Page 11 of Love Again

  “Let me thank your folks.”

  “They took Vi home. She rode over with us but was feeling too tired and ready to head on home.”

  “Yeah, she’s feeling tired from the party she threw last night,” Wade said with a chuckle.

  “I’ve heard Aunt Vi’s crowd gets a little crazy.”

  Amelia and Wade chuckled. “You could say that. We have to keep reminding her that sound travels great distances in the country.”

  I forced a laugh. All I wanted was go see Waylynn. Make sure she was okay. “Tell them I said thank you for dinner, will you?”

  Cord stood and shook my hand, followed by Steed, Mitchell, and Wade.

  “Night, y’all.”

  By the time I had pulled up to Waylynn’s, my hands were sweating and my heart rate had doubled. I pulled around the side of the house and parked by her car. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there before I finally got out. My fear was so new, and I didn’t like it.

  I knocked on the door and waited for her to either yell, “Go away,” or for her to let me in.

  The door opened and the moment she saw me, she smiled.

  “Hey, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Mind if I come in?”

  Opening the door wider, she stepped to the side, and I walked in. The second the door shut, she threw herself at me, crashing her lips to mine. It was a hungry, desperate kiss. Her hands were pulling my shirt out of my jeans before they worked on getting them unbuttoned.

  “Wait, Waylynn,” I gasped, holding her at arm’s length. “What’s going on?”

  “I need you, Jonathon. I need to be in your arms, to feel you holding me.”

  The emptiness in her eyes was still there. She was using sex to cope with what had happened, and there was no way I was going to do that. Get over someone by getting under someone else? Yeah, that wasn’t my style.

  “I want you too, Waylynn, but I think maybe we should talk first.”

  Her brows pinched. “Talk? You’d rather talk over fucking?”

  “I’d rather talk and then make love to you.”

  Her eyes softened. “And if I say I don’t want to talk?”

  She continued trying to unbutton my jeans, pushing them down, letting my dick spring out.

  “Commando this evening, huh? I like it.”

  Her hand moved up and down my shaft as she tried to get me to come all the way up. As she lowered herself, I tried to explain why this was a bad idea.

  “Waylynn, baby, I really think we need… Oh, motherfucker.”

  Her mouth took my entire cock and she started sucking while she worked me with both her mouth and hands. I needed to make her stop; we had to talk first.

  “Fuuck,” I groaned as she played with my balls and sucked harder.

  “Wait. Waylynn…fuck…wait!”

  She let my dick go and sat back. “What in the fuck is wrong with you? I’m giving you a damn blowjob and all you want to do is talk?”

  “If you’d just let me…”

  The doorbell rang, followed by a knock. “Waylynn, darling, it’s your mother. I’m coming in.”

  I was standing in Waylynn’s living room with my dick hanging out and Waylynn on her knees in front of me.

  “Get in my room! Quick! Last door on the right!”

  Pulling my jeans up, I made my way down the hall and into the room. It didn’t take long to hear Melanie’s voice.

  “Sweetheart, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  I leaned against the wall next to her open bedroom door.

  “I’m fine, Momma. Honestly, I just need to be alone for a bit.”

  “The boys told me what that asshole said to you. Please, don’t let what he said get into that head of yours. I know you, Waylynn. You’ll think and think and think until you drive yourself crazy.”

  I heard Waylynn sigh in frustration. “Mom, I’m fine. Can we talk more in the morning? I’m really exhausted.”

  “Darling, I’ll let you get some rest but there is one more thing I want to talk to you about. Your father told me a little bit ago that you went to a clinic to look into a sperm donation.”

  My heart slammed against my chest and my legs about gave out.

  “Oh, Christ Almighty. Not now, Momma.” Waylynn’s voice had lowered.

  “Waylynn, I just wanted to know if you were still leaving that option on the table now that Jonathon was in the picture.”

