Feb 19

  The people starts reuniting in front my door, like to heard me pee. Fact. There are so late, they realize in front my door they do not have feet left; they rot and fell like your wings, some decades ago. And there on my porch, they hear an Angel saying things, like "be quiet and listen, and it starts raining. It humiliates them so hard. It has been twice in two days.

  In the streets also, most people states that Angels talk to them on my way, almost each time, except to spies, and the sleepy.

  The Chicago Tribune is one of the most cursed newspapers all times. Jessica Alba hates me. She is just a hater, not like me. No idea why everybody pictures me like this. Because of the Tourangeaux certainly, who them are extremely arrogant. If that Jonathan Martineau tells you he is God, recall he betrayed me first.

  On this note, there are spies wanting to rip my arms apart, like in Sin City, with Jessica Alba precisely, and even DGSE (French Service) agents are ready to jump on me from a bike, by night, if I dare go to talk to any prostitute once too much, they decided. Psycho sissies. I say it to their President, and the CIA, who seem to motivate them for an aggression. Many of these spies specialized into having sex with my exes, and even raped quite violently several, even just by lying. They both deserved hell, and are there since, even if they do not feel it, it is just their Souls are there, and will stay. They are dangerous for their colleagues even, by contamination. They should be eliminated by French secret spies, at least exiled, overcoat the one who raped Natacha. He is a serial rapist now, not a spy, present him to the judge, not me. I did nothing to humankind. You wanted to go to hell, you did everything for that, even asking me to send you there. Now stay there, thank you. Your sons are psychos, yes sir, even your mom. Mock women less maybe. I had never mocked a Natacha, me. I am the most correct Gentlemen, not a French anymore; they are pigs, overcoat the ones I knew, or in my ex-family, or spies in general, that I despise forever now. Kill anyone you want, if you discover that practice that, spying, to lie then.

  It is fun to think that most spies need bodyguards now.

  I just emailed against a demon, the one in my street, spying on me since I am a child, basically. He pretends he protects children with his Honda Goldwing, LYCÉE GÉN. NOTRE-DAME SAINT-VINCENT, 20, RUE ROUGET DE LISLE, 37000 TOURS, FRANCE. Check. He said I lied, him who lied anytime he saw me, and in my back, and he pass for brave.

  J'ai fait le bitcoin pour vous entre autre, celui des Chretiens, lui n'a fait que me surveiller depuis mon enfance, envoye par l'armee, a cause des rumeurs de Miracles que je faisais deja, du bout du doigt, comme les interroger, pour savoir si ca allait bien. C'est votre surveillant celui qui ne fait rien, pas votre serviteur, que je ne suis plus, vous allez avec ce gros demon de Pascal Courtari.

  Je rappel a Tours que je demande la detention immediate du faux Maire, de sa prefete, de celui qui se cache partout, ainsi que de l'"archeveque" Aubertin, "pretre" Onfray, le petit nouveau de la Riche, Delannoy, Rimbauld; enquetez meme sur pedophilie, pas que calomnies, persecutions, et jusqu'a aboiement dans le cas d'Onfray. Et pas pour 15 jours... des peines maximum. Je vais embaucher des avocats Americain, pas Francais, 0.

  Je previens aussi que j'essaye, pour me proteger du pape, d'obtenir un pistolet Glock, et compte lui tirer dessus s'il se deplace en ma direction. Je ne l'invite pas. Au pire, j'ais des couteaux dans ma cuisines... j'interdit au "pretres" de venir toquer a ma porte. Je ne les connais pas. Je n'ouvririas a personne. Point barre. Et ne me demandez surtout pas de proteger le President de votre pays, ce sont souvent les plus maudits, les plus avec Obama, qui est Satan, je vous previens. Je n'ai aucune intention d'aller les voirs. Ils ont juste a ne pas venir frapper a ma porte, ou j'esseye de les tuer, surtout si temoins, et plus encore si cameramen.

  Retenez aussi qu'en 2011, j'ai survecu une tentative d'assassinat, par un repris de justice du nom de Yannick Herbet, en utilisant un couteau de combat achete expres pour me defendre, puisqu'il me hurlait qu'il allait me tuer, meme en tappant ultra fort des poings a ma porte, comme un gorille vraiment; et que c'est moi que l'on a envoye en prison, alors que cette juge me savait innocent. Ne parlons meme pas de qui je ne serais pas, sois disant, Madame.

  Et pour finir, Pascal Courtari, si vous n'etes pas jouasse, vous n'avez qu'a venir me le dire, ou allez au Club 71, puisque vous autres militaires de l'armee Francaise etes des homosexuels, et n'avait vraiment pas une grosse moto entres les jambe comme moi DIeu Tout-Puissant, qui ne vous pardonera jamais cette surveille de 43 ans de long.

  Les deux ex beret verts qui sont venu me montrer leur petit zizi quand j'etais chez une coiffeuse, serais venu me parler assis dans un bar, si ce n'etaient pas juste des gros homosexuels eux-meme... voyez, moi qui n'ai jamais coucher avec un Martineau vous le dit.

  Ils seraient mort et enterre, si j'avais eu mon Glock sous la blouse, vous pouvez demander a la coiffeuse, en face de l'eglise de Notre Dame la Riche, rien que comme ils se sont mis devant moi, comme des debutants. Des vrais hommes seraient venu me dire: Bonjour Monsieur Santamaria, alors, vous etes Dieu, c'est formidable, merci d'etre venu en France.

  Quand a la scene footbalistique de Tours, a qui je dois des millions de dollards il parait, comme dit ce vaurien de Manuel* Santamaria qui se pretendait mon pere, meme au Ciel, je rappel que une tranche de jambon blanc, et quelques chips, etait ce que m'a tante de donnait a manger, meme les jours de football. Je ne pouvais meme plus aller a l'entrainement, tellement c'etait loin a pied pour un enfant de 11 ans. Et je vous fais gagner la Coupe du Monde de 98 quand meme... en marchant (quand Zidane le faisait, c'etait moi le faisant, pas lui, c'est qu'un bougnoule). Et je n'aurais pas du, vous ne meritez que l'enfer.

