White snow and red plum blossom in the crystal world. The pretty girl, fragrant with powder, cuts some meat and eats it.

  Hsiang Ling, we will now proceed, perceived the young ladies engaged inchatting and laughing, and went up to them with a smiling countenance."Just you look at this stanza!" she said. "If it's all right, then I'llcontinue my studies; but if it isn't worth any thing, I'll banish atonce from my mind all idea of going in for versification."

  With these words, she handed the verses to Tai-yue and her companions.When they came to look at them, they found this to be their burden:

  If thou would'st screen Selene's beauteous sheen, thou'lt find it hard. Her shadows are by nature full of grace, frigid her form. A row of clothes-stones batter, while she lights a thousand li. When her disc's half, and the cock crows at the fifth watch, 'tis cold. Wrapped in my green cloak in autumn, I hear flutes on the stream. While in the tower the red-sleeved maid leans on the rails at night. She feels also constrained to ask of the goddess Ch'ang O: 'Why it is that she does not let the moon e'er remain round?'

  "This stanza is not only good," they with one voice exclaimed, afterperusing it, "but it's original, it's charming. It bears out theproverb: 'In the world, there's nothing difficult; the only thing hardto get at is a human being with a will.' We'll certainly ask you to joinour club."

  Hsiang Ling caught this remark; but so little did she credit it thatfancying that they were making fun of her, she still went on to pressTai-yue, Pao-ch'ai and the other girls to give her their opinions. Butwhile engaged in speaking, she spied a number of young waiting-maids,and old matrons come with hurried step. "Several young ladies and ladieshave come," they announced smilingly, "but we don't know any of them. Soyour ladyship and you, young ladies, had better come at once and seewhat relatives they are."

  "What are you driving at?" Li Wan laughed. "You might, after all, statedistinctly whose relatives they are."

  "Your ladyship's two young sisters have come," the matrons and maidsrejoined smiling. "There's also another young lady, who says she's missHsueeh's cousin, and a gentleman who pretends to be Mr. Hsueeh P'an'sjunior cousin. We are now off to ask Mrs. Hsueeh to meet them. But yourladyship and the young ladies might go in advance and greet them." Asthey spoke, they straightway took their leave.

  "Has our Hsueeh K'o come along with his sisters?" Pao-ch'ai inquired,with a smile.

  "My aunt has probably also come to the capital," Li Wan laughed. "How isit they've all arrived together? This is indeed a strange thing!" Thenadjourning in a body into Madame Wang's drawing rooms, they saw thefloor covered with a black mass of people.

  Madame Hsing's sister-in-law was there as well. She had entered thecapital with her daughter, Chou Yen, to look up madame Hsing. But ladyFeng's brother, Wang Jen, had, as luck would have it, just beenpreparing to start for the capital, so the two family connexions set outin company for their common destination. After accomplishing half theirjourney, they encountered, while their boats were lying at anchor, LiWan's widowed sister-in-law, who also was on her way to the metropolis,with her two girls, the elder of whom was Li Wen and the younger LiCh'i. They all them talked matters over, and, induced by the ties ofrelationship, the three families prosecuted their voyage together. Butsubsequently, Hsueeh P'an's cousin Hsueeh K'o,--whose father had, when ona visit years ago to the capital, engaged his uterine sister to the sonof the Han-lin Mei, whose residence was in the metropolis,--came whileplanning to go and consummate the marriage, to learn of Wang Jen'sdeparture, so taking his sister with him, he kept in his track till hemanaged to catch him up. Hence it happened that they all now arrived ina body to look up their respective relatives. In due course, theyexchanged the conventional salutations; and these over, they had a chat.

  Dowager lady Chia and madame Wang were both filled with ineffabledelight.

  "Little wonder is it," smiled old lady Chia, "if the snuff of the lampcrackled time and again; and if it formed and reformed into a head! Itwas, indeed, sure to come to this to-day!"

  While she conversed on every-day topics, the presents had to be putaway; and, as she, at the same time, expressed a wish to keep the newarrivals to partake of some wine and eatables, lady Feng had, needlessto say, much extra work added to her ordinary duties.

  Li Wan and Pao-ch'ai descanted, of course, with their aunts and cousinson the events that had transpired since their separation. But Tai-yue,though when they first met, continued in cheerful spirits, could notagain, when the recollection afterwards flashed through her mind thatone and all had their relatives, and that she alone had not a soul torely upon, avoid withdrawing out of the way, and giving vent to tears.

  Pao-yue, however, read her feelings, and he had to do all that lay in hispower to exhort her and to console her for a time before she cheered up.Pao-yue then hurried into the I Hung court. Going up to Hsi Jen, She Yueehand Chi'ng Wen: "Don't you yet hasten to go and see them?" he smiled."Who'd ever have fancied that cousin Pao-ch'ai's own cousin would bewhat he is? That cousin of hers is so unique in appearance and indeportment. He looks as if he were cousin Pao-ch'ai's uterine youngerbrother. But what's still more odd is, that you should have kept onsaying the whole day long that cousin Pao-ch'ai is a very beautifulcreature. You should now see her cousin, as well as the two girls of hersenior sister-in-law. I couldn't adequately tell you what they're like.Good heavens! Good heavens! What subtle splendour and spiritual beautymust you possess to produce beings like them, so superior to other humancreatures! How plain it is that I'm like a frog wallowing at the bottomof a well! I've throughout every hour of the day said to myself thatnowhere could any girls be found to equal those at present in our home;but, as it happens, I haven't had far to look! Even in our own nativesphere, one would appear to eclipse the other! Here I have now managedto add one more stratum to my store of learning! But can it possibly bethat outside these few, there can be any more like them?"

