
  A Collection of Original Poetry


  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used

  in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the

  publisher/author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or for essay.

  The poems in this book are original works from the author.

  Copyright ? 2017 by Edwin Betancourt

  Created in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017

  For Business Inquiries, Questions, or Concerns Email [email protected]

  Title of Poems In Order of Appearance

  1.)"Silent Screams"

  2.) "Mayday!"

  3.) "Tick-Tock!"

  4.) "Break You Down"

  5.)"Liar, Liar"

  6.) "Why?"

  7.) "Aidenn"

  8.) "Find A Way"

  9.) "Black Widow"

  10.) "Toxicity"

  11.) "Echoing"

  12.) "Love (2002)"

  13.) "The Witch"

  14.)"My Shadow's Secret"

  15.) "Cinderella"

  16.) "The Return"

  Silent Screams

  Shining Beams.

  Shattered Dreams,

  Nothing seems to stitch the seams.

  Crimson Creams,

  With loyal teams,

  The game of Life has no redeems.

  Shining Beams,

  Shattered Dreams,

  Do you hear my Silent Screams?


  I never saw it coming, the day you'd cheat.

  And now that it has happened, I still can't breathe.

  Whatever happened to the man I used to know and used to love?

  Clearly he's gone and now I'm stuck with a broken and loathing shell.

  I don't understand how we managed to get this far and still our ship,

  Hit the rocks hidden behind the fog and now we're sinking.

  Mayday! Mayday! I'm screaming out.

  But the Ocean is rocking us back and forth and we're drowning.

  Mayday! Mayday! I've given up.

  There's nothing left to fight for on this sinking ship anymore.

  I chose not to see the signs, with foolish pride.

  You were captivating me, with every ride.

  We survived every storm, which came at us.

  This ship cannot be repaired, just like the trust.

  This sea wasn't safe from the start.

  You were tempted by the Siren's song,

  Even with her cold heart and hungry lust she had strung you.

  Now the Kraken swarms around what's left of us,

  He's waiting to consume whoever drowns first and I refuse to waste my life away.

  Mayday! Mayday!

  When will we be free of this?

  I'm tired of fighting and drowning again.

  Not even Moses can help us,

  So it's time we finally embrace our ending.




  There goes another tear falling from my eyes.



  Here comes another excuse to hide your lies.



  Although I'm alone, the bruises comfort me.



  I was a fool to jump into this ever so blindly.



  We scare Cupid because we never talking but shout.



  Now the clock counts down because time is running out.



  Take my hand and let's try to save the little time we have left here.

  We spent so much time blaming each other we forgot to see clear.



  I will always love the person you were while I hate who you've become.



  There's nothing we could do no except-?


  Break You Down

  You should've believed the story that's circulating on the street,

  They had warned you and now you'll see,

  That I'm going to break you down.

  I can hear all the thoughts invading and living in your head,

  You want me there on your bed.

  But Babydoll we both know you'll be dead.

  My hips may be dancing in your dirty little mind,

  Until you've come and then you're done,

  When dealing with me, you better run.

  You thought that you could come over here and push me down,

  You thought for once you'll wear my crown,

  But in your blood, you will drown.

  The Darkness will burn so bright,

  You will not survive this night.

  I'm going to break you down,

  Oh, I'm going to love to break you down.

  Liar, Liar

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Now you're burning down the house.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  You could never sneak around quietly like a mouse.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Remember when you stabbed my heart?

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  You finger painted the walls with my blood, that isn't art.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Cheating is such an incurable disease.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  You lay with a stray dog and you're prone to get fleas.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  I heard a rumor that he isn't treating you right.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Can't say I'm surprised Karma will come like the night.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Please don't call me now that you've sobered up.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  You enjoyed sipping the Forbidden fruit from the Devil's cup.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  Heard he kicked you out and took all of your cash.

  Liar, Liar pants on fire,

  I told you, you're burning and now you're nothing but ash.


  Why do I love the rain?

  If you listen closely you can hear God's pain.

