Page 6 of The Idiot

such a lot of pencilsand things, and what beautiful paper! It’s a charming room altogether.I know that picture, it’s a Swiss view. I’m sure the artist painted itfrom nature, and that I have seen the very place--”

  “Quite likely, though I bought it here. Gania, give the prince somepaper. Here are pens and paper; now then, take this table. What’sthis?” the general continued to Gania, who had that moment taken a largephotograph out of his portfolio, and shown it to his senior. “Halloa!Nastasia Philipovna! Did she send it you herself? Herself?” he inquired,with much curiosity and great animation.

  “She gave it me just now, when I called in to congratulate her. I askedher for it long ago. I don’t know whether she meant it for a hint thatI had come empty-handed, without a present for her birthday, or what,” added Gania, with an unpleasant smile.

  “Oh, nonsense, nonsense,” said the general, with decision. “Whatextraordinary ideas you have, Gania! As if she would hint; that’snot her way at all. Besides, what could _you_ give her, without havingthousands at your disposal? You might have given her your portrait,however. Has she ever asked you for it?”

  “No, not yet. Very likely she never will. I suppose you haven’tforgotten about tonight, have you, Ivan Fedorovitch? You were one ofthose specially invited, you know.”

  “Oh no, I remember all right, and I shall go, of course. I should thinkso! She’s twenty-five years old today! And, you know, Gania, you mustbe ready for great things; she has promised both myself and AfanasyIvanovitch that she will give a decided answer tonight, yes or no. So beprepared!”

  Gania suddenly became so ill at ease that his face grew paler than ever.

  “Are you sure she said that?” he asked, and his voice seemed to quiveras he spoke.

  “Yes, she promised. We both worried her so that she gave in; but shewished us to tell you nothing about it until the day.”

  The general watched Gania’s confusion intently, and clearly did not likeit.

  “Remember, Ivan Fedorovitch,” said Gania, in great agitation, “that Iwas to be free too, until her decision; and that even then I was to havemy ‘yes or no’ free.”

  “Why, don’t you, aren’t you--” began the general, in alarm.

  “Oh, don’t misunderstand--”

  “But, my dear fellow, what are you doing, what do you mean?”

  “Oh, I’m not rejecting her. I may have expressed myself badly, but Ididn’t mean that.”

  “Reject her! I should think not!” said the general with annoyance, andapparently not in the least anxious to conceal it. “Why, my dearfellow, it’s not a question of your rejecting her, it is whether you areprepared to receive her consent joyfully, and with proper satisfaction.How are things going on at home?”

  “At home? Oh, I can do as I like there, of course; only my father willmake a fool of himself, as usual. He is rapidly becoming a generalnuisance. I don’t ever talk to him now, but I hold him in check, safeenough. I swear if it had not been for my mother, I should have shownhim the way out, long ago. My mother is always crying, of course, and mysister sulks. I had to tell them at last that I intended to be master ofmy own destiny, and that I expect to be obeyed at home. At least, I gavemy sister to understand as much, and my mother was present.”

  “Well, I must say, I cannot understand it!” said the general, shrugginghis shoulders and dropping his hands. “You remember your mother, NinaAlexandrovna, that day she came and sat here and groaned--and when Iasked her what was the matter, she says, ‘Oh, it’s such a _dishonour_to us!’ dishonour! Stuff and nonsense! I should like to know who canreproach Nastasia Philipovna, or who can say a word of any kind againsther. Did she mean because Nastasia had been living with Totski? Whatnonsense it is! You would not let her come near your daughters, saysNina Alexandrovna. What next, I wonder? I don’t see how she can failto--to understand--”

  “Her own position?” prompted Gania. “She does understand. Don’t beannoyed with her. I have warned her not to meddle in other people’saffairs. However, although there’s comparative peace at home at present,the storm will break if anything is finally settled tonight.”

  The prince heard the whole of the foregoing conversation, as he sat atthe table, writing. He finished at last, and brought the result of hislabour to the general’s desk.

