Page 24 of The Last Threshold

Page 24


  By late morning, he had covered most of the perimeter, and had ventured into the city four separate times, and with still a lot of wall yet to scout. He almost quit and simply took to the north road, growing convinced that Dahlia had indeed departed, as Lord Draygo had hinted.

  “I would never have thought you foolish enough to return here, unless it was at the head of an army,” a voice whispered from behind him barely a few heartbeats after he had convinced himself to continue his last look around.

  Effron froze in place, plotting spell combinations and contingencies, either to get away or to strike out hard, for he knew that voice, and more importantly, he knew the diabolical truth behind it.

  “Come now, young tiefling, we need not be enemies,” the red-haired woman said.

  “Yet I remember your presence in the ranks of my enemies in the square near the bridge that day,” Effron reminded her.

  “Well, I didn’t say I would let you conquer my city,” the woman replied. “Have you returned with such intentions? If so, please do tell that I might be done with you now. ”

  “You underestimate my skills. ”

  “You know the truth of mine,” she replied.

  Effron spun around to regard her. She seemed so plain and calm, nondescript, even. She exuded motherhood at that moment, and it occurred to Effron that he wished he had been blessed with such a mother. Warm and comforting, someone to hold him close and tell him that everything would turn out well …

  The twisted warlock laughed at himself and shook that notion away. This was Arunika. Arunika was a devil, a succubus from the Nine Hells, wearing the mantle of a simple and gentle red-haired woman with a slightly freckled face. An ordinary citizen of Neverwinter, just going about her daily chores as any good human might.

  “You are hunting Barrabus and that sword,” Arunika remarked.

  It occurred to Effron that perhaps she didn’t know everything after all.

  “What do you know of him?” Effron asked. “And of his companions?” he quickly added, trying not to sound too obvious.

  “Why would I tell you?”

  Effron ran his good hand between his horns and scratched at his purple hair. It was a good question, he had to admit.

  “I have information you will wish to hear,” Effron offered a few moments later.

  “Do tell. ”

  “Well, that is the whole point, isn’t it?”

  Arunika laughed at him. “I’ve already established that I know that you know. ”

  “Not that, devil. ”

  “I should kill you for torturing my imp,” Arunika remarked. “Not for the sake of the imp, of course, but because of the breach of protocol. Invidoo is my property, and so I demand recompense. Tell me your secret, twisted warlock. ”

  “I will,” Effron promised. “And you tell me of Barrabus. ”

  “I owe you nothing. ”

  “But what harm in telling me? Surely you don’t hold any loyalty to Barrabus the Gray, and certainly not to his companion, this drow ranger. Indeed, should Drizzt learn the truth of Arunika, he would chase you from the land. ”

  Her expression revealed her unpleasant surprise at that thinly veiled threat. “Then I should make sure I destroy anyone else who might betray that secret. Is that your point?”

  Now Effron laughed, but it was an uncomfortable ploy.

  “I would not tell him … anything,” the twisted warlock said. “Nor Barrabus and the other, Dahlia. You witnessed the fight on the bridge when Herzgo Alegni was driven from this land. Effron is no friend to those three, I assure you. But I have mentioned the truth of Arunika to others among my Netherese brethren, including several lords who would not take well your threats against me. Beware, succubus, else you tempt the wrath of Netheril. ”

  Arunika stared at him hard, and yet, even in that look, there remained something so very appealing about this creature.

  “But there is no need for any of this,” Effron insisted. “We are not enemies, or should not be. Netheril will not return to Neverwinter. We have no reason to care, with the Thayan threat destroyed. ”

  “Netheril was here before there was a Thayan threat to Neverwinter,” Arunika reminded him.

  “True enough,” Effron admitted. “Our work was in the forest, and indeed, we may return to that place, but with no designs on ruling the city. It is not our place. It brings unwanted attention. So there, that is my secret, offered in friendship. ”

  “And offered before you exacted your demand. ”

  “All I ask is for you to guide me along the proper road to find Barrabus and his companions,” Effron replied. “And why would you not? Should they return to Neverwinter, they’ll not befriend Arunika, and should they ever determine the truth of your identity, they will seek to destroy you. So what do I ask of you that will not benefit you?”

  Arunika laughed again. “I do so enjoy the play of mortals,” she said. “With their foolish impatience as they scramble to make a legacy that will not last, no matter how many they kill. ”

  Effron started to respond to that confusing statement, but Arunika waved him to silence.

  “There is a band of highwaymen along the road just a few days north of here. If you make yourself conspicuous enough, they will likely find you. ”

  “Would that be a good thing?” he asked after considering Arunika’s words, and considering why she might have spoken them.

  Arunika smiled sweetly—too sweetly. “Find the highwaymen and you will learn much of Barrabus and his friends,” she said.