  (alfonso*, on l'appel comme ca au Ciel, oui, comme Raoul, cet autre inutile qui se pretend etre moi dans sa secte)

  March 2

  Om: In the Middle Ages there was a Christian equivalent which was commonly used as a symbol of the Word. There was a siglum which latterly was quite wrongfully compared with the words 'Ave Maria'. In fact this siglum, pronounced in Latin with a sound similar to the Sanskrit Aum, meant 'ALPHA AND OMEGA, the beginning and the end' (Revelation 21:6) and hence the evolution and involution of the cycle of manifestation.

  Aum has been compared with the Hebrew word Amen, taken into the Christian liturgy the word which ends all prayers and when set to music generally becoming a series of powerful up- and down-beats, swelling and dying away in a final whisper.

  March 3

  I made myself unreadable almost everywhere, I mean Twitter.com. I protected my tweets. Now, if you want to participate, even just reading me, you must beg I accept you follow me, and it will be hard. I started the Apocalypse in politics if you prefer, it will become visible day after day. It is going bad really, they hire demons in the police basically. I found that in a news by ABC Network.


  You would see the expressions of those two Africans, so called cops, no doubts they only want to hurt you, and work in the force to spread injustices, the harder they can. I see a civilian war coming if it continues like that, mostly because of the CIA, in the end. Quite shitty agents in there, it is amazing their plan to kill me anyway, no matter when. So, I made them recognizable. Any CIA agent has like dogs now in the hair, and the reflexes of one, shaking tails and all; "super happy" to see you, like they are going to have sex, for once! Many will get killed like that. It is too dark their world. Real agents are submerged by the dishonesty of others in this administration. Many should be killed, they are half Russians in itself, too dishonest to represent anything but problems. Never confided them a job, it is risky with men like those.

  Same with Ben Carson, now given a seat, while seen saying: "It is too hard for me, I am just a dumb negro, I see shit, like them all." Big mistake by President Trump. His first one, and biggest so far, please niggers, like they call themselves in secret, for they know they are evil itself. They invented it all.


  I should buy hash a last time in Tours now, and maybe I will be in Paris soon, surrounded by chimps. It is what French people are to me. They might look smart to you, but pay attention, they became even less than apes. The movie is like directed for them, never follow their command, you go to La la land they say, but it is hell, end of story, park there if you want finish like them.

  I am giving myself the giggles thinking about how stingy most people I knew, even the women I loved and tried to marry. So stingy, she won't even spend a cent on her lover, and she tries to make pass that for a charm. Of course, it was less funny on the moment, but when you realize how ridiculous that relationship was, because of defaults of the soul like that, you end up laughing she might regret with she is now, in comparison to the Master of the World. All that to do not spend like $20 in food, to feed her man. It is so pathetic that kind of lady, unable to be happy by doing things basically, like cooking for two, the pretty Art you could say. Damn, she was a moron, ultra-hot, but, you cannot live with that when you are a real man. She is even sadist in the end, stinginess drives to hell, it is a horror to be this ugly in fact.

  Of course, Bea was a better cook, the prettiest one I knew, and I ate her food only once, but I cannot forget it. She was the best, so Christian and all, sad I could promise her nothing, being way too poor even then back in 2003. I cannot wait to see her again, if they let her live, otherwise, she is in Heaven I believe. No doubt about that. I am not even mad, good for her! Same with Lucas, any report of his death, like instantly in a crash, would make me happy. He will be way better already in Heaven, in comparison to what is coming to Earth, I can tell you, for someone his age, even more an eventual grandchild.

  I would like to know how much Nelly had in bank, when I was starving, I think it is that the Sky cannot forgive to her, I was duped on the merchandise, and was given a crook to spare, this woman deserved hell all along, ultra-Nazi for real, and proud of it, no matter the comedy she plays now that her looks are gone with the age, slowly, and being lame. It starts being on your face what you did in life, in well or bad. I guess she feels pathetic now, I am the only cock she has not put in her mouth. She gave blowjobs to all the others ones, and me, not even a smile, like she was too sexy for even that in my company. Well, it is all gone, even being a Goddess for real, thank to me, she forgot, and that is the worst. Satan is in her butt, eternally, she is one with him. Stay away that woman, she married who she loved in the end, the one who disappointed her, not me.

  I managed to kill demons killing my plant. Some I had never spotted yet. For those wondering, reading this by spying. The agencies mainly, who want me evil, to excuse personal cowardice, basically. Shit agents.

  Evian is deluxe water. I made it. I drink some. Fuck off. You have no idea if I must walk on water at 63 years old, or not. Just know you walk in hell... Dying today, you wake up there, and for good. Be careful, no Angel will avenge you. If you read this like that, be sure of that. I take care of things me, including the White House, this Noble House, no matter who was inside, I still lead it, as I can, with men or not.

  About carrying Evian, the people in front the tobacconist nearby where I bought the water, heard a Woman's voice say: "There are no shitty men in Heaven." And everybody knows that in Tours, Angels talk to you as you walk by me. They tell you things. They comment, even your looks. Anything funny, or helping.

  When you think those French became monkeys, because of me they say, like I lied once. It is a strange sensation now when you see one. That impression in the eyes, tall or younger, they look like chimps inside. Exactly the planet of the apes. Warn your embassy. They are sub-demons you would say, the worst that ever existed. Even Obama will regret he created them. They are him, but, together. Alone, they are nothing. But they are one, and this is with Obama. His worst army now. No man of this one must stay. You heard well. They are his best army now. Way better than blacks or course. They have the strike. Never trust them, the higher the rank, the worst. It is like the planet of the apes became story, they play it. They understand only fists those ones. They are only violent. You must not talk religion to them, or they cannot take it. Try to convince them of nothing. They only interrogate internally, and are an army of liar. They do not mind being needing to be a whole town to only lie about one inhabitant. They have absolutely no common sense, nothing human commands them, only money makes them happy, nothing religious ever, and never will. You will want to kill those French, I tell you, the instant you understand they are the anti-obama almost. Even worse than him all together, thanks to their ancient Goddess they will sing, now dead, killed by my hands, super proudly. Sounds like Science-Fiction... it was some! It is like I fucked the suicide squad all at once, including the enchantress and her demonic friend, not brother exactly, like in the movie. But is it just a movie.

