Balkh, 633, 698
Ball, John (d. 1381), 36, 40–41, 42, 45, 47
Balliol, Edward (1333–57), 604
Balmes, Abraham de (d. 1524), 741
Baltic Sea, 144, 178, 299, 629, 656
Bamberg, Germany, 147, 153, 389, 393
bank deposits, guaranteed, 198
banking, 632, 728, 754
Bannockburn, Scotland, battle (1314), 27, 604
baptism, 366, 376, 395, 396, 480
Baptists, 401, 402
Baqi, Mahmud Abdu’l (1526–1600), 714
quoted, 714–715
Barbari, Jacopo de’ (1440?-?1516), 313
barbarians, 766
Barbarossa I, Horush (1473?-1518), 696
Barbarossa II, Khair ed-Din (1466?-1546), 514, 515, 516, 696–698
Barbarossa, Frederick, see Frederick I
barber surgeons, 243–244, 869, 874
Barcelona, Spain, 197, 198, 218, 224
cathedral, 220–221
Barcelona, Treaty of (1529), 540
Barclay, Alexander (1475?-1552), 812*
Barefoot Friars, 384
Barnabites, 900
Barnet, England, 107
Barquq al-Zahir, Sultan (1390–1412), 677, 690
Barros, Joāo de (1496–1570), 815
Barton, Elizabeth (1506?-34), 547, 557
Basel, Switzerland, 147, 154, 156, 159, 396, 403, 410, 432, 436
Council, 11, 12, 22, 170, 411, 729, 841, 927, 928, 930
university, 786
Basques, 197
bastardy, 127, 303
Batalha, Portugal, Santa Maria da Victoria church, 192
Bath, England, 118
Bath of Blood, Stockholm, 622, 624
bathing, 198, 244, 302, 648, 665, 712, 768
Batt, James (1500), 274
Battles of the Lord (ben Gerson), 745
Batu Khan (d. 1255), 647
Baudricourt, Captain (1429), 82
Baumgartner, Franz, 297
Baumgärtner, Hieronymus, (1526), 439
Bavaria, Germany, 147, 389, 455
Bayard, Pierre Terrail, Chevalier de (1473?-1524), 94, 205, 506–507, 508
Bayer, Christian, 443
Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706’), 50.
Beaton, David, Cardinal (1494–1546), 603, 605, 606, 607, 608
Beaton, James, Archbishop (1470?–1539) 607
Beatrice of Aragon (1476), 188
Beatriz, Queen of Portugal (1383), 191–192
Beauchamp, Richard de (1382–1439), 119, 121
Beaufort, France, 492
Beaugency, France, 84
Beaune, France, hospital (1443), 80, 134
Beauneveû, André (fl. 1360–1403), 80
Beauvais, France, 91, 99
Cathedral (1500–48), 96, 822, 829
Beauval, Firmin de (1344), 238
Bedford, Duke of, see John of Lancaster
Begardi, Philip, 852
beggars, 39, 72, 474, 572, 582
“Beggars, The Supplication of the,” 543
Beghards (lay group), 128, 169, 382, 396
Beguines (lay group), 128
Behaim, Martin (1459?-?1507), 240
Beham, Ottilie, 813
Belem, Portugal, monastery of Santa Maria, 196, 846
Belgrade, Hungary, 179, 185, 186, 441, 703
Bellay, Guillaume du (1491–1543), 504, 798
Bellay, Jean du (1492–1560), 544, 788, 797, 798
Bellay, Joachim du (1522–60), 501, 808, 809, 815, 826
Défense et illustration de la langue françoyse, 809
Belle dame sans merci, La (Chartier), 77
Belleau, Remy (1528–77), 808
Bellini, Gentile (1429?-1507), 686, 687, 715
Bellinzona, Switzerland, 403
Belloc, Hilaire (1870–1953), 603
bells, casting, 156
Belon, Pierre (1517–64), 868
Bembo, Pietro (1470–1547), 470, 896
Benedetto da Maiano (1442–97), 188
Benedict XII, Pope (1334–1342), 151, 730
Benedict XIII, anti-pope (1394–1423), 9, 10
Benedict XV, Pope (1914–22), 86
Benedictines, 20, 236, 329, 899
benefices, multiple, 19, 501, 545, 899
Berab, Jakob (1474–1546), 736, 737
Berbers, 198
Bergamo, Italy, 161
Berkeley, Sir Edward, 48
Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 251
Berlichingen, Götz von (1480–1562), 299, 387, 391
Berlin, Germany, 445
Bermejo, Bartolomé (d. 1498), 223
Bern, Switzerland, 146, 396, 403, 410, 467
Bernabei, Domenico (1495), 93, 823
Bernardino of Feltre (1439–94), 721
