Page 3 of Love Again

  “I don’t know. I’ve driven around for hours thinking about it. Maybe I could convince Jonathon to keep it on the down low…I mean, if we gave this a go.”

  “You really want to sneak around, Waylynn?”

  I blew out a frustrated breath. “No.”

  When my phone beeped, I pulled it away from my ear and saw an incoming text from Cord. I hit speaker and pulled up the text.

  “Looks like they made it to Vegas,” I said as I opened the attachment.

  “Yeah, I got a text too.”

  When the picture loaded I felt sick to my stomach. “I’m heading to bed. I suddenly got really tired. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Waylynn,” Amelia whispered. I knew she had opened the attachment.

  “Night, baby sis. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  I hit End before she could say anything. The picture Cord had sent popped back up on my phone with the text we made it. It was a selfie of him at the casino. Behind him were Dustin, Tom, and Jonathon. There was a blonde smiling and hanging on Cord with her head thrown back, laughing. My stomach tightened as I looked at Jonathon. A brunette had her arms wrapped around his neck.

  Swallowing hard, I texted Cord back.

  Me: Didn’t take long for the buzzards to start swarming.

  Cord answered almost immediately.

  Cord: No shit! They were on us the second we walked into the casino.

  Anger pulsed through my veins. Jonathon was like all the other guys. All they cared about was crawling between some whore’s legs.

  I thought back to the day I was with Jonathon. I was no better than the girl hanging on his neck.

  Me: Have fun with the Vegas bunnies. Wrap your stick.

  Cord: Always, big sis! Always!

  I erased the message and tossed my phone onto the coffee table before I dragged myself to the shower. The faster I got into bed, the better.

  Chapter Three


  The brunette was hanging on me like her life depended on it. With the amount of alcohol on her breath, she probably couldn’t stand on her own, and I worried that if a spark was lit anywhere near her, the whole place would go up in flames.

  She was that drunk.

  Reaching up, I pulled her off me. Dustin and Tom were already talking to the girl’s friends. The blonde next to Cord was waiting while he texted.

  The blonde grabbed Cord’s arm. “You boys want to go up to our room? I’m thinking we can have a bit of fun.”

  He looked up at her and smiled. “As fun as that sounds, I think we’re gonna gamble for a bit, sweetheart.”

  She pouted and her little drunk friend was back to clawing up my body.

  “I bet you have a big dick!” she shouted.

  I pushed her away. “You’ll never find out, darlin’.”

  Her smile faded, and she attempted to put her hands on her hips. “Why…why not? You think you’re too good for us, cowboy?”

  “First off, you’re so drunk you can’t stand straight, and secondly, I’m not interested in a hook-up with someone who won’t remember my name in the morning.”

  Her eyes slid over to Dustin who was also attempting to ditch the chick who was talking dirty to him.

  “Listen, ladies, as much fun as a big ol’ orgy sounds, we’re not interested. We just got here, and we want to get a little gambling in,” Cord said.

  The blonde pushed Cord back as hard as she could, and it only made her stumble. Cord grabbed her while Tom went in search of security.

  We finally got the four girls away from us and left them with the security guys, and made our way back into the casino.

  Tom slapped Cord’s back as we sat down at a blackjack table. “Jesus Christ. I like pussy, don’t get me wrong, but those girls were crazy drunk! One grabbed my dick, and I swear to God, she wanted to rip it off my body. Can you imagine getting a hand job from her?”

  We laughed and placed our bets. It didn’t take long before Dustin and Tom wondered off to another table.

  The cocktail waitress set my Bud Light in front of me. The second it hit my lips, Cord asked, “How are things going with the dance studio? Waylynn’s not giving you too much trouble, is she?”

  I paused before taking a drink. “Things are good, and no, she isn’t giving me any trouble.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  He flipped a chip back and forth between his fingers.

  “What’s really on your mind, Cord?”

  He let out a chuckle. “I need you to find something out for me.”

  “You asking me to spy on your sister?”

  He shrugged. “I guess. If you want to look at it like that.”

  “I’m not spying on Waylynn. You want to know something, ask her.”

  “I’ve tried. She’s hung up on someone and won’t admit it. I can tell she likes the guy.”

  My heart froze. “What makes you think that?”

  He turned and looked at me. “She’s my sister. I see it in her eyes, and she seems miserable. There’s a reason she’s pushing this guy away, and I want to know what that reason is because I’m not buying her excuses.”

  I cleared my throat before speaking. “You ever think it might be her business?”

  His brows rose. “My family is my business. I want to know if this guy used her for a quick fuck and moved on. So I can kill him.”

  Dragging my eyes away from his, I stared at the dealer and tapped the table after looking at my cards.

  “I don’t think your sister is the type of woman to let some guy use her like that.”

  He didn’t respond at first. “No, neither do I. But she’s tight-lipped. The only thing she told me was that there was an age difference, and she didn’t think he was the white picket fence type of guy. If he’s anything like that asshole she married, I’m stepping in.”