  As he uttered these sentiments, he smiled to himself. But Hsi Jennoticed how much under the influence of his insane fits he once morewas, and she promptly abandoned all idea of going over to pay herrespects to the visitors.

  Ch'ing Wen and the other girls had already gone and seen them and comeback. Putting on a smile, "You'd better," they urged Hsi Jen, "be off atonce and have a look at them. Our elder mistress' niece, Miss Pao'scousin, and our senior lady's two sisters resemble a bunch of four leeksso pretty are they!"

  But scarcely were these words out of their lips, than they perceivedT'an Ch'un too enter the room, beaming with smiles. She came in quest ofPao-yue.

  "Our poetical society is in a flourishing way," she remarked.

  "It is," smiled Pao-yue. "Here no sooner do we, in the exuberance of ourspirits, start a poetical society, than the devils and gods bringthrough their agency, all these people in our midst! There's only onething however. Have they, I wonder, ever learnt how to write poetry ornot?"

  "I just now asked every one of them," T'an Ch'un replied. "Their ideasof themselves are modest, it's true, yet from all I can gather there'snot one who can't versify. But should there even be any who can't,there's nothing hard about it. Just look at Hsiang Ling. Her case willshow you the truth of what I say."

  "Of the whole lot," smiled Ch'ing Wen, "Miss Hsueeh's cousin carries thepalm. What do you think about her, Miss Tertia?"

  "It's really so!" T'an Ch'un responded. "In my own estimation, even herelder cousin and all this bevy of girls are not fit to hold a candle toher!"

  Hsi Jen felt much surprise at what she heard. "This is indeed odd!" shesmiled. "Whence could one hunt up any better? We'd like to go and have apeep at her."

  "Our venerable senior," T'an Ch'un observed, "was at the very firstsight of her so charmed with her that there's nothing she wouldn't do.She has already compelled our Madame Hsing to adopt her as a godchild.Our dear ancestor wishes to bring her up herself; this point was settleda little while back."

  Pao-yue went into ecstasies. "Is this a fact?"
he eagerly inquired.

  "How often have I gone in for yarns?" T'an Ch'un said. "Now that ourworthy senior," continuing, she laughed, "has got this nicegranddaughter, she has banished from her mind all thought of a grandsonlike you!"

  "Never mind," answered Pao-yue smiling. "It's only right that girlsshould be more doated upon. But to-morrow is the sixteenth, so we shouldhave a meeting."

  "That girl Lin Tai-yue is no sooner out of bed," T'an Ch'un remarked,"than cousin Secunda falls ill again. Everything is, in fact, up anddown!"

  "Our cousin Secunda," Pao-yue explained, "doesn't also go in very muchfor verses, so, what would it matter if she were left out?"

  "It would be well to wait a few days," T'an Ch'un urged, "until the newcomers have had time to see enough of us to become intimate. We can theninvite them to join us. Won't this be better? Our senior sister-in-lawand cousin Pao have now no mind for poetry. Besides, Hsiang-yuen has notarrived. P'in Erh is just over her sickness. The members are not alltherefore in a fit state, so wouldn't it be preferable if we waiteduntil that girl Yuen came? The new arrivals will also have a chance ofbecoming friendly. P'in Erh will likewise recover entirely. Our seniorsister-in-law and cousin Pao will have time to compose their minds; andHsiang Ling to improve in her verses. We shall then be able to convene afull meeting; and won't it be better? You and I must now go over to ourworthy ancestor's, on the other side, and hear what's up. But, barringcousin Pao-ch'ai's cousin,--for we needn't take her into account, asit's sure to have been decided that she should live in our home,--if theother three are not to stay here with us, we should entreat ourgrandmother to let them as well take up their quarters in the garden.And if we succeed in adding a few more to our number, won't it be morefun for us?"

  Pao-yue at these words was so much the more gratified that his veryeyebrows distended, and his eyes laughed. "You've got your wits aboutyou!" he speedily exclaimed. "My mind is ever so dull! I've vainly givenway to a fit of joy. But to think of these contingencies was beyond me!"

  So saying the two cousins repaired together to their grandmother's suiteof apartments; where, in point of fact, Madame Wang had already gonethrough the ceremony of recognizing Hsueeh Pao-ch'in as her godchild.Dowager lady Chia's fascination for her, however, was so much out of thecommon run that she did not tell her to take up her quarters in thegarden. Of a night, she therefore slept with old lady Chia in the samerooms; while Hsueeh K'o put up in Hsueeh P'an's study.