  I noticed the tiny Trumps all around the internet, he-he-he. It is like they make him pass for me, the toddler supreme. Ivanka is in love, Misses Trump as well, and it is not with him. I guess he hates me for good, or he understood, Obama would use him as main vertebra. It is practically hypnosis what he did to the world that man, Satan on two legs, from Africa. I guarantee you it is really him, never forget that yourselves. It is powerful his charm. He was master of the galaxy once, and that was normal for an Angel of his rank. A galaxy. If you are a man of prayer, ask Archangel Michael himself, but... be careful, the Angel have no idea what you are doing, do not be surprised if nobody answer. You have me. And the tweets, the books, the emails I send everyday... and never one of you, dear readers, obeys to one Angel. They noticed precisely that, and they do not take it. You are at troubles with most of them. They prepare an attack I am sure, and it will be for me. Do not try too much to kill me, I have to live, even in my 90's if I want. I commit nothing illegal, me. I am sure the real policemen noticed as well; it is time they join the forces, by Angels. Real ones, Christian, not even Catholic, they are the biggest mockers.

  It is amazing when you realize how much they hate you, and they pretend to be Christ, by money, all together. They are the richest church they mention. "Who needs Christ anyway?", they seem to add. And they want you to see them as supreme, in my place. They would be smart in comparison, but you must never read a line of mine, or you realize how dumb you always were, to the point it is scary to death sometimes, when you see how far of Christ you are in fact, like in the eternal life, after all this bragging.

  Bill Gates is so stingy in the end. Poor of him, never he will see the Light again. I say that to his wife, this man is a wolf to himself, never he understood what friendship is. Never he will have an Angel helping him. Good bye when he will die. He will have been a slave, no more, no less. And that is all. He lost the benefit of everything he has done. It is like he gave it to others; the price of sharing nothing, not even good news. He still has never say to his wife I Jesus-Christ I am in France, and she believes in me she says. She will never forgive him that, I am write it on his software, that I just bought.

  He barked too much you would say, and takes himself for Hitler, basically. That is what he became by dint of giving orders. He is sinking, just because I bought his suit, now expensive for nothing. He lacks of Science in himself, the real ones, not just numbers. They add up, I know. It is not this magical in the end. Maybe he noticed now, that he is just a coder. Nothing extraordinary. Mark Zuckerberg is living the same. I mean you can become someone really good, and fantastic, even not by coding. They really became delusional, and it is hard for them to accept I might be superior in everything, visibly. It is not because you have money that you must be a jerk, or you are a bully like the others, and you go with the niggers, like he calls them in secret.

  Firefighters are the worst. If you want to know, never call one again. Call an ambulance rather, and not them. In America, your black firefighter is the worst attack, a demon for that. Obama's best men there, even more efficient than cops at cursing everything. Let burn if needed. You will catch more than a pyrom
aniac this Summer. Luck is gone. I am going to show to more than one who is daddy, Neo. They are going to get fucked in the butt. It is this simple: There must be no firefighter in your life, not even your neighborhood. Never salute one, not even in ceremonies, like they were useless. I promise you they are the worst demons Obama had, even if whites. They approach too much the fire to come back. Better let burn, and since long. Do less humans, that is all, your best solution to resolve this problem. Firefighters are giant faggots in the end. It is just the gear, and a bit of sport. No need to lift a ton, deep shits. I promise you most of them are faggots. Observe from now on, and never call them. Let burn everything. I won't stop a war for any of you. I have billions of humans to kill. Do the big one if you want, atomic and all. Do not count on me to calm the rumors. I fear absolutely not, and know what to do. I am the only man who needs nobody. Zero adviser can pretend know a thing in comparison to David Santamaria, God himself, yes Mister Trump, included. Call me The President of Internet even, dear Donald, if you want to help the White House in itself. It is not a schmuck title. Everybody is against me in the internet, it must be because I lead it. It gives them work to do... I mean you can say it once in a mic. It is hard for many to even envision what I can intellectually, even just that, that is all.

  I am going to live very prudently, by my stairs.

  March 4

  I just played Ant-Man, the pinball, it is fun like having Michael Douglas cheering you up, but in game, since it is his voice acting, from the movie. Do not try at home, you become addicted to Pinball.

  Heat cam guys are surprised by how clean I was all these years, not even masturbating once in front their cameras. New ones always are afraid, after a while, to like catching me wanking like they did so much, often, for many of them. So much, they are paranoiacs in comparison to me, super healthy, even mentally, no matter how hard the persecution. If you think it is fun to be in this living room, non-stop, years long, like a trip to Saturn basically. Trust me, the Angels see me as a hero. I had to buy my work tools while being deprived of money for food. It was hard. You must give up even seeing you son in this conditions. You cannot even feed him on weekends. Where, on Judas coach?

  It is not my fault what this man becomes. Me, I had him healed from being a homosexual. He had to leave me alone then. Happens that everybody plays to keep me begging him for extra cash. Even yesterday, I got an email telling me I receive too much money from the state, which is insane. The nerves females have in this city... I would be dead by now, if sleeping under a bridge. It just seems that Martineau wants to be homosexual anyway, and everybody has fun keeping me extra poor, like below normal even. They look so dead in general, the females of Tours. Black teeth. Rotten to death, and stuck there, by masturbation mostly, like that social worker whining it made her deaf. You can awake her spirit, but she hates that, she wants fat dildos. Good luck talking to her about love, she prefers to persecute me. It is so easy she says. Well... nobody will take her to Heaven. Not even an Angel.

  I saw one, like a hell well, in that copy shop I went last time, not the one in the corner. They have an angry employee, so dry, it is worrisome for her. Never she will love, not even a stick, or a pen. Nothing but her dear dildos; some are the demon inside. They have sex directly with him using it. Soon, it will only kill them. It is going to be hard for those women to ever have an orgasm with a real man, or just again, at least naturally.

  Same with the female neighbor below. She has less sex since a while, even practically not, I simply heard her once more a few days ago. I guess she figured out she sent herself super deep in hell, by forcing me to hear her having fun, like she would say. It is a generation who watched way too much porno. Me, I never did that. We never rented a tape with Natacha, who never said no, or had a headache, in 6 years of common life. The first year, we were both still in school. We had a healthy life I would say. She of course found only deep shits in comparison to me. What surprised her the most. She was with God, even in bed, and he is the best. Never she will confess that... She is way too vexed, and kinda the "Queen of the Witnesses of Jehovah," that cult, still against me. I repaired nothing. Her friend Sylvie fucked her well in the end, making her believe I tried to bang her. I guess she never found a man that one too. Atheists really are bad people, monster inside. Never believe a French female talking about love. She never, anyway. Notice. Never talk about money with them, and see, they say nothing, they like do not exist. You talk to a demon. They just brag they know better than you, and if you prove them wrong, they hate you forever, like Tours. Damn, writing is the best fun to me.

