Page 49 of Wild Justice

  —Lexington Herald-Leader (KY)

  “Compulsively readable … contains intrigue, romance, greed, cruelty, and furious action … rewarding and satisfying.”

  —El Paso Herald-Post (TX)

  “An epic … Smith joins the ranks of one of the grand masters of twentieth-century novels.”

  —Tulsa World

  “An epic novel of ancient Egypt, a great adventure with all the right ingredients: victories and defeats, secrets and revelations, life and death, reverence and godlessness, hate and love.”

  —The Des Moines Register

  “It’s clear Smith knows his subject: his graphic depiction of lust, bloodletting, politics, and, in Taita’s case, honor is firmly grounded in rich details that evoke the period.”


  “[River God] gallops swiftly through the action and flying blood his fans have come to relish … Brightly colored, sweeping escapism.”

  —Kirkus Reviews


  “[Smith] paces his tale as swiftly as he can with swordplay aplenty and killing strokes that come like lightning out of a sunny blue sky.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  “Readers who love swashbucklers will enjoy this book.”


  “[A] non-stop thriller that takes readers on a magical tour … this is what makes a Smith book worth reading.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “Only a handful of 20th-century writers tantalize our senses as well as Smith … a rare author who wields a razor-sharp sword of craftsmanship.”

  —Tulsa World

  “A wild adventure … brought flawlessly to life through realistic sword fights and sea battles, vivid stories of pirates … breathtaking.”

  —Times Record News


  “Smith’s novel is far more than your typical pirate script … A fascinating account … Smith deftly evokes not only the horrific but also the beautiful, particularly the lush landscape of Africa.”

  —The Washington Post Book World

  “As usual, Smith … peoples his tale with unforgettable characters … swashbuckling and sensuous, Birds of Prey is not for the faint-hearted. Its bloodiest scenes are vivid and detailed—and so are hero Hal’s romantic encounters. But, as with Smith’s previous two best-sellers, River God and The Seventh Scroll, this latest epic transcends the average actionadventure yarn.”

  —The Orlando Sentinel

  “Birds of Prey is a wonderful novel filled with excitement, pirates, and vivid sea battles … In short, it is vintage Wilbur Smith.”

  —Times Record News (Wichita Falls, TX)


  Copyright © 1979 by Wilbur Smith .

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

  eISBN 9781429938938

  First eBook Edition : June 2011

  Previously published in Great Britain by Pan Books/ Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-24554

  Pan Books edition published 1998

  St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / November 2003

  St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.



  Wilbur Smith, Wild Justice

  (Series: # )




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