Bernardino of Siena, Saint (1380–1444), quoted, 16
Berners, John, Lord (1467–1533), 816
Bernini, Giovanni (1598–1680), 830
Berquin, Louis de (1489–1529), 503, 504
Berruguete, Alonso (c. 1480–1561), 845, 847, 848
Berruguete, Pedro (c. 1450–1504), 223, 845, 847, 848
Berry, Duke of, see Charles, Duke of Berry (1446–72)
John, Duke of Berry (1340–1416)
Berthelier, Philibert (1553), 483
Berthelot, Gilles (1521), 824
Bertinoro, Obadiah (1488), 720
Bessarion, Joannes (1403–72), 176
Beszterczebánya, Hungary, 189
betrothals, 112
Betti, Giovanni di Giusto (1485–1549), 830
Bèze, Théodore de (1519–1608), 472, 486–487, 488, 489, 614
Bibbiena, Bernardo (1470–1521), Calandra, 81
Bible: authenticity, 352, 370–371
Authorized Version (1611), 534
Complutensian Polyglot, 225
Great Bible, 571
Luther’s translation, 368–369
paramount authority, 349
text, interpreting, 366
translations, 36–37, 75, 124, 320, 368–369, 485, 486, 502, 533, 534, 556, 571, 625, 628, 630, 924
Vulgate, 225, 272, 283, 285, 320, 929
Biblia pauperum, 328
bibliolatry, 302
Bibliotheca Corvina, Buda, 189
Bibliotheca universalis (Gesner), 868
Bibliothèque Nationale, France, 68, 786
bigamy, 449, 762
Bigorre, France, 68
Bihzad, Kamal al-Din (c. 1440–0. 1523), 682, 687–688, 699, 701
bills of exchange, 198
Bilney, Thomas (1495?-1531), 532, 549
biology, 867–869
Biscay, Bay of, 62
bishops, appointment, 547
bishops’ courts, 30
Black Death, 39, 64, 143, 144, 244, 250, 676, 689, 690, 724, 725, 730, 731, 739, 758
Black Prince, see Edward
Black Sea, 177, 178, 182, 680
Blackheath, London, 110
Blanche of Bourbon (d. 1361), 197
Blanche of Navarre, Queen of France (1331–1398), 65
Blandrata, Giorgio (1515?-?88), 488, 630
blasphemy, 206, 421, 474, 484, 503
Blast against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (Knox), 612–613
blast furnaces, 144, 241
Bleda, friar, 220
block printing, 158
Blois, France, 58, 92, 102, chateau, 97, 496, 824
blood: pulmonary circulation, 480–481, 689, 872
purity of, 639
Blount, Elizabeth, 532
blue laws, 758
Boabdil, Moorish King of Granada (1482 s3, 1486–92), 202–203
Bobadilla, Francisco de (d. 1502), 265–266, 267
Bobadilla, Nicolas (1534), 910
Böblingen, Germany, 391
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–75), 48, 54, 224
Decameron, 50, 54, 499
Filostrato, 49
Teseide, 54
Boccadoro, Domenico Bernabei (d. 1549), 97
er, Joan, 585
Bodleian Library, 119, 123
Boffi, Guillermo (1410), 221
Bohemia: chivalry, 161
civil war, 31
Diet of Electors, 147
German empire, separation, 300
German settlers, 169
Holy Roman Empire, 148
Hussite revolt, 153
Protestants, 629, 631
racial hostility, 163
revolution (1415–36), 167–172
separation from papacy, 12
Bohemian Brethren, 630, 631
Bohier, Thomas (1513), 824
Böhm, Hans (1476), 293
Bojador, Africa, 193
Bokhara, 663, 672, 676
Boleslav V, King of Poland (1227–79), 725
Boleyn, Anne (1507–36), 537–541, 543, 546, 547, 548, 556, 559, 587
Boleyn, Mary, 537, 538
Boleyn, Sir Thomas (1477–1539), 537, 560
Bolingbroke, Henry (1367–1413), see Henry IV of England
Bologna, Italy, 507
University, 224, 788
Bolsec, Jerome, 477
Bona, 698
Bonaparte, Joseph (1768–1844), 215*
Bonaventura, Giovanni di Fidanza (1221–74), 246
Bonfils, Immanuel (fl. 1350), 743
Bonfini, Antonio (1427–1502), 189
Boniface, Saint (680–755), 232
Boniface VIII, Pope (1294–1303), 6, 35, 149, 232, 376
Boniface IX, Pope (1389–1404), 9, 23
Boniface, Supplication du peuple de France au roi contre le pape (Dubois), 251
Bonner, Edmund (1500?-69), 580, 589, 590, 596, 597, 598–599