  The people wants to be my friend now... like I am getting wealthier. I see it coming, how much they love me, at the first million dollars in pocket, I am the most loved man in history, even by Kylie Minogue, who will do me a blowjob, at best. And I doubt she even get there. I really do not want to meet with her now, it would be so unfair. I prefer to spend time with decent women, not orgy goers.

  That plant I killed was a shadow let's say. It is resolved, like a hell hole, people would pass through it, but I closed the trap. It was impressive what it became, overcoat of my love. They like swallow it in this town, and spit it at Satan made black, a shadow, but like renewed. I am sure the people will adore kill any French they can, even just mentally, with endless questions, till they confess I am God, them so dark it is scary. I promise you see chimps when you approach, even if kid, like this afternoon, and that family moving in, as I went to buy hash, street Boyer.

  Interestingly, 'The planet of the apes' was first wrote by a French novelist, who also wrote 'The bridge over the river Kwai,' famous movie from my youth, and event. And his family name is exactly the same of the most famous carpentry schools in France, the most renowned one, who also has a shop very nearby, 77 street Lamartine, see Google maps. It used to be displayed: Carpenter from "Boulle" schools, which is a mark of quality work in carpentry. See? Same name, just there, that the guy who wrote that novel of the coming. It was like inspired that the French would become this movie. Monkey men, they are extremely violent. They never lose a war they betted. Bet they lost this one, and against one man alone, and the whole planet helping them and all. They cannot even recover from it. It sent them too deep in hell to count on Satan only in life, and never on Justice, or being fair first. No, they lie, no matter what.

  I would take that very seriously, the French now apes, more than men. They want a fight anyway... you are on their territory. Never listen to one of them French, they are Obama's made a man again. Independent shadows of him. Do not shake their hand, it feels like snakes. Atheists forever. It is over for them, they have zero proof I do not exist, they just go to hell with it, even Julien (my ex guitarist like he calls himself), this fat faggot. They all chickened so hard when it was time to say I am Jesus. And they want my place as God, it is insane of how hard, never they will let even me sleep. Persecuting me is a sport they sort of loved. It would bring them glory for a while, stolen feathers, belonging to me, and now back. I believe you will soon put a black star on any French you want to avoid. They became mass demons in the end, they hate even themselves.

  You study me too much, seriously, micro-waves included. I will not forgive you that, you who knew I was honest, and needing a salary. You are Nazis yourselves with that. Consider yourselves dead in Heaven forever.

  March 5

  It has been a nice day. I reinstalled my game of tanks, like we play chess against demons. It is a pass time, and they are just everywhere, those guys. Better play to win, it is never a game, and Blitz is free. Like all Russian games, I noticed, like they train an army for you.

  They want to make it being honest online, most Russians. Even more if they read me. They offer you programs, like 7-Zip, and games, quite good, and for everyone, pays who wants upgrades, like in the jungle basically.

  I would like a MMO in which you can stay hours in. Like Wow was, but modern, space sim, with stealth and all. I hope Star Citizen is this one game that everyone will pl
ay, for so good, and fun. Let's wait for Identity as well, the RPG. It looks like GTA, but for Angels, not devils. A little game like that, nothing fancy, they say first.

  Madonna now tries to pass for Holy-Mary, as I told her to do not try. She has the intention to pretend she was HER, my half, all that time. No matter she let me starving. I guarantee I talk to Holy-Mary every day. SHE is in my eyes even, and appears to even people, in the streets, via them. It is ridiculous. The celebs are beyond redemption. It is delusions, what holds them up.

  Just watched Deadpool's 2 trailer, the one that makes you read at the end, like I made America love reading again. It is Wisdom 7: 21-30, the killer. You do not realize if you never saw those lines. It is amazing how it was well hidden by the public, this passage, like against Holy-Mary, since it is HER, the Wisdom described in there. They are proud of HER since. Most youngsters in America, even. They will show me that soon, how well I educated them, by my Wisdom, kind of Divine. He benefits immense, no doubt most realize it is better to be with us. It is classy. It changed America well. It is like the 50's are back, soon. You will see better people in the streets, even on TV. Honest blocks.

  Today, on my way to the groceries store, a group of pre-teens heard that voice, as I was passing in front of them: "Look, he wears the real ones." (Neo's glasses, from the trilogy, almost the same model, mine are a bit sturdier, made by Calvin Klein's brand).

  Everyone is half convinced that he has a better God in mind, and this one says always yes... Madonna, or the Pope, they have another God, and it is not me, but they are okay to say it is me, in public now, and then, they talk to another one... they would have in their head, allowing them to do what they want only. They even look this hypocrite, most persons I see on Earth, on TV on not. I fear Madonna makeup less. And the Pope... he must be so dumb, he will not realize till in front of me, like slashing him. He would look completely ridiculous walking in the streets of Tours, almost needed someone to hold his hand, space chimps, and me behind my shades, like an astronaut from the Planet of Apes, but in time this time.

  It is fun with Trump, like I put a gun on his head, 24/7, but we can be friends, if he lets me meet with Ivanka for example. Or he takes a bullet. Nothing personal. It is just business, and he can understand that. He is extremely courageous, this man, and smart. It is true money drives crazy, but I am healing America, and visibly the whites are not the problem. It is the other religions, it is time they realize the importance of not believing bullshit, all those peoples outside America, even France.

  Of course, Obama left a trail, he wants to be caught, or be called God. There will be blood. Those demons understand only fist fights, they respect only this force, nothing else moves them. They are closer from the animal than to the Man. It really took them thousands of years to reach such regression. Mostly by violence. They still have the human body... this suit made out of animals. You even have microscopic spiders living on your skin, and it is totally normal, Mister President, since you read live, I see.

  Want an advice more about the wall? Around towns, exaggerate a bit, like building a mile in his land, or digging, to provoke a bit their President. He must be a champion of them. The things with zombies, is that you do not want to see them, or let them see you. You will notice with the years. They are soul eaters. They manage to brake peace just being seen, for they insult so much. Your senses are shaken, and peace is gone. All this death cult must be forbidden. I am a personal enemy of that President myself, Hispanic or not, the guy. Do not suppose me a fan of the Spaniards, this much. The Christians ones only, of course... and they might be many by now. But they still do not help. I am still begging for everything. So where are they, those real Christians, from Spain or elsewhere?