  "Your niece needn't either return home," dowager lady Chia observed toMadame Hsing. "Let her spend a few days in the garden and see the placebefore she goes."

  Madame Hsing's brother and sister-in-law were, indeed, in straitenedcircumstances at home. So much so that they had, on their present visitto the capital, actually to rely upon such accommodation as Madame Hsingcould procure for them and upon such help towards their travellingexpenses as she could afford to give them. When she consequently heardher proposal, Madame Hsing was, of course, only too glad to comply withher wishes, and readily she handed Hsing Chou-yen to the charge of ladyFeng. But lady Feng, bethinking herself of the number of young ladiesalready in the garden, of their divergent dispositions and, above allthings, of the inconvenience of starting a separate household, deemed itadvisable to send her to live along with Ying Ch'un; for in the event,(she thought), of Hsing Chou-yen meeting afterwards with anycontrarieties, she herself would be clear of all responsibility, eventhough Madame Hsing came to hear about them. Deducting, therefore anyperiod, spent by Hsing Chou-yen on a visit home, lady Feng allowed HsingChou-yen as well, if she extended her stay in the garden of Broad Vistafor any time over a month, an amount equal to that allotted to YingCh'un.

  Lady Feng weighed with unprejudiced eye Hsing Chou-yen's temperament anddeportment. She found in her not the least resemblance to Madame Hsing,or even to her father and mother; but thought her a most genial andlove-inspiring girl. This consideration actuated lady Feng (not to dealharshly with her), but to pity her instead for the poverty, in whichthey were placed at home, and for the hard lot she had to bear, and totreat her with far more regard than she did any of the other youngladies. Madame Hsing, however, did not lavish much attention on her.

  Dowager lady Chia, Madame Wang and the rest had all along been fond ofLi Wan for her virtuous and benevolent character. Besides, hercontinence in remaining a widow at her tender age commanded generalesteem. When they therefore now saw her husbandless sister-in-law cometo pay her a visit, they would not allow her to go and live outside themansion. Her sister-in-law was, it is true, extremely opposed to theproposal, but as dowager lady Chia was firm in her determination, shehad no other course but to settle down, along with Li Wen and Li Ch'i,in the Tao Hsiang village.

  They had by this time assigned quarters to all the new comers, when, whowould have thought it, Shih Ting, Marquis of Chung Ching, was once againappointed to a high office in another province, and he had shortly totake his family and proceed to his post. But so little could old ladyChia brook the separation from Hsiang-yuen that she kept her behind andreceived her in her own home. Her original idea was to have asked ladyFeng to have separate rooms arranged for her, but Shih Hsiang-yuen was soobstinate in her refusal, her sole wish being to put up with Pao-ch'ai,that the idea had, in consequence, to be abandoned.

  At this period, the garden of Broad Vista was again much more full oflife than it had ever been before. Li Wan was the chief inmate. The restconsisted of Ying Ch'un, T'an Ch'un, Hsi Ch'un, Pao-ch'ai, Tai-yue,Hsiang-yuen, Li Wen, Li Ch'i, Pao Ch'in and Hsing Chou-yen. In additionto these, there were lady Feng and Pao-yue, so that they musteredthirteen in all. As regards age, irrespective of Li Wan, who was by farthe eldest, and lady Feng, who came next, the other inmates did notexceed fourteen, sixteen or seventeen. But the majority of them had comeinto the world in the same year, though in different months, so theythemselves could not remember distinctly who was senior, and who junior.Even dowager lady Chia, Madame Wang and the matrons and maids in thehousehold were unable to tell the differences between them with anyaccuracy, given as they were to the simple observance of addressingthemselves promiscuously and quite at random by the four wordsrepresenting 'female cousin' and 'male cousin.'

  Hsiang Ling was gratifying her wishes to her heart's content anddevoting her mind exclusively to the composition of verses, notpresuming however to make herself too much of a nuisance to Pao-ch'ai,when, by a lucky coincidence, Shih Hsiang-yuen came on the scene. But howwas it possible for one so loquacious as Hsiang-yuen to avoid the subjectof verses, when Hsiang Ling repeatedly begged her for explanations? Thisinspirited her so much the more, that not a day went by, yea not asingle night, on which she did not start some loud argument and lengthydiscussion.

  "You really," Pao-ch'ai felt impelled to laugh, "kick up such a din,that it's quite unbearable! Fancy a girl doing nothing else than turningpoetry into a legitimate thing for raising an argument! Why, were someliterary persons to hear you, they would, instead of praising you, havea laugh at your expense, and say that you don't mind your own business.We hadn't yet got rid of Hsiang Ling with all her rubbish, and here wehave a chatterbox like you thrown on us! But what is it that that mouthof yours keeps on jabbering? What about the bathos of Tu Kung-pu; andthe unadorned refinement of Wei Su-chou? What also about Wen Pa-ch'a'selegant diction; and Li I-shan's abstruseness? A pack of silly foolsthat you are! Do you in any way behave like girls should?"

  These sneers evoked laughter from both Hsiang Ling and Hsiang-yuen. Butin the course of their conversation, they perceived Pao-ch'in drop in,with a waterproof wrapper thrown over her, so dazzling with its gold andpurplish colours, that they were at a loss to make out what sort ofarticle it could be.

