Page 13 of Until the End

  repeated. My cock was already stirring, even though the head was still tender. Seeing her tits covered in me was enough to have me ready for round two, fast.

  I was breathing hard, and my body was humming with pleasure. I grabbed a T-shirt from the side of the bed and sat up and slowly cleaned myself off her tits, then played with her nipples before slipping my hand between her legs. “Lie back, baby. It’s time I ate breakfast,” I told her.

  She laughed, then moved up on the bed and lay down, letting her long legs fall open, revealing her bare pussy. When she’d first waxed it, I had been like a dog in heat for weeks. I had already been obsessed with her pussy, but seeing it bare had made me lose it. I wanted it all the time. I’d once pushed her into a janitor’s closet and went down on my knees between her spread-open legs and eaten her out with her panties shoved aside. From that day on, if she wore a skirt she knew what would happen. I had no control.

  When I lowered my head to lick her tight little clit, she cried out my name, and that was all it took for my cock to make a full comeback.

  Kissing her candy-coated pussy was one of my favorite things to do. I loved the way her legs trembled and how she clawed at my shoulders and pleaded things that made no sense.

  When her body tightened, I stopped and slid into her in one move.

  “OH GOD!” she cried out, and her body tensed and shuddered under me. When Trisha had an orgasm, it was like she was lost for a moment as her body squeezed me tightly and milked me so damn sweetly I always followed right behind her.

  “I love you,” I said against her neck as my release filled her.

  She was my home. Not this apartment, but her. As long as I was with her I was home.


  Present day . . .

  Today was one of those rare days I was home from work while the kids were at school. Rock had left for work and taken the kids to drop them off. I was supposed to relax and enjoy my day. At least, that was what my husband had informed me before kissing me good-bye.

  I wasn’t sure what that was, exactly. My life was full and busy, and I loved that. Being a mom and a wife were the two things I had always wanted to be. When the kids went to stay with Preston and Amanda, I spent that time with my husband.

  I had taken an extra-long shower this morning, then made myself an omelet for breakfast. I was about to call Willow, who I knew would be home with Eli, who was almost three now and very busy. Smiling, I thought about the last time we had gone shopping and how Low had run after him once he had unbuckled himself from the stroller. She had caught up to him in the window with the mannequin, where he was trying to pull the shoes off it. She had scooped him up just before the mannequin tumbled to its demise.

  I reached for my phone at the same time my doorbell rang. Putting my cell down, I walked to the front door to find a wide-eyed Amanda Hardy. “What’s wrong?” I asked, reaching for her hand. If Preston Drake had done something stupid, I was going to slap him myself. He hadn’t gone through all the craziness to make this woman his only to mess it up weeks before the wedding.

  “Sadie. She just called me,” Amanda said, looking ready to cry. “She’s coming home. Or here. She’s . . . Jax broke off the engagement.”

  Jax Stone was the biggest thing in rock music, and each year he just got bigger. Sadie White had been a young girl from Sea Breeze High when he first met her and fell completely in love with her. It had been fun to watch a rock god fall for a girl I knew.

  “What?” I asked, confused. The last time I had seen them, he was just as infatuated with her as I remembered. That was only a couple of months ago. Rock’s cousin Jess was engaged to Jax Stone’s brother, Jason. Jess was pregnant with a Stone kid. We had thrown them a baby shower and Jax and Sadie had come.

  Amanda sank down onto my sofa and shook her head in a daze. “She sounded hollow. She wasn’t sobbing like I would expect with this kind of news. She was just . . . empty. Void of emotion. I don’t . . . I’ve never known Sadie to be so . . .” She trailed off.

  Jax wasn’t a player. He had fought to make Sadie his, and, unlike other celebrities, they had a healthy, happy relationship. Heck, if you googled Jax, then a million pictures of them showed up on the Internet. The world loved them.

  “She didn’t tell you why?” I asked.

  “She . . . No. She . . . just said Jax ended things and she was coming home. That’s it.”

  I went to get my cell and dialed Jess’s number. She’d know something.

  Jax Stone and Sadie White were the kind that you expected forever for. The way he looked at her was the way Rock looked at me. Something was terribly wrong.

