Portuguese, 195
Indies, Caribbean, 194
individualism of belief, 473, 475
indulgencies, 11, 13, 22–24, 34, 37, 164, 199, 237, 326, 346, 348, 405, 503, 627, 933 (1517), 337–340, 406
abuses, quoted, 932
Indulgencies, Disputation for Clarification of the Power of (Luther), 340
“Indulgencies and Grace, A Sermon on” (Luther), 345
industrial arts, 155
industrial economy, 14, 15
Industrial Revolution, 242, 269
industry, progress, 15, 38, 65, 109, 294
infantry, 63, 65
Strieltsi, 654
Swiss, 147
Turkish, 708
infidels, 208
inflation, 493, 659, 755–756
influenza, 874
informers, 521
Ingolstadt, Germany, 356, 391
inlay, gold and silver, 677
Innocent III, Pope (1198–1216), 6, 12
Innocent VII, Pope (1404–1406), 9
Innocent VIII, Pope (1484–92), 13, 233
inns, 114, 754
Innsbruck, Germany, 455
Diet (1518), 763
Inquisition, 24, 33, 72, 85, 148, 153, 206, 225, 233, 302, 324, 332, 423, 483, 484, 505, 516, 521, 634, 639, 640, 641, 735, 845, 862
Caroline, 635
methods, 208–213
Portuguese, 732–733
progress (1480–1516), 213–216
rules, quoted, 925
Inquisition in Spain, History of the (Lea), 917*
insane asylums, 245
instincts, man’s natural, 373
Institutes (Calvin), 460, 462, 467, 472, 477, 481, 521, 785
insurance, 17, 198, 573
Insurrection and Rebellion, Exhortation against (Luther), 365
interdict, abuse of, 24
interest rates, 15, 110,111, 198, 422, 475, 573, 728, . 755
interlude, play, 46, 76
intolerance, 208, 230
investiture, papal right, 15
Iraq, 663, 673, 678
Ireland, 57, 569–570
universities, 236
iron cages, imprisonment in, 90
Iron Maiden, 304
irrigation canals, 674
Isabella, Queen of Castile (1474–1504), 15, 92, 202, 203, 204–208, 213, 217, 221, 222, 226, 228, 260, 261, 263, 264, 268
Isabella, Queen of England (1292–1358), 27, 61, 231
Isabella, Queen of England (1396–1401), 56–57
Isabella, sister of Charles V, 380, 382
Isabella of Bavaria, Queen of France (1385–1422), 70
Isabella of Portugal (1503–39), 511, 636
Isabelle, Duchess of Lorraine (1410?-53), 87
Isambart (Augustinian monk), 86
Isen, Germany, monastery, 310
Isfahan, Persia, 672, 684–685, 700
Friday Mosque, 685, 686
Ishaq, Abu (d. 1352), 667
Islam, 16, 157, 181, 183, 190, 192, 203, 251, 676, 738
Afranic, 695–698
Isma’il I, Shah (1500–24), 676, 681, 698–699, 701
Israel, Consolation for the Sorrows of (Usque), 742
Israeli, Isaac, the Younger (1320), 743
Isserles, Moses (1520–72), 739
Istanbul, Turkey, 189
see also Constantinople Italy: barbarian inundation, 5
culture (1378), 48
economic development, 58
French invasions, 93–95, 506–510, 522, 525
German invasions, 300, 512
Jews, 218, 721, 734–735
medical knowledge, 243
music, 776
Oriental trade, 192, 195
Protestant reformers, 891–895
universities, 788
lulius exclusus (Erasmus), 278–281
Ivan I, Prince of Vladimir (1328–41), 651
Ivan II, Grand Prince (1353–59), 651
Ivan III, the Great (1462–1505), 650, 652, 653, 661
Ivan IV, the Terrible (1533–84), 653–662, 700
Ivan, History of (Kurbski), 657
Jacques Bonhomme, nickname, 67
Jadwiga, Queen of Poland (1384–99), 173
Jaén, Granada, 201
Jagatai, Mongol Emperor (d. 1242), 671
Jagatai tribes, 672
Jagello, Grand Duke of Lithuania (1377–86). see Ladislas II of Poland
Jakoubek of Strzibo (1412), 168
Jamaica, 267
James I, King of Scotland (1406–37), 603,
604; Kings Quair, The, 604
James II, King of Scotland (1437–60), 605
James III, King of Scotland (1460–88), 605
James IV, King of Scotland (1488–1513), 605, 771
James V, King of Scotland (1513–42), 603, 605
Jami, Ghiyath ad-Din, 702
