bombers on, 234

  during Pearl Harbor attack, 70

  sinking of, 324–25

  Hough, Frank, 323

  “housing projects,” 164

  Houston, U.S.S., 173–74

  Hull, Cordell, 103

  denial of Japan’s plan to attack U.S., 50

  Kurusu and, 51

  negotiations with Japan, 51–52, 65, 82–83

  Hyakutake, Harukichi, 325, 338

  Ichiki, Kiyono, 283, 301, 307

  IG Farben, 36

  Ikuta, Torao, 184

  incendiary bombs, 166

  India, 368

  danger of Japanese invasion of, 366

  Indochina, 43, 52, 116

  Indomitable (aircraft carrier), 115

  internment camps, 158–60

  Ireland, 123

  Ironbottom Sound, 273–75, 308, 329, 334, 410

  isolationism, 29, 99

  isolationists, 33–35, 404

  Italian Americans, 158

  Italian bases, 381–82

  Italian navy, 37

  Italy, 389. See also Mussolini

  invasion of, 414–15

  Japan. See also specific topics

  anticommunist pacts, 25

  attack on U.S. See also Pearl Harbor

  early warnings about planned, 50

  inevitability of, 53

  early conflict with U.S., 19–23, 48, 53

  proposals A and B, 64

  embargo against, 33, 42, 44, 48, 52. See also oil trade, and embargo

  imperialistic expansionism, 23, 49

  initiation of World War II in Asia, 114

  joined Axis, 32

  “let Japan strike the first blow,” 95–96, 129

  militarism, 48–50

  military strength, 49–50

  plan to annex American Pacific possessions, 29

  prior to World War II, 17–18

  racism and, 23, 56, 184

  Southward Movement, 46, 144, 198–99

  treaties, 23

  in U.S. media, 55–56

  war plan, 57


  brutality against captured soldiers, 250–52, 357, 406, 407

  brutality against civilians, 43, 121, 177–78, 259

  Japanese Americans, 167. See also internment camps

  in espionage work, 158

  immigration, 23

  maltreatment of and discrimination against, 158–60

  Japanese codes, 62

  Japanese Foreign Ministry, 38

  Japanese Fourteenth Army, 135

  Japanese Imperial Fleet, 32

  Japanese invasion of U.S., fear of, 160

  Japanese pilots, 58–59

  “Japanese Regulations for Punishment of Enemy Air Crews,” 192

  Japanese Seventeenth Army, 281

  Java Sea, Battle of the, 173–74

  Jenkins, 370

  Jenkins, Roy, 389n

  Jews, 383

  in Germany, 34n, 383

  Johnson, Philip, 306

  Jones, Albert M., 409–10

  Juneau (cruiser), 331

  Jurika, Lieutenant Commander, 191

  Kaga (aircraft carrier), 242

  Kahn, David, 218

  Kaiser, Henry, 296

  Kapa Kapa, 311

  Kasserine Pass, Battle of the, 394

  Kawaguchi, Kiyotake, 306–8, 326

  Kawaguchi Detachment, 291

  Keegan, John, 245n

  Kellogg-Briand peace pact of 1928, 11

  Kenny, George C., 345, 346

  Keyes, Evelyn, 86

  Kimmel, Husband E., 70n, 100

  firing of, 99, 107

  Japanese navy and, 63

  MAGIC system and, 90

  Pearl Harbor and, 88–91

  King, Edward P., 177, 184

  King, Ernest J., 217, 245

  Kirishima (battleship), 333, 334

  Knox, Frank, 82, 401

  Knudsen, Mathias, xi

  Knudsen Groom, Mrs., xi–xii

  Kokoda, 311

  Konoe, Fumimaro, 50

  Kramer, Alvin D., 67

  Kurita, Takeo, 340

  Kurusu, Saburo, 52, 103

  Kwajalein, 290

  Kwantung Army, 26

  Lady Lex. See Lexington

  Lais, Alberto, 37

  Lamon Bay, 135

  Laval, Pierre, 247

  Lawson, Ted, 190, 192

  Layton, Edwin T., 63

  League of Nations, 6, 11, 24

  Leckie, Robert, 337, 405

  Lee, Henry G., 185, 358–59

  Lee, Willis (“Ching”), 332–34

  Lend-Lease Act, 32–33

  Lend-Lease aid, 368, 382

  Leslie, Maxwell, 240

  Levenberg, Ralph, 178

  Lexington, 199–205, 241

  Libya, 410

  Libyan Desert, 377, 381

  “lightning strike,” 57

  Lindbergh, Charles A., 404–5

  Lingayen Gulf, 136, 361

  London, Jack, 265

  Long Lance, 174

  Longstop Hill, 385

