Page 20 of Hogfather

Page 20


  Is it, master? There was worry in Alberts voice. Deaths osmotic nature tended to pick up new ideas altogether too quickly. Of course, Albert understood why they had to do all this, but the master . . . well, sometimes the master lacked the necessary mental equipment to work out what should be true and what shouldnt . . . AND I THINK IVE GOT THE LAUGH WORKING REALLY WELL NOW. HO. HO. HO. Yeah, sir, very jolly, said Albert. He looked down at the list. Still, work goes on, eh? The next ones pretty dose, master, so I should keep them down low if I was you. JOLLY GOOD. HO. HO. HO. Sarah the little match girl, doorway of Thimbles Pipe and Tobacco Shop, Money Trap Lane, it says here. AND WHAT DOES SHE WANT FOR HOGSWATCH? HO. HO. HO. Dunno. Never sent a letter. By the way, just a tip, you dont have to say “Ho, ho, ho, ” all the time, master. Lets see . . . It says here. . . Alberts lips moved as he read. I EXPECT A DOLL IS ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE. OR A SOFT TOY OF SOME DESCRIPTION. THE SACK SEEMS TO KNOW. WHATVE WE GOT FOR HER, ALBERT? HO. HO. HO. Something small was dropped into his hand. This, said Albert. OH. There was a moment of horrible silence as they both stared at the lifetimer. Youre for life, not just for Hogswatch, prompted Albert. Life goes on, master. In a manner of speaking. BUT THIS IS HOGSWATCHNIGHT. Very traditional time for this sort of thing, I understand, said Albert. I THOUGHT IT WAS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY, said Death. Ah, well, yes, you see, one of the things that makes folks even more jolly is knowing therere people who aint, said Albert, in a matter-of-fact voice. Thats how it goes, master. Master? No. Death stood Up. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULDNT GO. The Universitys Great Hall had been set for the Hogswatchnight Feast. The tables were already groaning under the weight of the cutlery, and it would be hours before any real food was put on them. It was hard to see where there would be space for any among the drifts of ornamental fruit bowls and forests of wine glasses. The oh god picked up a menu and turned to the fourth page. Course four: molluscs and crustaceans. A medley of lobster, crab, king crab, prawn, shrimp, oyster, clam, giant mussel, green-lipped mussel, thin-lipped mussel and Fighting Tiger Limpet. With a herb and butter dipping sauce. Wine: “Three Wizards” Chardonnay, Year of the Talking Frog. Beer: Winkles Old Peculiar. He put it down. Thats one course? he said. Theyre big men in the food department, said Susan. He turned the menu over. On the cover was the Universitys coat of arms and, over it, three large letters in ardent script: η β π Is this some sort of magic word?

  No. Susan sighed. They put it on all their menus. You might call it the unofficial motto of the University.

  Whats it mean?

  Eta Beta Pi. Bilious gave her an expectant look.

  Yes . . . ?

  Er . . . like, Eat a Better Pie? said Susan. Thats what you just said, yes, said the oh god. Urn. No. You see, the letters are Ephebian characters which just sound a bit like “eat a better Pie Ah. Bilious nodded wisely. I can see that might cause confusion. Susan felt a bit helpless in the face of the look of helpful puzzlement. No, she said, in fact they are supposed to cause a little bit of confusion, and then you laugh. Its called a pune or play on words. Eta Beta Pi. She eyed him carefully. You laugh, she said. With your mouth. Only, in fact, you dont laugh, because youre not supposed to laugh at things like this.

  Perhaps I could find that glass of milk, said the oh god helplessly, peering at the huge array of jugs and bottles. Hed clearly given up on sense of humour. I gather the Archchancellor wont have milk in the University, said Susan. He says he knows where it comes from and its unhygienic. And thats a man who eats three eggs for breakfast every day, mark you. How do you know about milk, by the way?

  Ive got . . . memories, said the oh god. Not exactly of anything, er, specific. just, you know, memories. Like, I know trees usually grow greenend up . . . that sort of thing. I suppose gods just know things.

  Any special god-like powers?

  I might be able to turn water into an enervescent drink. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Is that any help? And its just possible I can give people a blinding headache.

  I need to find out why my grandfather is . . . acting strange.

  Cant you ask him?

  He wont tell me!

  Does he throw up a lot?

  I shouldnt think so. He doesnt often eat. The occasional curry, once or twice a month.

  He must be pretty thin.

  Youve no idea.

  Well, then . . . Does he often stare at himself in the mirror and say ”Arrgh"? Or stick out his tongue and wonder why its gone yellow? You see, its possible I might have some measure of influence over people who are hung over. If hes been drinking a lot, I might be able to find him.

  I cant see him doing any of those things. I think Id better tell you . . . My grandfather is Death.

  Oh, Im sorry to hear that.

  I said Death.


  Death. You know . . . Death?

  You mean the robes, the---

  -scythe, white horse, bones . . . . yes. Death.

  I just want to make sure Ive got this dear, said the oh god in a reasonable tone of voice. You think your grandfather is Death and you think hes acting strange? The Eater of Socks looked up at the wizards, cautiously. Then its jaws started to work again. . . . grnf, grnf . . . Here, thats one of mine! said the Chair of Indefinite Studies, making a grab. The Eater of Socks backed away hurriedly. It looked like a very small elephant with a very wide, flared trunk, up which one of the Chairs socks was disappearing.

