’m never gonna be able to drive or sit in that truck again.”

  Layton started laughing as I sat there, shaking my head.

  Courtney leaned forward. “You never told me about all those times. How could you? I’m your best friend! I told you about me and Reed having sex in Layton’s pool while y’all were getting the food ready for the cookout two weeks ago.”


  “What in the fuck? You had sex in my pool, dude? While I was home? That is so beyond messed-up,” Layton said as he pointed at me.

  At this point, I chose to stay silent. I had a feeling this train was about to wreck at any moment.

  “Courtney, does it really matter? And can you keep your voice down, please?” Whitley said as she looked around.

  “Well, Reed and I had sex in the dance club tonight,” Courtney spit out.

  Yep, train derailing now. I slid farther down in my seat as I looked around.

  “What? How? My God! Where in the club?” Whitley’s hands went up to her mouth as she let out a gasp. “Is that where y’all disappeared to? You were having sex?”

  Courtney leaned back and smiled as she nodded her head. “Yep,” she said as she popped her P.

  Whitley’s eyes got big as she moved in closer and whispered, “Oh my God…was it hot? Oh, I bet it was hot as hell.”

  “What?” Layton and I both said at once.

  Courtney giggled. “Oh, you have no idea how h
ot it was.”

  I looked back and forth between each of them.

  “Did anyone see?” Whitley asked with a giggle.

  “Wait, what?” Layton said as he looked at me.

  I shrugged.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care. I screamed like all get-out, too!” Court said.

  Layton slammed his hands over his ears. “Stop! Oh, for the love of all things. Stop!”

  Whitley looked at Layton and pulled his hands down. “Oh, stop it.”

  Layton pointed at me while I was still sitting there in a state of shock from Court screaming out that we’d just had sex…in the club. Then, he pointed at Courtney.

  “I don’t want to picture them doing it against the wall in the dance club tonight. Change of conversation,” he said.

  Whitley smiled. “Come on, Layton, let’s be crazy and have—”

  “No!” Courtney yelled out.

  Two tables full of people turned and looked at her.

  “Oh no. No more public sex until Reed and I catch up.”

  I choked on my own spit. “What?” I yelled out.

  Courtney stood up, reached for my hand, and began pulling for me to stand up.

  I started panicking. “Where…where are we going?” I asked her as I saw nothing but determination in her eyes.

  “We’re going to have sex in the rental car in the parking lot.” She turned and started walking toward the door.

  My mouth dropped open, and I looked at Layton and then Whitley, who was trying to hide the fact that she was giggling.

  “Oh my God. What happened to the girl I married?”

  Layton shrugged his shoulders and lost it, laughing. Whitley followed his lead and laughed her ass off.

  “Reed! Come on!” Courtney called out before walking out the door.

  “What’s…what’s happening?” I said as I slowly followed Courtney outside.

  I stood next to the rental car and waited for Reed to make his way over to unlock it.

  Ugh. I can’t believe Whitley. Some best friend she is.

  Reed walked up to me and gave me a weak smile. “Um…Courtney, you’re kind of freaking me out here.”