Bonnivard, François de (1496–1570), 467, 468, 469
Bonnivet, Guillaume de (c. 1488–1525), 494, 497, 498, 499, 508
Bontemps, Pierre (1505–68), 830
Book of Common Prayer, 615, 892
First, 580
Second, 585
Book of Hours, 80, 81
Book of Kings (Firdausi), 687
books, 157, 320, 784–786
burning, 324, 356–357, 363, 639, 739, 881, 924
Germany, 368, 784
Hebrew, suppression, 323–324
illustration, 309
index of prohibited, 424, 862, 863, 924
Luther’s, distribution, 368
magic, 231
Persia, 666
Bora, Catherine von, wife of Martin Luther (1499–1552), 407, 416–417
Bordeaux, 62, 69, 88, 506
Cathedral (1320–5), 79
Borgia, Caesar, (1475–1507), 13, 95
Borgia, St. Francis (1510–72), 913–914
Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI
Borgognoni, Theodoric, 244
Borgoña, Felipe de (fl. 1505–35), 847
Borromeo, Charles (1538–84), 781, 896–897
Boscán, Juan (1493?-1542), 816
Bosch, Hieronymus (1450?-1516), 73, 140–141, 832
Adoration of the Magi (Madrid, New York), 140
Hay Ride (Escorial), 140
Nativity (Cologne), 140
Pleasures of the World (Escorial), 141
Temptations of St. Anthony (Lisbon, Cleveland), 140
Bosnia, 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 186
Bosporus, 663
Boswell, James (1740–95), 318
Bosworth Field, battle (1485), 108
botany, 242, 743, 867–868
Boulogne, France, 577, 581, 583
Bourbon, Cardinal of, 91
Bourbon, France, 58
Bourdichon, Jean (1508), 99
Les heures d’Anne de Bretagne (1508), 93, 98
Bourg, Anne du, 521
Bourges, 80, 102, 506
Coeur house, 74
Bourré, Jean (1460), 97
Bouts, Dirk (Dierik: c, 1410–75), 136–137
Last Supper (St. Pierre, Louvain), 136
Martyrdom of St. Erasmus (St. Sauveur, Bruges), 137
Bowes, Mrs. Elizabeth, 609, 610
Boyars, Council of, 651
Brabant, 58, 59, 126, 142
Bracciolini, Poggio (1380–1459), 167, 320–321
Bradwardine, Thomas (1290?-1349), 238
Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601), 862, 863
Brandenburg, Germany, 144, 145, 147, 172, 356, 423, 454, 478
Brant, Sebastian (1457?-1521), 425
Narren-schiff, 316, 326, 812
Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles, Seigneur de (1535?-1614), 93, 499, 501, 760
Dames Galantes, 492
Brask, Hans, 624, 625, 626
Braunsberg, Germany, 630
Brazil, 194, 195, 264, 269
Bremen, Germany, 147, 297, 299, 439, 478
Rathaus, 155
Brescia, Italy, 161
Breslau, Germany, 65, 143, 155, 297
Brest, France, 69
Brétigny, Peace of, 68
Breton, Gilles de (d. 1552), 825
Breton, Jean le, 824
Brereton, Sir William, 559
Brethren, Anabaptist sect, 396
Brethren of the Common Life, 20, 73, 128, 235, 255, 271, 382, 635, 787, 915
Brethren of the Free Spirit, 128
Brézé, Louis de (d. 1531), 518
bribery, 18, 71, 112, 304, 713, 764
Briçonnet, Guillaume (d. 1533), 502–505, 505
Brigade, La, French poets, 808, 809
brigandage, 70–71
Brissot, Pierre (1478–1522), 870
Britain, see England
Brittany, 58, 91, 93
Brixen, Tirol, 389
Broederlam, Melchior (1392), 131
Broet, Paschase (1534), 910
Bromyard, John (1350), quoted, 20
bronze work, 307
Bronzino, Agnolo di Cosimo, II (1502–72)
Venus and Cupid, 823
Brosse, Jean de, 512
Brothel Queen, Geneva, 469
Brothers of Mercy, 900
Brou, France, Church (1506–32), 96, 98, 829
Bruce, Robert (1274–1329), 604
Brueghel, Jan (1568–1625), 832
Brueghel, Maria Coecke, 832
Brueghel, Pieter, the Elder (1525–69), 141, 829, 832–835, 848
Blind Leading the Blind (Naples), 833
Fall of Icarus (Brussels), 834
Gloomy Day (Vienna), 834
Hay Harvest (Collection Prince Lobkowitz), 834
Hunters in the Snow (Vienna), 834
Land of Cockayne (Munich), 833
Merry Way to the Gallows (Darmstadt), 835