  "Where did you get this?" Pao-ch'ai eagerly inquired.

  "It was snowing," Pao-ch'in smilingly replied, "so her venerableladyship turned up this piece of clothing and gave it to me."

  Hsiang Ling drew near and passed it under inspection. "No wonder," sheexclaimed, "it looks so handsome! It's verily woven with

  "What about peacock's feathers?" Hsiang-yuen laughed. "It's made of thefeathers plucked from the heads of wild ducks. This is a clear sign thatour worthy ancestor is fond of you, for with all her love for Pao-yue,she hasn't given it to him to wear."

  "Truly does the proverb say: 'that every human being has his respectivelot.'" Pao-ch'ai smiled. "Nothing ever was further from my thoughts thanthat she would, at this juncture, drop on the scene! Come she may, buthere she also gets our dear ancestor to lavish such love on her!"

  "Unless you stay with our worthy senior," Hsiang-yuen said, "do come intothe garden. You may romp and laugh and eat and drink as much as you likein these two places. But when you get over to Madame Hsing's rooms, talkand joke with her, if she be at home, to your heart's content; it won'tmatter if you tarry ever so long. But should she not be in, don't putyour foot inside; for the inmates are many in those rooms and theirhearts are evil. All they're up to is to do us harm."

  These words much amused Pao-ch'ai, Pao-ch'in, Hsiang-Ling, Ying Erh andthe others present.

  "Were one to say," Pao-ch'ai smiled, "that you're heartless, (itwouldn't do); for you've got a heart. But despite your having a heart,your tongue is, in fact, a little too outspoken! You should reallyto-day acknowledge this Ch'in Erh of ours as your own sister!"

  "This article of clothing," Hsiang-yuen laughed, casting another glanceat Pao-ch'in, "is only meet for her to wear. It wouldn't verily lookwell on any one else."

  Saying this, she espied Hu Po enter the room. "Our old mistress," sheput in smiling, "bade me tell you, Miss Pao-ch'ai, not to keep toostrict a check over Miss Ch'in, for she's yet young; that you should lether do as she pleases, and that whatever she wants you should ask for,and not be afraid."

  Pao-ch'ai hastily jumped to her feet and signified her obedience.Pushing Pao-ch'in, she laughed. "Even you couldn't tell whence thispiece of good fortune hails from," she said. "Be off now; for mind, wemight hurt your feelings. I can never believe myself so inferior toyou!"

  As she spoke, Pao-yue and Tai-yue walked in. But as Pao-ch'ai continued toindulge in raillery to herself, "Cousin Pao," Hsiang-yuen smilinglyremonstrated, "you may, it's true, be jesting, but what if there wereany one to entertain such ideas in real earnest?"

  "If any one took things in earnest," Hu Po interposed laughing, "why,she'd give offence to no one else but to him." Pointing, as she utteredthis remark, at Pao-yue.

  "He's not that sort of person!" Pao-ch'ai and Hsiang-yuen simultaneouslyventured, with a significant smile.

  "If it isn't he," Hu Po proceeded still laughing, "it's she." Turningagain her finger towards Tai-yue.

  Hsiang-yuen expressed not a word by way of rejoinder.

  "That's still less likely," Pao-ch'ai smiled, "for my cousin is like herown sister; and she's far fonder of her than of me. How could shetherefore take offence? Do you credit that nonsensical trash uttered byYuen-erh! Why what good ever comes out of that mouth of hers?"

  Pao-yue was ever well aware that Tai-yue was gifted with a somewhat meandisposition. He had not however as yet come to learn anything of whathad recently transpired between Tai-yue and Pao-ch'ai. He was thereforejust giving way to fears lest his grandmother's fondness for Pao-ch'inshould be the cause of her feeling dejected. But when he now heard theremarks passed by Hsiang-yuen, and the rejoinders made, on the otherhand, by Pao-ch'ai, and, when he noticed how different Tai-yue's voiceand manner were from former occasions, and how they actually bore outPao-ch'ai's insinuation, he was at a great loss how to solve themystery. "These two," he consequently pondered, "were never like thisbefore! From all I can now see, they're, really, a hundred times farmore friendly than any others are!" But presently he also observed LinTai-yue rush after Pao-ch'in, and call out 'Sister,' and, without evenmaking any allusion to her name or any mention to her surname, treat herin every respect, just as if she were her own sister.

  This Pao-ch'in was young and warm-hearted. She was naturally besides ofan intelligent disposition. She had, from her very youth up, learnt howto read and how to write. After a stay, on the present occasion, of acouple of days in the Chia mansion, she became acquainted with nearlyevery inmate. And as she saw that the whole bevy of young ladies werenot of a haughty nature, and that they kept on friendly terms with herown cousin, she did not feel disposed to treat them with anydiscourtesy. But she had likewise found out for herself that Lin Tai-yuewas the best among the whole lot, so she started with Tai-yue, more thanwith any one else, a friendship of unusual fervour. This did not escapePao-yue's notice; but all he could do was to secretly give way toamazement.

