Page 30 of Broken Dreams

  “Put it inside my panties…please, Reed.”

  I barely pulled her panties down and touched the vibrator to her clit. Within seconds, she was saying my name over and over again as she reached down and grabbed my dick, and then she began stroking it.

  “Shit…Courtney…go faster,” I whispered.

  She did what I’d asked. I turned the vibrator up, and she began thrashing her head back and forth.

  “Reed…I’m going to come again.” She squeezed my dick harder and pumped her hand faster.

  “Court…baby, I don’t want to come all over our sheets.”

  She stopped moving her hand and let out a long moan. Watching her come was one of my favorite things. The way her skin flushed and the way she said my name as she came…

  Shit, six weeks is too damn long.

  Courtney was breathing hard as she was coming down from her orgasm. When she finally got her breathing under control, she said, “I’m not going to be able to wait six weeks. Fuck that.”

  I let out a laugh and stood up. I made my way into the bathroom. Courtney followed me and turned on the shower. She set the baby monitor down and gave me a sexier-than-hell smile.

  “Your turn, Mr. Moore.” She held out her hands as she walked backward into the shower.

  Once we got in and got wet, she dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth.

  “Ah…shit…that feels amazing, baby.”

  I ran my hands through her wet hair as I watched her take me in deeper. I dropped my head back and let out a moan as she let her teeth barely skim across my dick. She moved her hand up and began playing with my balls, and then she started to go faster and deeper each time. I felt it building and grabbed her hair.

  “Court…baby, I’m gonna come, so if you don’t want to, stop now, and I’ll finish with my—”

  She hummed against my dick, and that was my undoing.

  “Holy fuck…” I said as I came hard and fast.

  She never stopped moving the whole time. When she finally got every drop out of me, I leaned back against the shower, panting. I looked at her as she let the water run all over her face and in her mouth. She looked sexy as fuck as her hands moved all over her body. We had two showerheads, and one was a rain showerhead, so water was falling everywhere on her body. I pushed off the wall and grabbed her. I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her.

  I moved my hand down and between her legs. “I don’t want to hurt you, angel, so I’m only going to touch your clit.”

  “Yes…” she whispered.

  I massaged her clit, building her into another orgasm. She grabbed my shoulders as she began moving against my hand. When she started calling out my name, I slowed down and bit down on her lower lip before kissing her again. She practically went limp in my arms, and I knew I had worn her out too much.

  “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head and looked at me as her beautiful blue eyes sparkled. “Three weeks. I’m only waiting three weeks.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Come on, let’s get dried off and see if you can nap before Walker wakes up.”

  Courtney fell fast asleep within about two minutes. I walked into the kitchen, and then I took out some chicken to throw on the grill and also pulled out some fresh veggies. Thank God Wesley had stopped by the store and stocked us up on some food. After peeking in on Walker and Court, both still asleep, I walked outside and started the grill. Then, I hit Layton’s number on my cell.

  “Welcome home, dude,” Layton said as I heard Whitley yell the same thing in the background.

  “Thanks! Hey, I’m starting up the grill, and Court and Walker have been taking a good nap, so y’all head on over anytime.”

  “Sounds good. Whit made dessert and a salad, so we’ll head that way now.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Perfect. Court should be awake by the time y’all get here.”

  “Sounds good. See ya in a few,” Layton said.

  “See ya soon.” I hit End and headed back into the house.

  As I walked by the nursery, I saw the door was open. I knew I had shut it before we’d left, so I walked into the room and turned on the light. I looked around, and the picture frame hanging above the crib instantly caught my eye. I walked up to it and sucked in a breath of air. It was a giant frame filled with dry flowers. The closer I looked, I realized they were the flowers from the garden out back that I had been giving to Courtney during her pregnancy. I stumbled back and felt the tears building in my eyes.

  “Do you like it?”

  I spun around and saw Courtney standing in the doorway, holding Walker. Something happened in that moment, and I was so overcome with happiness that I had to grab on to the crib to hold myself up. I struggled to find words to talk. I nodded as she smiled bigger.

  “I saved a flower or two from each bouquet and dried them out. I got the idea to frame them from Whit. I don’t think you even realized what you were doing when you placed those flowers there each time.”

  “Wha-what did I do?” I said as my voice cracked.

  “You showed me over and over again how you would never give up on me. You’d never give up on our love. You made me realize that this crazy ride we were on before we got to right here…in this very moment…was only preparing us for the future. It taught us that we wouldn’t give up…ever. You pulled me out of the dark and brought me into the light. I wanted to show you that I feel the same way. I’ll never give up on our love or us because our love is a true love and so rare, Reed. This love that we share together is worth the dark road it took to get here.”

  I choked out my sobs as I watched her walk over. She set Walker down in the crib, and then I pulled her into my arms and held her as tight as I could.

  “I love you, Courtney. Thank you for letting me love you.”

  “Reed, I love you so much.”

  I pulled back and wiped her tears away with my thumbs. “No more dark roads and broken dreams, angel. Only sunlit roads and dreams coming true from this point on.”

