Quickly Snow grabbed her bag off of her bed. Taking one last look at her room, she spared a moment to wonder if she would ever set eyes upon it again. This soft blue room, the one she had lived in her entire life. Instantly she was shamed, war was coming to her beloved home city and here she was fretting over a simple room like a spoiled child. Straightening her shoulders she marched resolutely out in to the hallway.
Theodore was waiting patiently there to escort her to Gregor’s, hopefully, secure location. Silently she handed him her bag.
“Is it true that my stepmother is going to fight.” She asked, looking straight in to his eyes.
“Yes.” he answered truthfully, his hands trembling again.
“She is going to die, isn’t she.” Snow said slowly.
Theodore looked away, unwilling to lie to the child but unable to admit that he too believed that Rosalyn would perish quite quickly. As would they all, he believed.
“I want to see her before I leave.” Snow announced.
“Princess, she left explicit orders that you and your father were to go in to hiding immediately. You know that.”
“Then you should lead me to her all the more quickly.” She responded in a strong voice. Snow was determined to say goodbye to Rosalyn, she wouldn’t leave without one last hug, one last goodbye. Her entire world was falling apart around her, she struggled for composure, she was barely twelve.
Nodding, the broken Advisor led the girl to Rosalyn’s personal chambers.