Pao-yue allows the girl Ch'ing Wen to tear his fan so as to afford her amusement. A wedding proves to be the result of the descent of a unicorn.

  But to proceed. When she saw on the floor the blood, she had brought up,Hsi Jen immediately grew partly cold. What she had often heard peoplemention in past days 'that the lives of young people, who expectorateblood, are uncertain, and that although they may live long, they are,after all, mere wrecks,' flashed through her mind. The remembrance ofthis saying at once completely scattered to the winds the wish, she hadall along cherished, of striving for honour and of being able to boastof glory; and from her eyes unwittingly ran down streams of tears.

  When Pao-yue saw her crying, his heart was seized with anguish. "What'sit that preys on your mind?" he consequently asked her.

  Hsi Jen strained every nerve to smile. "There's no rhyme or reason foranything," she replied, "so what can it be?"

  Pao-yue's intention was to there and then give orders to the servant towarm some white wine and to ask them for a few 'Li-T'ung' pillscompounded with goat's blood, but Hsi Jen clasped his hand tight. "Mytroubling you is of no matter," she smiled, "but were I to put ever somany people to inconvenience, they'll bear me a grudge for my impudence.Not a soul, it's clear enough, knows anything about it now, but were youto make such a bustle as to bring it to people's notice, you'll be in anawkward fix, and so will I. The proper thing, therefore, is for you tosend a page to-morrow to request Dr. Wang to prepare some medicine forme. When I take this I shall be all right. And as neither any humanbeing nor spirit will thus get wind of it, won't it be better?"

  Pao-yue found her suggestion so full of reason that he thought himselfobliged to abandon his purpose; so approaching the table, he poured acup of tea, and came over and gave it to Hsi Jen to rinse her mouthwith. Aware, however, as Hsi Jen was that Pao-yue himself was not feelingat ease in his mind, she was on the point of bidding him not wait uponher; but convinced that he would once more be certain not to accede toher wishes, and that the others would, in the second place, have to bedisturbed, she deemed it expedient to humour him. Leaning on the couch,she consequently allowed Pao-yue to come and attend to her.

  As soon as the fifth watch struck, Pao-yue, unmindful of combing orwashing, hastily put on his clothes and left the room; and sending forWang Chi-jen, he personally questioned him with all minuteness about herailment.

  Wang Chi-jen asked how it had come about. "It's simply a bruise; nothingmore," (he said), and forthwith he gave him the names of some pills andmedicines, and told him how they were to be taken, and how they were tobe applied.

  Pao-yue committed every detail to memory, and on his return into thegarden, the treatment was, needless for us to explain, taken in hand instrict compliance with the directions.

  This was the day of the dragon-boat festival. Cat-tail and artemisiawere put over the doors. Tiger charms were suspended on every back. Atnoon, Madame Wang got a banquet ready, and to this midday feast, sheinvited the mother, daughter and the rest of the members of the Hsueehhousehold.

  Pao-yue noticed that Pao-ch'ai was in such low spirits that she would noteven speak to him, and concluded that the reason was to be sought in theincident of the previous day. Madame Wang seeing Pao-yue in a sullenhumour jumped at the surmise that it must be due to Chin Ch'uan's affairof the day before; and so ill at ease did she feel that she heeded himless than ever. Lin Tai-yue, detected Pao-yue's apathy, and presumed thathe was out of sorts for having given umbrage to Pao-ch'ai, and hermanner likewise assumed a listless air. Lady Feng had, in the course ofthe previous evening, been told by Madame Wang what had taken placebetween Pao-yue and Chin Ch'uan, and when she came to know that MadameWang was in an unhappy frame of mind she herself did not venture to chator laugh, but at once regulated her behaviour to suit Madame Wang'smood. So the lack of animation became more than ever perceptible; forthe good cheer of Ying Ch'un and her sisters was also damped by thesight of all of them down in the mouth. The natural consequencetherefore was that they all left after a very short stay.

  Lin Tai-yue had a natural predilection for retirement. She did not carefor social gatherings. Her notions, however, were not entirely devoid ofreason. She maintained that people who gathered together must soon part;that when they came together, they were full of rejoicing, but did theynot feel lonely when they broke up? That since this sense of lonelinessgave rise to chagrin, it was consequently preferable not to have anygatherings. That flowers afforded an apt example. When they opened, theywon people's admiration; but when they faded, they added to the feelingof vexation; so that better were it if they did not blossom at all! Tothis cause therefore must be assigned the fact that when other peoplewere glad, she, on the contrary, felt unhappy.