Jami, Nuru’d-Din Abd-er-Raman (1414–92), 682
quoted, 683–684
Jamnitzer, Wenzel (1508–85), 835
Janissaries, 709
Jannequin, Clément (1530), 776, 809
Janssen, Johannes (1829–91), quoted, 329–330
Japan, 216, 259, 914
Jean de Poitiers, 519
Jeanne, daughter of Louis X, 61
Jeanne de France (wife of Louis XII), 94–95
Jednota Bratrska, Church of the Brotherhood, 171–172
Jehan à la Barbe, see Sir John Mandeville
Jena, Germany, 242, 457
Jenkinson, Anthony (1560), 655, 700
Jerome, Saint (340?-420), Vulgate, 225
Jerome of Prague (1360?-1416), 74, 164, 165, 166
quoted, 167
Jerusalem, 60, 721, 737, 907
jesters, 114
Jesuits, 209, 631, 911–916, 933
Jew of Malta (Marlowe), 722
jewelry, 768
Jewesses, 722
Jewry, 738
baptized, 201, 207–208, 209–210, 213, 214, 215, 217–218, 219
badge, 735, 737–738
Dispersion, 720, 734–737
expulsion, 206, 217–219, 717, 731, 732
persecution, 60, 61, 65, 72, 200, 727–734
Sephardic, 736, 739
Spanish, 200–201
Jews, History of the (Graetz), 738
Jews and Their Lies, Concerning the (Luther), 727
Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg (1535–71), 440, 445, 454, 930
Joachim of Floris (1145?-?1202), 25
Joan (wife of Black Prince: 1328–85), 33, 44
Joan of Arc (1412–31), 79, 81–88, 97, 111
Joan of Valois (1340), 62
Jodelle, Étienne (1532–73), 808, 815
Cléopatre captive, 811
Joffre, Jean (1409), 245
John VIII, Pope, supposititious, 165
John XXII, Pope (1316–34), 7, 8, 148, 149, 150, 154, 231, 232, 234, 249, 252, 780
John XXIII, anti-pope (1410–15), 9–10, 164, 165
John I, King of Aragon (1387–95), 224
John, King of Bohemia (1310–46), 60, 71, 151, 161–162
John I, King of Castile (1379–90), 191
John II, King of Castile (1406–54), 204, 224
John V, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1355–76), 178, 179
John VI, Cantacuzene, Eastern Roman Emperor (1347–55), 176, 177, 179
John VII, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1390; 1398–1412), 181
John VIII, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1425–48), 176, 182
John, King of England (1199–1216), 30, 32
John II, King of France (1350–64), 28, 65, 66, 68, 126, 252
John I, King of Portugal (1385–1433), 192
John II, King of Portugal (1481–95), 194, 218, 219, 259, 260, 263, 264
John III, King of Portugal (1521–57), 733, 740
John, Duke of Berry (1340–1416), 68, 80
John II, Duke of Bourbon, 102
John, Elector of Saxony (1525–32), 380, 384, 3
91, 422, 424, 439, 446, 450, 454
John Alexander of Bulgaria (d. 1365), 179
John Frederick, Elector of Saxony (1332–47), 439
John of Augsburg, 328
John of Capistrano, Saint (1386–1456), 713, 721, 725, 729, 731
John of Gaunt, English prince (1340–1399), 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 48, 57
John of God, Saint (1495–1550), 900
John of Jandun (d. 1328), 149, 252
John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford (1389–1435), 70, 85
John of Ley den (1509–36), 398, 399, 400, 401, 633
John of Luxembourg (1430), 85
John of Salisbury (d. 1180), 254
John of Stresa (1360), 162
John of the Cross, St. (1542–91), 904
John Shishman (1392), 180
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy (1404–19), 126
Joinville, Jean de (1224?-1317), 99
Joris, David (1501?–56), 484
Joseph of Écija, 200
Jouenneaux, Guy (1503), 20
Juan de Quintana, 479
Juan de Tavera, Cardinal, 847
Juana la Loca, Queen of Castile (1504–1506), 225, 226, 301, 637, 638, 639
Juana of Portugal (1462–1530), 204, 205
Jour s’endort, Le (Dufay), 775
journeymen, 59, 755, 756
Joyeuse Entrie, 142