  Ten years later . . .

  Bliss York

  As much as I loved the big, crazy family I was a part of, when we all got together at Dewayne and Sienna’s beach house, things could be overwhelming. There was so much talking and kids were everywhere. It was like this bunch couldn’t stop reproducing. Jeez. At some point they need to stop doing it.

  I wasn’t one of the oldest of the kids. Jimmy, Brent, and Daisy May Taylor were all in college now, and they didn’t hang around with the “kids.” They got to hang out with the adults. Micah Falco and Larissa Hardy were both driving now, and they were in their own little teenage world. So that left me and Eli to make sure Eli’s sisters, Crimson and Cleo, didn’t kill each other. There were only two years between them, and at ten and eight they seemed ready to start a war every time they were left alone together. It made me thankful I didn’t have a sister. But I had brothers. Three of them. Cruz, Cord, and Clay were all under ten. It was a miracle they hadn’t burned something down yet. Mother would just laugh at them and look at my daddy like these crazy males were wonderful. Only my daddy was wonderful. My brothers were out of control.

  Then there was Hadley Stone. She was ten, and I’ll admit she did act older than most kids her age, but she was like a celebrity because her dad was famous. She couldn’t go out and play with the rest of the kids without a freaking bodyguard. It was weird. She had one sibling, Evangeline, who was only three.

  You would think all those kids would be enough to drive a person batty. But noooo, there were more of them. Micah wasn’t the only Falco kid. His younger brother, Jude Falco, was ten, and his sister, Mila, was five. Then there were the Drake boys. God help us all, they were quite possibly worse than my brothers. I’d feel sorry for this town when the York and Drake boys all had cars. Hendrix, River, and Keegan Drake were all the exact ages of my brothers. They were the terrible six. Or at least, that was how Eli and I referred to them.

  The last group was ten-year-old James Stone. He was Jason and Jess Stone’s son. They also had a daughter, who was eight, and, well . . . they were going to have their hands full with her. That was all I was saying. Juliette Stone was a rounder. She kept the terrible six on their toes, and that’s saying something.

  Saffron and Holland Corbin were the last two kids in this craziness of reproduction. They were identical twins, but they were complete opposites. Saffron did everything she could to get attention, while Holland was normally in a corner with a book. For ten-year-olds, I liked them well enough. I used to say their parents were the only sane ones in the lot. They had twins and stopped. But today the big news was that Krit and Blythe were expecting a baby by Christmas.

  Now that I knew what sex was, I was horrified every time another one of the adults told us they were pregnant. Did they just, like, have sex a lot, or was this an accident? Did they plan it? Ugh! I didn’t want to think about it. I was just glad my parents seemed to be done with their four. After having three boys in a row, I think my mom was too nervous to try again. She wasn’t getting another one like me. I’d told her that, and she had laughed at me. Then she’d said I was more like my father than I thought I was. I didn’t mind being like my dad. I looked just like my mom, or so my uncle Jeremy says every time he sees me: “Spitting image of you, I swear, Eva.”

  That makes me smile because my mother is beautiful.

“Hey,” a deep voice says, and I jerk my gaze off the waves crashing on the shore and look up into the sun. There is definitely a male there, but I don’t recognize him. Shading my eyes, I see he is not only a guy, but he is rather remarkably gorgeous. He looks a little older than me. Maybe fifteen or sixteen.

  “Uh, hey,” I reply, not sure what to do about this. I know everyone in Sea Breeze around my age. I feel like I’m related to most of them.

  The guy sat down beside me, but instead of doing it in an awkward way like most people, he made it look cool. He was also wearing jeans on the beach. Granted, it was fall and the breeze was cool, but still. I didn’t look long at his black combat boots, which were super awesome.

  “You live around here?” he asked, leaning back on one arm and turning toward me. He appeared so casual and sure of himself. He had to be a lot older than me. Eli could never pull that off and appear that badass.

  “Yeah, my whole life. Well, not all of it. I lived the first years on a farm about thirty miles from here. But Dad got the baseball coaching job at the college, and we moved here to be closer. Plus, most of my family is here.” I was just sharing my life with this guy. He had asked if I lived here, not for my life story. My face felt hot, and I looked away from him, praying he’d just leave. But he didn’t laugh at my silliness.