  “It was just a visit to see how it all worked. That was all. Honestly, my head is killing me, and I really want to get to sleep.”

  “Okay, well, we can talk about it tomorrow.”

  Waylynn let out a moan of defeat. “Mom, Jonathon is here. He’s in my room. I’m sure you saw his truck outside?”

  A few seconds of silence filled the house. “Oh, Waylynn, I wouldn’t have brought that up had I known he was here. He must be parked on the other side of the house!”

  “He’s in my room. It’s okay.”

  “Well, enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “Be careful driving home. Thank you for dinner, and I’m sorry Jack spoiled things.”

  “Nonsense. Tell Jonathon goodnight for us.”

  “Will do.”

  When I heard the door shut, I walked into the living room. Waylynn was pouring herself a glass of whiskey.

  “How much have you had to drink, Waylynn?”

  She held it up and laughed. “Clearly not enough.”

  “A fertility clinic? When were you going to tell me that little plan of yours?”

  “It’s not the plan for right now. I mean, it never was. It was more like an option—a Plan B—just in case. I wanted to see how it would work.”

  “When did you go?”

  “Before we got together, so cool your tits. My God, why is everyone getting so up in arms about it?”

  I pushed my hand through my hair. “Waylynn, maybe you should put the drink down. Let’s talk.”

  She turned and leaned against the bar. “Jack told me if I came back to him we could have a baby right away.”

  My heart dropped. “What did you say?”

  “What did I say?” She looked at me like I had gone insane.

  “Yes, Waylynn, what did you say?”

  She downed the whiskey and slammed the glass on the counter. “Well, if you have to fucking ask, maybe you and I shouldn’t be dating.”

  “You brought it up! What was I supposed to do? Say, oh, how nice that your ex showed up out of the blue and asked you to come back. And by the way, he’s willing to give you the baby you so desperately want with his magic impregnating dick.”

  Waylynn looked away.

  “So, yeah, forgive me for asking you what you said.”

  Pushing off the bar, she walked toward me. “I told him no, of course! I told him about us, and he went off and rubbed the age difference in my face. That made three times today. Don’t they say, ‘three time’s the charm’?”

  With a fake laugh, she dropped to the sofa. “All I wanted was for you to fuck me so I could forget about this evening.”

  The sting that left in my chest hurt more than I thought it would. I knew that’s what she had been doing, but to hear her say it made it all the more worse.

  “Maybe instead of forgetting about it, we should talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you about it. Don’t you get that, Jonathon?”

  “No, I don’t. Why don’t you explain it to me?”

  “Why are you pushing me? Stop pushing me! Fuck, you are smothering me.”

  Her words felt like a slap in the face. She was drawing a line in the sand, and I didn’t know if her words were fueled by hurt feelings or the whiskey she was trying to drown her emotions in.

  “Am I now? What do you want me to do, Waylynn?”

  Her eyes met mine. “Leave. I want you to leave and go find a nice girl your own age who isn’t fucked up in the head. Y’all can do the whole dating thing, get engaged, married, and pop out a few kids.”

  “You want me to leave? Ar
e you sure about that?”

  She stood up. “Yes.”

  “Look me in the eyes and tell me you want me to leave you alone.”

  Taking a few steps closer, her hands went to my chest. At first, I thought she was going to reach up and kiss me, but she didn’t. “I want you to…leave. I don’t want to date you anymore.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  Shrugging, she took a few steps back. “Don’t they say drunks don’t lie?”

  “Please don’t do this, Waylynn.”

  “Get out!” she screamed. “Just get the fuck out and don’t come back!”

  Reaching for my keys, I headed toward the door. I wasn’t about to sit here and argue with someone who was two sheets to the wind.

  “When you sober up, give me a call.” I left, the silence so deafening it was like a blow to my stomach.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Want another cup of coffee?”

  Rubbing my temples, I spoke softly. “Amelia, stop talking so loud.”

  “I’m not talking loud. You’ve got a hangover, and it serves you right.”

