and Fontenelle, 615, 617
and Leibniz, 673, 675
and Spinoza, 623, 630, 632, 641, 655
bayonet, origin of, 691
Bayonne, Jews in, 457
Beachy Head, England, 693
bear baiting, 195, 275
Béam, province of, 72
Beaufort, François de Vendôme, Duc de (1616–69), 7
“Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed, A” (Swift), 355
beauty, definitions of, 264, 592, 640
Beauvis, France, 89
tapestries from, 93, 94, 103
Beauvillier, Paul Duc de (1648–1714), 82, 697, 701
Beauvillier, Duchesse de (fl. 1687), 83, 487, 689
Beaux’ Stratagem (Farquhar), 315
Becher, Johann Joachim (1635–82), 516
Bedford, William Russell, 5th Earl of (1613–1700), 295
Bedford, England, 208, 209
Bedloe, William (fl. 1678), 281
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), 143
Behemoth (Hobbes), 562
Behn, Aphra (1640–89), 335
Béjart, Armande (1642–1700), 110–11, 113, 121, 123, 125, 126*, 127, 134
Béjart, Madeleine (1618–72), 106, 107, 111, 134
Bekker, Balthasar (1634–98), 659
Belgium, 164, 714, 715, 717
see also Spanish Netherlands
Belgrade, 425, 691, 704
Bellarmine, Robert, Cardinal (1542–1621), 77
Bellasis, Catholic peer (fl. 1678), 280
Belvedere Palace, Vienna, 426
Bender (now Tighina, U.S.S.R.), 387
Benedict XIII (Pietro Francesco Orsini), Pope (r. 1724–30), 61
Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini), Pope (r. 1740–58), 104
Benedictine Order, 292–93, 490, 543, 598
Bennet, Justice, of Derby (fl. 1650), 196
Benoist, Antoine (1631–1717), 95
Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 645
Bentley, Richard (1662–1742), 331, 490–92, 546, 563, 572
Berchem, Nicolaes (1620–83), 168*
Berenice, Jewish princess (C.A.D.28–after 75), 132, 137
Bérénice (Racine), 132, 137
Bergen-op-Zoom, 178
Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 574
Bering, Vitus (1680–1741), 403
Berkeley, 2d Earl of (fl. 1699), 348
Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 358, 529, 542, 553, 574, 585, 586, 593–91, 603, 604, 637
influence of Locke on, 587, 594–95
his opinion of Spinoza, 656
Berkshire, Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of (fl. 1626), 322
Berlin: after Thirty Years’ War, 412
capital of Prussia, 413
court of Great Elector at, 414–15
Huguenot refugees in, 73
Jews in, 464
national library at, 484
Peter the Great visits, 406
Schloss, 418
Berlin Academy of Sciences, 414, 495, 664, 677, 678
Bermuda, 596
Bernard, Samuel (b. 1651), 21, 457, 698, 712
Bernier, François (1625–88), 86, 509, 507
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo (1598–1680), 91, 101, 428, 434
Bernoulli family, 498
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–82), 403
Bernoulli, Jakob I (1654–1705), 501
Bernoulli, Johann (1667–1748), 501, 544–45
Bernoulli, Nikolaus (1623–1708), 501
Bernoulli, Nikolaus I (1662–1716), 501
Berry, Charles Ferdinand de Bourbon, Duke of (1685–1714), 716
Bérulle, Pierre de, Cardinal (1575–1629), 70
Berwick, James Fitzjames, Duke of (1670–1734), 708
Besançon, 43
Bessarabia, 372
Bethlehem Hospital (“Bedlam”), London, 507
Béthune, France, 714
Betterton, Thomas (1635?–1710), 315, 319
Beverland, Hadrian, 167
Biber, Heinrich von (1644–1704), 443
Bible: Acosta’s commentaries on, 476
Bayle’s references to, 606, 610–11
Blount’s refutations of, 567–68
Bossuet’s views on, 15, 78, 80
Bunyan’s reading of, 208–10
cited on divine right in kings, 15, 78, 579–80
—on divorce, 223
—on heresy, 483
—on polygamy, 78, 238
—on witches, 482
Clarke’s defense of, 572
Collins’ critique of, 570
critical study of, rising, 85, 483, 494, 571
Filmer’s references to, 579
Hobbes’s “Higher Criticism” of, 559
Hooke’s conclusions on, 507
individual interpretation of, 80, 194
Jewish commentaries on, 459, 470–71, 475, 476, 621
