Page 7 of Adios Pantalones

  Under my breath, I muttered, “I’m aware.”

  “What’d you say?” Frank leaned toward me, cupping his hand to his ear.

  Narrowing my eyes, I glared at my older brother. “You heard me just fine the first time.”

  “So, what are you going to do about it then?” He lowered his hand and shoved it in his pocket.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” both my brothers said in unison, sounding like an off-key boy band.

  “Leave me alone,” I growled.

  “Remember when you harassed me about a plan for Claudia?” Frank asked, and Nick nodded, egging him on. “Well, now it’s my turn. Payback’s a bitch. So, what’s your plan?”

  I had an inkling of a plan, but not much else. It was more of an idea, really.

  “You’ll laugh,” I said, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

  It was all fine and dandy when I was making fun of Frank or harassing Nick for his stupid decisions, but being on this side of it wasn’t anywhere nearly as entertaining. At least, it wasn’t for me. They, on the other hand, were enjoying the hell out of it.

  Nick rolled his hand in an encouraging motion. “Just tell us. You know I’m going to bug you until you spit it out anyway. Might as well just tell us now.”

  A groan escaped me. I’d never hear the end of this, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, so I might as well spill it.

  “I’m going to woo her.”

  “Woo her?” They both mocked me, imitating my voice before breaking out into hysterical laughter. Again.

  The two of them might have been laughing at me, but the truth was that they didn’t know shit about women. Both of them were idiots and made huge mistakes before they finally got the girl.

  Me, I didn’t intend to make mistakes when it came to Sofia. I planned on being the exception to the Fisher brother playbook they both seemed to follow. One that was apparently handed down from our father.

  “Yeah, I’m going to woo her. Something you two clearly know nothing about.”

  “Excuse me.” Frank’s laughter died and his jaw clenched. “I get that you’re trying to bash us here, but you’re inadvertently bashing our women in the process. Choose your next words carefully.”

  “What he said.” Nick pointed his thumb toward Frank, but he was nowhere near as threatening as Frank could be.

  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that my brothers loved their girlfriends. And the personal hell that each of them had gone through in order to get their girl and stay together was nothing short of crazy. But I didn’t want to do things the way either of them did. If there was going to be some big dramatic implosion before my happily-ever-after happened, it sure as hell wasn’t going to be my doing.

  I waved my hand in surrender, not wanting to genuinely piss my brothers off any further. I loved their girlfriends and knew that both Claudia and Jess would be my sisters-in-law one day. “I only meant to offend you two. Not the girls.”

  “Hard to separate,” Frank bit out.

  “Can we move on? Or back, actually?” Nick asked, leaning forward on the bar. “I want to hear all about this wooing you’re planning to do.”

  “I just meant that I was going to romance her, okay? I want to be a gentleman when she comes in. Drive her home if she’ll let me, ask her on a proper date, bring her flowers. You know, all the things guys do when they actually like a girl.” I knew I sounded like a Hallmark Channel movie, but I couldn’t have cared less. They already knew I was an over-the-top romantic, so this was simply confirming it.

  Nick caught my eye. “Can I say something?”

  I glanced at Frank, who was already staring at Nick as I braced myself for whatever was about to spill from his lips. “Go ahead.”

  “Can I just point out that you don’t even really know her? You can’t possibly like her like her already.” Nick looked to Frank for backup. “Am I right or wrong here?”

  Frank offered a slight shrug but not much else as I allowed Nick’s words to sink in. He wasn’t wrong.

  “You’re right,” I admitted. “I don’t know her, so I can’t really like her already. I guess liking her is the wrong word choice. Let’s just say I’m interested. I’m interested in getting to know her better so that I can like her. Better?”

  I wasn’t sure why I was explaining myself, but I felt the need to. As much as I wanted to run away and hide in a corner where they’d leave me alone, I couldn’t avoid my brothers forever. And in their own way, they were only trying to help.

