Page 27 of Broken Dreams

  Nothing. Ugh.

  I thrashed my head back and forth and said, “Wait! Stop.”

  Reed stopped and pulled his fingers out as he looked at me, confused.

  “Cleopatra?” I said with a shy smile.

  Reed’s face lit up, and I’d never seen him move so fast in my life. He ran into our bathroom, opened up the cabinet, and then came running back with one of my vibrators.

  He held it up and wiggled his eyebrows. “Is this what my angel wants for her first Christmas present?”

  I nodded my head and put my finger in my mouth. Reed spread my legs open wider and began inserting the vibrator, slowly at first, and then he began working it in and out faster. I let out a moan as he reached up with his other hand and pinched my nipple while he turned the vibrator on.

  “Oh God!” I was shocked at how fast my orgasm hit me. “Reed…oh…feels…oh God!”

  Right as I was coming down from my orgasm, Reed quickly pulled the vibrator out and buried his face in between my legs. The moment his tongue flicked my clit, I lost it again. This time, it was more intense and lasted longer. By the time I came down again, I realized I was turned over, and he was taking me from behind. Feeling him move in and out of me was nothing short of heaven.

  I started to feel the buildup again, and I moaned. “Can’t. Take. Another. One,” I whimpered.

  He pulled back and pushed in farther, hitting right where I needed it. I called out his name as he called out mine, and we came together. He slowly pulled out of me and kissed my back. Then, I rolled over and lay down on the bed.

  “Oh. Wow.” I was panting for air now, and my body still felt like it was quivering from my multiple orgasms. I turned and looked at Reed, who was now lying next to me. “It keeps…getting better.”

  He let out a chuckle and nodded his head. “Yeah, it does.” He quickly turned and tapped my nose with his finger. “Can we please get up, get dressed, and open presents now?”

  I let out a gasp and said, “Did you just butter me up with…sex?”

  Reed smirked and said, “Maybe?”

  I was just about to say something when my cell phone rang.

  “Who in the hell is calling you this early?” Reed asked.

  I rolled my eyes as I rolled over and grabbed my phone. Yep. It’s exactly who I thought it was—Whitley. I cleared my throat and said, “What?”

  “Merry Christmas! Have y’all opened presents yet?” Whitley said in an all-too-chipper voice.

  “No. It’s not even six thirty in the morning. I want to go back to sleep.”

  “Oh my gosh…you sound like Layton! Come on. I want to know what you got. Layton is in the kitchen, bitching, while making us some tea and blueberry muffins.”

  “Huh…sounds like I got the better end of the deal this morning. At least Reed tried to bribe me with sex.”

  Whitley let out a sigh and said, “Damn. I’ll have to remember that next year. Maybe add a little bit of extra fun for him, like a blow job to get him up earlier.”

  “Gross. I don’t need to hear your detailed plan. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit when that image popped in my head.”

  Whitley giggled and said, “Come on, Court. You better get used to getting up early once the baby gets old enough to come wake you up.”

  I let out a sigh and then stretched. I sat up, and Reed jumped up and started getting dressed.

  “I’ll go make some coffee.” He practically skipped out of the room.

  I smiled at how excited Christmas got him. I was excited, too, but I didn’t want to come off like I was.

  I went to say something to Whitley when I felt the flutter in my stomach again. Oh. My. God. Is it…the baby?

  “Court? Did you hear me?”

  I quickly put my hand on my stomach. “Whitley, be quiet.”


  I sat there for a few seconds.


  I went to say something, but then I felt the flutter again, and I let out a scream.

  “Holy shit! Why did you scream in my ear?” Whitley said.

  I jumped up from the bed and began jumping up and down. “I think I just felt the baby moving! What does it feel like?”

  Whitley started laughing. “Okay, you know when Reed touches you, and you don’t expect it? That funny feeling you get in your tummy, like a flutter? It kind of feels like that…or gas, but I like the sweet flutter-feeling description better.”

  Reed came running into the room and then skidded to a stop. I was standing before him, butt-ass naked.