  Pao-yue's disposition was such that he simply yearned for frequentgatherings, and looked forward with sorrow to the breaking up which musttoo soon come round. As for flowers, he wished them to bloom repeatedlyand was haunted with the dread of their dying in a little time. Yetalbeit manifold anguish fell to his share when banquets drew to a closeand flowers began to fade, he had no alternative but to practiceresignation.

  On this account was it that, when the company cheerlessly broke up fromthe present feast, Lin Tai-yue did not mind the separation; and thatPao-yue experienced such melancholy and depression, that, on his returnto his apartments, he gave way to deep groans and frequent sighs.

  Ch'ing Wen, as it happened, came to the upper quarters to change hercostume. In an unguarded moment, she let her fan slip out of her handand drop on the ground. As it fell, the bones were snapped. "You stupidthing!" Pao-yue exclaimed, sighing, "what a dunce! what next will you beup to by and bye? When, in a little time, you get married and have ahome of your own, will you, forsooth, still go on in this happy-go-luckycareless sort of way?"

  "Master Secundus," replied Ch'ing Wen with a sardonic smile, "yourtemper is of late dreadfully fiery, and time and again it leaks out onyour very face! The other day you even beat Hsi Jen and here you areagain now finding fault with us! If you feel disposed to kick or strikeus, you are at liberty, Sir, to do so at your pleasure; but for a fan toslip on the ground is an everyday occurrence! How many of those crystaljars and cornelian bowls were smashed the other time, I don't remember,and yet you were not seen to fly into a tantrum; and now, for a fan doyou distress yourself so? What's the use of it? If you dislike us, wellpack us off and select some good girls to serve you, and we will quietlygo away. Won't this be better?"

  This rejoinder so exasperated Pao-yue that his whole frame trembledviolently. "You needn't be in a hurry!" he then shouted. "There will bea day of parting by and bye."

  Hsi Jen was on the other side, and from an early period she listened tothe conversation between them. Hurriedly crossing over, "what are you upto again?" she said to Pao-yue, "why, there's nothing to put your monkeyup! I'm perfectly right in my assertion that when I'm away for anylength of time, something is sure to happen."

  Ch'ing Wen heard these remarks. "Sister," she interposed smilingironically, "since you've got the gift of the gab, you should have comeat once; you would then have spared your master his fit of anger. It'syou who have from bygone days up to the present waited upon master;we've never had anything to do with attending on him; and it's becauseyou've served him so faithfully that he repaid you yesterday with a kickon the stomach. But who knows what punishment mayn't be in store for us,who aren't fit to wait upon him decently!"

  At these insinuations, Hsi Jen felt both incensed and ashamed. She wasabout to make some response but Pao-yue had worked himself into suchanother passion as to get quite yellow in the face, and she was obligedto rein in her temper. Pushing Ch'ing Wen, "Dear sister," she cried,"you had better be off for a stroll! it's really we, who are to blame!"

  The very mention of the word "we" made it certain to Ch'ing Wen that sheimplied herself and Pao-yue, and thus unawares more fuel was added againto her jealous notions. Giving way to several loud smiles, full ofirony: "I can't
make out," she insinuated, "who you may mean. But don'tmake me blush on your account! Even those devilish pranks of yours can'thoodwink me! How and why is it that you've started styling yourself as'we?' Properly speaking, you haven't as yet so much as attained thedesignation of 'Miss!' You're simply no better than I am, and how is itthen that you presume so high as to call yourself 'we.'"

  Hsi Jen's face grew purple from shame. "The fact is," she reflected,"that I've said more than I should."

  "As one and all of you are ever bearing her malice," Pao-yuesimultaneously observed, "I'll actually raise her to-morrow to a higherstatus!"

  Hsi Jen quickly snatched Pao-yue's hand. "She's a stupid girl," she said,"what's the use of arguing with her? What's more, you've so far bornewith them and overlooked ever, so many other things more grievous thanthis; and what are you up to to-day?"

  "If I'm really a stupid girl," repeated Ch'ing Wen, smilingsarcastically, "am I a fit person for you to hold converse with? Why,I'm purely and simply a slave-girl; that's all."

  "Are you, after all," cried Hsi Jen, at these words, "bickering with me,or with Master Secundus? If you bear me a grudge, you'd better thenaddress your remarks to me alone; albeit it isn't right that you shouldkick up such a hullaballoo in the presence of Mr. Secundus. But if youhave a spite against Mr. Secundus, you shouldn't be shouting soboisterously as to make thousands of people know all about it! I camein, a few minutes back, merely for the purpose of setting matters right,and of urging you to make up your quarrels so that we should all be onthe safe side; and here I have the unlucky fate of being set upon byyou, Miss! Yet you neither seem to be angry with me, nor with Mr.Secundus! But armed _cap-a-pie_ as you appear to be, what is yourultimate design? I won't utter another word, but let you have your say!"