  Lord, Walter, 75

  Low, Francis “Frog,” 168–69

  Luftwaffe, 378, 381

  M-l Garand, 326

  MacArthur, Arthur IV, 138, 151

  MacArthur, Douglas, 309

  after the war, 403

  appointed commander of U.S. forces in Far East, 45

  Australia and, 309

  background, 132

  Eichelberger and, 341

  Formosa and, 129

  “I shall return,” 154

  island-hopping strategy, 414

  Kenny and, 316

  military tribunals and, 399

  New Guinea and, 300, 309, 313–14, 341

  in Philippines, 128–29, 135, 138, 148, 150–55

  Solomon Islands and, 261–62

  stereotyping of Japanese, 56n

  Wainwright and, 176, 213, 407

  MAGIC system, 52, 62, 89, 96, 374

  Makin, 288–90

  malaria, 335, 341

  Malaya, 88, 125, 128

  Japanese attack on, 121, 126

  Tsuji’s scheme to defeat British in, 114–15

  Malinta Tunnel, 208

  Manchester, William, 139n

  Manchuria, 20, 407

  “Manchurian incident,” 24

  Manila, 129, 140, 399. See also Phillips, Claire

  New Year’s Eve in, 142–43

  Manila Bay, 209

  Marine Battalions, 210

  Marine Corps, U.S., 108, 166, 261, 320

  First Marine Defense Battalion, 102

  First Marine Division, 405

  in Guadalcanal, 279–80. See also Guadalcanal, Battle of, U.S. invasion

  Marine Raider Battalions, 288

  Marshall, George C., 148, 386

  Bratton and, 66–68

  Doolittle and, 194

  MacArthur and, 213

  and the need to save Western Pacific, 138–39

  on prospect of war with Japan, 64

  Short and, 92

  Stark and, 93

  war warning messages, 87, 93–94

  Marshall Islands, 107, 225, 290

  Marshall Plan, 396n

  Marston mat, 287

  Maruyama, Massao, 327

  Massello, William (“Wild Bill”), 211–12

  Matanikau River, 281, 325, 328

  McCain, John Sr., 286, 292

  McClusky, Clarence, 238

  McMillan, Oden, 75

  medical care in prison camps, 362, 365

  Mediterranean, 381–84. See also African invasions; Torch

  Medjerda River valley, 384, 385

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 3

  Memphis Belle, 375

  Mendana, 258

  Mexico, 29

  Michelier, François, 353

  Middle East, 347. See also African invasions

  Midway Island, 218, 223–24

  Japanese attack on, 226–46

nbsp; anticipation of, 222

  first wave of planes, 228–29

  four-pronged assault force, 224–25

  Fuchidaand, 231, 238, 246

  Yamamoto’s plan, 225–26

  Midway operation, Fletcher picked to lead, 220

  Midway Striking Force, 225–26

  Mikawa, Gunichi, 270, 281

  Miles, Sherman, 92

  military tribunals. See war-crimes tribunals

  Miller, Doris, 78

  Miller, Ernest, 138

  Milne Bay, 310

  Mitchell, Billy, 116

  Mobile, Alabama, 214–15

  Molotov, V. M., 298

  Montgomery, Bernard, 378

  Moore, Samuel, 272–73

  Morgenthau, Henry, 396n

  Morison, Samuel Eliot, 199, 237n, 329

  Morocco, 349, 353

  Mukden, Battle of, 19

  Munich agreement, 13

  Murphy, RobertD., 349

  Mussolini, Benito, 9, 380

  Nagumo, Chuichi

  background, 70

  Midway Island and, 230–34, 242, 246

  Pearl Harbor and, 84

  Wake Island and, 101

  Nanking, 27. See also Rape of Nanking

  Nash, Ogden, 56–57

  National Guard, 300, 312

  Native Americans, 306

  Navajos, 306

  Naval Armament Limitation conferences, 23, 39

  naval arms-limitation treaties, 22–23

  naval warships, 22. See also specific ships

  Navy Department, 295

  Nazi party, 3–5

  Nelson, Horatio, 233n

  Neosho (Navy fleet oiler), 201, 233n

  Neutrality Act of 29–30, 32

  Nevada, U.S.S., 80–81

  New Caledonia, 299–300

  New Guinea, 269, 309–13, 341. See also Port Moresby

  Japanese reinforcement, 346

  relics of battles in, 410

  New Zealand, 257, 262, 263, 309–10, 379

  Nicolson, Harold, 11

  Nimitz, Chester W.