King James Version, 461
Leibniz’ views on, 494, 673
Leslie’s defense of, 571
Locke’s views on, 580, 589
Manasseh’s commentaries on, 459
Milton’s use of, 223, 236–239
Newton’s acceptance of, 543
Pascal’s views on, 63, 65, 599
Puritans’ reading of, 194, 207, 461
Simon’s critique of, 493–94, 570
Spinoza’s critiques of, 493–94, 621, 623, 625–630, 653, 655
Syrian versions of Epistles, 492
Unitarians’ acceptance of, 567
Ussher’s chronology of, 78
Yiddish translation of, 465
Zwicker’s views on, 167
Biblia Naturae (Swammerdam), 521
Bibliothèque Nationale (orig. Royale), Paris, 484, 490, 496
Bibliothèque orientale (Herbelot), 492
Bibliothèque universelle (periodical), 484, 578, 667
Bicker, Wendela, wife of Jan de Witt, 173
Bickerstaff, Isaac, pseudonym of Steele, 342, 352
of Swift, 352
Bidpai, fables of, 145
Bill of Rights (England, 1689), 297–98
Bill of Rights (U.S.), 583
Bingen, Germany, 691
binomial theorem, 533
biology, 507, 509, 518–21, 523, 676–77
Birch, Elizabeth (fl. 1682), 591
Black Sea, 375, 379, 388
Blake, Robert (1599–1657), 172, 200
Blasphemy Act of 1697, 313
Blenheim, battle of (1704), 341, 707
Blenheim Palace, 319
Blois, Mlle, de (Marie Anne de Bourbon: b. 1666), 37
Blois, France, 83, 89, 717
blood circulation, 522–23
blood transfusion, 528
Bloody Assizes (1685), 290
Blount, Charles (1654–93), 567–68
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–75,), 327
Bodleian Library, Oxford, 484, 490
Bodley, Sir Thomas (1545–1613), 484
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668–1738), 381, 526
Bohemia, 3, 420, 421, 426, 464
Bohemian Repast (Magnasco,), 433
Böhme, Jakob (1575–1624), 207, 543, 573, 624
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas (1636–1711), 33, 66, 92, 128–32
passim, 140, 146–49, 151, 312, 529, 599, 618
King’s liking for, 12, 14, 129, 130, 147, 149
his championing of Molière, 105, 109, 124, 128
the Four Friends, 126, 144, 146, 149
his influence on Racine, 135, 142
his role in French literature, 147–49
his defense of antiquity, 162
Boineburg, Johann von (1622–72), 661, 662
Boisguillebert, Pierre Le Pesant, Sieur de (1646–1714), 697–98, 709
Boisrobert, François Le Métel de (1592–1662), 130
Bol, Ferdinand (1616–80), 168*
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount (1678–1751), 307–8, 309, 310, 566, 571
created viscount (1712), 309
starts Examiner, 313
association with Swift, 313, 353, 354, 361, 362
Bologna, 434, 439
University of, 514, 522, 526
Bolognetti family, 434
Bombay, 248, 259, 446
Bonde, Gustav (1620–67), 367
Bonnart, Robert (b. c.1649), 95
Book of Common Prayer, 194, 252
Book of Martyrs (Foxe), 210
Book of Poverty and Wealth (Possoshkov), 404
book publishing and selling, 168, 458, 484
Bordeaux, 8, 10, 44, 89, 446, 449, 457
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (1608–79), 505, 513, 524, 526, 537, 539
Borghese, Princess (fl. 1675), 429
Boscobel, England, 189
Bosnia, 425
Bosporus, 388
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627–1704), 36, 40, 41, 60, 74, 75–81, 131, 159, 162, 163, 448, 602, 604, 614
on divine right of kings, 14–15, 77–78
intolerance of heresy, 70, 79–80, 666
champion of Gallicanism, 79, 81, 664
response to Leibniz on Christian unity, 80, 662, 666–67
rivalry of Fénelon, 83–85
portraits of, 98, 99
sculpture of, 100
refusal of sacraments to actors, 104
condemnation of Molière play, 113
of Simon critique of Bible, 493–94
of Descartes, 599
Bosweil, James (1740–95), 595, 596
botany, 497, 500, 519–20, 524
Botero, Giovanni (1540–1617), 502
Boucher, François (1703–70), 434
Bouillard, Ismaelis (fl. 1645), 537, 539
Bouillon, éleonore de Berg, Duchesse de (wife of Frédéric Maurice . . . , Duc de Bouillon), 7, 144