  I dropped my hands and stared at her. “What?”

  “Jonathon told Cord what you said and did to him last night.”

  A heaviness settled over my body. I had been so mean to Jonathon, and I knew it.

  “It was a bad night.”

  Amelia folded her arms and leaned against my sink. “It was a ‘bad night’? Seriously, Waylynn? That’s the best you can come up with for telling him to leave you alone and go find a girl his own age?”

  I cringed. That part I didn’t remember. “I said that?”

  “Yes, and to be honest with you, I wouldn’t blame him if he did.”

  Staring into my coffee, I sighed. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for relationships.”

  A loud bang outside made me jump and place my hands on my head. “What in the hell was that?”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care. What is the matter with you? I’ve never seen you as happy as you have been the last week. Why are you pushing him away?”

  “Not now, Amelia.”

  “Yes, now. Why won’t you give yourself a chance to be happy?”

  I sat there with a deadpan expression.

  Throwing up her hands, Amelia paced across the kitchen. “I don’t get it. You’ve got an amazing man who wants to be with you. Who wants the same things you want, but you’re so blinded you can’t see that.”

  “I’m not blind, and I do see it.”

  “Then what in the hell is the problem?”

  This time I slammed my fists down. “I’m scared, Amelia! Damn it, I’m scared.”

  Burying my face in my hands, I exhaled and tried to keep my emotions in check.

  I felt my sister’s hand on my arm. “What are you scared of?”

  My arms fell to my lap as I stared at Amelia. “When I met Jack, I was over the moon for him. I gave up everything to be with him, and at first, it was amazing. I felt like I was walking on clouds I was so in love with him. One day I woke up and everything changed. He didn’t greet me each morning with a kiss. He worked longer hours and spent less time with me. When I would mention the change, he would whisk me off to some exotic location and we’d have a romantic weekend, only to have the whole thing repeat itself year after year. Last night when he was here, asking me to come back, all I could think about was—why did I stay all those years? How long would I have stayed if I hadn’t caught him cheating?”

  “Jonathon is nothing like Jack.”

  “But what if one morning he wakes up and wants someone better? Someone younger and prettier? I know in my heart that Jonathon is not Jack, but it’s hard, Amelia. I was ready to do this, but then Jack showed up and turned my world upside down. He put those doubts I have about myself right back into my head and I…I…”

  Tears fell from my eyes as I wrestled to speak clearly. “I can’t get them out. All I hear is his voice, and then there are the people who keep remarking about the age difference. I thought I was strong enough to ignore it. Maybe I’m not as strong as I thought I was.”

  “That is bullshit. You’re one of the strongest, most confident women I’ve ever known.”

  “You have to say that, you’re my sister.”

  Amelia grinned. “Waylynn, you’ve got to get out of your own damn head. What do you want in life?”

  “To be happy.”

  “What makes you happy?”

  I didn’t have to think about my answer. “Dancing.”

  “When was the last time you danced?”

  I looked past her and out the window. “Over a year ago.”

  “Then let’s go dancing!”

  With a chuckle, I shook my head. “We can’t. The floors aren’t finished in the dance studio.”

  Amelia reached for my hand. “I’m pretty sure we can find somewhere. Leave it to me.”

  * * *

  I stared out the window, watching everything pass by. Amelia and Corina talked away in the front seat while I tuned them out.

  “It’s a shame Paxton couldn’t come,” Corina said, looking back at me. I nodded.

  “Did you need anything before we get there?” Amelia asked.

  “No, I have everything in my bag.”

  I placed my hand over my lower stomach. I wasn't sure if I was nervous or if I was feeling cramps. The feeling had been coming more and more over the last few weeks. It had to be nerves. Everything with the dance studio and Jonathon…I was worrying myself sick.

  “I can’t wait to see you dance, Waylynn!” Corina said as she turned and flashed a perky little smile. I looked back out the window.

