Page 1 of Love Again


  Cowboys & Angels Series

  Book 4

  New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author


  Love Again

  Book 4 in the Cowboys and Angels series

  Copyright © 2018 by Kelly Elliott

  All rights reserved.

  Visit my website at

  Cowboys and Angels Series website

  Cover photo and design by Sara Eirew Photography

  Editor: Cori McCarthy, Yellowbird Editing

  Proofer: Amy Rose Capetta, Yellowbird Editing

  Developmental: Elaine York Allusion Graphics

  Interior Designer: JT Formatting

  eBook ISBN – 978-1-943633-42-5

  Paperback ISBN – 978-1-943633-41-8

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is dedicated to those who have lost love…only to find it again.

  “This love is good, this love is bad

  This love is alive back from the dead

  These hands had to let it go free

  And this love came back to me.”

  – Taylor Swift, “This Love”

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  A Note to Readers


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Preview of Blind Love


  Thank You

  Other Books by Kelly Elliott

  A Note to Readers

  Love Again is book four in the Cowboys and Angels series. The books in this series are not stand-alone books. Stories intertwine between books and continued to grow within each book. If you have picked up this book and have not read Lost Love, Love Profound, and Tempting Love, I strongly suggest that you read them in order.

  For a list of characters in the series as well as other fun extras, please visit the series website:




  I didn’t hear a word that the interior designer was saying. I was focused on the way Jonathon looked in those Wranglers. And his boots. And the freaking black cowboy hat that made his grey eyes stand out. I swallowed hard.

  Jesus…could this guy get any hotter?

  Jonathon caught my stare from across the room. When he smiled my panties nearly disintegrated. The man had never even touched me, and yet one look from him and I was damn near panting.

  Yes, he could get hotter. Christ Almighty.

  Before I could stop myself, my tongue ran over my dry lips. Jonathon’s brows rose and his boyishly handsome smile turned into a sexy-as-hell grin. When his eyes smoldered, my breath hitched.

  I wiped my brow. Shit, is it hot in here?

  Jonathon knew where my dirty little mind had taken me, and I was pretty damn sure his was going in the same direction. I closed my eyes and tried not to picture anything sexy, but failed. Me…up against the wall with him buried deep inside me, giving me a long overdue orgasm.

  “Waylynn? Waylynn?” Ann’s voice pulled me from my naughty thoughts.

  Popping my eyes open, I cleared my throat. “What? Huh?”

  With a sweet smile, Ann repeated the question I had totally tuned out.

  “The color scheme. Are you good with it?”

  I frowned. What in the heck was she talking about? Color scheme? “Umm.”

  The young woman waited patiently, while I stood there with my mouth open like an idiot.

  “Color scheme?” I asked with a slight smile.

  Ann laughed. “Did you even hear a word I said?”

  My eyes darted to Jonathon. He was leaning against a desk in the middle of the room. It was the only piece of furniture that had been left by the previous owners of this space. His arms were now crossed over his massive chest, and he wore a shit-eating grin. Did the man know how freaking handsome he was? That sex appeal dripped off of him?

  He winked, and I had to lock my knees to keep from falling.


  He knew exactly where my mind had gone, because his was there as well.

  Turning back to the interior decorator, I replied, “I’m so sorry. Jonathon was distracting me.”

  One quick glance back and Jonathon’s smile vanished, replaced by a shocked expression. “Me?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes. You.”

  Ann was now staring at Jonathon. I could see by the look in her eyes and the way she chewed her lip that she was having similar thoughts. It was obvious by the way she was trying not to look in his direction while she talked. She was probably the same age as he was, and that pissed me off. Then again, I had to remind myself that Jonathon hadn’t been staring at Ann. He’d been staring at me.

  “What did I do?” Jonathon asked.

  I wanted to say that his hotness was making my panties wet, and the throbbing between my legs was making it hard to think, but I decided it was best to avoid the truth.

  “That desk you’re leaning on. I keep wondering why the previous owner left it?”

  Jonathon looked down at the desk as Ann asked, “Do you want to keep the desk? It would be beautiful refinished.”

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  Jonathon walked around it. “I’m sure we could put this to good use. I can come up with an idea or two.”

  His head lifted and his eyes caught mine. I swore they turned as dark as the night sky. I swallowed, trying to ignore the pulse between my legs.