Bouillon, Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d’ Auvergne, Duc de (1605–52), 7
Bouillon, Godefroid Maurice de La Tour d’ Auvergne, Duc de (1641–1721), 86
Boulenger, Jacques (1879–1944), 687*
Boulle, André Charles (1642–1732), 94
Bourbon, house of, 3, 42, 296, 350, 421, 423, 425, 701–4
passim, 712, 714
Bourbon-Condé, Louis III, Duc de (1668–1710), 694
Bourdalue, Louis (1632–1704), 153
Bourdon, Sébastien (1616–71), 90, 98
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le (Molière), 124–125, 447
Bourges, Pragmatic Sanction of (1438), 48
Bourgogne, Hôtel de, Paris, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 114, 132, 135, 139
Bouwmeister, Johan (1630–80), 623
Boxel, Hugo, 633
Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery (1676–1730, 491
Boyle, Robert (1627–91), 263, 498, 499, 500, 506–7, 511–12, 517, 576, 585
Riley portrait of, 265
endowment of lectures on Christianity, 490, 529, 566, 572
in Royal Society, 496, 497, 532
work on velocity of sound, 513
his “skeptical chemistry,” 515, 516, 528
interest in alchemy, 532
correspondence with Leibniz, 533, 662
Boyne, battle of (1690), 74, 302, 303, 693
Brabant, province of, 42, 45, 164, 176
Bracegirdle, Anne (1663?–1748), 319, 321
Bradshaw, John (1602–59), 245
Brahe, Per, Count (1602–80), 367
Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601), 503, 504, 505, 538
Bramhall, John (1594–1663), 560
Branca, Giovanni (1571–1645), 517
Brand, Hennig (d. c.1692), 516
Brandenburg, 380, 412–14, 483, 484, 485
in coalitions against France, 43, 175, 178, 179, 180, 691
Huguenots find asylum in, 73
seizes West Prussia, 366
at war with Sweden, 367–69
acquires East Prussia, 367
Elector becomes King of Prussia, 414
Jews in, 464
see also Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg
Brazil, 275, 446, 447, 508
Breda, 188, 233
Declaration of (1660), 205
Treaty of (1667), 174, 276–77
Breisach, Baden, 44, 712
Breisgau, Baden, 44
Bremen (city), 411, 497
(state), 367, 369, 389
Brennibor, 412
Brescia, Italy, 443
Breslau, 502
University of, 486
Brest, 302, 694
Bridgewater, John Egerton, 1st Earl of (1579–1649), 215
Brihuega, battle of (1710), 712
Brinvilliers, Marie Madeleine d’Aubray, Marquise de (1630–76), 28
Britannicus (Racine), 137
British Museum, 485
Brittany, 44, 153, 154
Broussel, Pierre (c.1570–after 1652), 6–7
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–82), 261
Browning, Robert (1812–89), 433
Bruant, Libéral (1637–97), 90
Brueghel family, 501
Brueghel, Anne (m. David Teniers the Younger, 1637), 165
Brueghel, Jan (“Velvet Brueghel”: 1568–1625), 165
Brueghel, Picter, the Elder (1525?–69), 165
Bruges, 708
Brugg, Gillis van, 317
Briihl, Prussia, 8
Brunelleschi (Brunellesco), Filippo (1377–1446), 264
Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600), 484, 654, 669, 678
Bruno of Cologne, Saint (c.1030–1101), 96
Brunswick, house of, 663, 666, 678
Brunswick-Lüneburg, 43
Brussels, 164–65, 204, 205, 283, 439
Hôtel de Ville, 165
Buchanan, George (1506–82), 555
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of (1592–1628), 228
Buckingham, George Villiers, 2d Duke of (1628–87), 178, 251, 270, 277, 278, 321, 325, 566
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821–62), 80
Buczacz, Peace of (1672), 371
Buda, Hungary, 424, 704
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de (1707–88), 679
Bulgaria, 388, 425
bull-baiting, 195, 275
Bunhill Fields, England, 212
Bunyan, John (1628–88), 208–12, 278, 351, 360
Burgh, Albert (fl. 1675), 633–35
Burgh, Conraad, 633
Burgos, 448
Burgundy. Louis, Duke of (1682–1712), 82, 83, 84, 710, 716
Burgundy. Marie Adélaīde, Duchess of (1685–1712), 100, 716
Burgundy, 21