  I had no idea where Amelia was taking me. Something about a friend of a friend who owned a dance studio in San Antonio.

  My phone buzzed in my hand again, an incoming call.


  I needed to apologize, but I wanted to do it when my head was clear. Right now it was anything but clear. I sent the call to voicemail.

  “We’re here!”

  Amelia pulled up to a mansion of a house.

  “This is it?” I asked.

  “Yep. Wait until you see his dance studio.”

  “His?” I asked, grabbing my bag and making my way up the steps to the giant wood door. The house looked like it belonged in a historical movie. We didn’t even make it all the way before the door opened and a young man stepped outside.


  “Frank! Oh, my gosh, it’s so good to see you. This is my sister-in-law, Corina.”

  “Nice to meet you, and what a lovely name.”

  Corina smiled. “The pleasure is mine, and thank you.”

  He turned his attention on me. “This must be your sister, Waylynn. My God woman, you are a beauty times ten.”

  I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. “Thank you for the compliment.”

  He looked me up and down, then sighed. “Dance floor. Stat. Follow me.”

  Before I knew it, I was sitting on a pink, fabric-lined bench in the middle of a dressing room. Opening my bag, I looked down at my pointe shoes. Pulling them out, I ran my finger along the darn work and shook my head. I had a love-hate relationship with my shoes. I knew the pain I was about to experience, especially since I hadn’t danced in so long.

  Slipping on my toe pads, I put on the shoes. I laced each one up, tied them, and tucked the knot under the ribbon.

  Taking a deep breath, I stood. The knock on the door caused me to jump.

  “Waylynn, how are you doing?”

  “Come in, Frank.”

  He grinned as he looked at my shoes. “How long has it been since you’ve had those on?”

  “Long enough to know I’m going to be feeling every step and flex of my feet.”

  Laughing, he reached a hand out. “Come on. Let’s go get our dance on.”

  As we walked down the hall, my heart started to race with that familiar excitement.

  The moment he opened the door, I
sighed. It felt like home.

  “What’s your training in?” Frank asked.

  “Classical and contemporary, mostly.”

  “Shall we?”

  The music started, and it was like I had never stopped dancing at all. Everything came back to me. Each elevation…jetés, entrechat, cabriole. The way my body glided across the floor and flew through the air. This was what made me happy. This is what filled the void.

  And Jonathon…

  Frank and I danced for a bit before I finally had to stop. Not only was I in pain, but I was exhausted. At the same time, I felt like a completely new woman.

  Glancing up, I saw Amelia and Corina on the other side of the glass window, wearing huge smiles.

  “I guess my little sister knows more about me than I do.”

  Frank looked back at Amelia. “Amelia Parker is one amazing young woman. I have to admit, I was a bit sad to hear she was married. I know her through a mutual friend of ours, Lanny Miller. Lanny and I were in the same dance company.”

  “I used to babysit Lanny!”

  We both laughed.

  “Waylynn, you are an incredibly talented dancer. Amelia tells me you were with the New York City ballet.”

  “I was.”

  “And a Rockette?”

  “I danced with the Rockettes for a bit, as well. That was a lot of fun.”

  “What made you stop?”

  I thought about my answer. “I thought I wanted a different dream with a man I had met. I ended up marrying him, and it turns out he wasn’t a dream at all.”

  Frank grinned. “So you’re still in search of your dream man?”

  A strange warmth filled my body. Glancing at my feet, everything felt perfectly clear. “No. I believe I’ve found my real dream, at least the beginning of it.”

  His brows lifted. “I’m opening a dance studio in Oak Springs, and I’ve met someone who has sparked something new inside of me. I just needed to take the blinders off. Thank you for letting me use your studio and dancing with me. It felt amazing.”

  “I’m glad I could be of help.”

  I smiled. “You wouldn’t be interested in a teaching job, would you?”

  “In small town America? Hell, no!” We both burst out laughing at his honesty.