  While she spoke, she was hurriedly wending her way out.

  "You needn't raise your dander." Pao-yue remarked to Ch'ing Wen. "I'veguessed the secret of your heart, so I'll go and tell mother that asyou've also attained a certain age, she should send you away. Will thisplease you, yes or no?"

  This allusion made Ch'ing Wen unwittingly feel again wounded at heart.She tried to conceal her tears. "Why should I go away?" she asked. "Ifeven you be so prejudiced against me as to try and devise means to packme off, you won't succeed."

  "I never saw such brawling!" Pao-yue exclaimed. "You're certainly bentupon going! I might as well therefore let mother know so as to bundleyou off!"

  While addressing her, he rose to his feet and was intent upon trudgingoff at once. Hsi Jen lost no time in turning round and impeding hisprogress. "Where are you off to?" she cried.

  "I'm going to tell mother," answered Pao-yue.

  "It's no use whatever!" Hsi Jen smiled, "you may be in real earnest togo and tell her, but aren't you afraid of putting her to shame? If evenshe positively means to leave, you can very well wait until you two havegot over this bad blood. And when everything is past and gone, it won'tbe any too late for you to explain, in the course of conversation, thewhole case to our lady, your mother. But if you now go in hot haste andtell her, as if the matter were an urgent one, won't you be the means ofmaking our mistress give way to suspicion?"

  "My mother," demurred Pao-yue, "is sure not to entertain any suspicions,as all I will explain to her is that she insists upon leaving."

  "When did I ever insist upon going?" sobbed Ch'ing Wen. "You fly into arage, and then you have recourse to threats to intimidate me. But you'reat liberty to go and say anything you like; for as I'll knock my brainsout against the wall, I won't get alive out of this door."

  "This is, indeed, strange!" exclaimed Pao-yue. "If you won't go, what'sthe good of all this fuss? I can't stand this bawling, so it will be ariddance if you would get out of the way!"

  Saying this, he was resolved upon going to report the matter. Hsi Jenfound herself powerless to dissuade him. She had in consequence no otherresource but to fall on her knees.

  Pi Hen, Ch'iu Wen, She Yueeh and the rest of the waiting-maids hadrealised what a serious aspect the dispute had assumed, and not a soundwas to be heard to fall from their lips. They remained standing outsidelistening to what was going on. When they now overheard Hsi Jen makingsolicitous entreaties on her knees, they rushed into the apartment in abody; and with one consent they prostrated themselves on the floor.

  Pao-yue at once pulled Hsi Jen up. Then with a sigh, he took a seat onthe bed. "Get up," he shouted to the body of girls, "and clear out! Whatwould you have me do?" he asked, addressing himself to Hsi Jen. "Thisheart of mine has been rent to pieces, and no one has any idea aboutit!"

  While speaking, tears of a sudden rolled down his cheek. At the sight ofPao-yue weeping, Hsi Jen also melted into a fit of crying. Ch'ing Wen wasstanding by them, with watery eyes. She was on the point of reasoningwith them, when espying Lin Tai-yue step into the room, she speedilywalked out.

  "On a grand holiday like this," remonstrated Lin Tai-yue smiling, "how isit that you're snivelling away, and all for nothing? Is it likely thathigh words have resulted all through that 'dumpling' contest?"

  Pao-yue and Lin Tai-yue blurted out laughing.

  "You don't tell me, cousin Secundus," Lin Tai-yue put in, "but I know allabout it, even though I have asked no questions."

  Now she spoke, and now she patted Hsi Jen on the shoulder. "My dearsister-in-law," she smiled, "just you tell me! It must surely be thatyou two have had a quarrel. Confide in me, your cousin, so that I mightreconcile you."

  "Miss Lin," rejoined Hsi Jen, pushing her off, "what are you fussingabout? I am simply one of our servant-girls; you're therefore rathererratic in your talk!"

  "You say that you're only a servant-girl," smilingly replied Tai-yue,"and yet I treat you like a sister-in-law."

  "Why do you," Pao-yue chimed in, "give her this abusive epithet? Buthowever much she may make allowance for this, can she, when there are somany others who tell idle tales on her account, put up with your comingand telling her all you've said?"

  "Miss Lin," smiled Hsi Jen, "you're not aware of the purpose of myheart. Unless my breath fails and I die, I shall continue in hisservice."

  "If you die," remarked Lin Tai-yue smiling, "what will others do, Iwonder? As for me, I shall be the first to die from crying."

  "Were you to die," added Pao-yue laughingly, "I shall become a bonze."

  "You'd better be a little more sober-minded!" laughed Hsi Jen. "What'sthe good of coming out with all these things?"

