Noel quirks his pierced eyebrow and wears the most devilish smile I’ve ever seen. “You like those, huh?”

  My tongue darts out, wetting my lips before I chew on my bottom one. Of course I like them. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t? He’s damn near perfect. I was out of my mind when I walked out on him before. His lips claim mine, and his tattooed arms pull me in tight. Noel lets out a growl, and it’s unbelievably sexy to know I caused it. I grab the waistband of his jeans and pop open the button. He groans as I slowly unzip them and reach inside.

  “No underwear?”

  He shakes his head and traces my top lip with his tongue. “They always seem to get in the way.”

  I giggle as he kisses my throat. “Uh-huh, you mean like right now?” I wrap my fingers around the base of him and give a tight squeeze.

  He sucks in air through his teeth. “Jesus. Exactly like right now.”

  I withdraw my hand and lick my fingers and palm.

  Noel’s eyes widen. “When did you get so kinky?”

  I shrug. “When did you decide underwear was a bad thing?” I shove my hand back inside his jeans and stroke his considerable length.

  He gasps. “Point taken.”

  His flesh is warm and solid in my hand. My hand barely wraps around it he’s so big. My pace increases, and Noel’s breathing grows steady in my ear.

  He wraps his long fingers around my wrist. “I’m already too damn excited. If you keep that up, I won’t be able to hold back much longer.” I slow down, and he kisses my lips. “That’s it, baby. I wanna make this last. No need to rush.”

  His words send a thrill through every inch of me. I can’t believe I’m this turned on already. The moisture in my panties presses against my skin. Noel’s hand slides under my shirt and trails up to my breast. All I can think about is him touching me.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been with anybody real,” he says between kisses.

  That statement makes me wonder just how many non-real people he’s been with. He’s a rock star, for God’s sake. The numbers are probably well into the hundreds. My stomach turns a little at the thought of his lips all over tons of different women, and I fight back the urge to throw him off of me. Sleeping with him tonight wasn’t my intention. I figured we’d talk, figure things out. Instead, we’d barely talked five minutes before we’d gone straight into sex, just like we used to after a fight.

  “Noel…” His name slips out almost like a moan. I meant it to come out sternly so he would get the point maybe this wasn’t a good idea, but it totally didn’t sound that way. It sounded encouraging, as if my body is enjoying his touch too much to turn him away.

  I open my mouth to tell him to slow down, and right on cue, my cell phone rings. “Your mother is calling. Answer your phone. I’ll just keep calling.”

  Noel laughs at my stupid ring tone for my mom as I reach in my pocket and hit ignore. He sweeps my hair away from my neck and trails his nose against my skin. “Mmmmm, I’m tempted to just eat you right here.”


  “Your mother is calling. Answer your phone. I’ll just keep calling.” I roll my eyes and hit ignore again.

  Noel rests his forehead against mine. “Maybe you should call her back.”

  I sigh and pull the phone out of my pocket. Mothers.

  Mom answers on the first ring. “Lanie? Where are you? Are you all right?”

  I roll my eyes. “Calm down, Mom. I’m fine. Really.” Noel snuggles against me and kisses my cheek while I explain to Mom that I’m out on the boat dock with Noel.

  She sighs with relief. “Thank God you’re all right. I saw your car in the driveway and started to panic. There are some real crazies out there, you know. You scared me to death.”

  “Well, don’t worry. I’m perfectly fine. We’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” I say before I tell her good-bye and hang up.

  Noel’s lip pokes out a little, and he gives me puppy-dog eyes. “You’re going to leave me like this?”

  I place a hand on his chest. “I’m sorry. This just feels really fast, plus this whole job thing is still going on.”

  His thumb caresses by cheek, and his eyes roam over me. I study every inch of his face. It’s so beautiful, and the sad look in his eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life. Rejection is not the best way to end our reunion, but I’m not sure sleeping with him is a better choice. I can’t let him think I’m like all of his random groupies.