  “What do you think you like about her? Why is she so different? Is it because she’s avoiding you?” Frank’s words were thoughtful, carefully chosen, it was obvious he’d been thinking on this longer than a second or two.

  “That’s a good point,” Nick said. “Is it just the chase?”

  Frank and Nick turned to each other and got lost in conversation about the thrill of the chase. They talked about not really liking a girl, but being intrigued for all the wrong reasons. I wasn’t included in the conversation, and neither of them looked at me until I cleared my throat loudly, reminding them that I was still here and this conversation was supposed to be about me.

  The chase part had been something I’d considered already. Hell, maybe part of my pull toward her had initially been based on the fact that she kept pushing me away. We always want what we can’t have, right? But I wasn’t that kind of guy, never had been. And they both knew it.

  “It’s not the chase. It’s not some game,” I said, then looked at Frank. “Was it the chase for you with Claudia?” I asked, knowing the question would strike a nerve.

  “You know damn well it wasn’t,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Then what was it about her?” I asked. Frank wouldn’t like being put on the spot, but I did it to prove my point. “Can you put into words what made her so different from any other woman you’d met before?”

  “You know it was something I felt. It wasn’t about words.”

  I blew out an exasperated breath. “That’s how I feel. There’s just something there. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s real or some bullshit fantasy I’ve made up in my head, but I want to find out. I have to know for sure.”

  Nick nodded, clearly wanting to contribute. “That’s how it was with Jess. I could’ve had any girl I wanted at State, but none of them made me feel the way Jess did.”

  I glanced between them. “So you both understand that I have to do this. I just need to see.”

  My brothers nodded in unison as the doors flew open and a rowdy group of guys sauntered in. I was tempted to give them a round on the house for their perfect timing, but decided against it as I took their orders and got to work instead.

  Phone Dates


  When I got back to the office, I weaved through the cubicles as I made my way toward my desk. My boss wouldn’t care that I was ten minutes late coming back from lunch, but I did. If there was one thing I never wanted to be, it was irresponsible. Giving someone a reason to fire me was not on my to-do list. I had too much to lose and a son to support.

  “You’re late,” Sarin said, chuckling as she approached my desk.

  I glared at her. “Shhh, don’t be so loud.”

  “Martin’s not back from his lunch meeting. You’re fine.” She waved at me like I had nothing to be concerned about, when the truth was that I needed to check all the voice mails and emails that had come in while I was gone.

  I tossed my purse into my desk drawer and slammed it shut a little too hard, making the framed picture of Matson and me fall over. I moved it back upright and grinned when I looked at his cake-stained face. My dad took the picture on Matson’s third birthday, and it was still one of my favorites. I missed my son’s chubby cherub cheeks.

  “How was the old guy?” Sarin asked as she stirred her cup of coffee.

  “He wasn’t there,” I said without looking up, scrolling through emails.

  Sarin snapped her finger
s at me, drawing my attention, and I looked up from my computer at her.

  “He wasn’t there? Where was he?” She blew at her drink before taking a sip.

  “I thought he was dead,” I said and she choked, spitting her sip back into the cup.

  “You made me do that.” She wiped at her chin with the back of her hand. “Hurry up and tell me what happened. I have to get back.”

  “He checked out. But I thought he was dead, so I ran to Ryan’s stupid bar to ask him about it, and he asked me out.”

  “What’d you say?”

  I huffed, making sure Sarin knew I was annoyed. “I can’t go out with him, Sarin. I can’t date a guy like Ryan Fisher.”

  “Fine, tell him to ask me out instead. He’s hot as hell,” she said with a wink.

  “Not helping.”

  “Not trying. But for the record, you’re being an idiot.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I glared at her. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Explain,” I said. This was something I definitely wanted to hear.

  “He likes you. He’s made that abundantly clear, and you won’t even give him two seconds of your time. For no good reason either.”