  “Well, I respect your sister, Cord, and I’m working for her. I won’t be your spy.” The dealer swept up our losing cards.

  Cord sighed. “Yeah, I guess it is pretty shitty to ask you.” He turned and faced me. He let his gaze linger before he asked, “Do you know who it is?”

  Fuck. Just come clean with him. Tell him the truth.

  Forcing a smile, I shook my head when I remembered Waylynn making me promise not to tell anyone. “Nah, I don’t know who it is.”

  “Another round of cards, gentleman?” the dealer asked.

  Cord grinned. “Let’s hit the Craps table. I’m feeling lucky.”

  I let out the breath I had been holding. Standing to follow my best friend, I pushed down the bile that was sitting at the base of my throat. I hated lying to him, but if I was going to try to make this work with Waylynn, I needed to at least have a shot before Cord put my ass in the hospital.

  * * *

  By the time we got back to our rooms, it was three in the morning and I was exhausted. I tried calling Waylynn three times, and my text asking her to call me went ignored.

  After a quick shower to get the smell of smoke and alcohol off of me, I made my way to the king-size bed. Dustin, Tom, and Cord had each picked up a girl and had taken them back to their rooms. The last thing I was interested in right now was a mindless hook-up. I’d never been the type of guy who cared about that anyway.

  Sitting down, I reached for my phone.


  I tried one more time.

  Me: I know you’re asleep, but please call me when you get up. I don’t care what time it is.

  As I went to put my phone down, it went off.

  Waylynn: What’s wrong? The brunette didn’t do it for you?

  I stared at her response for a good minute. What in the fuck was she talking about?

  Me: What’s that supposed to mean?

  Waylynn: Please do us both a favor and go back to treating me like the woman you work for and not the woman you want to fuck.

  Me: You mean more than that to me, and what the fuck did you mean about a brunette?

  Waylynn: You honestly think I’m going to bel
ieve you were all good little boys and went back to your rooms alone?

  Anger pulsed through me.

  Me: Not all of us, but I did. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all night, Waylynn. You think I’ve been fucking a girl while texting and calling you?

  Waylynn: I don’t know. You have proven you can multitask.

  I hit her number. It rang about six times before she answered. “I’m not in the mood for this.”

  “Then why in the hell did you answer?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know. What do you want?”

  “I want you, Waylynn Parker, and I’m not going to give up on us.”

  “Us? What us? We fucked one time, Jonathon! That doesn’t make us anything.”

  “Cord asked me to find out who you’re hung up on.”

  The line fell silent for the longest time.

  “Hello? Waylynn, are you still there?”

  I heard a shaky breath before she asked, “Did you agree to?”

  “No! Of course I didn’t. I told him I respected you too much to spy on you and that it wasn’t any of his business.”

  “That little fuck! I’m going to twist his balls and hang them up to dry in the middle of the pasture for the crows to peck at!”

  Moving my balls to the side, I said, “Jesus, woman. That visual hurts me.”

  “It’s the truth. I’m going to kill him. Thank you for not saying anything.”

  “He seems to think you’re hung up on this mystery man. Are you?”

  She remained silent. “Who was the girl hanging all over you in the picture Cord sent?”

  My brows pulled together. “What? When did he send a picture?”

  “When y’all first got there. You asshats had women hanging on you.”

  It hit me then who she was talking about. “Oh, Christ. Are you talking about the ones who attacked us the moment we set foot in the casino? Yeah, we had to get security to come get them. That brunette you’re talking about was so drunk she could hardly stand.”

  Waylynn took a few seconds before she responded. “Cord isn’t with one, is he?”

  I laughed. “No. He’s smarter than that.”

  “If he was smart, his ass wouldn’t be with any girl. Ugh. Men are so…so…so. Ugh!”

  “Tell me how you really feel, babe.”

  “Don’t call me that.”


  “Because it pisses me off.”

  “What doesn’t piss you off, Waylynn?”

  “I’m hanging up on you, asshat!”

  I laughed. Damn, this woman drove me insane. “Waylynn, before you hang up, will you let me say something?”

  “You have twenty seconds starting now.”

  Taking in a breath, I closed my eyes and said, “I didn’t mean what I said when I walked out of your office earlier.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it. I’m not interested in being with anyone but you.”

  Waylynn’s breath caught. If I was standing in the same room as her right now I would be able to see the wheels spinning in her head.

  “Call me when you get back. We’ll talk.”

  My heart leaped. “I’m catching a flight first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Laughing, she replied, “Stay and have fun. Besides, I need someone to watch over my brother. I have a feeling that boy is trying to sow his wild oats. Something in the water in Oak Springs is making all my brothers fall in love.”

  It wasn’t just the Parker brothers falling in love.

  “I promise,” I said. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  “It’s late, I better go.”

  For the first time in weeks I felt like Waylynn was giving this—giving us—a chance. She’d only agreed to talk to me, but I knew that was all I needed to make her see we deserved a try.

  “Sleep good, Waylynn.”

  Her voice dropped to a slight whisper. “You too, Jonathon. Night.”

  I closed my eyes and softly said, “Night.”

