Fasial held his stomach. "I can't... breathe," he rasped.

  Talon threw a punch into his chest, right over his heart. Fasial's eyes grew wide for a moment and then he collapsed to the floor.

  "Problem solved," said Talon.



  MURPHY HAD MIXED EMOTIONS as he walked up the meandering pathway to the Memorial Lecture Hall. His topic for the day was evil angels, and while it was good for the students to understand the influence of evil in the world, he hated to give Satan and his demons any credit and thereby add to their notoriety.

  Forewarned is forearmed , he thought.

  As he rounded the corner of the Science Building, he saw the students already making their way to his class. It was a sunny morning and the smell of magnolias was heavy in the air.

  He nodded to some of the students as he entered the hall, stopping to field some questions about homework assignments. He noticed Shari setting up his PowerPoint projector on the stand near his desk.


  No one could ask for a better assistant ... a little kooky at times, but very supportive .

  He hooked up his computer to the projector, pulled up his lecture slides, and arranged his notes.

  He was about to call everyone to take their seats when she entered. This was the third time that Summer Van Doren had attended his lectures. And again, as before, the men in the back of the lecture hall also noticed her.

  "Good morning, class. Last time we talked about good angels. Today we'll be discussing the other side of the issue. The dark side of evil angels."

  Murphy saw a hand go up in the back of the room. It was Clayton Anderson. He knew that something crazy was coming.

  "What is it, Clayton?"

  "Dr. Murphy, did you hear about the angel that died?"

  "No, Clayton. What about him?" He knew that he was being set up.

  "He died of harp failure."

  Everyone groaned. A few students rolled up paper balls and threw them at him. Anderson was giving the class his typical innocent "Who, me?" look.

  "Is that part of your homework that you want me to grade you on, Clayton?"

  Anderson gave a sheepish grin and shook his head.

  "Smart lad."

  Murphy caught Summer smiling at him with a twinkle in her deep blue eyes. It was very distracting. He gathered his wits and turned on the PowerPoint projector.

  "Let's get back to our topic here. The Bible makes reference to demons and evil spirits. They are basically those angels that chose to follow their leader, Satan."



  Angels kept in prison

  Angels that are free


  Evil spirits

  Satan--leader of the evil or fallen angels

  "These demons or evil spirits have been given a number of different common names. Some of the names will be familiar to you and others may be new. All cultures have terminology for angels and for some form of demonic or otherworldly creatures. As you look at the next slide, see how many of the names are familiar to you."



  Baba Yaga











  The Undead






  Wandering Soul

  Evil Spirit

  Mombo Jombo









  "You wouldn't want to encounter any of these guys in a dark alley or spot them following you across campus. As you are no doubt aware, the movie industry has used the various names of evil spirits for horror films, in which these creatures wreak havoc, terrify, and murder people. There are a number of films that deal with the exorcism of evil spirits. Scary stuff."

  Someone made a ghostly oooooh sound, and Murphy didn't have to see to know it was Clayton Anderson. The class had a good chuckle, which was okay with Murphy.

  "Exactly. But not all otherworldly creatures are depicted as scary. Some have been portrayed as being kind or helpful in some way."









  Fairy Godmother


  Familiar Spirit

  Spirit Guide




  White Witch

  "Think about the Aladdin films with the Genie in a lamp. Or how about superheroes, like Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man? There are also all of the Disney films with fairy godmothers, singing mermaids, or little elves that help Santa Claus at Christmas. If you want to find otherworldly creatures, all you have to do is turn on the television on Saturday mornings. Young children are indoctrinated at an


  early age into the world of ghosts, demons, wizards, witches, mediums, and the occult."

  Murphy clicked up the next slide.

  "The chief of the fallen angels is a being named Lucifer, but he goes by many names."




  Accuser of the

  Morning Star


  Old Serpent


  Power of Darkness

  Angel of the Bottomless Pit

  Prince of This World


  Prince of Devils


  Prince of the Power of the Air


  Ruler of the Darkness of this World




  Evil Spirit


  Father of Lies

  Son of Dawn

  God of This World

  Spirit That Works in Disobedient Children

  Great Red Dragon

  The Tempter

  King of Tyrus

  The Unclean Spirit


  Wicked One


  "The Bible suggests that this angel, Lucifer, was a very beautiful being who became filled with pride. He tried to engender a rebellion in heaven among all the other angels. The angels that followed him became evil spirits or demons, and to this day they attempt to hinder the influence of God in this world. From their influence have risen cults, false religions, and the worship of spirits that has affected mankind down through the centuries. Yet, each October we celebrate these spirits in an event called Halloween."

  One of the students raised her hand.

  "Dr. Murphy, is Lucifer as powerful as God?"

  "No. He does, however, have great powers and influence in the political affairs of nations. His final end will come in what is commonly called the Day of Judgment. He and his fallen angels will end up in a place called the Lake of Fire. Most people call it hell. There is a popular conception about Satan, with his pointed ears, long tail, and pitchfork, ruling over this place."

  Murphy noticed Summer quietly stand up and leave. She must have a class to teach. She sure is easy on the eyes .

  Stay focused .

  "In our class on biblical archaeology," he continued, "we have studied the influence of pagan gods on the lives of people from many nations. Often priests or other influential people commissioned artisans to make idols of gods and supernatural creatures out of wood, stone, clay, and metal. Many of these artifacts have been discovered and studied by universities and private groups around the
world. The Israelites also did this with the Ark of the Covenant. This box contained the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses, Aaron's Rod, and a golden jar of manna from the wilderness. As you recall, manna was food that God provided for the Children of Israel while they wandered in the wilderness. The Ark had two cherubim, or angels, carved out of gold on the lid.