  “No good reason? Matson is the best reason I have. He’s the only reason I need,” I said, trying to make my closest friend see my situation through my eyes. She knew about my past, about Matson’s father, and I couldn’t believe she was questioning my not wanting to go out with Ryan.

  Sarin rolled her eyes. “But what does Matson have to do with Ryan? Seriously. I’m not a mom, so I don’t always understand your reasoning, but please try to explain it to me. And make it quick.” She tapped a finger on her wrist.

  Is she for real? “In what universe is dating one of the hottest guys on the planet, who also happens to be a bartender, is featured on reality TV shows and online articles all the time, a good idea for someone like me?”

  “I think in this universe. This one.” She pointed at the floor. “Hell, he might be just what you and Matson need.”

  I sat back hard in my chair, staring at her in disbelief. “How does Matson need a bartender in his life? And how do I need a guy in my life who’s pursued by every single woman in the city?”

  “So that’s what this is about? The fact that he’s a bartender and girls hit on him?” Sarin scoffed at me. “It’s just a job, Sofia.”

  I shook my head and swallowed. “It’s not, though. He owns the bar, and he chooses to work there. That’s a lifestyle. It’s a single guy’s dream, and I’m a single mom.” I bugged out my eyes at her. “Pretty sure those two things don’t go together.”

  “Well, I think you’re wrong.” She frowned, glancing at her watch. “Shit, I have to go. Put a pin in this conversation because we’re not done with it.”

  Exhaling, I watched my best friend hurry away from my desk and toward her own.

  Was I wrong? Glancing at the picture of Matson again, I smiled, knowing that I wasn’t. He was my first priority, and it was my job to provide a good role model for him, both as a boy and as a future man.

  And I honestly couldn’t picture that role model being Ryan.

  • • •

  After pulling up into my parents’ driveway, I shut off the engine and started toward their house to get my son. Mom appeared in the doorway, her expression one I wasn’t sure that I’d seen before.

  “What happened? Are you okay? Is Matson okay? Is Dad okay?” My stomach churned as scenarios raced through my head.

  She gripped my shoulder and shushed me, then told me everyone was fine. “Derek came by the house earlier.” Her voice was calm and controlled, unlike my legs, and I reached out to steady myself.

  “D-Derek?” I stuttered, unable to get his name out. “What did he want? What did he say?”

  Regaining my composure, I looked around for my son and let out a relieved breath when I saw him sitting in the living room. Adrenaline surged, filling me with a feral protectiveness, like a mama bear who would attack anyone who threatened her cub.

  “Oh my God, does he want custody of Matson?” My throat tightened, and I thought I might throw up all over my mom’s pink hydrangeas.

  “I’m honestly not sure what he wanted, mija.”

  “How can you not be sure? You talked to him, didn’t you? What did he say?”

  “He said he stopped by to see how we were. He wanted to know how you and Matson were, and if you still lived at home.”

  My head ached with the news. It had been over eight years since I’d heard from Derek. Eight years since he’d left for college after telling me to get an abortion. Why would he suddenly show up and start asking questions?

  “Please tell me you didn’t tell him where I live.”

  She clucked her tongue at me, her eyes narrowed. “Never. But I did tell him that you were happy, safe, and better off without him.”

  A small smile twitched my lips. “I bet he loved that.” Derek had always been overly cocky and confident as a teenager, but I had no idea what kind of man he’d grown into. I assumed it was more of the same.

  When Mom patted her hand above her heart, her tell for when she was uncomfortable, I asked, “What else happened?”

  “I told him to leave and never come back.”


  “He said I’d better watch my mouth. That Matson was his son too, and I could count on him coming back. He got really angry.”

  The color must have drained from my face, because my cheeks turned to ice with her words. “Matson is his son too?” I whispered, not believing that this could be happening. Why would he claim paternity now?

  “Your father walked over and threatened to blow a hole in his head if he ever showed his face here again, and you know what Derek did?”