  Shortly, however, Pao-ch'ai and her cousin repaired to Mrs. Hsueeh'squarters. Hsiang-yuen then betook herself to dowager lady Chia'sapartments, while Lin Tai-yue returned to her room and lay down to rest.

  Pao-yue thereupon came to look up Tai-yue.

  "Albeit I've read the 'Record of the Western Side-room,'" he smiled,"and understood a few passages of it, yet when I quoted some in order tomake you laugh, you flew into a huff! But I now remember that there is,indeed, a passage, which is not intelligible to me; so let me quote itfor you to explain it for me!"

  Hearing this, Tai-yue immediately concluded that his words harboured somesecret meaning, so putting on a smile, "Recite it and let me hear it,"she said.

  "In the 'Confusion' chapter," Pao-yue laughingly began, "there's a linecouched in most beautiful language. It's this: 'What time did Meng Kuangreceive Liang Hung's candlestick?' (When did you and Pao-ch'ai get to besuch friends?) These five characters simply bear on a stock story; butto the credit of the writer be it, the question contained in the threeempty words representing, 'What time' is set so charmingly! When did shereceive it? Do tell me!"

  At this inquiry, Tai-yue too could not help laughing. "The question wasoriginally nicely put," she felt urged to rejoin with a laugh. "Butthough the writer sets it gracefully, you ask it likewise with equalgrace!"

  "At one time," Pao-yue. observed, "all you knew was to suspect that I(was in love with Pao-ch'ai); and have you now no faults to find?"

  "Who ever could have imagined her such a really nice girl!" Tai-yuesmiled. "I've all along thought her full of guile!" And seizing theoccasion, she told Pao-yue with full particulars how she had, in the gameof forfeits, made an improper quotation, and what advice Pao-ch'ai hadgiven her on the subject; how she had even sent her some birds' nests,and what they had said in the course of the chat they had had during herillness.

  Pao-yue then at length came to see why it was that such a warm friendshiphad sprung up between them. "To tell you the truth," he consequentlyremarked smilingly, "I was just wondering when Meng Kuang had receivedLiang Hung's candlestick; and, lo, you, indeed, got it, when a merechild and through some reckless talk, (and your friendship was sealed)."

  As the conversation again turned on Pao-ch'in, Tai-yue recalled to mindthat she had no sister, and she could not help melting once more intotears.

  Pao-yue hastened to reason with her. "This is again bringing trouble uponyourself!" he argued. "Just see how much thinner you are this year thanyou were last; and don't you yet look after your health? Youdeliberately worry yourself every day of your life. And when you've hada good cry, you feel at last that you've acquitted yourself of theduties of the day."

  "Of late," Tai-yue observed, drying her tears, "I feel sore at heart. Butmy tears are scantier by far than they were in years gone by. With allthe grief and anguish, which gnaw my heart, my tears won't fallplentifully."

  "This is because weeping has become a habit with you," Pao-yue added."But though you fancy to yourself that it is so, how can your tears havebecome scantier than they were?"

  While arguing with her, he perceived a young waiting-maid, attached tohis room, bring him a red felt wrapper. "Our senior mistress, lady ChiaChu," she went on, "has just sent a servant to say that, as it snows,arrangements should be made for inviting people to-morrow to writeverses."

  But hardly was this message delivered, than they saw Li W
an's maidenter, and invite Tai-yue to go over. Pao-yue then proposed to Tai-yue toaccompany him, and together they came to the Tao Hsiang village. Tai-yuechanged her shoes for a pair of low shoes made of red scented sheepskin, ornamented with gold, and hollowed clouds. She put on a deep redcrape cloak, lined with white fox fur; girdled herself with alapis-lazuli coloured sash, decorated with bright green double rings andfour sceptres; and covered her head with a hat suitable for rainyweather. After which, the two cousins trudged in the snow, and repairedto this side of the mansion. Here they discovered the young ladiesassembled, dressed all alike in deep red felt or camlet capes, with theexception of Li Wan, who was clad in a woollen jacket, buttoning in themiddle.

  Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai wore a pinkish-purple twilled pelisse, lined withforeign 'pa' fur, worked with threads from abroad, and ornamented withdouble embroidery. Hsing Chou-yen was still attired in an old costume,she ordinarily used at home, without any garment for protection againstthe rain. Shortly, Shih Hsiang-yuen arrived. She wore the long pelisse,given her by dowager lady Chia, which gave warmth both from the insideand outside, as the top consisted of martin-head fur, and the lining ofthe long-haired coat of the dark grey squirrel. On her head, she had adeep red woollen hood, made _a la_ Chao Chuen, with designs ofclouds scooped out on it. This was lined with gosling-yellow,gold-streaked silk. Round her neck, she had a collar of sable fur.

  "Just see here!" Tai-yue was the first to shout with a laugh. "Here comesSun Hsing-che the 'monkey-walker!' Lo, like him, she holds a snow cloak,and purposely puts on the air of a young bewitching ape!"

  "Look here, all of you!" Hsiang-yuen laughed. "See what I wear inside!"