/>   “Yes, I’m positive we can come up with a few ideas. Maybe you can even use the desk in your office,” Ann added.

  I forced myself to look away and focus on Ann. “Yeah, maybe. Okay, so the color scheme?”

  Clapping her hands, Ann started into the soft greens and blues. I had to stay focused on her lips, avoiding the temptation to look at the stud cowboy who was now walking around the room behind us.

  “You’ve made a note of the wood floors I want in the studios?” I asked. Ann nodded and looked over to Jonathon.

  He held up his folder and gave it a little shake. “I’ve got it all in here.”

  “Now, Waylynn, do you want a window covering in your office for privacy?” Ann asked.

  Why I turned and looked at Jonathon was beyond me. The left side of his mouth rose, and if I had been turned on before, now I was practically dead.

  With a grin, I replied, “Yes. You never know when you might have that certain someone stop by and give you a quickie against the wall.”

  Jonathon laughed while he shook his head and walked to the area that would be for the parents while they waited for their kids.

  Ann stared with her mouth gaping. “Oh, um, I wasn’t really thinking for that purpose, but okay!”

  It was time to wrap this shit up. The sexual tension in this room couldn’t get any heavier.

  “Is that it for now?” I asked, as I gave Ann pleading eyes that were begging her to say yes.

  Flipping through her notes, she frowned. “I think so. As we get closer I’ll bring in some fabrics for the chairs as well as some paint samples.” Ann walked over to Jonathon and placed her hand on his arm, smiling. “Jonathon? You’ll keep me updated on how things are moving along?”

  He nodded.

  “You have my cell number still?”

  Still? Well, that’s interesting.

  “I have it written down somewhere.”

  Ann frowned slightly before plastering on a fake smile. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find it this evening.” She turned my way. “I’m so excited to be working with you, Waylynn. I’ve heard you’re an amazing dancer. You certainly have the legs for it!”

  Peeking down, I looked at the long dress I had on that nearly went to the floor. When I looked back up at her, Ann’s face was flushed.

  “Well, I mean, I watched a few videos from when you were a Rockette. You were amazing.”

  I laughed. “For a second there, I thought things were about to get awkward, wondering how you knew what my legs looked like!”

  Ann let out a loud laugh. “Oh, no! Ha! Well, I’ll be going.”

  Following Ann toward the front door, she stopped short and nearly caused me to run into her back.

  “Jonathon, are you coming?” she called over her shoulder.

  “No, I’ve got a few things to discuss with Waylynn.”

  Ann shook my hand. “Thank you for giving me the job. I know I don’t have as much experience, so I appreciate you taking a chance on me.”

  “It’s going to look beautiful. Thank you, Ann.”

  I followed her to the door and waved as she headed down the street to her parked car.

  Spinning on my heel, I took a deep breath and walked into the building. I stopped when I saw Jonathon had moved the desk.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He was measuring the desk. “I figure this will be about the middle of your office after the changes.”

  I walked closer. My brows rose as I attempted to keep my cool and not let my raging libido take control.

  “And why are you putting it there?” I asked, coming to a stop in front of him.

  He smiled and my knees wobbled. When his hands began to lift my skirt, my heart nearly jumped out of my damn chest. Before I knew it, I was in his arms, my legs wrapped around his body, and he was setting me on the desk.

  “If I’m reading this wrong, tell me now, Waylynn, but I’m pretty sure you want the same things that I want.”

  His mouth was on my neck while his hand slipped inside my panties.

  I couldn’t think; I was so overcome with desire. “I do. God, I want this…and you.”

  His hands were everywhere on my body, causing me to go temporarily insane. This was wrong. He was six years younger than me. He was Cord’s best friend.

  “Tell me what you want, Waylynn. Tell me, and I’ll do it, baby.”

  My mind was screaming at me to stop while my body was screaming for more.

  With shaking hands, I unbuckled his belt and made haste getting his jeans down. I hadn’t been with another man since before Jack. What in the hell was I thinking?

  His mouth found its way to my ear where he whispered, “Tell me, baby.”

  There was no use fighting it. I wanted Jonathon Turner more than I had ever wanted any other man. Pulling my earlobe into his mouth, he let out a groan as he pushed his fingers inside of me.