  “Yep, that was it!”

  Whitley let out a scream of her own. I was sure she was paying me back for my earlier scream.

  Payback is a bitch.

  “Okay, Whit, I’m gonna have to let you go, so I can celebrate with my husband.”

  Whitley giggled and said, “Okay. Call me later! I want to know what you got.”

  “I will. Promise.” I hit End and smiled at Reed.

  “Why…why did you scream, but when I came in, you were smiling? I’m confused.”

  I bit down on my lower lip and said, “I felt the baby move.”

  His mouth dropped open, and then that panty-melting, drop-dead gorgeous smile of his spread across his face.

  Damn. That smile was the first thing I’d noticed about him, and every time I saw it, all I wanted to do was jump on him. Gah! He drives my body insane with want. I just had three amazing orgasms, and here I am, wanting him again.

  “You felt the baby?” he asked as he placed his hand on my stomach.

  I nodded and instantly felt sad that Reed couldn’t feel what I was feeling. I wasn’t sure how long it would be before he could feel the baby.

  “I should be able to feel him around twenty-two weeks or so,” he said.

  My heart dropped, and I fell even more in love with my husband.

  “What?” I whispered.

  Reed was still looking down at my stomach as he talked, “At twenty-two weeks or so, I should be able to feel him.”

  He looked into my eyes, and I had to suck in a breath of air.

  He’s really mine. I’m married to this man and going to have his baby.

  I launched myself at him and began kissing him frantically.

  He pulled back, laughing, and said, “Damn. What did I do to deserve that?”

  “Pinch me.”

  Reed raised his eyebrows and smirked. “You want to play rough, huh?”

  I slapped him on the chest and said, “No! I mean, pinch me, so I can make sure I’m not dreaming.”

  When Reed pinched me, I yelled out, “Ouch! Why did you pinch me?”

  “What the hell, Court? You just told me to pinch you.”

  I rubbed my arm where he’d pinched me and gave him a dirty look. “I wasn’t being serious, you ass.”

  He pulled me into his arms, and I could feel his dick getting harder.

  “I’m sorry, angel. I didn’t mean to pinch you that hard, but you did ask for it.”

  I dropped my head to the side, exposing my neck, so he could kiss it. I did this often, and Reed knew how much I loved for him to kiss my neck.

  “Reed?” I whispered as he moved his lips up and down my neck.


  “Do you ever ask yourself if this is all real?”

  He pulled back and looked at me as he slowly smiled. “Every day when I wake up and see you next to me.”

  “Will you make love to me?” I asked.

  Reed tilted my chin up and looked into my eyes. “Yes…but only after we open presents.”

  He quickly kissed my lips, and then he reached around and slapped my ass, causing me to let out a scream and jump.

  “Now, get your beautiful pregnant ass dressed and in front of the Christmas tree in five minutes, woman, or no sex for you.”

  I let out a laugh as I watched my husband retreat from the bedroom to go back to the kitchen. I headed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and got dressed in my comfy sweatpan
ts from Victoria’s Secret and one of Reed’s T-shirts. As I started to walk out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen, I was stopped in my tracks.

  Is that Christmas music? I walked closer to the kitchen and stopped again as I placed my hand over my mouth.

  Reed was in the kitchen…singing.

  I leaned up against the wall and tried to settle my beating heart. His voice was amazing.

  How did I not know my own husband has such an amazing voice?

  When he walked out of the kitchen, he stopped and looked at me. “What’s wrong? Are you okay, Court?”

  I nodded my head and wiped away my tears. “I’m more than okay. I’m so more than okay.”

  Reed smiled as he held out his hand, and I placed mine in his. We walked out into the living room, and I let out a gasp. I looked around at all the gifts and started to cry again.

  “Where? When? How did you get all this here?” I looked around and saw a swing, a bassinet, a crib, a changing table, and an endless amount of presents under the tree.

  My eye was drawn back over to the crib. I walked up to it and ran my hand along it. It was the most beautiful crib I’d ever seen. “Reed, is this handmade?”