  Lin Tai-yue put out two of her fingers, and puckered up her lips. "Up tothis," she laughed, "he's become a bonze twice. Henceforward, I'll tryand remember how many times you make up your mind to become a Buddhistpriest!"

  This reminded Pao-yue that she was referring to a remark he had made on aprevious occasion, but smiling to himself, he allowed the matter todrop.

  After a short interval, Lin Tai-yue went away. A servant then came toannounce that Mr. Hsueeh wanted to see him, and Pao-yue had to go. Thepurpose of this visit was in fact to invite him to a banquet, and as hecould not very well put forward any excuse to refuse, he had to remaintill the end of the feast before he was able to take his leave. Theresult was that, on his return, in the evening, he was to a great extentunder the effect of wine. With bustling step, he wended his way into hisown court. Here he perceived that the cool couch with a back to it, hadalready been placed in the yard, and that there was some one asleep onit. Prompted by the conviction that it must be Hsi Jen, Pao-yue seatedhimself on the edge of the couch. As he did so, he gave her a push, andinquired whether her sore place was any better. But thereupon he saw theoccupant turn herself round, and exclaim: "What do you come again toirritate me for?"

  Pao-yue, at a glance, realised that it was not Hsi Jen, but Ch'ing Wen.Pao-yue then clutched her and compelled her to sit next to him. "Yourdisposition," he smiled, "has been more and more spoilt throughindulgence. When you let the fan drop this morning, I simply made one ortwo remarks, and out you came with that long rigmarole. Had you gone forme it wouldn't have mattered; but you
also dragged in Hsi Jen, who onlyinterfered with every good intention of inducing us to make it up again.But, ponder now, ought you to have done it; yes or no?"

  "With this intense heat," remonstrated Ch'ing Wen, "why do you pull meand toss me about? Should any people see you, what will they think? Butthis person of mine isn't meet to be seated in here."

  "Since you yourself know that it isn't meet," replied Pao-yue with asmile, "why then were you sleeping here?"

  To this taunt Ch'ing Wen had nothing to say. But she spurted out intofresh laughter. "It was all right," she retorted, "during your absence;but the moment you come, it isn't meet for me to stay! Get up and let mego and have my bath. Hsi Jen and She Yueeh have both had theirs, so I'llcall them here!"

  "I've just had again a good deal of wine," remarked Pao-yue, laughingly;"so a wash will be good for me. And since you've not had your bath, youhad better bring the water and let's both have it together."

  "No, no!" smiled Ch'ing Wen, waving her hand, "I cannot presume to putyou to any trouble, Sir. I still remember how when Pi Hen used to lookafter your bath you occupied fully two or three hours. What you were upto during that time we never knew. We could not very well walk in. Whenyou had however done washing, and we entered your room, we found thefloor so covered with water that the legs of the bed were soaking andthe matting itself a regular pool. Nor could we make out what kind ofwashing you'd been having; and for days afterwards we had a laugh overit. But I've neither any time to get the water ready; nor do I see theneed for you to have a wash along with me. Besides, to-day it's chilly,and as you've had a bath only a little while back, you can very welljust now dispense with one. But I'll draw a basin of water for you towash your face, and to shampoo your head with. Not long ago, Yuean Yangsent you a few fruits; they were put in that crystal bowl, so you'dbetter tell them to bring them to you to taste."

  "Well, in that case." laughed Pao-yue, "you needn't also have a bath.Just simply wash your hands, and bring the fruit and let's have sometogether."

  "I'm so shaky," smiled Ch'ing Wen "that even fans slip out of my hands,and how could I fetch the fruit for you. Were I also to break the dish,it will be still more dreadful!"

  "If you want to break it, break it!" smiled Pao-yue. "These things areonly intended for general use. You like this thing; I fancy that; ourrespective tastes are not identical. The original use of that fan, forinstance, was to fan one's self with; but if you chose to break it forfun, you were quite at liberty to do so. The only thing is, when you getangry don't make it the means of giving vent to your temper! Just likethose salvers. They are really meant for serving things in. But if youfancy that kind of sound, then deliberately smash them, that will be allright. But don't, when you are in high dudgeon avail yourself of them toair your resentment! That's what one would call having a fancy for athing!"

  Ch'ing Wen greeted his words with a smile.

  "Since that be so," she said, "bring me your fan and let me tear it.What most takes my fancy is tearing!"

  Upon hearing this Pao-yue smilingly handed it to her. Ch'ing Wen, inpoint of fact, took it over, and with a crash she rent it in two. Closeupon this, the sound of crash upon crash became audible.

  Pao-yue was standing next to her. "How nice the noise is!" he laughed."Tear it again and make it sound a little more!"