Jud, Leo (1482–1542), 409, 413, 423
Judaism, 422, 425, 466, 722, 723, 726, 747, 850
Judaizing, 726
Judenspiegel (Pfefferkorn), 323
Julian calendar, reform, 238
Julius II, Pope (1503–13), 13, 19, 23, 76, 199, 215, 275, 276, 278, 281, 287, 290, 300, 331, 332, 337, 404, 536, 539, 722, 922
Julius III, Pope (1550–55), 743, 922, 925, 930–931
Junkers, 144
Jürgen, Johann (1533), 753
Jurischitz, Nicholas (1532), 705
jurisprudence, 254, 759, 791
justification by faith, 172, 641, 920, 926
Justinian Code, 759
Justus van Ghent (c. 1433–0. 1481), 137, 223
Juvénal des Ursins (1460), 80
“Kaiser Sigismund’s Reformation,” 145
Kalkar, Jan Stefan van (c. 1499–1550), 870, 871
Kalmar, Sweden, 146
Kalonymos ben Kalonymos (1286-c, 1329). 723–724
Kansas, discovery, 865
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 248, 251
Kappel, Switzerland, 413
Peace of (1529), 411
Karo, Joseph (1488–1575), 739
“Karstans,” pamphlet, 382
Kashan, Persia, 688, 698
Kaspi, Joseph (c. 1280–0. 1340), 744
Kassa, Poland: Privilege of (1374), 173
school of artists, 189
Katechismus, Kleiner (Luther), 447
Katherine of Valois, wife of Henry V of England (1401–37), 70
Kazan, Russia, 652, 655, 660
Keiserberg, Geiler von (1500), 305
Kemény, Simon (d. 1442), 185
Kempis, Thomas à (1380–1471), 129, 250
Kent, England, uprising (1381), 41–42
Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630), 862
Kermis, feast, 305, 728
Ket, Robert (1549), 581, 582, 583
Khair ed-Din, see Barbarossa II
Khalil Pasha, Vizier, 182
Khoja Ilias (1361), 671, 672
Khurasan, Persia, 676, 678, 698, 699
Khurrem, wife of Suleiman (d. 1558), 717
Khwandamir, quoted, 688
Kiev, Russia, 173, 653
Kildare, Earl of, see Gerald Fitzgerald
Kilkenny, Statute of (1366), 569
“King of the Romans,” 147
kings: divine right, 448, 457, 881
medieval function, 145
King’s Council, 27, 29, 43
king’s courts, 30
Kings Quair, The (James I), 604
Kingston, Lady, 560
Kingston, Sir William, 542
Kirkaldy, Sir James, 606
Kirman, Persia, 698
Kitazato, Shibasaburo (1852–1931), 64
Knight, William, 539
knights: German, 299
Livonian, 161
revolt, 380
Knights of Rhodes, 674
Knights of St. John, 180, 703, 704, 718
Knox, John (1505?–72), 152, 489, 607–615, 616- 620, 849
quoted, 609, 611–614
Exhortation, A Brief, 615
Faith, Confession of, 618–619
God’s Truth in England, A Faithful Admonition to, 611
Reformation of Religion in Scotland, 607
Scotland, Appellation to the Nobility and Estates of, 613
Women, .... Monstrous Regiment of, 612
Knox, Margaret Bowes, 609
Knutsen, Kark (1435–70), 146
Koberger, Anton, 320, 768
Koberger, Johann (1510), 159
Kobilich, Milosh (d. 1389), 180
Kolozsvari, Nicholas (1370), 184
Königshofen, Germany, 391
Konya (Iconium), Asia Minor, 678
Koran, 708
Kosovo, 180, 181, 182, 186, 679, 680
Kraft, Adam (1460?-1508), 308–309
Krell, Ostwolt, 314
Kromer, Bishop (1581), 863
Kruja, Albania, 187
Kublai Khan (1229–94), 664
Kunovitza, 182
Kurbski, Andrei (1528?-83), 656
History of Ivan, 657
Kurfürstentag, Diet of Electors, 147, 148
Kutna Hora, Treaty of (1485), 171
Kyng, Margaret, 121
La Boétie, Étienne de (1530–68), 882–883;
quoted, 882
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 807
Labé, Louise (1526–66), 808
labor: bargaining power, 64–65
conscription, 39
passage of, 15
regulation of conditions, no, 198
revolts, 110–111
Labourers, Statute of, 40, 110
Labrador, 194, 258
Labyrinth, The (de Mena), 224
Laccaria, Antonio (1502–39), 899
lace, Spanish, 847
Ladies Peace (1529), 513
La Goletta, 697, 698