  I was told the most beautiful Christian blonde is in Spain right now, by an Angel...

  I think any Mexican refusing to stop eating spice is already a zombie. Same with eggs. In Nature, you barely steal one per year, or decade. They charge themselves with so much crimes, and they multiplied too much again, like the ancient Mayas. I know, sounds surprising, but it is the reality. Those, plan to escape hell via Mexico basically, and they are many, like millions waiting that a Mexican decide to be evil for real, then, he stars hearing a voice himself, and it is not an Angel, it is one of those ancient Mayas, able to kill children just for the "beauty" of the gesture (courage). And the zombies are mind-controlled by Obama only. It is his anger like jumping in them, or the French. You recognize a zombie at his guru; he has one, he obeys, male or female. It is serious, it means they can lift you an army instantly, because something they saw on TV, and riots are in your street. The negros plan that I am sure. They want to take the arms for good, and never give up, whatever the result, just like in Africa. It is laughable how evil those cops look like... And they want Asians with, plus all the browns as well, of course. It is helpful I am fluent in Castellano. I will impress well that community. Every reasonable Hispanic already calls me God, and has nothing to whine about, even if in America, legally or not. I only ask them to learn English for good.

  Obama wants to meet with me while being extreme anger. He heats up himself like that, hoping it brings powers. He is going to soon need a psychiatrist I say. He is schmuck in the end. People should just lock him, you see he is anger in his hand, the way he shakes them, always warning he has dogs, like in hell, following him. It does not make the man bulletproof.

  Talking about that I had to almost punch a guy, taller than me, of course, directly in the teeth today. I just pushed that sissy violently he says, in his poor little fragile left shoulder. It is true he a lost an arm in the battle. He feels a strange pain, like I had a sting. He checked I used no needle, he was a spy and all. Piece of shit man.

  I know, they want to send people to cream me in the mouth. Well, I will have my karabiner in hand, if not better, as a brass-knuckles, and I will punch first, direct in the teeth, or the throat. What else can I do? When you think the guy is a professional spy. Well... he tried to provoke who he knew to be God himself in a fight, and will suffer eternally in hell because of it. I allow anyone to kill this Spanish degenerate.

  If only I had a gun... I am so sure the street would follow me. Egypt too must stop being a million more each year. Lol. Be sure I will be seen killing Obama in the most spectacular way. Put him in a plane with the Pope, not two different ones. Do just that, I send a meteorite. Let's even tweet it to do the card later on. Boy, oh boy!

  Done. Just tweeted to his majesty: Put yourself in a plane with your colleague the @Pontifex, this one, or yours, to see if I kill you by meteorite.

  The guy is too crazy. It is just that. Any intellectual fight would prove you that. Talking directly to me is the worst idea for him in the end. He cannot match. He would joke, to hide he has not even read, just Constitutions. The most important is honesty, whatever you read or not. He is evil anyway, it would be a beautiful way to humiliate him in public, by how simple my eventual answers, if I am not interrogating myself. Neil Tyson would forget his name in front of me. I would ask him: Who are you? And he would be lost. He would answer: A demon, and I am against you. Same with Obama, I would make him sit like a dog. Sit! He would to. I prefer to do not talk most of time. It took us time to take him down, now that it is done, lets enjoy the sight. He must bleed in front of me, this is why better do not contact him myself. I have to dispense Justice, me and myself alone in this case. It is among men, I respect their laws first, hoping they will respect mines.

  Apostles do what I expect from them, Mister Trump, including do not Judging me if I defend them. I am the one holding the Scepter for real, I must use it, like a New King David, Advisor and all, or there is Justice nowhere. Angels count on me, the Kings of Kings. There are demons that only I took down, because it was my job, and Obama is the main one, not an innocent nigger. He is more than a million years old. You just never recall your previous you. Even as a monkey he would already hate me, and everything. He stained that DNA. And he was that snake. It is fire we
are talking about. You will find that in no books, some details I give all along my pages, about him now, or everything, even Science, including Mysticism, or ancient knowledge, as well as astrophysics. He jumps from body to new body, generation after generation. It is not even the DNA, you can pass the color, it is just what it emits, like the photons. One suffices to be you. It is amazing the data a photon can hold, even entire personalities, and is it half a galaxy, even just minds.

  He incarnated for the first time in a monkey. I maintain. It is just noted down in a book for the first time. Simply none of you knew before. You learn things like that every day with me. The 'ancient snake', it is him as Angel, fire mostly. He wants to destroy all men, not only me, that you can find in the Catechism. He is your enemy, even if you work at the White House. He is friend to no man, that Obama. 100% sure. You only regret following him. Overcoat his megalomania.

  His role was to protect all races on Earth. Every galaxy has a main Angel like Obama was to this one. Call him Satan, it is by this name that he tries to impersonate me, SANTA...

  He would have kept living your life, through you as well, Mister President. You can still follow him to hell, as Mammon, like the stingy himself. His best image of him doing that. And it was like hypnoses to you. You would barely realize what he was doing. You just knew you had chosen money, not that faggot as you would call me. I kind of healed you from a possession. Enjoy it. Spend well. Bite less metals, you will see, he would give only bad ideas, like explosion engines instead electric ones, stopping Thorium, tea, insisting drinking milk, till you acquire the gene for nothing, but making you like thieves of everything, overcoat youth, etc. etc. It is up to you. Then, you become a relapse, like many priests nowadays, really pretending they are Christians, while not being so at all.

  He is in the nano himself, tell that at NASA. He feels he has a giant body in comparison to what he is now that he knows me. I like ate him, balls included. The punishment is immense for an Angel. He was handsome first, and can still show you this face. It is like shiny in front of you. He can take the appearances of a woman as well, and you call that Lucifer, in general; he had a Soul, and Souls are female in themselves, or males or you are yourself a woman on Earth. It is your double, in Spirit. You exist twice. Spirits are made like that, and they are called demons if they are that army against us all. Otherwise they are the Angels. Noble, and sane.

  He will use his charms to save time, beg mercy, it works sometimes, but they are way too angry already, overcoat the blacks. They will start a civilian war. I warned the NRA, do not shoot in the legs. I want no prisoners black. You send them back to Africa at best. Encourage emigration towards the origin. Africans are a billion, and they have an entire continent to fix. I am sick to see their faces like begging water everywhere the whites are. They worked, them, even against me.