  My stomach twisted and my head pounded because I didn’t know. I had no idea at all what could have happened after that. “What?”

  “He laughed. He actually laughed. I think he respected being threatened.”

  “Is Dad okay?”

  “Other than wanting to follow through on the threat, yes. He’s fine. Just worried.”

  “What do we do? He can’t just come into Matson’s life out of nowhere and expect to be his dad. It doesn’t work like that. Matson doesn’t even know who he is.”

  “I know. We’ll figure it out, mija.”


  Suddenly, I was terrified. Would I lose Matson? Would I have to share him with the one person who’d disappointed me more than anyone else ever had?

  Logically, I knew Derek had every right to know his son and be a part of his life, but emotionally, I wanted to be sure Matson was safe and protected. Was letting Derek in Matson’s life the best thing for my son? I had no way of knowing. The truth was that I didn’t know Derek anymore.

  “It will be okay, Sofia.” My mom gripped my shoulder. “Now, go get your boy and take him home.”

  I nodded, feeling numb, my movements robotic.

  Derek coming back wasn’t something I’d ever considered. After his family disappeared from my life, I’d stopped thinking about them at all and moved on. Derek rarely crossed my mind, except on those rare occasions when Matson would look up at me with his familiar blue eyes, drawing back into some high-school time warp. Sadness rarely consumed me, and I never spent time reminiscing.

  The only good thing Derek had ever given me was my son, and now he wanted to be in his life? After eight years? I wanted to throw up.


  Matson’s voice rang out as he jumped up from the carpet and ran toward me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed before I leaned over and hugged him, then peppered his face with kisses until he told me to stop, wiping them off with his hand.

  “Don’t you wipe off my kisses,” I teased before kissing him again.

  “I made you something,” he said, his eyes lighting up with pride, and I beamed back.

  “You did? I can’t wait to see it.”

turned from me and ran toward the kitchen, blowing past my dad who had walked up to join us.

  I stood up and smiled at him. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Your mother tell you about the visit?” he asked, his tone wary.

  I nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet him myself.” I bit back a laugh as I tried to imagine my easygoing dad threatening Derek.

  “Here, Mama.” Matson was back and thrust a paper toward my hands.

  I reached for it and turned it around to check out the drawing he’d made. It was of me pushing him on the swings at the park in Venice. He’d written in blue crayon I love you Mom, and my eyes instantly welled up.

  “You don’t like it?” His head tilted to one side.

  I bent over again so we could be eye to eye. “I love it. It’s the most perfect picture I’ve ever seen. I love when you draw us together.”

  “Thanks. Papa helped me draw the swings and get the waves just right.”

  “That was nice of him.” I looked up at my dad and smiled.

  “Can we go now? I’m hungry.”

  “Hungry?” Mom asked. “I just filled this belly a half hour ago.” She poked at his stomach and tickled him as he tried to wriggle out of her grasp.

  “What did he eat?”

  “Half a grilled cheese and some carrot sticks.”

  “Yeah, and I’m still hungry, Mama. I’m a growing boy. Papa said the more I eat, the more I’ll grow. And I want to be as tall as a building.”

  “As tall as a building? How will you fit in anything?”

  “I won’t have to fit. I’ll be a building, duh.” He rolled his eyes before slinging his little backpack over his shoulder and heading toward the door.

  “Well then.” I glanced at my parents, who were chuckling at Matson as they held each other. “I guess we’re leaving.”

  “I guess so.” Mom patted her heart again, that simple action telling me she was still worried about the Derek situation.

  I gave my parents a reassuring smile. “Everything will be fine. Let me know if he comes back here.”

  Now I was the one who was reassuring people, when I still needed a little reassurance of my own.

  • • •

  As we drove home, Matson filled the silence with stories about his day, and how he beat the fastest kid in his class in a race during recess. He told me that some boys were mean to his friend Hayley, pushing her, and Matson stepped between them and told them if you want to get to her, you have to go through me.