  after the war, 405

  appointed commander of Pacific Fleet, 100

  background and overview, 100

  Guadalcanal and, 288

  Japanese attack anticipated by, 216, 218–20

  message to Fletcher and Halsey, 205

  Midway operation and, 220, 227, 228n

  Operation Watchtower and, 260–61

  Yamamoto and, 401

  Yorktown and Lexington sent by, 199

  9/11, xiii

  1942, 413–15

  World War II as defined by, x

  Nomura, Kichisaburo, 48, 52, 82

  North African invasions. See African invasions

  North Carolina (battleship), 261

  Norway, 35n

  Nye, Gerald P., 86–87

  Oahu, 80, 94

  Obara, Yoshio, 290

  O’Donnell. See Camp O’Donnell

  oil trade, 161, 295

  and embargo, 36, 44, 52, 95

  Oka, Akinosuka, 302, 326–27

  Oklahoma (battleship), 77

  Olaf IV, xi–xii

  Opana mobile radar station, 74

  operation Torch. See Torch

  Operation Watchtower, 260–61

  Oran, 350

  Ordnance, Bureau of, 400

  Outerbridge, William W., 72

  Owen Stanley Range, 309–11

  P-40s, 131

  Pacific Fleet, 77, 139, 245. See also under Pearl Harbor

  Pact of Steel, 7

  Palestine, 383

  Pan American Airways, 102. See also China Clippers

  Panay (gunboat), 112

  Patch, Alexander, 338

  Patterson (destroyer), 271

  Patton, George S., 388, 403

  Paulus, Friedrich, 396

  Peace Ballot, 8

  Peacemaking (Nicolson), 11

  Pearl Harbor, xiv, 61–84

  Pacific Fleet at, 88, 89. See also Pacific Fleet

  Japanese plan to destroy, 60

  as obstacle to Japan, 42

  Yamamoto and, 46, 58, 60

  Pacific Fleet moved to, 70n

  warships in, before attack, 81

  winter weather window for attacking, 48

  Pearl Harbor attack, 60

  casualties and destruction from, 81–82

  ending of, 84

  first strike, 77

  Fuchida’s argument for continuing the strikes, 83–84

  Japanese celebration of, 83

  last days and hours leading up to, 92

  mistakes made by Japanese, 80

  months and weeks leading up to, 90–91. See also specific topics

  reconnaissance and, 91

  reports that might have alerted U.S. about, 89, 92–94. See also war warning messages

  as surprise attack, 47

  U.S. reaction to, 85–87

  who to blame for, 92–97

  Pearl Harbor operation

  Japanese intelligence and, 60–62

  planning of, 74

  Pentagon, xi

  Percival, Arthur, 124–27

  Perry, Matthew C., 17–18

  Pershing, John J., 2

  Peru, 29

  Petain, Henri-Philippe, 354, 402

  Philippines, 67. See also Camp Cabanatuan

  geography and history, 134

  Japanese invasion of, 88, 128–53. See also specific topics

  MacArthur and, 132–33. See also under MacArthur, Douglas

  warnings of impending, 128

  Phillips, Claire (“High Pockets”), 406

  Phillips, John, 360

  Phillips, Tom S. V. (“TomThumb”), 117, 119

  Phony War, 14

  Pockets, Battle of the, 153

  Points, Battle of the, 153

  Poland, 14

  Port Arthur, 46

  Port Moresby, 202, 281, 313

  Prange, Gordon, 68, 95

  prejudice, 158

  Prestre, William A., 166–68

  Prince of Wales (battleship), 117, 122

  prisoners of war (POW) camps

  German, 379

  Japanese, 181–83, 364–66, 414. See also Camp Cabanatuan

  prisoner of war (POWs), 250–52, 356, 406, 407. See also Bataan Death March; Death Marches