  Funny lookin little thing, aint it? said Ridcully, leaning his staff against the wall. Let go, you wretched creature! said the Chair, making a grab for the sock. Shoo! The sock eater tried to get away while remaining where it was. This should be impossible, but it is in fact a move attempted by many small animals when they are caught eating something forbidden. The legs scrabble hurriedly but the neck and feverishly working jaws merely stretch and pivot around the food. Finally the last of the sock disappeared up the snout with a faint sucking noise and the creature lumbered off behind one of the boilers. After a while it poked one suspicious eye around the corner to watch them. Theyre expensive, you know, with the flaxreinforced heel, muttered the Chair of Indefinite Studies. Ridcully pulled open a drawer in his hat and extracted his pipe and a pouch of herbal tobacco. He struck a match on the side of the washing engine. This was turning out to be a far more interesting evening than he had anticipated. Weve got to get this sorted out, he said, as the first few puffs filled the washing hall with the scent of autumn bonfires. Cant have creatures just popping into existence because someones thought about them. Its unhygienic. The sleigh slewed around at the end of Money Trap Lane. COME ON, ALBERT. You know youre not supposed to do this sort of thing, master. You know what happened last time. THE HOGFATHER CAN DO IT, THOUGH. But . . . little match girls dying in the snow is part of what the Hogswatch spirit is all about, master, said Albert desperately. I mean, people hear about it and say, “We may be poorer than a disabled banana and only have mud and old boots to eat, but at least were better off than the poor little match girl,” master. It makes them feel happy and grateful for what theyve got, see. I KNOW WHAT THE SPIRIT OF HOGSWATCH IS, ALBERT. Sorry, master. But, look, its all right, anyway, because she wakes up and its all bright and shining and tinkling music and theres angels, master. Death stopped. AH. THEY TURN UP AT THE LAST MINUTE WITH WARM CLOTHES AND A HOT DRINK? Oh dear, thought Albert. The masters really in one of his funny moods now. Er. No. Not exactly at the last minute, master. Not as such. WELL? More sort of just after the last minute. Albert coughed nervously. YOU MEAN AFTER SHES--- Yes. Thats how the story goes, master, s not my fault. WHY NOT TURN UP BEFORE? AN ANGEL HAS QUITE A LARGE CARRYING CAPACITY. Couldnt say, master. I suppose people think its more . . . satisfying the other way . . . Albert hesitated, and then frowned. You know, now that I come to tell someone . . Death looked down at the shape under the falling snow. Then he set the lifetimer on the air and touched it with a finger. A spark flashed across. You aint really allowed to do that, said Albert, feeling wretched. THE HOGFATHER

  All right, master. Death scooped up the girl and strode to the end of the alley. The snowflakes fen like angels feathers. Death stepped out into the street and accosted two figures who were tramping through the drifts. TAKE HER SOMEWHERE WARM AND GIVE HER A GOOD DINNER, he commanded, pushing the bundle into the arms of one of them. AND I MAY WELL BE CHECKING UP LATER. Then he turned and disappeared into the swirling snow. Constable Visit looked down at the little girl in his arms, and then at Corporal Nobbs. Whats all this about, corporal? Nobby pulled aside the blanket. Search me, he said. Looks like weve been chosen to do a bit of charity.

  I dont call it very charitable, just dumping someone on people like this.

  Come on, therell still be some grub left in the Watchhouse, said Nobby. Hed got a very deep and certain feeling that this was expected of him. He remembered a big man in a grotto, although he couldnt quite remember the face. And he couldnt quite remember the face of the person who had handed over the girl, so that meant it must be the same one. Shortly afterwards there was some tinkling music and a very bright light and two rather affronted angels appeared at the other end of the alley, but Albert threw snowballs at them until they went away. Hex worried Ponder Stibbons. He didnt know how it worked, but everyone else assumed that he did. Oh, he had a good idea about some parts, and he was pretty certain that Hex thought about things by turning them all into numbers and crunching them (a clothes wringer from the laundry, or CWL, had been plumbed in for this very purpose), but why did it need a lot of small religious pictures? And there was the mouse. It didnt seem to do much, but whenever they forgot to give it its cheese Hex stopped working. There were all those ram skulls. The ants wandered over to them occasionally but they didnt seem to do anything. What Ponder was worried about was the fear that he was simply engaged in a cargo cult. Hed read about them. Ignorant 16 and credulous 17 people, whose island might once have been visited by some itinerant merchant vessel that traded pearls and coconuts for such fruits of civilization as glass beads, mirrors, axes and sexual diseases, would later make big model ships out of bamboo in the hope of once again attracting this magical cargo. Of course, they were far too ignorant and credulous to know that just because you built the shape you didnt get the substance . . . Hed built the shape of Hex and, it occurred to him, hed built it in a magical university where the border between the real and not real was stretched so thin you could almost see through it. He got the horrible suspicion that, somehow, they were merely making solid a sketch that was hidden somewhere in the air. Hex knew what it ought to be. All that business about the electricity, for example. Hex had raised the subject one night, not long after itd asked for the mouse. 16 Ignorant: a state of not knowing what a pronoun is, or how to find the square root of 27. 4, and merely knowing childish and useless things like which of the seventy almost identicallooking species of the purple sea snake are the deadly ones, how to treat the poisonous pith of the Sagosago tree to make a nourishing gruel, how to foretell the weather by the movements of the tree-climbing Burglar Crab, how to navigate across a thousand miles of featureless ocean by means of a piece of string and a small clay model of your grandfather, how to get essential vitamins from the liver of the ferocious Ice Bear, and other such trivial matters. Its a strange thing that when everyone becomes educated, everyone knows about the pronoun but no one knows about the Sago-sago. 17 Credulous: having views about the world, the universe and humanitys place in it that are shared only by very unsophisticated people and the most intelligent and advanced mathematicians and physicists.