  “Lane.” The way he says my name makes my toes curl. “I’m still crazy over you.” He runs his hand through his hair. “What I’m trying to say is…I’m sorry. I just got ahead of myself here. You seemed so into it.” He drops his hands to his sides, and he looks into my eyes. “I just want you back.”

  Noel backs away from me and grabs his shirt. Cold air rushes over my skin when he shoves his hands in his pockets after putting on his shirt. He shrugs and walks away from me. I swallow hard as I watch him make his way down the dock. My hand clutches my chest and tears blur my vision. Is this how he felt when I left him standing here four years ago? A lost and broken shell?

  I can’t let this happen. I’ve been miserable without him, and he just confessed he felt the same way. Two people who love each other so much should be able to work through anything. My legs wobble as I hop off the rail. Noel is halfway up the hill already, so I kick off my flip-flops and sprint down the dock—the wood rough beneath my feet.

  “Noel!” My voice breaks a little as I call his name. He turns just in time to open his arms and catch me as I fling myself into his arms. “Don’t leave. Please.”

  His arms circle my waist, and he buries his face in my long, brown hair. “I wasn’t going anywhere—only giving you space. I’ll do anything you want to make this happen between us, including give you time. I can’t lose you again. It hurts too fucking much.”

  A surge of bravery shoots through me, and I kiss his lips.


  The next morning, the smell of bacon and eggs wakes me. I roll over and stare around my childhood room. A picture of Noel and me at prom sits on my nightstand. I trace his face and warmth spreads through me. It feels good to reconnect with him, as though a part of me that was missing is back again.

  Once I clear the bottom step, I see Noel in the kitchen with my mother. She looks so tiny next to him. She’s teaching him how to flip a pancake. Noel’s dark hair sticks up in every direction, and his blue eyes focus on the task. Mom laughs when Noel flips the pancake outside the pan. I smile. It’s nice to see they still get along so well.

  Noel notices me leaning against the wall watching him, and he grins. “Hey, you! I was attempting to make you breakfast in bed, but I’m kind of screwing it up.”

  My mom pats his shoulder. “Honey, you’re doing a great job. It just takes a little practice and finesse.”

  I giggle when Noel flips another, and it slides halfway across the pan. Guess he’s not perfect at everything. It’s nice to see him back in a normal environment without all the rock star glam. Reminds me of the guy I loved in the first place. I walk over and stand beside him. “Can I help?”

  Mom unties her apron and hands it to me. “I’m going for a little walk. You two enjoy breakfast.”

  I take the apron, and she pats my cheek. It’s good to see her smile. She hasn’t done that much since Dad died. Her cheeks are a rosy-pink, and she looks more like her old self. People say I look just like her with my dark hair and green eyes, but I know I’m no beauty like her. She has beautiful fair skin, and mine has more of an olive tint like my dad’s. When my mother is gone, I turn back to Noel. He places two plates of pancakes on the kitchen table and pulls out a chair for me.

  “It looks great.” I can’t believe he put so much effort into this. I notice the bacon and eggs on the table. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble though. I would’ve been good with cereal.”

  He laughs as he sits down beside me. “Are you kidding? I’m not going to turn down an offer from Kathy to learn
how to cook. Her food is always amazing.”

  I smile at the warm compliment about Mom. “She always did like you—her and dad both.”

  Noel stops cutting his pancakes and frowns. “Why didn’t you tell me about your dad?”

  I shrug and pour syrup on my plate to distract myself from crying. “Never really came up. It’s easier if I don’t think about it too much.”

  He takes my hand. “You should’ve told me he died. I would’ve been there for you. I’m so sorry. I really liked Jim.”

  I squeeze his hand. “Thank you. It was so unexpected, you know? Who would have thought he would get diagnosed with cancer at forty-nine? He went pretty quickly, so he didn’t suffer much. But it was still hard—the first year without him especially. ”

  “I wish I could’ve been there for you.”

  I touch his cheek. The stubble prickles my fingertips. “But you’re here now.”

  He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my fingers. “I’m never going anywhere again.”