  Finally finding my voice, I panted, “I need to come, Jonathon.”

  He pulled back and stared into my eyes. His smile nearly had me coming, never mind the fact that his fingers were massaging my insides. “Fast or slow? I’m about to lose control, Waylynn.”

  I returned the smile. “Lose every ounce. I’m all yours.”

  Chapter One



  I stepped into my office and tossed the paint samples onto my desk. Ann was going to be the damn death of me. Who in the hell knew there were so many shades of green?

  I moaned and dropped my head back. At least I could lose my shit in here if I needed to. The clear windows were covered with brown paper, giving me a sense of privacy. Of course, the paper would be replaced by shades in due time. Once the studio was finished, and we were open, I’d have a view of the main dance floor from my office. I’d never be able to let the instructors oversee the dancers completely; dancing was in my soul. This was my dream come true.

  I faced the window that looked out to the small courtyard. I smiled, thinking about how fun it would be to take the little ones outside and practice our stretches.


  His voice sent tingles through my entire body. Taking a deep breath, I turned to face Jonathon.

  “Hey,” I said, leaning against the windowsill.

  He stepped inside my office. “I need to talk to you.”

  I was never one to be nervous or scared around men, but being in the same room with Jonathon Turner scared the living daylights out of me. It also pissed me off knowing how much power this man held over me.


  He shut the door and stood with his cowboy hat in hand. I tried not to let my eyes scan his perfect body. He was toned beyond belief. Those three mile runs he ran every day kept the man in shape. Not to mention the nightly trips to the gym I knew he took because we always crossed paths, him coming in just as I left my yoga class.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said.

  My breath stalled in my throat. “I’ve already told you, Jonathon. This can’t work.”

  He took a few steps closer, and I stayed as still as I could. My fingers itched to touch him.

  “Then why did you seem pissed off that I brought a date to Steed and Mitchell’s birthday party a few weeks back?”

  “I wasn’t upset,” I lied.

  Jonathon took two long strides forward, standing in my space. His large, fit body inches from mine. I had to force myself to breathe.

  “Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel anything?”

  Lifting my chin, I kept my face neutral. “Feelings aren’t the issue here, the calendar is. I’m too old for you.”

  He laughed. “Fuck that, Waylynn. You’re scared and you’re using age as an excuse. Look at me and tell me you didn’t feel anything when we were together.”

  My chest rose and fell with each labored breath. Goosebumps broke out across my body as I thought about that afternoon months ago. My eyes closed as I remembered Jonathon moving deliciously fa
st and hard as he fucked me on the desk and then against the wall in my dance studio. It was raw. Passionate. Spontaneous, and hot as hell. And, yes…I had felt something. I felt something every time this man was close, a feeling I’d never experienced before, but I couldn’t admit that to him.

  I smiled. “Two amazing orgasms…that’s what I felt, Jonathon.”

  He leaned in closer, the smell of his cologne tangling with my libido. Shit. I needed him to step back before I lost control and begged him to take me right then and there.

  He twirled a piece of my blonde hair between his fingers. “I know that wasn’t all you felt. I saw it in your eyes then. I see it now.”

  I turned my head. “I’m six years older than you, Jonathon. I want things you can’t possibly give me.”

  He huffed. “How do you know I don’t want the same things?”

  With a harsh laugh, I stared him down. “I want to get married, and I want kids. At least three. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and say you want that at this point in your life?”

  “Yes!” he said, cupping my face in his strong hands. “Waylynn, I’m not twenty fucking years old, I’m almost twenty-seven, and I want those things, too. I’m not saying let’s run off and get married tomorrow, but why won’t you give us a chance? I don’t care that you’re older than me.”

  My heart was racing. “You want kids? What, like when you’re thirty-five, or something?”

  He closed his eyes and shook his head before opening them and pinning me with his intense stare. “You can’t push me away with that. I can honestly tell you if it were up to me, I’d already be settled with a wife and kids. But no one has made me want to even think it’s a possibility…until you.”

  My body trembled. “It…it could never work.”

  “Why? And stop saying because you’re older than me.”

  Memories of Jack flooded my mind all at once. Everything from him telling me I’d never make it in New York to him sitting with his lover at the restaurant. Was I ready to open my heart again? “It just wouldn’t.”