Page 50 of Six of Crows

Chapter 15: Matthias

  Part 3: Heartsick

  Chapter 16: Inej

  Chapter 17: Jesper

  Chapter 18: Kaz

  Chapter 19: Matthias

  Chapter 20: Nina

  Part 4: The Trick to Falling

  Chapter 21: Inej

  Chapter 22: Kaz

  Chapter 23: Jesper

  Chapter 24: Nina

  Chapter 25: Inej

  Chapter 26: Kaz

  Part 5: The Ice Does Not Forgive

  Chapter 27: Jesper

  Chapter 28: Inej

  Chapter 29: Matthias

  Chapter 30: Jesper

  Chapter 31: Nina

  Chapter 32: Jesper

  Chapter 33: Inej

  Chapter 34: Nina

  Chapter 35: Matthias

  Chapter 36: Jesper

  Chapter 37: Nina

  Chapter 38: Kaz

  Part 6: Proper Thieves

  Chapter 39: Inej

  Chapter 40: Nina

  Chapter 41: Matthias

  Chapter 42: Inej

  Chapter 43: Nina

  Chapter 44: Jesper

  Chapter 45: Kaz

  Chapter 46: Pekka


  Shadow and Bone Teaser

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2015 by Leigh Bardugo

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

  Publishers since 1866

  Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Bardugo, Leigh.

  Six of crows / Leigh Bardugo.—First edition.

  pages cm

  Summary: “Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’ crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first”—Provided by publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-62779-212-7 (hardback)—ISBN 978-1-62779-509-8 (international)—ISBN 978-1-250-07696-0 (trade paperback, square fish edition) [1. Fantasy.] I. Title.

  PZ7.B25024Sk 2015 [Fic]—dc23 2015005469

  First hardcover edition 2015

  eBook edition September 2015

  eISBN 9781627795227



  Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

  (Series: Dregs # 1)




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