* * *
Klavon stood in his lab, holding two vials of potions that he was now blending into one. Sira was seated on a stool on the opposite side of the table. The girl was correct. It was beneath him to stoop to…cheating. Yes, there was no other word for it.
So the boy would face the valley. Then Darius would come to him, join him, and serve him, and it would all happen with no question of Klavon’s power. His realm would be loyal, not because of any weak rule but because of his power.
Yet, it wouldn’t hurt to aid the curse and possibly influence the outcome of the boy’s results in the valley. It wasn’t really cheating, after all. In all actuality, it was simply adding to his test, defining his strength or lack of.
“You will not disobey this time, or I will kill you,” he said, holding the vial of the combined potions out to Sira. “It need only touch his lips to work.”
Chapter Twenty-seven
The Valley of Wizards