  He nodded his head and said, “Yep, by a guy in Fredericksburg. His name is Josh. Super nice guy, and he does amazing work. He made all the furniture in both Layton’s office and mine.”

  “It’s so beautiful. I just don’t even have words for it. What type of wood is it?”

  Reed smiled as he walked up to the wood crib. “It’s hickory, and you can use it in three stages as they grow.”

  The crib had a paneled backboard with the most amazing details carved on it. The base and feet had curved embellishments that were elegant but still simple.

  “Do you like it? The changing table is the same wood and design.”

  I felt the tears building, and I fought like hell to control them. I nodded my head and whispered, “I love it. I love all of it.”

  I turned and looked into his eyes. They were filled with tears as he smiled that beautiful smile of his. Right in that moment, I felt the flutter in my stomach again, and I lost it and began crying. Reed’s smile disappeared as he reached for me and pulled me over to him. He sat down on the sofa, and I sat on his lap.

  “Baby, are those happy tears?” He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and then ran his hand down the side of my face.

  I quickly nodded my head and wiped away my tears. “I felt the baby again, and seeing you smiling at me and…” I pointed to all the gifts. “Well…I just love you so much. Reed, I really hope you know how much I love you.”

  He smiled as he pulled me down to kiss him. The kiss was slow and passionate and filled with nothing but love flowing from each of our bodies.

  He pulled back and said, “I just have to know something.”

  “Anything,” I said.

  “Are you as happy as Alexa?”

  “Alexa?” Why is he asking about a fictional character in a book?

  “Yeah, from The Marriage Bargain.”

  “Oh, Reed…” I quickly moved and straddled him. “You do know that I would never, ever compare you to a fictional character, right? I love you for who you are”—I placed both my hands on his chest—“in here. I love you for how incredibly sweet, caring, stubborn, hardheaded, oh-so romantic, and hardheaded you are.”

  “You already said hardheaded,” he said with a smile.

  “Don’t interrupt me when I’m on a roll,” I said with a wink.

  Reed looked down and then looked back up into my eyes. His blue-green eyes were sparkling, and I found myself getting lost in them.

  “Do you remember all those things I promised you? My goals for us?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes.”

  He took a deep breath and said, “The most important one for me is making you feel safe and happy. I want to give you your happily ever after, Court. I just want to love you with everything I have.”

  I swallowed hard and slowly took in a deep breath. I leaned into his body, and I pulled his lower lip with my teeth. He let out a soft moan that moved through my body, like silk sliding against bare skin.

  I let go and whispered against his lips, “I never dreamed I would be this happy, Reed. You’ve already made so many of my dreams come true.” I placed his hand on my stomach. “This one has to be at the very top though,” I said with a giggle. “Don’t you see, Reed? The first time you held me in your arms and told me you loved me was the beginning of my happily ever after. Your love is my happily ever after.”

  His eyes were dancing in the sunlight as he smiled and said, “And my swooning?”

  I giggled as I shook my head. “Nick who?”

  “That’s right, baby,” Reed said as he moved me to a lying position on the sofa.

  He began kissing me everywhere as his hands moved all along my body, and then he slowly undressed both of us. When I finally felt him enter my body, I let out a moan.

  I’d never felt so free in my life. Every fear, hurt, and confused memory vanished from my mind. Reed making love to me was almost like a healing process. Each time, I felt more and more whole, and now, I felt complete.

  “Reed…” I whispered as he moved in and out of my body slowly. “I’m yours—completely.”

  He looked at me as he came to a stop. Feeling him twitch inside my body was like a drug to me. I needed to feel him every single day.

  He placed his hands on the sides of my head and said, “I’m completely yours.” He captured my lips, and we slowly made love. When he moved his lips to my ear, he whispered, “I’m about to come, angel.”

  I lost it. I softly called out his name as we lost ourselves in each other…completely.