  After we wash up the dishes, we go to the garage in search of some fishing gear. Noel sorts through the poles until he comes to the bright pink one I always used. He hands it to me. “I remember this old thing.”

  I laugh and take it, and he turns to pick out one for himself. “You remember it because this girlie thing always out-fishes you.”

  He grabs the tackle box and rolls his eyes. “Come on, Ms. Fisherman. Show me how it’s done then.”

  It’s amazingly easy being with Noel. The tension of not knowing how to approach one another is gone. While I’m still not completely sure how a relationship between Noel and I will affect my job, it doesn’t seem that important. Only being with him does. I sigh as we step on the dock. This place holds so many great memories of not only Noel and me, but days spent with my father too.

  Noel sets our stuff down and wraps his arms around me. I lean into him, glad to feel his warmth and comfort. His spicy cologne is delicious and a welcome distraction to the emotion going on in my brain.

  He pulls back and gives me a quick peck. “Ready to do this?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Only if you’re ready to have your ass handed to you by a girl.”

  He chuckles and gives me another quick kiss before baiting our hooks with fake worms. We spend the next few hours on the dock talking and fishing. I’ve missed this—being with Noel. Close to three o’clock, we pack everything up so we can get cleaned up before dinner. Noel takes my hand as we walk back to the house, and he grins when I thread my fingers through his. When we make it to the top of the hill, I notice Mom setting up the back patio for dinner.

  “Anything we can help you with?” Noel asks.

  Mom smiles as she takes in the sight of our hands locked together. “Nope. I actually have everything under control. I did forget dessert though, so I’m going to run over to the market and pick up an apple pie and maybe some wine. The steaks are marinating. We’ll throw them on the grill when I come back.”

  Noel nods and takes our fishing gear back to the garage.

  “Okay, then. I’m going to take a quick shower and get ready,” I tell her as I follow her into the house.

  After a shower, I go into my room and throw on a tank top and shorts before working on my wet hair. The door to my room flies open and I gasp. Noel struts in wearing a towel. My jaw hangs open a little as I take in the sight of his bare chest and tattooed arms. If it wasn’t for my self-imposed kissing-only rule, I’d be all over him.

  He smirks at my expression. “Don’t worry. I’m only coming in to get some clothes. We put my bag in here last night before we made up the couch for me, remember?”

  I swallow hard, still unable to look away from his body. He notices me staring, and his smile turns wickedly sexy. Noel starts toward me like a tiger stalking prey, slow and deliberate movements. His approach causes my stomach to knot. I sit on my bed, hoping that will stop him from coming any closer. I don’t know how much longer I can keep telling him no.

  Noel sits beside me and twists around, holding his towel in place with one hand, to look into my eyes. “What do you say, Lane? We have the house all to ourselves. We’re in your old room. It’ll be just like old times.”

  “Noel…” I warn.

  He ignores me. He cups my face, leans in, and kisses me. There’s purpose behind his kiss. It’s soft, yet rough enough to mean business. I close my eyes, and my fingers find their way into the hair on the nape of his neck. Noel pushes me down on the bed and kisses down my neck. The scruff on his chin scratches my skin. He pulls the strap of my tank top down and kisses my collar bone. A ripple of pure pleasure jets clear down to my toes. I grab his face and pull his mouth back to mine. The kiss feels desperate, as if we need each other more than air. I want to be closer to him. I can’t get enough.

  “Fuck the kissing-only rule. I need you. Be with me, please,” he says.

  I close my eyes as I melt from his pleading words. Noel helps me out of my shirt and slides his large hands down the length of my torso. He sits back on his heels in the bed and reaches for the button on my shorts. My body writhes, begging for him to undress me.

  He pops the button open and unzips my jean shorts. Noel bends at the waist and kisses the hollow of my throat. A moan escapes me as he works his way down to my breasts. His index finger runs along the lace at the top of the cup of my bra.

  “These are so nice,” he says as he peels back my bra. My nipples stand erect from the chill, and he smiles. “So nice.” He wraps his lips around one and sucks.