  from Axis troops, 395

  British, 398

  freed, 398

  Russian, 396

  PT boats, 145, 154

  Pye, William S., 107–9

  Pyle, Ernie, 394–95, 405

  Quincy (cruiser), 212–74

  Quisling, Vidkun, 35n

  Rabaul, 320, 334

  Japanese command at, 266, 281, 290, 328, 345

  planned American invasion of, 414

  racism and racial conflict, 23, 56, 165, 215

  radar, 94

  radio transmitters, 259–60

  RAF bombers, 378–79

  Raider Battalions, 288

  Ralph Talbot (destroyer), 271, 273–74

  Rankin, Jeanette, 99n

  Rape of Nanking, 55, 111–12

  Red Cross, 214

  relics of battles, 410

  Rencher, Bessie, 215

  Repulse (battle cruiser), 115–18

  Rhineland, 12

  Richardson, James O., 70n

  Riefkohl, Frederick, 270–73

  Rigaud, Charles Alfred, 319

  Ring, Stanhope, 234

  Robinett, Blair, 178

  Robinett, Paul M., 386

  Rochefort, Joseph John, 197, 216–18

  Rock, 149–50, 209

  Rommel, Erwin, 348, 395, 397

  Romulo, Carlos, 134–35, 151

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 192

  accused of plotting Pearl Harbor attack, 94–97

  administration, 253–54, 296

  alleged desire for war with Japan, 95

  atomic energy, atomic bomb, and, 30–31

  at Casablanca Conference, 387–91

death, 401

  on “defeatists,” 215

  demand for unconditional surrender, 391–92, 396–98

  executive order 158, 159

  Hopkins and, 66, 323–24, 401

  incendiary devices carried in bats and, 166

  isolationism and, 35, 404

  Japan and, 31, 52, 66

  Lend-Lease Act and, 32–33

  Lindbergh and, 404–5

  MacArthur appointed by, 45

  MacArthur’s communications with, 175n

  “moral embargo” on selling military materials to Japan, 44, 95

  moved Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor, 70n

  Neutrality Act and, 29–30

  on North African invasion, 347

  overview, 401

  physical appearance, 97

  request for declaration of war, 97–99

  restraints Congress placed on, 32

  on Solomon Islands, 323–24

  sons, 389

  South America and, 29

  Soviet Union, Stalin, and, 298

  Stark and, 66

  Roosevelt, Theodore (TR), 34, 70n, 82

  Roosevelt, Theodore Jr., 382

  Ruptured Duck, 190

  Russia, 298, 395–97, 404. See also Stalin

  German war against, 195

  Germany’s invasion of, 16

  invasion of Poland, 14

  “nonaggression” treaty with Germany, 13

  U.S. “lifeline” to, 373

  warships, 19

  Russo-Japanese War, 27, 49

  Saigon, 42

  San Francisco (flagship), 330

  Saratoga (aircraft carrier), 107, 199, 232, 291

  conference on, 263–64

  Savo Island, 270, 274, 333

  Savo Island, Battle of, 278, 281

  Scott, Norman, 330

  Seabees, 286–87

  Selective Service Act, 29

  Sendai (battleship), 333

  Sengier, M. Edgar, 30–31

  Seventeenth Bombardment Group, 171

  Shanghai, 111, 112, 368–70

  Shepley, John R., 85

  Sherman, Frederick, 205

  Sherwood, Robert, 82, 324, 391–92

  Shokaku (aircraft carrier), 202–5

  Short, Walter, 68, 99, 100

  Shoto (Japanese light carrier), 202

  Sicilian bases, 381–82

  Signal Intelligence Service, 40

  Sims (destroyer), 200

  Singapore, 115–16, 124–27

  Singapore City, 124–26

  Smith, Columbus Darwin, 249–52, 402

  Solomon Islanders and the Japanese, 259

  Solomon Islands, 262, 281, 405. See also Guadalcanal

  history, 258–59

  Japanese intentions in, 257

  Solomon Islands Constabulary, 282

  Soryu (aircraft carrier), 237–39

  South America, 28–29

  South Dakota (battleship), 334

  Southward Movement, 46

  Soviet Union. See Russia

  Spain, 119–20

  Speer, Albert, 376

  Spruance, Raymond A., 232, 243–45

  Stalin, Joseph, 9, 298, 389

  confiscation of eastern Europe, 397

  Stalingrad, 395

  Stanton, 18

  Stark, Harold R. (“Betty”), 96, 139