  When I heard my truck driving down the road, I looked and then glanced over toward Layton. He jumped up and pulled out his cell phone. Courtney put the truck in park and got out of it. She waved to us as she made her way over. She looked so damn cute in her overalls and pregnant belly. She smiled at me, and my stomach dropped a little, doing that little flutter. I loved how she could still make me feel this way, even when I’d just seen her a few hours ago.

  “Is Whit okay?” Layton called out.

  Courtney rolled her eyes and made her way over toward us. “Yes. The little moody bitch is just fine. She was driving me insane, and I had to get away from her. How in the hell do you live with that?”

  Layton smiled and said, “True love.”

  “Or great sex,” Courtney said as she attempted to sit on the tailgate.

  I walked up to her, lifted her up, and then set her down onto the truck tailgate as she grabbed my cell phone to keep from sitting on it.

  “My oh-so strong hubby,” she said as she smiled at me and then looked back at Layton. “So, I’m going with great sex since you decided to remain silent on that one.”

  Layton shook his head and grabbed the fence pullers as I let out a laugh.

  “So, what did my beautiful bride do to make you so pissed at her?”

  Courtney dropped her head back and closed her eyes. “God, the sun feels so good.” She let out a sigh and said, “She wants me to run into town and buy her crunchy peanut butter.”

  Layton stopped and looked at Courtney funny. “I just bought some, like three days ago.”

  “Wait, I bought her some last week,” Courtney said as she looked at me.

  I held up my hands and said, “Don’t look at me. I haven’t bought her anything but the mint chocolate ice cream last night.”

  Courtney’s mouth dropped open. “You bastard.”

  Oh shit.

  “You bought that bitch ice cream and didn’t buy any for me?” She looked down at her stomach and pointed. “Um…hello, Daddy? Mommy is pregnant, too, and likes chocolate and ice cream and is sick of flowers!”

  Layton let out a giggle, and I turned and glared at him.

  I looked back at my beautiful wife, who was due in a little over a month. Her skin was glowing, and since she bec
ame pregnant, her eyes were the most beautiful blue I’d ever seen. My mother had sworn to me that Court’s eyes had not changed colors, but I swore the blue in her eyes was brighter.

  “You don’t like my flowers?” I said, trying to sound hurt.

  Courtney snapped her eyes up to mine, and I tried like hell to make my eyes water. She dropped her mouth open a little.

  I turned and walked away. “I’ll be right back.”

  “No! Reed, wait. Shit! Reed…I was just…damn it. Layton, get your ass over here and get me off this tailgate.”

  I kept walking as the smile spread wider on my face. I walked around my truck and leaned against it as I put my hands on my knees and dropped my head.

  “Reed, you know I was just kidding. Oh my God, I love my flowers more than anything. Please. I’m so sorry I said that. I really didn’t mean it.”

  I looked away and held my hand up, like I couldn’t talk.

  I’d planted a garden behind our house, and every morning, I would go out and pick a small bouquet of flowers. Then, I’d put them next to Courtney’s side of the bed, so she would see them as soon as she woke up. I knew Courtney understood my passion for plants, and she loved helping me in the garden, so I knew this would get her good.

  “Oh God, Reed. I…I…I didn’t mean it.”

  I was just about to let her know I was kidding when Layton yelled, “Reed!”

  I jumped up and ran over toward him. “What? What’s wrong?” I said as I skidded to a stop.

  Layton held his phone out for me, and all it said was, My water just broke.

  I smiled as I looked at Layton. He was standing there, frozen stiff.

  I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and said, “Dude, snap out of it.”


  “What’s wrong?” Courtney said.

  “Whit’s water broke, and Layton here is frozen, like a stone.”

  Courtney slapped the side of Layton’s face to snap him out of it.

  Still nothing.

  “Hey, that was kind of fun,” she said with a snicker.

  I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him over to the passenger side of his truck. I shut the door and looked at Court, who was looking at my cell phone. She glanced up at me, and her eyes were filled with hurt, but I didn’t have time to tell her that I had only been kidding about the flowers.