  I arch my back. His mouth feels amazing. “Noel…”

  “Tell me,” he murmurs against my nipple. “Tell me how much you want me—only me.”

  He slides his hand down my stomach and shoves down my shorts. His tongue swirls around my pink nipple, and I shiver. “God…Noel!”

  “Say it,” he commands, his breath hot against my skin.

  “I want you. I need you.” I should feel self-conscious saying that, but I don’t care. It’s the truth.

  “Yes, baby. Only me,” he growls against my skin and shoves his hand inside my panties.

  “Only you, Noel,” I cry as he touches me. “Oh, God.”

  “Damn, you are so wet,” he whispers. “I want to bury myself in you so deep.”

  Noel’s fingers slide against my wet flesh before he dips a finger inside of me. I moan and arch against his palm. He works his finger in and out a few times before slipping in another. His steady motion makes me pant. If I wasn’t in such desperate need for him, I would be embarrassed by my loud breathing. At this point, I don’t care. I want him so much.

  He pulls out and flicks my clit, and I nearly explode on the spot. I sit up and reach for the towel. It falls from around his waist onto the bed. He is ready for me, hard and standing at attention. I grab the base of him and stroke. The memory of him inside me long ago floods me. I lick my lips, stretch forward, and take the tip of him in my mouth. Noel sucks in a quick breath through his teeth, and the sound make my insides quiver with need. I relax and suck him in as far as I can.

  “That feels so fucking good, baby.”

  The need to please him fills me to the brim. I take my mouth away and say, “Lay back.”

  I crawl to his side and slide my hair away from my face so he can watch me take his hard length into my mouth again. He moans and lets out of string of soft curse words before shoving his head back against a pillow. Sleeping with him goes against everything I’ve been telling myself since I agreed to this job, but it feels right, as if there’s nothing else.

  Noel slides a finger under my panties and massages the sensitive flesh of my swollen cleft. Need builds inside me—a need to have him inside me, thrusting deep, trying to reach my core. Heat floods me as he strokes my clit. A tremor shoots though my whole body as I come, moaning around his cock.

  Noel sits up, lifts my chin, and claims my mouth with his. “I want to be inside you, but more than anything, I want to come inside you. Are you on the pill?”
r />   My breath comes out in a heavy pant. “Yes.” I don’t ask anything else because I don’t care. I want him so much it actually hurts.

  He shoves me back against the bed and kisses me as if I’m his world. His lips scorch me as they trail down my neck. It feels so good. I don’t want this feeling to ever go away. Noel’s tongue darts out and licks my nipple before he nips it teasingly. I gasp from the sensual pain. He looks up at me and grins before working his way down. The muscles in my right leg tense when he throws it over his shoulder. A finger slides inside of me as he sucks my most sensitive flesh.

  An ache builds inside me again. “Noel, oh God. I’m going to come.”

  That only encourages him. He laps my folds, and when he flicks his tongue, I cry out. Release floods me as my second orgasm rips through me, and I grab a fistful of Noel’s hair.

  Before I have a chance to fully recover, Noel grabs my hips and pulls me toward him. He shoves the head of his cock inside me and groans. “Fuck, Lane. Oh my God, you’re so fucking tight. I already want to come.”

  His fingers dig into my hips as he pushes all the way in me. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. The feel of him inside me, stretching me, lights me on fire. The sound of his skin smacking mine fills the room as he drives into me. I grab my boobs to keep them from bouncing. Noel growls in approval and pumps faster and harder. I lift my hips to meet his, and he shuts his eyes. He’s close, and I can feel my own need building for the third time.

  “Lane, fuck. I’ve missed you so much.”

  I run my fingers through his hair. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  His mouth claims mine in a quick kiss before I feel his back tense under my fingers. A primal growl emits from his throat, and he bites his lip in ecstasy as he erupts inside me, filling me. He collapses on top of me and buries his face in the crook of my neck. A content sigh comes out of his mouth before he leans up and kisses my lips. I feel exactly the same. Noel rolls onto his side. His large hands pull me close, and he runs his nose runs across my jaw.