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  1. Motteville, Mme. de, Memoirs, I, 79.

  2. Retz, Cardinal de, Memoirs, 103.

  3. Motteville, I, 81.

  4. Retz, 103.

  5. Motteville, III, 232.

  6. History Today, July 1959, p. 461.

  7. Bishop, M., Life and Adventures of La Rochefoucauld, 149.

  8. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 36.

  9. Retz, 281.

  10. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the Seventeenth Century, I, 335.

  11. Retz, 55, 73.

  12. Voltaire, Louis XIV, 67.

  13. Michelet, Histoire de France, IV, 388; Acton, Lectures on Modern History, 235.

  14. Motteville, III, 237.

  15. Palmer, Molière, 15.

  16. Saint-Simon, Memoirs, II, 361.

  17. Sainte-Beuve, I, 422.

  18. Ibid., 417.

  19. History Today, March 1954, p. 149.

  20. Voltaire, 256.

  21. Ibid., 69.

  22. Rea, Lilian, Countess of La Fayette, 170.

  23. Ferval, Louise de La Vallière, 55.

  24. Saint-Simon, II, 369.

  25. Sainte-Beuve, I,

  26. Saint-Simon, II, 361.

  27. Sainte-Beuve, I, 423.

  28. Louiv XIV, Mémoires, 35.

  29. In Sainte-Beuve, I, 417.

  30. Boulenger, Seventeenth Century, 178.

  31. Motteville, III, 248.

  32. Lewis, W. H., Splendid Century, 30.

  33. Voltaire, 257.

  34. Barine, La Grande Mademoiselle, 117.

  35. Louis XIV, 76.

  36. Martin, H., Age of Louis XIV, I, 63–65; Michelet, IV, 424–27.

  37. Guizot, History of Civilization, I, 260.

  38. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, I, 533.

  39. Louis XIV, 96.

  40. King, J. E., Science and Rationalism in the Government of Louis XIV, 87.

  41. Saint-Simon, II, 34.

  42. Louis XIV, 68.

  43. King, 95.

  44. Saint-Simon, II, 106, 370.

  45. Guérard, Life and Death of an Ideal, 153.

  46. Louis XIV, 70.

  47. France, Anatole, Nicolas Fouquet, 258.

  48. Voltaire, 262.

  49. Martin, H., I, 23, quoting de Choisi.

  50. Louis XIV, 74.

  51. Martin, I, 22.

  52. Sée, Henri, Economic and Social Conditions in France during the 18th Century, 93.

  53. Martin, I, 34.

  54. Ibid., 33f.; Michelet, IV, 410.

  55. Boulenger, 356.

  56. Mousnier, R., Histoire générale des civilisations, IV, 148.

  57. Voltaire, 324; Martin, I, 79.

  58. Michelet, IV, 428.

  59. Mousnier, IV, 148.

  60. Voltaire, 273; Martin, I, 86.

  61. Boulenger, 357; Lewis, Splendid Century, 81.

  62. History Today, March 1954, p. 155.

  63. Mousnier, IV, 252.

  64. Nussbaum, Economic Institutions of Modern Europe, 154.

  65. Mousnier, IV, 250; Cambridge Modern History, V, 11.

  66. Boulenger, 355.

  67. Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrières et de l’industrie en France avant 1789, 1, 394.

  68. Beard, Miriam, History of the Business Man, 366.

  69. In Acton, Lectures, 326.

  70. Martin, I, 489–90, 496.

  71. Voltaire, 323.

  72. Martin, I, 558.

  73. Barine, 13.

  74. Saint-Simon, I, 383; Voltaire, 288.

  75. Encyclopaedia Britannica, XIII, 778c; Brereton, Jean Racine, 245–52.

  76. Molière, Théâtre: École des femmes, I, i.

  77. Sainte-Beuve, I, 250; Day, Lillian, Ninon, 34.