  It is pathetic the lies he tries against me now, even the women notice how dumb it is lying like a man, they would say now. His body is corrupted. It is that being in the infinite below. There is still a piece of him on his tongue, but he mostly disappeared as fire. I am the new main Angel over the galaxy, but you are protected with me. I defeated him even in hell. From where I am back, slowly, by the day in France. I transformed everything there. So much, he is kind of in a hurry to go there, if he does not want to receive anal, directly in his butt.

  Well, even in Africa they will not calm down. But never forget they are your demons. He managed to get that erased from every dictionary from the past, every mention they might be the demons, it would sound too crazy, but not this time. No way someone forgets what is going on by now on Earth, that everybody knows I am back. It is true the French look like chimps suddenly, wow, it is scary how much even. They are like magnetic, and they jump on you. They want your back.

  That happened to Bill Gates and Clinton even, to almost notice he was Satan himself, by how they felt called by his services, for at least one of them. But then, he was sort of simpatico, just there, President of the United States, so they were a bit reassured, instead of panicked, by what they had experienced. They forgot what they heard... that they were going to hell with him in person, Satan. Everybody will notice now. It is important pages I lay down in this book.

  The Angels are happy we got read of him, and the Very Holy-Trinity first. Yes, I see myself has the child too. It is the two natures. The human one is adult now, but I am still that Soul in Heaven, like made man on Earth once again. I guarantee you I am the Man who was on the cross 2000 years ago. Logos and Pneuma are pure Spirits, even in Heaven you do not see them. Only Father (God the Angel you can say now too) takes form, and is the massive, the particles you see around me. You see me, David Santamaria as I am now, in Perfect, untouched, even by evil. Recall I am the three persons Assembled, and they are independent of me. We have many ways to function. They can do things even as I am sleeping. And that is the big Miracles. They do some anytime, and they are me, do not look for the clouds... And Jesus is the 1 of the three. The Words holds it all, and the Word is God, that is me. I divide in them with Mary. HER too holds them. They are born from HER as well. I am the number 1, SHE is the number 2. They are 1, 2, 3, mathematics themselves. We are everything, and SHE is in me, my second half, a bit smaller. I started it all, whatever how you call me, it is me, God, the only Saint will tell you any Angel, and the three main are God themselves. The Gods of the Holy-Trinity. Made out of me. Each one is me doing something, like being a Father, or Words, or doing things like only the Spirit can, via the Miracles. I am the love itself. Every heart is me if you prefer, even inside any Angel, and the Trinity, including Mary. I am HER male part, like SHE is my female self.

  Before the egg, Mary, before even any cocks, me. Consider the blacks monkey, they are, it is not even racist. Look at them with love even, it is what they need most. And if one charges you, kill that animal, like it is for meat only, for it was an animal, and you have rights. It is that, or the whites disappear, they do not mind take a thousand year to do so, till Christianity disappeared, even by so called priests.

  No, I do not want sex especially with Ivanka, Mister Trump. Not even Kylie Minogue, anymore. I tried to marry her, she refused, and I can take a no. I have been way more than nice to all celebs so far, and got not even a friendly hello in return. Enough. Suppose Holy-Mary the prettiest one. Like a Sharon Stone I said, but Divine, and Angel HERSELF. She can be the spring if SHE wants, and SHE sings in front of you on Earth, you barely feel it, for SHE is so big. I must not be seen on TV with deep shit, more with women like your daughter, and not married to a moron. Admit Jews are like brain damaged when it is time to talk religion. Lauren Sivan still saying on TV she is Jew, and not basic Christian, disappointed us all. None an Angel trusts in her. They will simply never say/admit I am God myself, always coming with a new theory, like the French. It is weird. We cannot let them come in Heaven. A bit of respect, maybe. Nuke them yourselves, America, if you want. They are the source of all your problems in the end. Surprise Iran with that. They will respect David, they just say. You are Christian, or in a cult, it is that simple. Review your emigration laws in the US, that are based on fables almost. You need a serious emigration, ready to work, not wankers. Kick out all those Muslims, stop spreading that cult, it will help the Arabs only, not you.

  I guess Spielberg wants to make a million by just saying my name, or no way he says a thing. Well... he wanted to go hell, I fulfilled his prayer. So long, Mister Spielberg. Obama wants to go there, I should show you that. Fasten your seat belt if you work in the news. You underestimate his psychic power on all the demons down below. They all obey to him, even you Mister Trump, not to me. And I know what I speak. It is not tongues. I became America, and you are just a toddler in front of me. Your anger will change nothing I decide.

  The problem is that he has no powers. He simply has to say it in a mic, but he shy's off. He is a giant faggot in the end, even if Satan himself. Ha-ha-ha. Besides screaming in a mic, he can fart in his bathtub if he wants, to move some
water. They all wait he says he is the demon himself. No matter how he says it, he must pronounce the words, I am Satan in a mic, or his men will do nothing. He tries by "brain waves", or I do not know what, but it is lost. He has no energy, and became so little, he practically only has this body left. He can move as fire (the snake), but very slowly, like he is almost dying. Almost armless. Vastly diminished. I really killed Satan. You see his dismiss, in the ultra-slow. This realm is like that. Everything goes way faster in the dimension above, even just that. The risk was to come on Earth, for him, made Angel first. In Tours, he is dying even as plant, and in the hair of people. The good news is extreme. Soon, only a stone will look like him, and I guess it is the one at the Mecca. Then, the people will see me, as I am, a Man, if I want to be so. Nothing is impossible to me. And having a son is quite easy, maybe they do not notice. I have balls... The longer I live, the best for everybody, but demons.

  You will see, soon, you will see me even as a tree in the street. I will be able to talk to you from one, simply. Ask the tree, it will be me, even if I say nothing, for your question was embarrassing only, or something like that, so obviously stupid, you only wanted to insult me.

  You just see me as smart in the White House, nothing more? Well, thank you. Who does not want to be smart? That is enough for me. I do not need to brag. The Spanish spy today almost had the same leather jacket than me. I bet that to have sex he pretends he knows David Santamaria, a bit, too. It impresses, once, any lady they say. Good night, everybody. And go to hell if you are that spy. I should buy a Stetson.