Ladislas I, King of Bohemia (1452–7)
Ladislas V, King of Hungary (1446–52), 185–186
Ladislas II, King of Bohemia (1471–1516), 171
Ladislas II, King of Hungary (1490–1516), 190
Ladislas, King of Naples (1386–1414), 164
Ladislas I, King of Poland (1306–33), 172
Ladislas II, King of Poland (1386–1434), 173
Laetus, Julius Pomponius (1428–98), 919
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 807
La Hire (Gascon soldier; 1429), 86
quoted, 83
Lais, Les (Villon), 102
Lambert, John, 571
Lambeth, England, 21
Lamentations of Jeremiah (Palestrina), 782
La Mettrie, Julien (1709–51), 939
land: accumulation by Church, 17
inheritance by women, 61*; rental, 40
Landino, Francesco (c. 1325–97), 771
Lang, Matthias, Archbishop of Salzburg (1525), 389
Langeais, castle, 97
Langenstein, Heinrich von (1381), 9
Langland, William (c. 1332–0. 1398), 30
Piers the Plowman, 46–47
language: Burgundy, 130
England, 45, 54
France, 92
Germany, 301, 369
Greek, 5
Hebrew, 323
Jüdisch, 738
Latin, 5, 6, 45, 235, 369
Latin America, 269
literature, 92, 99
Spain* 815–816
Sweden, 625
Turks, 678
vernacular, 886
Languedoc, 58, 69, 71
Languet, Hubert (1518–81), 873, 891, 892
Lanzarote, Captain (1444), 193, 194
Lark, Song of the (Jannequin), 776
La Rochelle, France, 506, 520
La Salle, Antoine de (c. 1398–0. 1462), Cent nouvelles nouvelles (c. 1460), 75, 90
Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474–1566), 817
Lascaris, John (1445?-1535), 790
Laski, Jan (1499–1560), 580, 599, 630
Lasso, Orlando di (c. 1530–94), 776–777, 779
Last Supper, The (da Vinci), 132
Lateran, Fifth Council, 16, 924
Latimer, Hugh (1485?-1555), 532, 534, 565, 572, 581, 589, 596, 597–598
Latimer, William (c. 1460–1545), 123
Latin mysteries (1182), 46
Latium, Papal State, 8
Laudibus legum Angliae, De (Fortescue), 115
Lausanne, Switzerland, 469
Lautrec, Vicomte de (1485–1528), 494, 512
La Valette, Jean Parisot de (1494–1568), 718
law: Christian state, 472
obeying, 377
Ottoman codes, 708
secular, 15
law schools, 254
Lawbook of Czar Dushan, 179
lawlessness, 112
Laws, The (Pletho), 176
lay chalice, 168
lay conduct, regulating, 473–474
lay morality, 765
lay priests, 36
Laynez, Diego (1512–65), 910, 911, 913, 928, 929
Lazar I, King of Serbia (1371–89), 180
Leamington, England, 119
“learned ignorance,” 255
learning: pre-Christian, 16
Protestant derogation, 426
leather, Spanish, 847
Leclerc, Jean, 503, 506
Leclerc, Pierre, 506
Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques (1450?-1530), 468, 499, 502, 504, 505
legacies, 17
Leinberger, Simon (1470), 306
Leipheim, Germany, 388
Leipzig, Germany, 339*, 356
theological debate, Eck and Carlstadt, 349–350
Leith, Scotland, 617
Le Jay, Claude (1534), 910, 928
Lenten fasts, 406
Leo III, Pope (795–816), 148, 149, 923
Leo X, Pope (1513–21), 14, 19, 23, 25, 225, 283, 285, 287, 291, 324, 325, 327, 332, 557–556, 346–350, 355, 358, 362, 363, 406, 425, 429, 431, 492, 507, 520, 525, 526, 621, 681, 722, 771, 858, 918
quoted, 20, 286
Exsurge Domine, 352, 420, 426
Leo Africanus (1550), Deseriptio Africae, 864
León, Castile, 197, 221
Leoni, Leone (1509–90), 845
Leonor de Cisneros, 640
Leonora Telles de Menesco (regent of Portugal, 1383–86), 191
leprosy, 72, 245, 874
Lérida, Spain, 221
Leroux, Roland (1493), 96, 830
Lesage, Alain (1668–1747), 818
Lesbos, Greece, 187
Lescot, Pierre (1510?-78), 827, 848
“Fountain of the Innocents,” 830
Leslie, Norman (d.1554), 606
Letters of Obscure Men to the Venerable Master Ortuinus Gratius, 324–325, 426