Netherlandish Proverbs (Berlin), 833
Return of the Herd (Vienna), 834
Storm (Vienna), 834
Triumph of Death (Madrid), 832
Wheat Harvest (New York), 834
Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564?-?1638), 832
Bruges, Belgium, 58, 59, 69, 121, 126, 127, 136, 515, 631, 635
town hall, 130
Bruna, Israel (1400–80), 732
Brunfels, Otto (1488?-1534), 383, 867
Herbarum vivae icones, 868
Bruno, Giordano (1548?-1600), 862
Brunswick, Germany, 439
Althaus, 835
Rathaus, 155
Brusa, Asia Minor, 176, 673, 674, 678, 680
Brussels, Belgium, 58, 65, 127, 136, 631
Notre Dame du Sablon church, 136
Town Hall (1444–55), 130
bubonic plague, 39, 64, 874
Bucer, Martin (1491–1551), 423, 439, 443, 449, 461, 465, 477, 479, 480, 484, 505, 580, 920
Buckingham, Edward, Duke of (d. 1521), 536
Buda, Hungary, 185, 188, 189, 239, 440, 441, 706
Budé, Guillaume (1467–1540), 25, 124, 288, 495, 788, 790, 795
Bulgaria, 178, 179, 180, 184
Bullant, Jean (1510–78), 826, 828
bulletin board, academic, 341
bullfights, 198
Bullinger, Heinrich, (1504–75), 409, 413, 477, 484, 489, 879
lls, papal, 23, 148, 204, 209, 214–215, 264, 348, 352, 454, 897
excommunication, 354, 356, 558
Golden Bull, 151, 155, 162, 726
indulgence, 338
Jewish converts, quoted, 732
bundling, 762
Bundschuh, Bond of the Shoe, 293, 294, 362
Bureau, Jean, 87, 88
bureaucracy, 494
Burgkmair, Hans (1473–1531), 296, 301, 310, 840
Burgomasters, Epistle to the (Luther), 786
Burgos, Castile, 197, 221, 222
Burgundy, 58, 91, 126, 127, 135, 136, 507, 510, 513
Buridan, Jean (c. 1299-c. 1359), 240–241, 246, 251
“Buridan’s ass,” 240*
Burnell, Bishop Robert (d. 1292), 30
Burnet, Gilbert (1643–1715), 534
burning at the stake, 212, 214, 215, 216, 556, 576, 596–599, 607, 640, 758, 892
Burning Bush, The (Froment), 98
Burton, Robert (1577–1640), Anatomy of Melancholy, 274
Bury St. Edmund, England, 42
Busbecq, Augier Ghislain de (1522–92), 702, 769
quoted, 703
buttons, use of, 74
Byzantine Empire, 775–178, 181, 653, 663, 703
Ca Da Mosto, Alvise da (1432?-1511), 194
Cabala, the, 724, 740, 850
Cabot, John (1450–98), no, 268
Cabot, Sebastian (1476?-1557), no, 865
Cabral, Gonzalo, 193
Cabral, Pedro Alvarez (1460?-?1526), 194, 269
Cabrero, Juan, 261
Caccia, Giovan B. (1535), 897
Cade, Jack (d. 1450), 110–111
Cádiz, Marquis of, 202
Cádiz, Spain, 218
Caen, France, 520
Church of St. Pierre (1308), 79, 822
Caesar, Julius (100–44 B.C.), 187
Cagliari, Sardinia, 697
Cahors, Bishop of (1317), 231
Cairo, Egypt, 677, 736
Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, Cardinal (1469–1534), 327, 347–348
Calabria, Italy, 697
Calais, France, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 88, 136, 522, 599
Calandra (Bibbiena), 811
calculus, 743
calendar: astrological, 231
reform, 238, 240, 301
Calicut, India, 194
California, Spanish conquest, 864
Calixtus III, Pope (1455–58), 12, 86
calligraphy, 158, 686, 700–701
Calmar, Union of (1457), 621, 622, 623
Calvin, Idelette de Bure, 470
Calvin, John (1509–64), 13, 35, 152, 153, 165, 404, 435, 459–490, 501, 503, 599, 608, 778, 821, 849
quoted, 461–462, 463, 464, 482, 485, 858
Catechism, 469
Christian Religion, The Principles of the, 460–461
Institutes, 460, 462, 467, 472, 477, 481, 521, 785
Mass, Commentary on the, 630
Calvinism, 465, 475, 517, 521, 599, 607, 608, 609, 610, 614, 615, 619, 630, 631, 633, 635, 787
Camaldolites, 899
Cambrai, Flanders, 58, 59, 126
Ladies Peace, 513
Treaty of, 514, 540
Cambridge University, 42, 118, 123, 236, 277, 531, 532, 550, 787