Page 2 of Wild Nights

  He wasn’t sure he’d ever been intrigued by a woman. This was a first.


  Though she spent the next hour mingling with her guests and making sure everyone was having a good time, Grace couldn’t help but keep one eye on Mike Nottingham.

  She expected him to approach her. He hadn’t yet. He’d gone to the bar for a drink, spent some time talking to the bartender and a few of the staff, then hung out and chatted with some members. Not once had he sought her out or bothered her in any way.

  For some odd reason, she was irritated by his seeming lack of interest. She knew he was interested in her—her instincts were never wrong, dammit. He was simply playing it cool and waiting for the right moment to pounce.

  She continued to perform her normal routine—stopping at tables to visit her regulars, answering a question or two from those who approached her, even dancing with men or women who asked. As owner and hostess, she made herself available to her clientele, within reason of course. Anyone who came here on a regular basis knew her sexual boundaries. She did the choosing, and in that she was very particular. Partaking of the club’s activities was a rare occurrence. Typically she liked to keep her own sexuality private, her partners anonymous.

  But periodically she’d dally at the club. It was good for business. Patrons liked to see her taking part in the club’s amenities. It fueled their fantasies of her. She knew it, the staff knew it, they all played it up.

  She wasn’t going to dally with Mike Nottingham, though. Mainly because it’s what he wanted. And she never catered to men. They catered to her. It was part of her mystique. She did the choosing. She smiled at that.

  “You have a beautiful smile.”

  She didn’t jerk in surprise at the sound of Mike Nottingham’s voice behind her. She knew he’d come around.

  “Like a cat who just ate a bowl of cream.”

  Her smile didn’t die. In fact, she kept it on when she turned to face him. Like it or not, he was a client. “Thank you. Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes. You’ve created a hell of a niche market here.”

  “We stay busy.”

  “I can imagine.”

  He wasn’t crowding her or invading her personal space. She liked that. Most men targeting her invaded her space and she hated feeling cornered. He kept a respectable distance, one hand holding his glass, the other resting on the bar.

  “Find anything to your liking yet?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Grace, everything here is to my liking. I love sex. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Ah. Honesty. That’s refreshing.” His southern drawl was sexy. Rolling off his deep, husky voice, it singed her nerve endings. How long had it been since she’d played? Too long.

  “But I like to take my time before I choose. I don’t like to rush into anything.”


  He nodded. “I might just want to look around tonight. I’m in no hurry.”

  Also different than a lot of the men who came here, usually with a hard-on before they came through the door, their cocks out before they moved from the bar to the playrooms. They’d have their dicks in the first willing woman before Grace could blink.

  Maybe Mike got laid often. Though she got the idea he wasn’t just after pussy, that he had more adventurous tastes.

  “Any particular play you have in mind? Can I help you with something?”

  He slanted a half-lidded gaze at her that admittedly got her panties wet. Practiced? Maybe. But either way, it worked.

  “I haven’t been to the playrooms yet, so I can’t really say. I’ll have to take a look around and see if anything gets me hard. But thank you for the offer.”

  The man smoldered. What would be wrong with a little one on one with him? He was damn fine looking and her pussy was quivering. She made no apologies to anyone for her sexuality so what was holding her back? When she found a guy she wanted to fuck and she was in the mood, she went for it.

  “Let me show you around.”

  His brows arched and he dipped his chin to look down at her. “Sure.” He held his arm out and she took it, guiding him through the double doors from the main room into the playrooms, cognizant of how tall he was. She wasn’t short by any stretch of the imagination, but Mike made her feel…petite.

  His body was warm and he smelled…God, he smelled great. Like a fresh shower, not like those men who doused themselves in sickening cologne that gave her a headache. Mike smelled like soap. She breathed him in as they strolled down the hallway.

  “Each room is marked so you know what it is before going in,” she explained, pointing to the door marked, “Masturbation.”

  “Do you enjoy touching yourself?” he asked, his voice dropping down an octave.

  Her nipples tightened. “Very much. Do you?”

  “Every chance I get.”

  Verbal foreplay had always excited her. She paused and turned, tilting her head back so she could look at his eyes. “How do you do it? Only at home, or elsewhere?”

  His lips curled in a knowing smile that made her want to climb on top of him and kiss him. “Like I said, every chance I get. At home, in the car, at work, outside…anywhere I get the urge, as long as I don’t get caught.”

  She nodded and inhaled, her mind filled with visuals of him pleasuring himself. “Me, too. Sometimes I’ll do it four or five times a day. Here at work, in the car when I’m driving somewhere. I even did it in my doctor’s office one day. They make you wait so long in those exam rooms, though it really doesn’t take me long to get myself off.”

  “Everyone knows their own body well. It’s easy to make yourself come.”

  “True enough.”

  “I’d love to watch you give yourself an orgasm.”

  “I might like showing you.” She turned and moved down the hallway, recognizing her body’s signals. Flushed, breasts swollen, her nipples pebbling against her dress. Her panties were soaked and sticking to her moist cunt.