  “Is that a promise?” Courtney said as she scrunched up her nose and smiled.

  I kissed the tip of her nose and looked down at Walker before turning my eyes to hers. “That’s a promise.”

  Five Years Later

  “Ava Grace! Do not bite Gracie’s ear,” I said.

  Reed, Walker, and Jase ran by, yelling, “Tackle, Uncle Layton!”

  Whitley laughed as she walked up and gave Taylor and Ava each a cupcake. “I can’t believe Walker and Taylor are five. Time has just flown by.”

  I smiled as I looked around and nodded. “And Ava and Jase are just turning four. It’s unreal.”

  Whitley let out a laugh. “You know what’s unreal is both pregnancies, we were just weeks apart from each other.”

  I giggled and nodded my head. “That’s because you and Layton didn’t wait your full six weeks!”

  Whitley turned and looked at me, mouth hanging open. “Excuse me. You had Ava a week after I had Jase. Who didn’t wait her full six weeks? I wouldn’t doubt that y’all were having sex a few days after Walker was born.”

  “Pesh. I wish, but Reed did make up for it in so many different ways,” I said as I wiggled my eyebrows up and down.

  “Please. Layton wrote the book on how to make me feel good and—”

  “Girls, please. After all these years, you would think you’d remember when y’all are in public and not to talk about your sex life,” Mimi said as she walked by and scooped up Ava before heading toward the swings.

  “Me, too, Aunt Mimi! I want to swing, too! I get to go first! It’s my birthday, y’all!” Taylor yelled out as she took off after Mimi and Ava.

  I sat down and let out a sigh. “Y’all still talking about another one?” I asked as I looked over at Whitley.

  She shook her head. “No. I think Taylor and Jase are enough. I mean, how lucky are we that we had a girl and a boy? I love our little family, and I am perfectly content with it just how it is.” She glanced over at m
e and gave my shoulder a push. “What about you?”

  “Nope. Reed already has an appointment to get the old balls snipped.”

  “Yuck. I didn’t need that visual,” Whitley said as she made a gagging sound.

  We sat there in silence as we watched our little world playing out in front of us. Reed, Layton, and Kevin were playing tag football with the boys while Mimi, Melanie, Jen, and Kate played with the girls on the swings.

  I couldn’t help but notice how Kevin and Jen kept looking at each other. They had been dating for the last two years, and Jen didn’t know it, but Kevin was going to pop the question tonight. I smiled, thinking about it and how happy Jen would finally be. We all knew Mike was the love of her life, and Kevin had spent a few years letting guilt get in his way of pursuing his best friend’s girl. But when Layton had told him that Mike would want Jen to be with someone he had trusted and loved like a brother, Kevin had finally given in and asked Jen out.

  “Hey, Whit?” I asked as I watched Reed running after Walker.

  “Yeah, Court?”

  “Did you ever imagine your life could be this happy?” I asked.

  Reed happened to look up, and his eyes caught mine. I sucked in a breath of air and placed my hands on my stomach. He still had the power to make me feel like a teenager in love.

  “Nope, not until the first time Layton made love to me. I think I knew in that moment that everything was going to be okay.”

  I nodded as I smiled at Reed.

  He gave me that crooked smile of his and then mouthed, I love you.

  I bit down on my lip and mouthed it back.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  We both turned and looked at each other.

  “I would have to say it was the same for me. I knew the first time Reed made love to me.”

  We smiled at each other, and then I let out a giggle.

  “You know what just hit me? Layton and Reed both made love to us for the first time in a shower!”

  We both started laughing like little girls who had just shared a naughty secret.

  “There ya go. That explains it all!” Whitley said.

  As the day went on, Reed and I had exchanged looks multiple times, and each time, I had to fight the urge to touch myself to release the buildup between my legs.

  I was cutting the birthday cake when I felt him walk up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and began kissing my neck.

  “Mmm…that feels good,” I whispered.

  He bit my earlobe, and it felt like a jolt of electricity was running through my body.

  “I know what would feel better.”

  I turned my head and looked at him. “What?”

  Reed looked all around and then motioned with his head toward the trees.

  “The trees? What about them?”

  He turned my body until I was facing him. He took the knife out of my hand and set it on the table. The next thing I knew, we were sneaking away from everyone. With the way our property went downhill, we were out of sight in no time flat.

  Reed pushed me up against a tree and lifted up my white dress.

  “Oh my God, Reed, what are you doing?” I asked in a hushed voice.

  Reed handed me his cowboy hat, and he began unbuttoning his pants. He pushed them down, exposing his hard dick. I licked my lips as I looked back up into his eyes.

  “I promised to fuck my wife at least once a week, and it dawned on me earlier…it’s been a few weeks since she’s had a good, hard fuck.”

  I gave him a wicked smile, dropped his hat, and reached for my panties. I pulled them off as Reed’s smile spread wider across his face.

  “Well, who am I to stand in the way of a promise?”

  The End

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  “That’s it, baby. Breathe in and out,” Layton whispered into my ear as he brushed back my hair.