  Why do I love the snow?

  It's a magical world, Where I will always go.

  Why do I love the inevitable heartbreak?

  It betters me and I learn from the mistake.

  Why do I love Mondays?

  It's the beginning of the week and there's always a new adventure that awaits.

  Why do I love you?

  There's no reason at all?I just do.


  In the midnight hour I'm not alone,

  There is something crawling deep in my bones.

  It's watching me sleep and haunting my home,

  There's no escaping from all these angry ghosts.

  I can hear something knocking at my door,

  Whispering voices call out for "Lenore".

  I can feel the Raven, it's taking over my mind,

  I can feel the Shadows, trying to cast out the light,

  I can feel the Darkness trying hard to ease my pain,

  I can feel them inside of me, making me insane.

  I'm trying so hard to go right back to sleep,

  Someone tells me a secret I must keep.

  I can hear something knocking at my door,

  The Shadow dances and sin
gs "Nevermore".

  I can't see my Shadow anymore,

  It's now a toy for sweet little Lenore.

  Find A Way

  Long lost words whisper,

  They welcome me back home.

  "Where have you been?" They ask.

  "It's time to breathe again."

  I got so tired of just sitting here and waiting for you.

  I know whatever I do; my heart will always be broken.

  But I'll find a way,

  I will always find a way.

  All my hurt echoes,

  I'm in pain and no one knows.

  I wear my smile so well,

  I'm peaceful in this private Hell.

  There's no point in building Paradise because I've burnt it down,

  I've been lost for so long I don't think that I'll ever be found.

  But I'll find a way,

  I will always find a way.

  Black Widow

  It's been too long since you left this hole in our hearts,

  Here in the dark where we laid, we couldn't find you.

  All for a girl with poison drowning out her every word.

  Was it worth all of the pain that you gave back to us?

  Can't you see past her lies?

  When will you wake up my dear?

  You are no longer free,

  You're trapped in her web of lies.

  She's a Black Widow,

  She'll eat out your soul.

  She poisoned your mind,

  Your death she will define.

  Is this what you had in mind, when you left us behind?

  Here is your pride that you lost when you had your fix.

  You regret what you did, but we all know it's too late.

  You're now cold and alone lying in your bed made up of chestnut and pine,

  There is your lovely bride, she's moving on to the next.


  Your touch burns me.

  Your words bruise me.

  Your love's poison.

  You're Toxic. I'm Toxic.

  Let go of my heart that you blackened,

  It no longer bleeds and I'm dying.

  The lies are killing us again,

  This love you gave is dying here in Toxicity.

  You poisoned me with every kiss;

  Our Paradise does not exist.

  We're Toxic.

  Let go of my heart that you blackened,

  It no longer beats and I'm crying.

  Your lies are killing me again.

  Let us find peace here in Toxicity?Please.


  Nothing could have prepared us for this ending.

  We've seen how it began we both know how it will end.

  We held our breath so many times through the storm,

  We could no longer fly because our wings were torn.

  If you're looking for someone to take the blame, I will gladly take it, I will ease all your pain.

  There were so many times that I faked loving you,

  We can't pick up the pieces there's just too many to mend.

  I'm moving on not giving up, I know that you are dying inside.

  Don't call my name because I'm long gone,

  So all you'll hear is your voice is echoing.

  I have been pondering this thought for so long,

  I couldn't see you hurt yet I was hurting myself.

  Forget all the grey clouds in the sky,

  The sun will shine for you, that is something I truly believe.

  There's no point in trying to stay here for you,

  We both know it's a lie and what good will it do?

  I hope you find the true love you've been seeking,

  I'm sorry it's not me; I know you'll find him when I leave.

  So many things were left unsaid, all those words echoed in the night,

  Don't shed a tear for me; you know that I will be alright.

  Don't call my name, please, let these tears dry,

  I need to get out of here before your heart will die.

  Right now all I hear is your heart echoing?








  Love (2002)

  Love is something we desire,

  Strong enough to start a fire.