  “I’m visiting. My grandpop lives here now. Moved here about six years ago and opened up a restaurant.”

  I turned back to look at him, and the color of his silver eyes was rattling. A girl could only handle so much. Eyes like that needed a warning with them: Be careful of insanely hot eyes.

  A smirk tugged up the corner of his lips, and I realized those lips were just as impressive as his eyes. “Reason why you’re out here mumbling to yourself?” he asked.

  Once again my face flamed red and I looked away from him. This time he did chuckle. I wanted to bury my head in the sand and wait for him to leave the crazy girl on the beach alone.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. You’re just really cute. With the blushing stuff.”

  Oh God, he called me cute. This gorgeous boy who was way too old for me thought I was cute. Breathe, Bliss. Breathe. You will pass out if you don’t breathe.

  “You got a name?” he asked me.

  I straightened my shoulders and tried not to look like the idiot I had been acting like so far. “Bliss York,” I informed him like I was filling out some form. All businesslike.

  His smirk turned into a grin. The way his eyes sparkled that silver color when he was amused made that breathing thing I was trying to do hard.

  “How old are you?” he asked, studying me closely.

  He probably thought I was one of the silly ten-year-olds. I was positive even Holland could have handled this better than me, and she rarely talked to anyone.

  “Thirteen,” I said, waiting for him not to believe me.

  He nodded as if that was what he had thought.

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “Fourteen,” he replied.

  My mouth fell open. This guy with all his coolness was just fourteen?

  He acted so much older. Eli was thirteen, like me, and he was so not this mature. He was also easier to be around because, although Eli had really nice blond hair and pretty green eyes, he was just Eli.

  “You look surprised,” he said with a smile. “Do I not look fourteen to you?”

  I swallowed and tried to breathe again. When this guy’s eyes were on you, then you forgot how to talk or do pretty much anything. “I, uh, yes, I mean no, I mean . . . You just look older than that. And you act older. I didn’t think . . . I thought . . . Never mind.” I stopped my ramblings and once again thought of burying my head in the sand.

  I really needed to give myself a break. There were not any guys around here who looked like him. Any girl faced with this kind of . . . of . . . perfection would also freak out. His dark hair was cut short, but there was a messy thing he had going with the top that seemed to be a little longer.

  He laughed again and I dropped my eyes to the sand.

  “Ah, come on, Bliss York. Look at me again. I didn’t mean to laugh, but you make me. I can’t help it.”

  “Well, you make me nervous,” I blurted out.

  “I do? Why?”

  I was not telling this beautiful boy that he was beautiful. So I just shrugged.

  “Bliss!” Eli’s voice called out, and I turned to look toward the Falcos’ to see Eli waving at me to come back. I stood up quickly and glanced back at the guy, who also stood up, but he did it smoothly, without the clumsiness of my attempt to scramble up. The last thing I needed was Eli telling my dad I was talking to a boy.

  Daddy would lose his mind.

  “That your boyfriend?” the guy asked, and I laughed this time.

  “Eli? Uh, no. He’s like my brother. . . . No, my brothers drive me nuts. He’s more like my cousin. Or best friend. Our parents are close.”

  The guy’s mouth curled into a pleased smile that made my knees weak. I had to walk back to the Falcos’ and Eli. I didn’t know how I was going to do that if Mr. Gorgeous kept smiling at me.

  “I gotta go,” I told him.

  “If you’re sure,” he replied.

  I was positive. This guy was the epitome of cool, but he had not met Cage York yet. And he didn’t want to. “I, uh, yeah. My parents are probably looking for me.”

  He smirked. “Okay. Maybe I’ll see you again, Bliss York.”

  It hit me then that I had no idea what his name was. He’d had me in such a scrambled mess with that face of his that I’d never asked.

  “Yeah, maybe. You never told me your name.”

  That sexy grin was back, and he glanced out at the waves, then back at me. He tilted his head in that way guys in the movies do and you swoon. He had it nailed, and I was so about to seriously swoon.

  “Nate Finlay.”

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