  Yes, she was definitely going to have to play with Mike tonight. She needed an orgasm. Or five or six. She chanced a glance at his mouth as they moved to the next room, wondering how his full lips would feel latched on to her clit. Her pussy quivered and she wanted to stop right there, lift her skirt and let him lick her.

  She hadn’t had it this bad in a long time. She should have masturbated before she came to work tonight. Instead, she’d gotten involved in paperwork, gone to the gym for a lengthy workout, then had to hurry up and shower so she wouldn’t be late. Now she was edgy and uncomfortable and in desperate need of release. Though the anticipation of what would happen tonight was nice.

  “Spanking room?” she asked as they walked by yet another.

  He grinned. “That could be fun.”

  She glanced down at his hands and felt a tingle of anticipation at the thought of them wandering over her ass. They moved on down the hallway and she nodded at a couple women who worked for her. They sized up Mike, their eyes widening with distinct interest. Not that she could blame them. With his dark good looks and lean, well-toned body, he was a prime specimen. He walked in a barely leashed predatory manner that she found quite compelling since it wasn’t affected at all, but natural. He offered a friendly acknowledgment to the women, but kept his attention focused on Grace.


  “Same-sex rooms ahead,” she said.

  “Fun to watch but I’m completely hetero.”

  “What do you like, then?”

  “Just about everything you’ll suggest. That’s why I’m here.”

  She had an idea he’d respond that way. “Been there, done that, in other words?”

  He shrugged. “I haven’t exactly been a monk in the past.”

  “I’m sure I could find something here to tempt you.”

  “Only if your name is Eve and you’re holding an apple in your hand.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. She stopped and turned to him. “I’m the challenge every man who comes to Wild Nights wants,
Mike. But I’m not a prize.”

  Now he did lean in, though just enough to tantalize her with his scent. “No, you’re not. You’re a treasure worth exploring. A prize is something to show off in front of everyone. I don’t see you like that.”

  “You don’t.”

  “No. A man should take his time with a woman like you. But not here.”


  He shook his head. “Someplace private, where we can get to know each other, explore each other. Without you being on display.”

  Okay, now she was really impressed. The typical man who pursued her wanted to show her off like a trophy, like they’d just won the lottery and she was the grand-prize fuck. They always suggested one of the showcase rooms, where they could exhibit their prowess in screwing the owner of Wild Nights. Total turnoff Grace didn’t mind a little exhibitionism, but on her terms, and she didn’t want to be shown off like a prize deer during hunting season.

  Which made Mike different than most men.

  “Come with me.” She held out her hand and led him down another hallway, through the door and to an elevator marked “Private.” They passed some staff members along the way.

  “David, I’m heading up to my suite. Please let the managers know where I can be reached in case of emergency.”

  David nodded. “Of course, Grace. Have a nice time.”

  She intended to. Mike had piqued her curiosity Now she wanted some time to talk to see if her instincts about him were right. She punched the code and the elevator door opened. Mike stayed silent on the ride up to her penthouse. One of the advantages to living where she worked was that there was no commute. When she wanted some privacy all she had to do was take a short ride and she was home.

  “Nice place,” Mike said as they stepped inside her suite.

  “Thank you.” She didn’t need to live extravagantly, preferring to put her money back into the club and bank the rest of the profits for later on. She didn’t intend to be in this business forever. But she loved the view of Las Vegas afforded by the floor-to-ceiling windows in her living room, and the privacy of living high above the city.

  Her décor was simple—beige and black. Nothing fussy. Standard furniture, comfortable couches and tables and chairs. She liked her living space livable—not pretentious.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  He stepped to the window. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”

  She poured two brandies and handed one to him. “I love this view. Frenetic pace, dazzling lights, absolute madness down there. But still, it relaxes me.” She took a sip of her drink, feeling it burn its way down and warm her.

  “It’s home to you. Anything that’s home is relaxing.”

  She motioned him to the couch in front of the window, kicked off her shoes and sat, curling her legs under her. “Tell me what’s home to you.”

  “Oklahoma. I’m a veterinarian. Own a practice with my best friend. We’ve been partners since our college days. I have a house in a small town and that’s where I kick back and get away from it all.”

  “And you obviously love animals.”

  “Yeah, I do.” He took a long swallow of the brandy. She watched his throat move as he tilted his head back. “I have a couple dogs and I’d eventually like to own a horse ranch.”

  Grace stared out the window. “I’ve never been on a horse in my life. But I’d love to ride someday.”

  “Come visit me sometime. I’ll take you for a ride.”

  “I’ll just bet you would.” She teased, imagining the kind of ride Mike would take her on. “But I’m serious about the horses. I’ve always loved animals but I never had any pets.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “My parents never allowed us to have any, and after I moved away from home my lifestyle wasn’t conducive to keeping one.”

  “That’s too bad. I was brought up around animals. I grew up on a farm.”


  “Are you from Las Vegas?”

  She laughed. “Oh, God no. I’m from Kentucky.”

  He arched a brow. “No trace of an accent.”

  “I left home at eighteen. That was a while ago. There’s no part of the Kentucky girl left in me.”