  So saying, she threw off her cloak. This enabled them to notice that shewore underneath a half-new garment with three different coloured borderson the collar and cuffs, consisting of a short pelisse of russetmaterial lined with ermine and ornamented with dragons embroidered invariegated silks whose coils were worked with golden threads. The lapelwas narrow. The sleeves were short. The folds buttoned on the side.Under this, she had a very short light-red brocaded satin bodkin, linedwith fur from foxes' ribs. Round her waist was lightly attached amany-hued palace sash, with butterfly knots and long tassels. On herfeet, she too wore a pair of low shoes made of deer leather. Her waistlooked more than ever like that of a wasp, her back like that of thegibbon. Her bearing resembled that of a crane, her figure that of amantis.

  "Her weak point," they laughed unanimously, "is to get herself up tolook like a young masher. But she does, there's no denying, cut a muchhandsomer figure like this, than when she's dressed up like a girl!"

  "Lose no time," Hsiang-yuen smiled, "in deliberating about writingverses, for I'd like to hear who is to stand treat."

  "According to my idea," Li Wan chimed in, "I think that as thelegitimate day, which was yesterday, has gone by, it would be too longto wait for another proper date. As luck would have it, it's snowingagain to-day, so won't it be well to raise contributions among ourselvesand have a meeting? We'll thus be able to give the visitors a greeting;and to get an opportunity of writing a few verses. But what are yourviews on the subject?"

  "This proposal is excellent!" Pao-yue was the first to exclaim. "The onlything is that it's too late to-day; and if it clears up by to-morrow,there will be really no fun."

  "It isn't likely," cried out the party with one voice, "that this snowyweather will clear up. But even supposing it does, the snow which willfall during this night will be sufficient for our enjoyment."

  "This place of mine is nice enough, it's true," Li Wan added, "yet itisn't up to the Lu Hsueeh Pavilion. I've already therefore despatchedworkmen to raise earthen couches, so that we should all be able to sitround the fire and compose our verses. Our venerable senior, I fancy, isnot sure about caring to join us. Besides, this is only a smallamusement between ourselves so if we just let that hussy Feng knowsomething about it, it will be quite enough. A tael from each of youwill be ample, but send your money to me here! As regards Hsiang Ling,Pao-ch'in, Li Wen, Li Ch'i and Chou-yen, the five of them, we needn'tcount them. Neither need we include the two girls of our number, who areill; nor take into account the four girls who've asked for leave. If youwill let me have your four shares, I'll undertake to see that five orsix taels be made to suffice."

  Pao-ch'ai and the others without exception signified their acquiescence.They consequently proceeded to propose the themes and to fix upon therhymes.

  "I've long ago," smiled Li Wan, "settled them in my own mind, sotomorrow at the proper time you'll really know all about them."

  At the conclusion of this remark, they indulged in another chat onirrelevant topics; and this over, they came into old lady Chia'squarters.

  Nothing of any note transpired during the course of that day. At anearly hour on the morrow, Pao-yue--for he had been looking forward withsuch keen expectation to the coming event that he had found itimpossible to have any sleep during the night,--jumped out of bed withthe first blush of dawn. Upon raising his curtain and looking out, heobserved that, albeit the doors and windows were as yet closed, a brightlight shone on the lattice sufficient to dazzle the eyes, and his mindbegan at once to entertain misgivings, and to feel regrets, in theassurance that the weather had turned out fine, and that the sun hadalready risen. In a hurry, he simultaneously sprung to his feet, andflung the window-frame open, then casting a glance outside, from withinthe glass casement, he realised that it was not the reflection of thesun, but that of the snow, which had fallen throughout the night to thedepth of over a foot, and that the heavens were still covered as if withtwisted cotton and unravelled floss. Pao-yue got, by this time, into anunusual state of exhilaration. Hastily calling up the servants, andcompleting his ablutions, he robed himself in an egg-plant-colouredcamlet, fox-fur lined pelisse; donned a short-sleeved falconry surtoutornamented with water dragons; tied a sash round his waist; threw overhis shoulders a fine bamboo waterproof; covered his head with a goldenrattan rain-hat; put on a pair of 'sha t'ang' wood clogs, and rushed outwith precipitate step towards the direction of the Lu Hsueeh Pavilion.

  As soon as he sallied out of the gate of the courtyard, he gazed on allfour quarters. No trace whatever of any other colour (but white) struckhis eye. In the distance stood the green fir-trees and thekingfisherlike bamboos. They too looked, however, as if they were placedin a glass bowl.

  Forthwith he wended his way down the slope and trudged along the foot ofthe hill. But the moment he turned the bend, he felt a whiff of coldfragrance come wafted into his nostrils. Turning his head, he espied tenand more red plum trees, over at Miao Yue's in the Lung Ts'ui monastery.They were red like very rouge. And, reflecting the white colour of thesnow, they showed off their beauty to such an extraordinary degree as topresent a most pleasing sight.

  Pao-yue quickly stood still, and gazed, with all intentness, at thelandscape for a time. But just as he was proceeding on his way, hecaught sight of some one on the "Wasp waist" wooden bridge, advancing inhis direction, with an umbrella in hand. It was the servant, despatchedby Li Wan, to request lady Peng to go over.