  “So this is Nastasia Philipovna,” he said, looking attentively andcuriously at the portrait. “How wonderfully beautiful!” he immediatelyadded, with warmth. The picture was certainly that of an unusuallylovely woman. She was photographed in a black silk dress of simpledesign, her hair was evidently dark and plainly arranged, her eyes weredeep and thoughtful, the expression of her face passionate, but proud.She was rather thin, perhaps, and a little pale. Both Gania and thegeneral gazed at the prince in amazement.

  “How do you know it’s Nastasia Philipovna?” asked the general; “yousurely don’t know her already, do you?”

  “Yes, I do! I have only been one day in Russia, but I have heard ofthe great beauty!” And the prince proceeded to narrate his meeting withRogojin in the train and the whole of the latter’s story.

  “There’s news!” said the general in some excitement, after listening tothe story with engrossed attention.

  “Oh, of course it’s nothing but humbug!” cried Gania, a littledisturbed, however. “It’s all humbug; the young merchant was pleasedto indulge in a little innocent recreation! I have heard something ofRogojin!”

  “Yes, so have I!” replied the general. “Nastasia Philipovna told usall about the earrings that very day. But now it is quite a differentmatter. You see the fellow really has a million of roubles, and he ispassionately in love. The whole story smells of passion, and we allknow what this class of gentry is capable of when infatuated. I am muchafraid of some disagreeable scandal, I am indeed!”

  “You are afraid of the million, I suppose,” said Gania, grinning andshowing his teeth.

  “And you are _not_, I presume, eh?”

  “How did he strike you, prince?” asked Gania, suddenly. “Did he seem tobe a serious sort of a man, or just a common rowdy fellow? What was yourown opinion about the matter?”

  While Gania put this question, a new idea suddenly flashed into hisbrain, and blazed out, impatiently, in his eyes. The general, who wasreally agitated and disturbed, looked at the prince too, but did notseem to expect much from his reply.

  “I really don’t quite know how to tell you,” replied the prince, “butit certainly did seem to me that the man was full of passion, and not,perhaps, quite healthy passion. He seemed to be still far from well.Very likely he will be in bed again in a day or two, especially if helives fast.”

  “No! do you think so?” said the general, catching at the idea.

  “Yes, I do think so!”

  “Yes, but the sort of scandal I referred to may happen at any moment. Itmay be this very evening,” remarked Gania to the general, with a smile.

  “Of course; quite so. In that case it all depends upon what is going onin her brain at this moment.”

  “You know the kind of person she is at times.”

  “How? What kind of person is she?” cried the general, arrived at thelimits of his patience. “Look here, Gania, don’t you go annoying hertonight. What you are to do is to be as agreeable towards her as ever youcan. Well, what are you smiling at? You must understand, Gania, thatI have no interest whatever in speaking like this. Whichever way thequestion is settled, it will be to my advantage. Nothing will moveTotski from his resolution, so I run no risk. If there is anything Idesire, you must know that it is your benefit only. Can’t you trust me?You are a sensible fellow, and I have been counting on you; for, in thismatter, that, that--”

  “Yes, that’s the chief thing,” said Gania, helping the general out ofhis difficulties again, and curling his lips in an envenomed smile,which he did not attempt to conceal. He gazed with his fevered eyesstraight into those of the general, as though he were anxious that thelatter might read his thoughts.

  The general grew purple with

  “Yes, of course it is the chief thing!” he cried, looking sharply atGania. “What a very curious man you are, Gania! You actually seem tobe _glad_ to hear of this millionaire fellow’s arrival--just as though youwished for an excuse to get out of the whole thing. This is an affair inwhich you ought to act honestly with both sides, and give due warning,to avoid compromising others. But, even now, there is still time. Doyou understand me? I wish to know whether you desire this arrangement orwhether you do not? If not, say so,--and--and welcome! No one is tryingto force you into the snare, Gavrila Ardalionovitch, if you see a snarein the matter, at least.”

  “I do desire it,” murmured Gania, softly but firmly, lowering his eyes;and he relapsed into gloomy silence.

  The general was satisfied. He had excited himself, and was evidentlynow regretting that he had gone so far. He turned to the prince, andsuddenly the disagreeable thought of the latter’s presence struckhim, and the certainty that he must have heard every word of theconversation. But he felt at ease in another moment; it only needed oneglance at the prince to see that in that quarter there was