  Do not fly like Superman, or what? If you think I cannot even teleport, read some Gospel again. Notice like a teleportation.

  Yes, I replace Obama like a CEO, of the galaxy. It is a job too being an Angel. I can put Lucas my son then. After a whole life of learning, what it is to be a man, to understand them. Nothing special. I just took a little job for me. It was for the good, that is all. So funny, Obama trying to convince I am him now, the devil himself, made fire, and the one dangerous for everybody in the absolute.

  I disappointed all demons, be sure of that. They will never recover how I fucked them. No wonder they whine. Even believe I can kill Francois Hollande, live on TV, simply answering a question by him. And what will you do, if he has an event in front of me? A panic attack, or heart attack, and me, calm, smiling almost. Or sudden blinds... priest of Tours, or not, suddenly blind after they asked a silly question, but in front of me, for once, like for the public. Thing they still never did. Many priests brag they talked to me in person, and it was a lie, none still did so.

  Guess what, you will hope I play the doc. And no, I will watch him die, President of France even more. Call an ambulance for him, to see if they can Miracles, them. Never in my life a priest talked to me, notice this.

  Early 2000, I went to say: I am the Paraclete (your lawyer, if you are a human being), to the local priest, Jean Delannoy, who lies even about simply that. I gave him a word very precise. He asked me to wait outside, and ran cowardly. Since, zero priests said me a word. They answered not even an email, not even the "Friends of Margit Mallasz." Those are a cult, she confirms, and I talk to this Madam too by the day. I say facts, not lies, overcoat about the priests. They allow themselves any lie, till it is against me Satan, except it is Obama, and I never lie... So now they are in hell, with him, and me, healthy as never. They want to go there. They are even happy I send them to hell, the people who really wants to go there, like Obama. This is why they let me leave. They want to go sooner, there like a place to take there.

  Me, all I wanted from this priest, was that he would come with me, to the town hall, to ask for 'Maire de Tours', and obtain some photocopies, since I knew they received their copy, like the newspaper of Tours. I would have explained to him a thing or two on the way. It would have been a Miraculous day for him, like rewarding a whole career. He ran... and I did nothing extraordinary he says. I guess he is pedophile in secret, at least in dreams, he would like to fuck me in hard in the rear, and is priest for this especially.

  To the pilots, like laughing of my abilities, be informed that a strange bird will land on some wings of yours, like to test you. And it will be Satan himself that day. One of his last move as a shadow. He wants you... Will you do what he wants, which is nuking me? I guarantee you it will be a special moment for some of you. Be sure you control your hands that day, if not your head, or even a thing. Me, I have my Angels, and totally trust them. No one ever failed me. It is the end of an old story. They left a long time ago, those we call demons, or zombies, or the apes from France, like to different tribes. Many Portuguese did simply nothing to help for example, and we call them demons anyway, like that Jose, still bragging he is better than me, so childishly, I do not even know if he ever noticed. He is just an ape for us all. They betrayed like that, we called it desertion. Try it in your army if you want, to see how treats you your ex-generals. Their tribe specialized in looking cool around me, and never doing a thing to help. They drink, instead. Some are surprised I am still alive, and kicking. They do not even realize they already are in hell. It is guys like that, barely able to be masons, and a woman must almost die of anger for him to move a finger, and get any job. They are the gluttons mostly, they specialize in swallowing everything, even beings. Nothing is enough with them, but being dumb. So, beware if you are smart like David, because he gave you HIS SPIRITS, there is a Portuguese against you, and all his family lives to help only him being the biggest child possible, like that crying on the floor, even in your 50's, you are just that, an immature child. They go where there is nothing to eat ever again. Not even a smell, it is an absolute nightmare for whoever stuck in that particular room, like infinitely big and small at the same time. Ultra technic. I know hell, you have no idea. I will never have the time to tell you all anyway. Accept how it comes. I design like a novel, just endless in the first impression.

  They want me to come try explain to them they must behave like adults... And most of all, absolute priority your wife must not be there, contemplating how fat my cock, overcoat in comparison to you, or even more a nigger. You cannot take it how hard she just wants to drink my semen once she saw in real life, your wife. They can tell you that in Tours. They deserve to go hell. It is amazing their way to sin, all these Portuguese of Tours, by omission a lot as well. Once they have a default like that, Biblical, they have them all, the way they like it. The people are twisted with me, it is amazing how hard. All that for me to do not have enough money to eat normally... It is insane to what they condemned themselves.

  I would like to do an anti-firefighter Miracle, in which I burn their ass, those homos, too. Weird tribe as well, when you know them like I do. Just talk like a Man for once, and officially, not in a closet, like usually, where you are very brave, I know. Try in front the mic, say the Truth. You lack of declarations to be a real Me. What could be more homo?

  Lol, I am making myself laugh about being Chronos. How can I even explain to NASA what I can by being this God, one with time itself? It would take me years, and I do not have a minute, if you want to see the conundrum. I am even the God of fonts, what a surprise when they understood at Apple's headquarters, that I was God, even about that, precisely, the one who taught Jobs, or would have, if he had not noticed by himself. They had a laugher. I was now like taking in charge, which reassured the whole team.

  Trump do not tolerate I try to convert China to me. Not good. Xi Jinping is way more afraid of me. And what if he wants to become Christian himself, this Mister Jinping? I gave him an impressive dream about my keyboard being the Heart of what they do (China), in term of industry. I am not impressionable, that is what that little Donald to not takes it seems. He thinks he has orders to give to me, like he can match. Well, he has no superpowers to counter me, so far, and barely see a thing, in comparison. I bet the Department of Defense understands I talk to all Presidents. It is good they have a red phone with me, that I do not mention here, not even my handle, for I will use i
t just for that. If they want to ask a thing, it is simple inside that little program, safe I believe. Made by a Catalan, little nation, who needs like to communicate well to survive in this world. It gave this program, nothing illegal. I am going to have to kick Donald's ass, I see, in the end. He will be just another American President on my way. Nothing important. Even his wife is in love with me. He noticed, of course. It is what calmed him down. Women fall so in love, they run away me.

  If I can influence the politburo, it is good. They might take less the arms, and accept to divide China in nine provinces for example, which is only good to organize it all across generations. I must organize China myself, via tweets or anyhow. I have no bodyguards me, I must assume my mistakes, I am not tiny winy mini Trump. He is going to look like a chimp himself if he continues like that even. Ivanka will laugh. She cannot believe how I reduced him in public. She adores me for that. The first one who really beats her father. So much, he would be dead if shown on TV, for he pretended to be a Christian so hard, while he was persecuting me, let's say the words. I am still underpay, even to pay my bills. Yes, I save women, not him.