  When the line went dead I blew out a breath and sat on the edge of the bed. Thank fuck. Lacing my fingers through my hair, I tossed my phone and headed toward the bathroom, pulling my shirt off in the process. An idea hit me, and I backtracked to the bed.

  Reaching for my phone, I took a selfie and pulled up Waylynn’s name.

  Me: You know, we could always have a bit of phone sex. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  After attaching the photo, I hit send.

  It didn’t take long to get a response.

  Waylynn: What are you…seventeen? No!

  Me: Come on. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours

  Waylynn: What exactly are you wanting me to show you, Mr. Turner?

  My dick instantly went hard.

  Me: You could show me your pinky at this point. I’m pretty sure my hand is going to be getting a work out while thinking about you. I thought a picture might make it a little better.

  Waylynn: So you want me to send you a picture of myself that you can jack off to? Is that what you’re asking?

  Me: You said it…not me.

  When a photo attachment appeared on my phone, I held my breath. Holy shit. She sent a picture. The second it loaded, my mouth dropped open.

  “What in the fuck?”

  Me: A turtle?

  Waylynn: Night, Turner. Sweet dreams.

  Me: My dick is now limp as the noodles at a bad Vegas buffet. Thanks a lot.

  Waylynn: Note to self. Turtles make Jonathon unable to copulate.

  Me: You slay me. Night, Parker.

  Setting my phone down, I let out a chuckle as I headed to the shower. Oh, yeah. Waylynn Parker was going to be a handful, and I couldn’t fucking wait.

  Chapter Four


  I woke up anxious the day after I talked to Jonathon. I needed an outlet for these emotions, and I knew exactly what I had to do.

  “How am I supposed to ride you if you won’t cooperate with me?”


  No reaction at all.

  I’d lost my touch.

  With a sigh, I tried again. “Come on, boy. I want to ride you.”

  My bay horse, Copper, stood in his stall, staring me down like I was some sort of disease.

  “No? You’re not in the mood?”

  Copper bobbed his beautiful head up and down.

  I let out a groan as I shut the stall door. “Fine. But I’ll have you know, if I said that to any other man, they would be all over it!”

  Copper nickered and went about eating his hay. With a sigh, I placed my hands on my hips. “You’re really hurt my feelings, boy. I was looking forward to a good run in an open pasture.”

  “Do you always make a habit of guilting your horse?”

  I didn’t bother to look at my brother, Mitchell. I let out a huff and put my saddle up. “He hates me.”

  “No, he doesn’t. Copper’s never been a fan of cold weather.”

  I shook my head as my brother took the saddle and made his way to another stall.

  “Mitchell, these horses are spoiled. They are in a climate-controlled barn, for Christ’s sake. You’re telling me that little prick doesn’t want to go outside because it’s sixty degrees out?”

  He faced me. “Yep. That’s exactly what I’m saying. If you want to ride, I can give you a damn good horse to ride who likes the crisp fall weather.”

  I brushed it off with a wave of my hand. “Never mind. I don’t feel like riding now. Nice to know I have a pussy for a horse.”

  Mitchell grinned and headed to the tack room to put up my saddle. He shut the door and draped his arm over my shoulders.

  “Talk to me, Waylynn.”

  “It’s nothing. I only wanted to get out for a bit.”

  “I’ve got an idea, if you feel like hanging out with me for a bit.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “I’d love to, Mitch.”

  We were soon sitting in the Mule, driving out through the west pasture. “Where are we going?” I ask

  “You’ll see,” he replied with a crooked smile.

  “You do know that pretty boy smile doesn't work with me, Mitchell Parker.”

  He laughed. “Pretty boy smile?”

  “Yeah. All my brothers have the same one. You got it from Daddy.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yep. You smile, show your dimples, and maybe give a wink, and any girl does as you wish. It doesn’t work on kin, just so you know.”

  “I never thought it worked on you or Amelia. Both of you are too damn stubborn. It does, however, work on our mother. And you have the same smile, big sister.”

  Grinning, I looked over the passing fields. It didn’t take me long to figure out where Mitchell was taking us. “The tree house!”

  He chuckled. “Yep.”

  “Oh, my gosh. I haven’t been there in forever. How do you know it’s even still standing?”

  “Steed showed it to Chloe. He replaced a few boards and made it sturdy again. He said Chloe loves it. She wants to furnish it!”

  Tripp, Steed, and Mitchell had built a tree house when I was around twelve. At first they said I wasn’t allowed in, but after I promised to supply them with chocolate chip cookies for an entire year, I was allowed to use it. We dragged beanbags, a table, and Lord knows what else into that thing. As the years went on and we got older, it became our own private getaway and not so much the fort it once was. It was the place we went when we were upset with our parents, or when the football team lost, or when our hearts had been broken for the first time. I couldn't count on my hands how many times I had sat up there with my brothers or friends and cried, laughed, and screamed.

  We remained silent as Mitchell drove through the pastures and up to the giant live oak that still served as the foundation for our tree house. When we got out and looked up, we said the same thing.