  But while he spoke, She Yueeh was seen to walk in. "Don't," she smiled,"be up to so much mischief!" Pao-yue, however, went up to her andsnatching her fan also from her hand, he gave it to Ch'ing Wen. Ch'ingWen took it and there and then likewise broke it in two. Both he and shethen had a hearty laugh.

  "What do you call this?" She Yueeh expostulated. "Do you take my propertyand make it the means of distracting yourselves!"

  "Open the fan-box," shouted Pao-yue, "and choose one and take it away!What, are they such fine things!"

  "In that case," ventured She Yueeh, "fetch the fans and let her break asmany as she can. Won't that be nice!"

  "Go and bring them at once!" Pao-yue laughed.

  "I won't be up to any such tomfoolery!" She Yueeh demurred. "She hasn'tsnapped her hands, so bid her go herself and fetch them!"

  "I'm feeling tired," interposed Ch'ing Wen, as she laughingly leant onthe bed. "I'll therefore tear some more to-morrow again."

  "An old writer says," added Pao-yue with a smile, "'that a thousandounces of gold cannot purchase a single laugh'! What can a few fanscost?"

  After moralising, he went on to call Hsi Jen. Hsi Jen had just finishedthe necessary change in her dress so she stepped in; and a youngservant-girl, Chiao Hui, crossed over and picked up the broken fans.Then they all sat and enjoyed the cool breeze. But we can well dispensewith launching into any minute details.

  On the morrow, noon found Madame Wang, Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai, Lin Tai-yue, andthe rest of the young ladies congregated in dowager lady Chia's suite ofrooms. Some one then brought the news that: "Miss Shih had arrived." Ina little time they perceived Shih Hsiang-yun make her appearance in thecourt, at the head of a bevy of waiting-maids and married women.Pao-ch'ai, Tai-yu and her other cousins, quickly ran down the steps tomeet her and exchange greetings. But with what fervour girls of tenderyears re-unite some day after a separation of months need not, ofcourse, be explained. Presently, she entered the apartments, paid herrespects and inquired how they all were. But after this conventionalinterchange of salutations, old lady Chia pressed her to take off herouter garments as the weather was so close. Shih Hsiang-yuen lost no timein rising to her feet and loosening her clothes. "I don't see why,"Madame Wang thereupon smiled, "you wear all these things!'

  "It's entirely at aunt Secunda's bidding," retorted Shih Hsiang-yuen,"that I put them on. Why, would any one of her own accord wear so manythings!"

  "Aunt," interposed Pao-ch'ai, who stood by, with a smile, "you're notaware that what most delights her in the matter of dress is to don otherpeople's clothes! Yes, I remember how, during her stay here in the thirdand fourth moons of last year, she used to wear cousin Pao's pelisses.She even put on his shoes, and attached his frontlets as well round herhead. At a casual glance, she looked the very image of cousin Pao; whatwas superfluous was that pair of earrings of hers. As she stood at theback of that chair she so thoroughly took in our venerable ancestor thatshe kept on shouting: 'Pao-yue, come over! Mind the tassels suspended onthat lamp; for if you shake the dust off, it may get into your eyes!'But all she did was to laugh; she did not budge; and it was only afterevery one found it hard to keep their countenance that our worthy senioralso started laughing. 'You do look well in male habiliments!' she saidto her."

  "What about that!" cried Lin Tai-yue, "why, she had scarcely been herewith us a couple of days in the first moon of last year, when we sentand fetched her, that we had a fall of snow. You, venerable senior, andher maternal aunt had on that day, I remember so well, just returnedfrom worshipping the images of our ancestors, and a brand-new deep redfelt wrapper of yours, dear grandmother, had been lying over there, whensuddenly it disappeared. But, lo, she it was who had put it on! Being,however, too large and too long for her, she took a couple ofhandkerchiefs, and fastened them round her waist. She was then trudginginto the back court with the servant-girls to make snow men when shetripped and fell flat in front of the drain, and got covered all overwith mud."

  As she narrated this incident, every one recalled the circumstances tomind, and had a good laugh.

  "Dame Chou," Pao-ch'ai smilingly inquired of nurse Chou, "is your younglady always as fond of pranks as ever or not?"

  Nurse Chou then also gave a laugh.

  "Pranks are nothing," Ying Ch'un smiled. "What I do detest is herfondness for tittle-tattle! I've never seen any one who, even whenasleep, goes on chatter-chatter; now laughing, and now talking, as shedoes. Nor can I make out where she gets all those idle yarns of hers."

  "I think she's better of late," interposed Madame Wang. "The other daysome party or other came and they met; so she's to have a mother-in-lawvery soon; and can she still be comporting herself like that!"
  "Are you going to stay to-day," dowager lady Chia then asked, "or goingback home?"