  I smiled and tried to do what he’d said, but it hurt so much. “Layton, I just need this baby out of me—like, right now.”

  Layton chuckled and said, “I know, Whit. Baby, it won’t be much longer now. I love you so much, and you amaze me.”

  I turned and looked into Layton’s eyes, and I felt an almost immediate release of pain. I had been pushing for a while now, and I was pretty sure this baby had decided today was not the day to make a grand appearance.

  “Whitley, if you can give me one more good push, I think that will do it,” Dr. Johnson said.

  I nodded my head and weakly said, “Okay.”

  Dr. Johnson smiled. “Ready? Give me a good push, Whitley.”

  I somehow mustered up all the energy I had while I squeezed the hell out of Layton’s hand as I sat up some and pushed with all my might. Right when I was about to give up, I felt an instant relief.

  I collapsed back onto the bed as I heard the sounds of our baby fill the air. I looked up and saw Layton crying, and I began crying. When I turned and looked at our beautiful baby girl in Dr. Johnson’s hands, I really began crying. Everything sounded muffled as I heard the doctor tell Layton to cut the cord. Dr. Johnson handed my baby girl to a nurse, who quickly took her over to a table and began cleaning her up.

  “Whitley,” Layton whispered in my ear.

  I slowly pulled my eyes from the baby and looked at Layton. The tears running down his face caused me to fall in love with him even more, if that were even possible.

  Layton smiled at me, and his blue eyes sparkled as he said, “Baby, that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so proud of you, and at the same time, I’m in complete awe of you. I love you so much, Whitley. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth.”

  I couldn’t even talk. I was so lost in the moment that the only thing I could do was let out a sob as I said, “Layton.”

  He smiled as he bent down and gently kissed my lips.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Morris, your baby girl is very eager to meet y’all,” the nurse said as she walked up and handed Taylor to Layton.

  I would never be able to describe the look of love on Layton’s face. I tried to take in every second of it, so I would never forget it.

  Layton sucked in a breath and said, “Taylor Elizabeth Morris, I will forever love you and protect you from all things…including boys.”

  I let out a giggle as I watched Layton inspect each of her fingers and then her toes. My heart was beating so hard and loud in my chest that I was sure everyone could hear it.

  “You, little girl, have made me the happiest daddy ever,” Layton said as he gently rocked our baby in his arms.

  Oh Lord…

  I wasn’t sure how this man could do it, but he just kept proving to me that I could fall in love with him more and more.

  Layton looked up at me as a nurse began sitting me up. “Time for your mommy to hold you, pumpkin.”

  I reached my arms out, and the moment Layton placed our daughter into my arms, something happened. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I felt a warm sensation spread through my whole body. Then, she looked into my eyes, and I tried desperately not to cry harder.

  “Hi, baby girl. Oh, how I’ve longed to see your beautiful face.”

  Our daughter held my eyes captive, and I had never in my life felt so at peace and so happy. Nothing would ever top this moment for the rest of my life.

  Layton leaned down and kissed Taylor on the forehead before kissing me on the lips. He pulled back some and said, “I’ve never seen two more beautiful women in my entire life. I will always protect both of you and love you with all my heart. I will never let you down, I promise you. I love you, Whitley.”

  A sob escaped my mouth. “Layton, I love you so much. You could never let us down—ever.”

  Layton sat down on the bed and gently began tracing his finger down the side of Taylor’s face. She slowly started closing her eyes as she d
rifted off to sleep.

  I smiled at Layton as I asked, “Are you ready for this ride?”

  He smiled back and let out a little chuckle. “I’ve never been so ready in my life.”

  I let out a sigh as I crawled back into the hospital bed. I smiled and shook my head as I thought back to the look on poor Reed’s face when Layton had declared that if Reed and Courtney had a son, he would never be allowed near Taylor.

  Layton had walked Reed and Courtney out, and I was taking advantage of the peace and quiet for a few minutes. I reached for my purse and began looking for my bag that had all my hair bands in it.

  A white paper caught my eye, and I reached for it and slowly pulled it out.

  The letter.

  I closed my eyes and began to open it up. I had read it over a year ago, and Layton had never once asked me what the letter said. I slowly took a deep breath and began reading the letter from Layton’s father again.

  I folded the letter back up and stuck it into my bag. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes and thanked God for all the blessings in my life. I opened my eyes and glanced over at Taylor, who was sleeping. I carefully got out of bed and walked over to her.

  I looked down at my little angel. “Taylor, your daddy means so very much to me. I can’t wait for all the memories you two will make together. He is such an amazing man.” I smiled and wiped the tear off my cheek.

  “He will love you with his whole heart and do anything to protect you, just like he does with me. As the two main girls in his life, our job is to love him back.” I let out a giggle. “He is so easy to love, Taylor. Oh, your daddy…I fell head over heels in love with him the first time he opened his mouth and talked to me. He has a way of doing that.”

  I dropped my head back some and looked up. I closed my eyes and whispered, “I promise you, I will love him with my heart and soul always.”

  Layton’s arms wrapped around me, and I felt his hot breath on my neck. “I love you, Whitley.”