  On his arrival in the Lu Hsueeh pavilion, Pao-yue found the maids andmatrons engaged in sweeping away the snow and opening a passage. This LuHsueeh (Water-rush snow) pavilion was, we might explain, situated on aside hill, in the vicinity of a stream and spanned the rapids formed byit. The whole place consisted of several thatched roofs, mud walls, sidefences, bamboo lattice windows and pushing windows, out of whichfishing-lines could be conveniently dropped. On all four sidesflourished one mass of reeds, which concealed the single path out of thepavilion. Turning and twisting, he penetrated on his way through thegrowth of reeds until he reached the spot where stretched the bamboobridge leading to the Lotus Fragrance Arbour.

  The moment the maids and matrons saw him approach with hiswaterproof-wrapper thrown over his person and his rain-hat on his head,they with one voice laughed, "We were just remarking that what waslacking was a fisherman, and lo, now we've got everything that waswanted! Th
e young ladies are coming after their breakfast; you're in tooimpatient a mood!"

  At these words, Pao-yue had no help but to retrace his footsteps. As soonas he reached the Hsin Tang pavilion, he perceived T'an Ch'un, issuingfrom the Ch'iu Shuang Study, wrapped in a deep red woollen waterproof,and a 'Kuan Yin' hood on her head, supporting herself on the arm of ayoung maid. Behind her, followed a married woman, holding a glazedumbrella made of green satin.

  Pao-yue knew very well that she was on her way to his grandmother's, sospeedily halting by the side of the pavilion, he waited for her to comeup. The two cousins then left the garden together, and betook themselvesto the front part of the mansion. Pao-ch'in was at the time in the innerapartments, combing her hair, washing her hands and face and changingher apparel. Shortly, the whole number of girls arrived. "I feelpeckish!" Pao-yue shouted; and again and again he tried to hurry themeal. It was with great impatience that he waited until the eatablescould be laid on the table.

  One of the dishes consisted of kid, boiled in cow's milk. "This ismedicine for us, who are advanced in years," old lady Chia observed."They're things that haven't seen the light! The pity is that you youngpeople can't have any. There's some fresh venison to-day as an extracourse, so you'd better wait and eat some of that!"

  One and all expressed their readiness to wait. Pao-yue however could notdelay having something to eat. Seizing a cup of tea, he soaked a bowlfulof rice, to which he added some meat from a pheasant's leg, and gobbledit down in a scramble.

  "I'm well aware," dowager lady Chia said, "that as you're up tosomething again to-day, you people have no mind even for your meal. Letthem keep," she therefore cried, "that venison for their eveningrepast!"

  "What an idea!" lady Feng promptly put in. "We'll have enough with whatremains of it."

  Shih Hsiang-yuen thereupon consulted with Pao-yue. "As there's freshvenison," she said, "wouldn't it be nice to ask for a haunch and take itinto the garden and prepare it ourselves? We'll thus be able to sate ourhunger, and have some fun as well."

  At this proposal, Pao-yue actually asked lady Feng to let them have ahaunch, and he bade a matron carry it into the garden.

  Presently, they all got up from table. After a time, they entered thegarden and came in a body to the Lu Hsueeh pavilion to hear Li Wan giveout the themes, and fix upon the rhymes. But Hsiang-yuen and Pao-yue werethe only two of whom nothing was seen.

  "Those two," Tai-yue observed, "can't get together! The moment they meet,how much trouble doesn't arise! They must surely have now gone to hatchtheir plans over that haunch of venison."

  These words were still on her lips when she saw 'sister-in-law' Licoming also to see what the noise was all about. "How is it," she theninquired of Li Wan, "that that young fellow, with the jade, and thatgirl, with the golden unicorn round her neck, both of whom are socleanly and tidy, and have besides ample to eat, are over thereconferring about eating raw meat? There they are chatting, saying thisand saying that; but I can't see how meat can be eaten raw!"

  This remark much amused the party. "How dreadful!" they exclaimed, "Bequick and bring them both here!"

  "All this fuss," Tay-yue smiled, "is the work of that girl Yuen. I'm notfar off again in my surmises."

  Li Wan went out with precipitate step in search of the cousins. "If youtwo are bent upon eating raw meat," she cried, "I'll send you over toour old senior's; you can do so there. What will I care then if you havea whole deer raw and make yourselves ill over it? It won't be anybusiness of mine. But it's snowing hard and it's bitterly cold, so bequick and go and write some verses for me and be off!"

  "We're doing nothing of the kind," Pao-yue hastily rejoined. "We're goingto eat some roasted meat."

  "Well, that won't matter!" Li Wan observed. And seeing the old matronsbring an iron stove, prongs and a gridiron of iron wire, "Mind you don'tcut your hands," Li Wan resumed, "for we won't have any crying!"

  This remark concluded, she walked in.

  Lady Feng had sent P'ing Erh from her quarters to announce that she wasunable to come, as the issue of the customary annual money gave her justat present, plenty to keep her busy.