  Nurse Chou smiled. "Your venerable ladyship has not seen what an amountof clothes we've brought," she replied. "We mean, of course, to stay acouple of days."

  "Is cousin Pao-yue not at home?" inquired Hsiang-yuen."

  "There she's again! She doesn't think of others," remarked Pao-ch'aismiling significantly. "She only thinks of her cousin Pao-yue. They'reboth so fond of larks! This proves that she hasn't yet got rid of thatspirit of mischief."

  "You're all now grown up," observed old lady Chia; "and you shouldn'tallude to infant names."

  But while she was chiding them, they noticed Pao-yue arrive.

  "Cousin Yuen, have you come?" he smiled. "How is it that you wouldn'tcome the other day when some one was despatched to fetch you?"

  "It's only a few minutes," Madame Wang said, "since our venerable seniorcalled that one to task, and now here he comes and refers to names andsurnames!"

  "Your cousin Pao," ventured Lin Tai-yue, "has something good, which hehas been waiting to give you."

  "What good thing is it?" asked Hsiang-yuen.

  "Do you believe what she says?" observed Pao-yue laughingly. "But howmany days is it that I have not seen you, and you've grown so muchtaller!"

  "Is cousin Hsi Jen all right?" inquired Hsiang-yuen.

  "She's all right," answered Pao-yue. "Many thanks for your kind thoughtof her."

  "I've brought something nice for her," resumed Hsiang-yuen.

  Saying this, she produced her handkerchief, tied into a knot.

  "What's this something nice?" asked Pao-yue. "Wouldn't it have beenbetter if you'd brought her a couple of those rings with streaked stonesof the kind you sent the other day?"

  "Why, what's this?" exclaimed Hsiang-yuen laughing, opening, as shespoke, the handkerchief.

  On close scrutiny, they actually found four streaked rings, similar tothose she had previously sent, tied up in the same packet.

  "Look here!" Lin Tai-yue smiled, "what a girl she is! Had you, whensending that fellow the other day to bring ours, given him these also tobring along with him, wouldn't it have saved trouble? Instead of that,here you fussily bring them yourself to-day! I presumed that it wassomething out of the way again; but is it really only these things? Invery truth, you're a mere dunce!"

  "It's you who behave like a dunce now!" Shih Hsiang-yuen smiled.

  "I'll speak out here and let every one judge for themselves who is thedunce. The servant, deputed to bring the things to you, had no need toopen his mouth and say anything; for, as soon as they were brought in,it was of course evident, at a glance, that they were to be presented toyou young ladies. But had he been the bearer of these things for them, Iwould have been under the necessity of explaining to him which wasintended for this servant-girl, and which for that. Had the messengerhad his wits about him, well and good; but had he been at all stupid hewouldn't have been able to remember so much as the names of the girls!He would have made an awful mess of it, and talked a lot of nonsense. Soinstead of being of any use he would have even muddled,hickledy-pickledy, your things. Had a female servant been despatched, itwould have been all right. But as it happened, a servant-boy was againsent the other day, so how could he have mentioned the names of thewaiting-girls? And by my bringing them in person to give them to them,doesn't it make things clearer?"

  As she said this, she put down the four rings. "One is for sister HsiJen," she continued, "one is for sister Yuean Yang. One for sister ChinCh'uan-erh, and one for sister P'ing Erh. They are only for these fourgirls; but would the servant-boys too forsooth have remembered them soclearly!"

  At these words, the whole company smiled. "How really clear!" theycried.

  "This is what it is to be able to speak!" Pao-yue put in. "She doesn'tspare any one!"

  Hearing this, Lin Tai-yue gave a sardonic smile. "If she didn't know howto use her tongue," she observed, "would she deserve to wear thatunicorn of gold!"

  While speaking, she rose and walked off.

  Luckily, every one did not hear what she said. Only Hsueeh Pao-ch'aipursed up her lips and laughed. Pao-yue, however, had overheard herremark, and he blamed himself for having once more talked in a heedlessmanner. Unawares his eye espied Pao-ch'ai much amused, and he too couldnot suppress a smile. But at the sight of Pao-yue in laughter, Pao-ch'aihastily rose to her feet and withdrew. She went in search of Tai-yue, tohave a chat and laugh with her.

  "After you've had tea," old lady Chia thereupon said to Hsiang-yuen,"you'd better rest a while and then go and see your sisters-in-law.Besides, it's cool in the garden, so you can walk about with yourcousins."