  He reached out and grabbed a tendril of hair from the side of her face, letting it slide through his fingers. “You know what they say. You can take a girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.”

  “Trust me. This girl has no country left in her. I left their morality and their holier-than-thou standards and prejudices on the doorstep the day I walked out. There’s nothing of them left in me.”


  His voice was soft. No accusation. “Not at all. I just didn’t want what they were selling.”

  “Which was?”


  Mike nodded. “Now, that I understand. Those who preach one thing and practice another.”

  “Exactly.” She took another drink and sighed, wondering why she’d revealed so much about herself to a stranger. She never talked about her past with anyone. Some of her close friends at Wild Nights didn’t know where she’d come from. “Your glass is empty Let me refill it.” She reached for his glass, but he laid his hand over hers.

  “I’m fine right now, thanks.” He laid his glass on the side table, but didn’t let go of her hand. His thumb drew lazy circles over her palm. The sensation was wild. Amazing for someone as jaded as her. It was just her hand. She usually needed much more stimulation to get her going.

  “I’m not promising you anything by this,” she said, needing him to understand.

  His lips curled in a wicked, sexy half smile. “I just want to spend time with you, Grace. There are plenty of women I can fuck. I like you. I like talking to you. Just relax, okay?”

  “Sorry. I’m used to meeting men whose sole objective is to fuck the panties right off me. It’s a defense mechanism to set the ground rules right away.”

  “Consider them set. No promises. I won’t ask you to bear my children or move to Oklahoma with me tomorrow.”

  She snorted. Dear God, when was the last time she did that? “That was funny.” He was right. She needed to lighten up.

  “How long have you lived out here?” he asked, content to roll right back into talking.

  “Ten years. I came out here right out of high school. Went to college and worked nights to support myself.”

  “Damn hard life for a kid all alone.”

  She shrugged. “I managed. I made friends and scored a couple really well-paying jobs. I knew exactly what I wanted.”

  “Pretty impressive for someone so young.”

  “It’s important to have goals.”

  “And what were your goals?”

  “To start up Wild Nights.”

  His brows lifted. “You knew even then?”

  She nodded. “I grew up in a repressed family. Sexuality wasn’t discussed. The town I lived in was littered with hypocrites who preached abstinence and morality and practiced adultery and indiscriminate sex. It was ludicrous.”

  “And you were confused as hell, I imagine.”

  She nodded. “Understatement. I had this raging libido and everyone telling me that what I felt inside was bad, evil. And it wasn’t bad. I knew it wasn’t. How could something that felt so good be wrong? What was so bad about expressing one’s sexuality?”


  “I was determined to get the hell out of there before I ended up pregnant and married and trapped at eighteen. No way was I going the route of so many of my friends. They were brainwashed into believing that bullshit. I knew I was destined for something else. I felt stifled there and I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to make a run for it.

  “So as soon as I graduated high school I packed up and left. I’d worked a part-time job in school and banked every spare cent I could. Enough for a bus ticket to Las Vegas and money to last a month. I was lucky—I landed a job and a place to live and
worked my ass off in school and at work for several years, with my eye always on the prize.”

  “Wild Nights.”

  She smiled. “Wild Nights.”

  “So you’ve realized your dream, Grace. Are you content?”

  She started to answer with a yes, then realized no one had ever asked her that question before.

  Was she content with her life? Could she honestly say she was happy?

  “Truthfully, Mike? I don’t know.”


  Mike was surprised at Grace’s honesty. And absolutely stunned by her. Everything about her. Her story, her beauty. Her tenacity and drive.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Grace. You’ve put your life on hold to realize your dream.”

  “My dream is my life. Or at least it has been for the past twelve years.”

  “I did the same thing with my practice. Between school and setting up my business, there wasn’t room for anything else for a long time.”

  “But you’ve found time to play, haven’t you?” she asked, shifting on the couch so she could draw nearer to him.

  He knew what she was doing. She was trying to change the subject because she felt like she’d revealed too much. Fair enough. He owed her for her honesty.

  “I’ve played plenty. Too much, I think.”

  She stilled, then leaned back a little, frowning. “Too much?”

  “I’ve played the game for so many years I think I’ve become desensitized to it all. So I find myself looking for the next big thrill, and finally coming to realize there isn’t one.”

  She relaxed her shoulders. “Ah. Yes, I understand.”

  “I’ve done it all, Grace. It’s hard to get excited about it anymore. It’s like I’m pushing the sexual envelope, looking for the next conquest before I’ve even finished the one I’m with.”

  “And it’s not fun anymore,” she replied, nodding.

  He laughed. “Well, sex is always fun. But lately it’s been a little…unsatisfying.”

  She crossed her arms. “I know the feeling.”

  “Really?” He couldn’t believe he was telling her this. Or that she of all people was a kindred spirit. Grace was like a shrink—easy to talk to. He didn’t really spend a lot of time talking to women. When he was alone with a woman, talking typically wasn’t something they did. Then again, she was a stranger. A beautiful, intelligent, eloquent stranger, and different from most of the women he knew.