My eyes opened and I was once again inside my bedroom, in our home in Deer Park. Incredible. It seemed so real. However, I wondered what credence I could give to a dream? Dreams were, after all, not reality. Not even lucid dreams like this. Or were they? No, they can't be, I forced myself to think. However, as in the Bible, dreams here in Paradise could be prophetic. And I was sure that tonight's dream certainly was, and that with the next arrival of the Divine Light, Jenny would indeed be resurrected back to life. I recalled the angel, John, telling me so, both in the dream and when I was awake. With these reassuring thoughts, I fell asleep - a dreamless sleep this time.
The next morning, I related my astonishing dream to my parents. They had by now become accustomed to visions and visitations of angels. However, they felt that Carlos, as our village spiritual mentor, should again be informed. Thus, later that morning, I also related the dream to him.
Carlos rubbed his jaw meditatively. "Yes, I know of prophetic dreams since I had them myself. However, the type of dream you're relating...er...what did you call them?"
"Lucid dreams," I replied.
"Ah, lucid dreams." Carlos paused for a moment, contemplating what to say next. "Well, these I don't understand, but lately so many strange things have happened to us. But, as regards your dream last night, again, well, it might be wise not to say anything until we receive further instructions from within the Divine Light."
I nodded, then stared through my bedroom window where I could see Mount Anastasis. Never before had the mountain seemed so mysterious, yet so beautiful.