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 592
Burlington House, London, 434
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop (1643–1715), 249, 251, 270, 271, 279, 280, 288, 300, 330, 560
and accession of William and Mary, 295
suggests polygamy for Charles II, 272
appointed bishop of Salisbury, 299
and Peter the Great, 382, 391
Burnet, Thomas (1635?–1715), 507
Burney, Charles (1726–1814), 267, 444
Bury St. Edmunds, England, 482
Busby, Richard (1606–95), 321
Busenbaum, Hermann (1600–68), 47
Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, Comte de (1618–1693), 151, 160–61
Butler, Samuel (1612–80), 328–29, 497
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637–1707), 419
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788–1824), 657
Byss, Rudolf, tapestry maker (17th cent.), 419
Cabal (council of ministers under Charles II), 277, 279, 576,
Cabala, 459, 465, 466, 470–71, 475, 476, 620, 624
Cabale des Dévots, 114, 116, 118
Cabeo, Niccolo (fl. 1629), 514
Cadenus and Vanessa (Swift), 356, 358, 360
Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe (1656?–1730), 26
Cádiz, 450
Caen, France, 74
Caesar, Gaius Julius (100–44 B.C.), 13, 511
Cahors, France, 708
Cairo, 455, 472, 475
Calais, 200
Calamy, Edmund (1600–66), 218*
ulus, 499, 500–1, 528, 532–34, 662–63, 678, 679
Calvin, John (1509–64), 48, 53, 80, 85
Calvinists: doctrines of (predestination, etc.), 53–54, 75, 239, 610, 625, 643
in Dutch Republic, 53, 167, 177, 608, 610, 625, 627, 643
in England, 194, 239, 301
in France, see Huguenots
in Germany, 414, 415, 483, 660, 666
intolerance of, 167, 194, 590, 608, 625, 627, 666–67
in Russia, 399
in Switzerland, 590, 605
Cambrai, 44, 82, 83, 84, 164
Cambridge Platonists, 83, 482, 573, 574, 583
Cambridge University, 212–13, 219, 265, 519, 536, 572, 573
refuses degree to Catholic, 292–93, 543–44
Newton’s association with, 293, 487, 531, 532, 536, 543–44
Camerarius, Rudolf (1665–1721), 520
Camerini, maker of pendulum clock (1656), 510*
Camisards, 73
Campaign, The (Addison), 341–42
Campanclla, Tommaso (1568–1639), 564
Canada, 26, 259, 508, 509
canals, 25, 402, 414, 426
Canary Islands, 200
Candia, Crete, 433
Candide (Voltaire), 417, 675
Cange, Charles du Fresne, Sieur du, see Du Cange
Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Sheldon, Gilbert (term, 1663–77)
Tillotson, John (1691–1694)
Canterbury, England, 206
Cantone, architect (fl. 1650), 433
Capetown, 166
Cappella Corsini, Florence, 436
Capuchins, religious order, 51, 399
Caractères de Théophraste, Les (La Bruyère), 159–60
Cardan, Jerome (1501–76), 517
Caribbean, trade in, 26
Carinthia, duchy of, 420
Carissimi, Giacomo (c. 1604–1674), 445
Carla, France, 605
Carlisle, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of (1629–85), 285, 286
Carlow, county of, 187
Carlsbad, 405
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 348
Carmelite nuns, 37, 46
Carniola, duchy of, 420
Carolina, colony of, 253, 259, 577
Caroline of Anspach (1683–1737), Queen Consort of George II of Great Britain, 414, 572
carpets, 95
Carreño de Miranda, Juan (1614–85), 450–51
Carrousel, Place du, Paris, 32
Carthusian Monastery of San Martino, 437
Carvajal, Antonio (fl. 1650), 461
Casale, fortress of, 44
Cassel, Hesse, 103, 517
Cassini family, 498
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625–1712), 496, 503, 508, 513
Cassini, Jacques (1677–1756), 503–4, 541
Castlemaine, Barbara Villiers Palmer, Countess of (1641–1709), 247–48, 277, 315, 326, 334
created Duchess of Cleveland, 249
Lely portrait of, 266
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of (1634–1705), 247
casuistry, 47–48, 59, 60, 69, 79, 117
Catalonia, 446, 707, 708