  Hsiang-yuen expressed her assent, and, collecting the three rings, shewrapped them up, and went and lay down to rest. Presently, she got upwith the idea of paying visits to lady Feng and her other relatives.Followed by a whole bevy of nurses and waiting-maids, she repaired intolady Feng's quarters on the off side. She bandied words with her for awhile and then coming out she betook herself into the garden of BroadVista, and called on Li Kung-ts'ai. But after a short visit, she turnedher steps towards the I Hung court to look up Hsi Jen. "You peopleneedn't," she said, turning her head round, "come along with me! You maygo and see your friends and relatives. It will be quite enough if yousimply leave Ts'ui Lue to wait upon me."

  Hearing her wishes, each went her own way in quest of aunts, orsisters-in-law. There only remained but Hsiang-yuen and Ts'ui Lue.

  "How is it," inquired Ts'ui Lue, "that these lotus flowers have not yetopened?"

  "The proper season hasn't yet arrived," rejoined Shih Hsiang-yuen.

  "They too," continued Ts'ui Lue, "resemble those in our pond; they aredouble flowers."

  "These here," remarked Hsiang-yuen, "are not however up to ours."

  "They have over there," observed Ts'ui Lue, "a pomegranate tree, withfour or five branches joined one to another, just like one storey raisedabove another storey. What trouble it must have cost them to rear!"

  "Flowers and plants," suggested Shih Hsiang-yuen, "are precisely like thehuman race. With sufficient vitality, they grow up in a healthycondition."

  "I can't credit these words," replied Ts'ui Lue, twisting her face round."If you maintain that they are like human beings, how is it that Ihaven't seen any person, with one head growing over another."

  This rejoinder evoked a smile from Hsiang-yuen. "I tell you not to talk,"she cried, "but you will insist upon talking! How do you expect peopleto be able to answer every thing you say! All things, whether in heavenor on earth come into existence by the co-operation of the dual powers,the male and female. So all things, whether good or bad, novel orstrange, and all those manifold changes and transformations ariseentirely from the favourable or adverse influence exercised by the maleand female powers. And though some things seldom seen by mankind mightcome to life, the principle at work is, after all, the same."

  "In the face of these arguments," laughed Ts'ui Lue, "everything, fromold till now, from the very creation itself, embodies a certainproportion of the Yin and Yang principles."

  "You stupid thing!" exclaimed Hsiang-yuen smiling, "the more you talk,the more stuff and nonsense falls from your lips! What about everythingembodying a certain proportion of the principles Yin and Yang! Besides,the two words Yin and Yang are really one word; for when the Yangprinciple is exhausted, it becomes the Yin; and when the Yin isexhausted, it becomes Yang. And it isn't that, at the exhaustion of theYin, another Yang comes into existence; and that, at the exhaustion ofthe Yang, a second Yin arises."

  "This trash is sufficient to kill me!" ejaculated Ts'ui Lue. "What arethe Yin and Yang? Why, they are without substance or form! But pray,Miss, tell me what sort of things these Yin and Yang can be!"

  "The Yin and Yang," explained Hsiang-yuen, "are no more than spirits, butanything affected by their influence at once assumes form. The heavens,for instance, are Yang, and the earth is Yin; water is Yin and fire isYang; the sun is Yang and the m
oon Yin."

  "Quite so! quite so!" cried out Ts'ui Lue, much amused by theseexplanations, "I've at length attained perception! It isn't strange thenthat people invariably call the sun 'T'ai-yang.' While astrologers keepon speaking of the moon as 'T'ai-yin-hsing,' or something like it. Itmust be on account of this principle."

  "O-mi-to-fu!" laughed Hsiang-yuen, "you have at last understood!"

  "All these things possess the Yin and Yang; that's all right." T'sui Lueput in. "But is there any likelihood that all those mosquitoes, fleesand worms, flowers, herbs, bricks and tiles have, in like manner,anything to do with the Yin and Yang?"

  "How don't they!" exclaimed Hsiang-yuen. "For example, even the leaves ofthat tree are distinguished by Yin and Yang. The side, which looks upand faces the sun, is called Yang; while that in the shade and lookingdownwards, is called Yin."

  "Is it really so!" ejaculated T'sui Lue, upon hearing this; while shesmiled and nodded her head. "Now I know all about it! But which is Yangand which Yin in these fans we're holding."

  "This side, the front, is Yang," answered Hsiang-yuen; "and that, thereverse, is Yin."

  Ts'ui Lue went on to nod her head, and to laugh. She felt inclined toapply her questions to several other things, but as she could not fixher mind upon anything in particular, she, all of a sudden, drooped herhead. Catching sight of the pendant in gold, representing a unicorn,which Hsiang-yuen had about her person, she forthwith made allusion toit. "This, Miss," she said smiling, "cannot likely also have any Yin andYang!"