  Effron thought of going back to the Shadowfell and letting Draygo Quick guide him to a more advantageous location back on Toril, but part of his mission, likely the most important part, was to learn the lay of the land around their prey.

  So off he went. He had enough supplies for a tenday, at least. He had gone through almost half of those supplies before he came upon another person, a score of miles and more north of Neverwinter.

  “Halt and be counted,” the woman demanded, stepping out into the snow-covered trail before him, two large men at her side.

  “If you are a guard, pray tell from what town?” Effron replied innocently. Arunika’s words echoed in his thoughts. “I am not familiar with this region. ”

  “If you were, you wouldn’t be foolish enough to be traveling the roads alone,” the woman replied with a rather sinister grin. She nodded to the thugs flanking her and both began a steady advance.

  Effron didn’t flinch, and even smiled, which had the two men, both much larger than he, glancing at each other.

  “Then the only question that remains,” the small warlock remarked, “is whether I should sting you and chase you away, or simply kill you and be done with it. ” He shrugged and let his useless arm swing weirdly behind him, using it to further press the idea that he wasn’t the least bit intimidated.

  An arrow whipped out of the trees to the side of the road, speeding straight for the warlock, but Effron was, of course, magically defended against such attacks and his shield of magical energy deflected the arrow enough so that it whipped just a hair’s breadth from his face—and had he not instinctively turned aside, the missile would have likely taken a bit of his nose with it.

  “The latter, I think,” he calmly stated.

  “Port Llast has little to offer,” Dorwyllan told Drizzt and the others when he found them gearing up for the road.

  “Ye’re here,” Ambergris replied dryly.

  “Why thank you, good dwarf,” the grinning elf said with an exaggerated bow.

  “Not what I’m meanin’!” Ambergris insisted, but she couldn’t keep the toothy smile wholly off her face against Dorwyllan’s clever retort.

  The elf tossed her a wink. “I am here out of loyalty to these people who have stood so fiercely for their homes and their place in the world. I have lived here for many decades. My friendships go back generations to some of the families of Port Llast. A sorry friend I would be in
deed if I were to now desert them. ”

  “Perhaps that is what makes Port Llast attractive then,” said Drizzt. “A sense of loyalty and friendship and common cause. Community is no small thing. ”

  Dorwyllan grew serious as he explained, “It will take more than that to displace others that they might come to join in this community, don’t you think? The quarry, the reason for the founding of the city in the first place, is not nearly as rich now, with most of the valuable stones and metals already taken. It can supply some trade, likely, but not enough to support any sizable city.

  “The tides no longer favor Port Llast,” he went on, and he nodded out to the west, to the sea. “The changes after the Spellplague have greatly reduced Port Llast’s position as a vibrant seaport, and with Neverwinter rebuilding and Luskan to the north, I do not see the advantage of trying to strengthen the port in any significant way. ”

  “Perhaps you should campaign to be chosen as mayor of the town,” Afafrenfere remarked sarcastically. “Your words have convinced me to stay. ”

  “Grim truth, spoken among those who have earned the truth,” Dorwyllan replied. “There is trade and some profit to be found in the sea, if we can drive off the minions of Umberlee. Plentiful food, and some considered delicacies, and rightly so. But Neverwinter and Luskan and Waterdeep can all claim the same, so I am at a loss to understand what might lure enough people to Port Llast to secure our land and attempt to return the city to any sort of prosperity. ”

  “For those who already have community, I would agree,” said Drizzt.

  “If you are speaking of your troupe here, then know that—” Dorwyllan started to reply, but Dahlia cut him short.

  “Stuyles,” she said, figuring it all out. “You’re talking about farmer Stuyles. And Meg, the woman on the farm outside of Luskan. And the fool butcher who almost cut off my foot!”

  “He was trying to save you,” Drizzt quietly reminded her.

  “Might be tasty,” Ambergris added lightheartedly, and Afafrenfere giggled.

  Dorwyllan wore a perplexed expression.

  “The castoffs,” Drizzt explained to the elf. “Those who farmed the regions outside of Luskan, and under the protection of Luskan before the City of Sails fell to disrepair. ”

  “That was a century ago,” Dorwyllan said.

  “The rot was longer in spreading from Luskan’s walls,” Drizzt said. “The farms became less important to the pirates, and so Luskan grew more likely to send forth raiders than a protective militia. But some of the folk outside the city remain in their ancient homes, though they are sorely pressed, and with nowhere else to go. ”

  “And some are on the roads around your own village,” Dahlia added.

  Drizzt glared at her, but that only made Dahlia grin.

  “On the roads?” Dorwyllan asked, and his tone showed Drizzt that he had not missed the silent exchange between Drizzt and Dahlia. “Refugees? There are no refugees. Or do you mean highwaymen?”

  “Given what you’re asking, they deserve the truth,” Dahlia stated before Drizzt could formulate an appropriately diplomatic response. Again he cast a glance her way, trying to look more disappointed this time.