  Love may lead to hate,

  But not on a first date.

  Love is strong,

  Hate is wrong.

  Love is sweet,

  But not your feet!

  Love is something we can't live without.

  After all, that is what this world is all about.

  The Witch


  They rejoiced that the Witch was dead,

  "No more evil! No more pain!" They happily said.

  All too well they knew the Witch was cruel,

  Yet in their blissful ignorance they forgot her one rule.

  "Kill me here! Burn me there or stab me where I lie!

  None of that matters because a Witch like me, will never die!"

  Their day of sunshine and gay dancing,

  Was darkened by black clouds and Demonic chanting.

  As the Priest tried to make sense of this new strange day,

  A cold voice rang out "Revenge is mine!", that voice did say.

  Women and children were told to hide,

  While the men stood strong and tall and stood behind.

  But the Witch didn't want to fight or kill any of the men,

  Oh no, her plan was wicked to the bone and it involved all of the women.

  One by one, she cursed their wombs and broke all of the men by shattering their worlds,

  Every woman was cursed to bear no sons but only girls.

  The Witch's soul wasn't dead and this wasn't her end,

  Now the Witch will be reborn, again and again.

  My Shadow's Secret

  The crows circle around me, laughing at a secret they can't tell.

  My shadow deceives me because he knows it as well.

  "What is it?" I asked hoping to get an answer to enjoy,

  "You don't know it?", mocked my shadow, "Guess we have to remain coy."

  I was hurt, torn, lost and confused,

  What do they know that has them amused?

  I finally arrived at my destination on time,

  When I noticed something was wrong and I didn't feel fine.

  The shadow laughed harder and harder with joy,

  And I felt my chest get tighter and tighter; Oh boy.

  "You see why we laughed?" My shadow asked me.

  "It's because you're dying and will no longer breathe."

  "Death isn't funny." I said feeling my tighten with a choke,

  "We know it isn't. But you lived like you were immortal and that is the joke."

  "I don't get it, my shadow, what do you mean?"

  "You did nothing but hate yourself and now this is your last scene."

  So the moral my friends, both old and new,

  Live like you are dying and enjoy every second too.


  Did you hear about Cinderella?

  She wore rags for clothes and lived in the cellar.

  One faithful night the Charmings were having a ball,

  She made a wish on a star and her fairy Godmother she did call.

  She partied until midnight and ran out leaving her glass slipper behind,

  The Prince's men took the shoe and made it their quest for that foot they will find.

  Unfortunately her stepmother found out the crazy odd truth,

  That Cinderella escaped the house and she vowed that day Cinderella will rue.

  Poor Stepmother had no idea that Cinderella was not sane,

  That night the Stepmother closed her eyes to never awaken again.

  The Stepsisters were found, one headless and the other one burned,

  It didn't take
long to see sweet Cinderella took a dark turn.

  The story about a Fairy Godmother concocting a dress was a lie,

  She broke into a local boutique; stole the dress and glass slippers without batting an eye.

  Poor thing imagined a happy ever after, married to the Prince with a bunch of babies,

  But in reality, you see, Cinderella had Rabies.

  Now she's locked up for good mugshot taken and prints,

  No happily ever for her, not even a Prince.

  The Return

  "I love you", that's what you said.

  "I need you", that's what you said.

  I'll wait here until the sun rises,

  When will you return?

  Everything that you touch died,

  But I really didn't mind.

  I gave you all that I am,

  When will you return?

  I can feel you inside me,

  I can taste you so sweetly.

  You promised forever,

  When will you return?

  I heard that you found new love,

  He is all that you dream of.

  Even if he doesn't know,

  When will you return?

  I lie here alone?again.

  Hoping you will remember me,

  I can't wait to hold your heart.

  The next time I return!

  Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! I am working hard on the third installment of Publicity!, and I am proud to announce that Samus' World will be premiering this Fall.

  Follow me on Twitter: @EddyBee26.

  Thank you again and I assure you there are a lot more poems coming.