  Hsiang-yuen caught sight of P'ing Erh and would not let her go on hererrand. But P'ing Erh too was fond of amusement, and had ever followedlady Feng everywhere she went, so, when she perceived what fun was to begot, and how merrily they joked and laughed, she felt impelled to takeoff her bracelets (and to join them). The trio then pressed round thefire; and P'ing Erh wanted to be the first to roast three pieces ofvenison to regale themselves with.

  On the other side, Pao-ch'ai and Tai-yue had, even in ordinary times,seen enough of occasions like the present. They did not therefore thinkit anything out of the way; but Pao-ch'in and the other visitors,inclusive of 'sister-in-law' Li, were filled with intense wonder.

  T'an Ch'un had, with the help of Li Wan, and her companions, succeededby this time in choosing the subjects and rhymes. "Just smell that sweetfragrance," T'an Ch'un remarked. "One can smell it even here! I'm alsogoing to taste some."

  So speaking, she too went to look them up. But Li Wan likewise followedher out. "The guests are all assembled," she observed. "Haven't youpeople had enough as yet?"

  While Hsiang-yuen munched what she had in her month, she replied to herquestion. "Whenever," she said, "I eat this sort of thing, I feel acraving for wine. It's only after I've had some that I shall be able torhyme. Were it not for this venison, I would to-day have positively beenquite unfit for any poetry." As she spoke, she discerned Pao-ch'in,standing and laughing opposite to her, in her duck-down garment.

  "You idiot," Hsiang-yuen laughingly cried, "come and have a mouthful totaste."

  "It's too filthy!" Pao-ch'in replied smiling.

  "You go and try it." Pao-ch'ai added with a laugh. "It's capital! Yourcousin Lin is so very weak that she couldn't digest it, if she had any.Otherwise she too is very fond of this."

  Upon hearing this, Pao-ch'in readily crossed over and put a piece in hermouth; and so good did she find it that she likewise started eating someof it.

  In a little time, however, lady Feng sent a young maid to call P'ingErh.

  "Miss Shih," P'ing Erh explained, "won't let me go. So just return aheadof me."

  The maid thereupon took her leave; but shortly after they saw lady Fengarrive; she too with a wrapper over her shoulders.

  "You're having," she smiled; "such dainties to eat, and don't you tellme?"

  Saying this, she also drew near and began to eat.

  "Where has this crowd of beggars turned up from?" Tai-yue put in with alaugh. "But never mind, never mind! Here's the Lu Hsueeh pavilion come infor this calamity to-day, and, as it happens, it's that chit Yuen by whomit has been polluted! But I'll have a good cry for the Lu Hsueehpavilion."

  Hsiang-yuen gave an ironical smile. "What do you know?" she exclaimed. "Agenuine man of letters is naturally refined. But as for the whole lot ofyou, your poor and lofty notions are all a sham! You are most loathsome!We may now be frowzy and smelly, as we munch away lustily with ourvoracious appetites, but by and bye we'll prove as refined as scholars,as if we had cultured minds and polished tongues."

  "If by and bye," Pao-ch'ai laughingly interposed, "the verses youcompose are not worth anything, I'll tug out that meat you've eaten, andtake some of these snow-buried weeds and stuff you up with. I'll thusput an end to this evil fortune!"

  While bandying words, they finished eating. For a time, they busiedthemselves with washing their hands. But when P'ing Erh came to put onher bracelets, she found one missing. She looked in a confused manner,at one time to the left, at another to the right; now in front of her,and then behind her for ever so long, but not a single vestige of it wasvisible. One and all were therefore filled with utter astonishment.

  "I know where this bracelet has gone to;" lady Feng suggested smilingly."But just you all go and attend to your poetry. We too can well dispensewith searching for it, and repair to the front. Before three days areout, I'll wager that it turns up.
What verses are you writing to-day?"continuing she went on to inquire. "Our worthy senior says that the endof the year is again nigh at hand, and that in the first moon some moreconundrums will have to be devised to be affixed on lanterns, for therecreation of the whole family."

  "Of course we'll have to write a few," they laughingly rejoined, uponhearing her remarks. "We forgot all about it. Let's hurry up now, andcompose a few fine ones, so as to have them ready to enjoy some good funin the first moon."

  Speaking the while, they came in a body into the room with the earthencouches, where they found the cups, dishes and eatables already laid outin readiness. On the walls had been put up the themes, metre, andspecimen verses. Pao-yue and Hsiang-yuen hastened to examine what waswritten. They saw that they had to take for a theme something on thepresent scenery and indite a stanza with antithetical pentameter lines;that the word 'hsiao,' second (in the book of metre), had been fixedupon as a rhyme; but that there was, below that, no mention, as yet,made of any precedence.

  "I can't write verses very well," Li Wan pleaded, "so all I'll do willbe to devise three lines, and the one, who'll finish the task first,we'll have afterwards to pair them."

  "We should, after all," Pao-ch'ai urged, "make some distinction withregard to order."

  But, reader, if you entertain any desire to know the sequel, peruse theparticulars recorded in the chapter that follows.

Xueqin Cao's Novels