  "Demons are also seen in the design of ancient and some modern constructions. Some buildings have included decorated waterspouts


  that project from the building to dram water off the roof. These waterspouts are formed to look like grotesque, otherworldly creatures and are called gargoyles. Many of the Gothic cathedrals and palaces have these features. Often they are half human and half animal or half bird. Rainwater is channeled through the mouths of these creatures and away from the buildings, and the word 'gargoyle' comes from the Latin word gurguilo ... which means 'gullet' and has to do with drainage. Some of the early stonemasons must have had some fun with these gargoyles. They would occasionally portray their patrons or colleagues in a grotesque form. It is something that Mr. Anderson would really enjoy."

  Everyone looked at Clayton and made an oooohing sound. Clayton happily soaked up all the attention.

  "In some Asian cultures, the roofs curve up at the bottom to form a point, the thought being that the points would help to keep evil spirits away from the homes, places of business, or houses of worship. In cultural parades and events, Asians will often have a long, colorful costume that forms a fire-breathing dragon. This costume is carried by many people and weaves back and forth through the crowds of people. Just another example of the strong influence otherworldly creatures have had on society."

  A hand went up.

  "Dr. Murphy, does that include things like séances, card reading, and crystal-ball reading?"

  "Yes, it does. In séances, mediums attempt to contact some type of spirit. They often suggest that they are human spirits of the dead but they can also be some form of supernatural creature, like a fallen angel. In card reading or crystal-ball reading the practitioner is attempting to tap into some otherworldly source that will predict the future."

  Another hand went up.

  "Dr. Murphy, what about people who worship Satan and fallen angels?"


  "I suppose one of the most famous is a man by the name of Anton Szandor LaVey In the late 1960s he wrote a book called The Satanic Bible . His book became very popular on college campuses and outsold the Bible for a period of time. He became the head of the Satanic Church."

  A student spoke up.

  "Dr. Murphy, did this LaVey guy have some sort of weird childhood?"

  "I don't know if you would call it weird or not. But as a sixteen-year-old, he played the organ for a carnival, where he would observe men lusting after the half-naked dancing girls. He also played the organ for a tent-show evangelist who happened to have his tent at the other end of the carnival. He would see the same men who'd been lusting after the dancing girls sitting in the chairs with their wives and children, and he became very disillusioned as a result of their hypocrisy. He came to the conclusion that man's carnal nature will win out in the end. This helped him to form a philosophy that was based on indulgence of desires. He listed Nine Satanic Statements that he said helped to clarify his doctrines."

  Murphy projected a slide with the information.


  Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence.

  Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams.

  Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit.

  Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates.


  Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek.

  Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires.

  Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all.

  Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.

  Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years.

  Murphy glanced at the clock on the wall. "We have time for one more question."

  "Dr. Murphy, do you have other examples of worship of angels or otherworldly creatures?"

  "There are many. Not all of them focus on angels, demons, or other creatures. Some focus on demonic types of philosophy."

  Murphy clicked up his last slide.

  "Here's a list of some of the things that have grown out of demon-related thinking."




  Ouija Boards



  Blood rituals

  Psychic surgery



  Crystal Work

  Pyramid Power


  Regression therapy

  Dungeons & Dragons


  Eastern gurus


  Edgar Cayce


  Exorcism rituals

  Tarot cards

  Friday the 13th

  UFO s

  Lucis Trust




  Mantras & mandalas


  "As we end our class today, I would like you to think about two questions: One, to what extent have I been exposed to occult-type philosophy? And two, how has it affected my thinking and daily life? For example, even some Christians read their astrology charts. Some have little mantras that they repeat over and over. And some are deeply enmeshed in Ouija boards, tarot cards, and other occult objects.

  "What about you?"



  MURPHY DEBATED for a moment as he stood in the line at the Student Center--should he go ahead and order the hamburger and French fries, or a tuna salad sandwich? He had been very faithful in his workout schedule.... a combination of running, lifting weights, and karate practice three times a week. And now, as the smell of the hamburgers frying on the grill wafted up to his nostrils, his entire body craved the burger.

  I deserve a reward for doing my ninety push-ups a day .

  "What will it be, Dr. Murphy?" asked the short-order cook.

  Murphy hesitated for a moment, and then let out a sigh.

  "I'll take the tuna salad."

  "Would you like anything else with it?"


  Murphy wanted a chocolate fudge sundae with it. "Just water, Susan. Thank you."

  He found his usual secluded spot, away from most of the other tables and hidden by some shrubbery. He sat down and stared out the window at the lush green campus. It was good to get a break from questions by the students. He had just taken a bite of his sandwich when he heard a voice behind him.

  "Do you mind if I join you?"

  Murphy turned and looked into the blue eyes of Summer Van Doren. He stood and pulled back one of the chairs, gesturing for her to sit down as he quickly chewed and swallowed.


  "I'm sorry that I had to leave your class early. I had a short meeting with the head of the Physical Education Department." She brushed a few stray hairs out of her face.

  "That's quite all right. Are you feeling comfortable in your new position as women's volleyball coach?"

  "I love it. The students seem eager and the Preston campus is a garden paradise. Just a little more humidity than I'm used to."

  "Where do you call home?"

  "San Diego, California. I was born and raised there."

  "That's a beautiful place also. I've been tol
d that the weather there is gorgeous year-round."

  "Yes, it is. Just a little fog in the mornings if you live near the beach."

  "Is that where you lived?"

  "Yes. I lived in Del Mar just a couple of blocks from the beach."

  "Did you surf?"

  "All the time. It's a great sport. During the summers I was a lifeguard."