  "The beasts of the field and the birds of the air," proceededHsiang-yuen, "are, the cock birds, Yang, and the hen birds, Yin. Thefemales of beasts are Yin; and the males, Yang; so how is there none?"

  "Is this male, or is this female?" inquired Ts'ui Lue.

  "Ts'ui!" exclaimed Hsiang-yuen, "what about male and female! Here you arewith your nonsense again."

  "Well, never mind about that," added Ts'ui Lue, "But how is it that allthings have Yin and Yang, and that we human beings have no Yin and noYang?"

  Hsiang-yuen then lowered her face. "You low-bred thing!" she exclaimed."But it's better for us to proceed on our way, for the more questionsyou ask, the nicer they get."

  "What's there in this that you can't tell me?" asked Ts'ui Lue, "But Iknow all about it, so there's no need for you to keep me on pins andneedles."

  Hsiang-yuen blurted out laughing. "What do you know?" she said.

  "That you, Miss, are Yang, and that I'm Yin," answered Ts'ui Lue.

  Hsiang-yuen produced her handkerchief, and, while screening her mouthwith it, burst out into a loud fit of laughter.

  "What I say must be right for you to laugh in this way," Ts'ui Lueobserved.

  "Perfectly right, perfectly right!" acquiesced Hsiang-yuen.

  "People say," continued Ts'ui Lue, "that masters are Yang, and thatservant-girls are Yin; don't I even apprehend this primary principle?"

  "You apprehend it thoroughly," responded Hsiang-yuen laughingly. Butwhile she was speaking, she espied, under the trellis with the cinnamonroses, something glistening like gold. "Do you see that? What is it?"Hsiang-yuen asked pointing at it.

  Hearing this, Ts'ui Lue hastily went over and picked up the object. Whilescrutinising it, she observed with a smile, "Let us find out whetherit's Yin or Yang!"

  So saying, she first laid hold of the unicorn, belonging to ShihHsiang-yuen, and passed it under inspection.

  Shih Hsiang-yuen longed to be shown what she had picked up, but Ts'ui Luewould not open her hand.

  "It's a precious gem," she smiled. "You mayn't see it, Miss. Where canit be from? How very strange it is! I've never seen any one in here withanything of the kind."

  "Give it to me and let me look at it," retorted Hsiang-yuen.

  Ts'ui Lue stretched out her hand with a dash. "Yes, Miss, please look atit!" she laughed.

  Hsiang-yuen raised her eyes. She perceived, at a glance, that it was agolden unicorn, so beautiful and so bright; and so much larger andhandsomer than the one she had on. Hsiang-yuen put out her arm and,taking the gem in the palm of her hand, she fell into a silent reverieand uttered not a word. She was quite absent-minded when suddenly Pao-yueappeared in the opposite direction.

  "What are you two," he asked smiling, "doing here in the sun? How is ityou don't go and find Hsi Jen?"

  Shih Hsiang-yuen precipitately concealed the unicorn. "We were justgoing," she replied, "so let us all go together."

  Conversing, they, in a company, wended their steps into the I Hungcourt. Hsi Jen was leaning on the balustrade at the bottom of the steps,her face turned to the breeze. Upon unexpectedly seeing Hsiang-yuenarrive she with alacrity rushed down to greet her; and taking her handin hers, they cheerfully canvassed the events that had transpired duringtheir separation, while they entered the room and took a seat.

  "You should have come earlier," Pao-yue said. "I've got something niceand was only waiting for you."

  Saying this, he searched and searched about his person. After a longinterval, "Ai-ya!" he ejaculated. "Have you perchance put that thingaway?" he eagerly asked Hsi Jen.

  "What thing?" inquired Hsi Jen.

  "The unicorn," explained Pao-yue, "I got the other day."

  "You've daily worn it about you, and how is it you ask me?" remarked HsiJen.

  As soon as her answer fell on his ear, Pao-yue clapped his hands. "I'velost it!" he cried. "Where can I go and look for it!" There and then, hemeant to go and search in person; but Shih Hsiang-yuen heard hisinquiries, and concluded that it must be he who had lost the gem. "Whendid you too," she promptly smiled, "get a unicorn?"

  "I got it the other day, after ever so much trouble;" rejoined Pao-yue,"but I can't make out when I can have lost it! I've also become quiteaddle-headed."

  "Fortunately," smiled Shih Hsiang-yuen, "it's only a sort of a toy!Still, are you so careless?" While speaking, she flung open her hand."Just see," she laughed, "is it this or not?"

  As soon as he saw it, Pao-yue was seized with unwonted delight. But,reader, if you care to know the cause of his delight, peruse theexplanation contained in the next chapter.

Xueqin Cao's Novels