  I just gave cryptocat to the White House first, and did nothing with, like they did not had God on the phone for once. Then, I had something to say to China tonight, freely, as a man, and found out I could give them the same tools. Think of these Chinese from New-York, the Tang Dynasty... Eh, they follow me on Twitter since years... Now, my tweets are protected, and what again? They can read them, not Trump. He needs a team, and breaking laws, practically. Admit he is not smart, for a President. They could talk to me since years, them all. I just report it all here. I consider myself American, a real one, not like you Donald. You are just one of those stingy demons. The American people put you there, that is all. I have fun, home, whoever is the President of America. Since when I do not have the right to talk to any Chinese I want? And why? Where is the betray? Even when my tweets were not protected I asked them publicly to do not attack America. So, lest say it frankly again, to the Army, or the Secret Services, I am POTUS. Deal with the clown you have in charge, sorry guys. Do not worry for me, I can handle myself, and that is what America needs. Trump needs you change his diapers. Voila, it is your job, pretend he is cool. You look even cooler. Catch a chick. Bark, Donald, as loud as you want, nobody cares.

  Remember, you all, I do not need to write. I just do it for history, to help, and because it is fun. But you know who I am, and what Christians shall do. Do not panic whatever I say, like that Donald. Very afraid for nothing in the end, like would be Obama. Fear itself.

  You will see, Trump will soon fall in bed, sick as fuck, like dead afraid of me. A bad flu, or something like that, half mysterious, like a giant fear. You will laugh if you are in the detail. How he shat his pants or something like that, just the idea to see me. He thought he was shiny as gold, and forever. I bet you I kill even Madonna on stage, and you cannot stop it, dozens of celebs like that, exactly like the famous fire of Paris, in 1903, in the French capital again. She was like dancing already in hell, engulfed in flames, will say those the testimonies. And she landed there, in hell, do not doubt about that once done. Think of yourselves. Let's do that tweet, even if she does not follow me, and will never read it. The planet will be clean after. She became a special demon that woman, with the attraction attached to what she says. Now she lies like to provoke me. Poor Kylie Minogue as well, her still convinced she is so superior to even David, like say the Angels.

  Japan might be the first country to contact officially, like for Respect in general, in human society, and not betraying a man like that constantly. By that crypto software I mentioned tonight. I guess I can name it, Cryptochat dot com. After all... Japan might be the only ones using it to talk to me, especially at high level. Shin Godzilla is a beautiful attempt at celebrating me as human Divinity. They made a movie very properly, and very touching to me, the Word, as they expressed. I am all Japanese at the same time if you prefer. They showed that talking. It will stay a classic. A new genre started in this one, where you talk like me. I might be a celebrity there first, and will accept any invitation.

  Before yesterday I even decided to promote my coin in Tokyo, via Facebook, and their advertising campaigns. It will cost me like $35 again, but well spent, for many women in Japan to discover that cat, helping them to understand the world around them, which can be very difficult in Japan. Nothing help them more than texts than mines, all clear, without shadows, doubts, all negative things, and filled with love in the end. It resembles Mona, my Om. It is the same product, in French.

  In America, the White House, even Generals, they just open I am going to kill a man in front of them, like that. Like they do not have to say my name in a microphone themselves, even just at work, to make me respect. Be wary of anyone playing even just the immature. Even if you are 21 years old. You are a man since long according. Do not look at me like you are 10, and need directions. Or accept looking like a chimp in comparison to me. It is what you are.

  You know I need a salary, Sirs, or I cannot take a plane. I will make you regret, me, that you told but what I was waiting to come tell you things like a man, at the White House, like I could afford the fare. Poor of you. If that is not sinning by thoughts... Ama show you Neo.

  No, you died, in fact, and saw nothing. I recall now.

  Even Hugh Jackman makes us laugh with the Angels. He tried pretend a bit he had superpowers for real, like I had borrowed him some, instead of saying my name on TV, frankly, like we supposed Mel Gibson would have had, after seeing so wonderful pages, and like endless row of awesomeness. I tell you, be wary of your celebs, overcoat your favorite one. I send even Madonna to hell.

  He has a skin cancer, that poor Jack now, and that is a special demon. He tells you approached too much fire, it is time to die maybe.

  No way Madonna stops lying about me it seems.

  I do not send Tony Blair to the White House. I need no adviser. Know you might have a couple demons with them around, after all, if Donald cannot use Cryptochat, to talk with God, even in public, maybe you have a problem at the White House, not normal people in charge. That is where real agents, CIA or not have things to impose.

  Ocean Beach reopens to bonfires with new concrete pits, and they will look like summoning the devil, once and for all. Mexican or not, stay away fires during the Apocalypse I just started, if you think you live one.

  Don Cheadle says Donald Trump is a racist from way back, like Africans did not invented racism. I know, he looks smart behind glasses. No wonder they do not want me on TV, both, they work for the same man. That Don never loved a white in his life, he is proud to tell me sometimes, in front his mirrors. So, you know.

  I will go to Japan if their Government invites me.

  Even the guy who stole half a bitcoin can beat Satan in hell by now. It is amazing what became of both guys. Both eternal in evil, and me still good. Not at all like that, wanting evil to everybody and such, like I stole someone, me, overcoat this poor in comparison, him who has millions of dollars more than me, like Obama in the first place. He can beg for forgiveness, he goes in the empty outside, we cannot let him get inside with such evil wings. This guy is like death reincarnated, and he circulates in the streets of Paris. He should be arrested if you find that.

  I see it coming, the NHK, or a Japanese Scientific team, at the Cathedral of Tours, like in admiration by the Miracle of the White Stone there, after they discovered it was in the Bible. Huge Miracle for them, and like wanting to Kung-Fu a priest or two, to avenge such offense to even knowledge in itself, for a scientific country like France. What a shame, would say those Japanese, with a TV crew, direct from Tokyo, and spreading some fire in Tours, finally, for Deibbido their Hero, the Manzilla as I just funnily heard, that the local news said nothing, like to protect pedophiles in addition; supreme scandal in Japan, where the children are so well protected in general, they can walk in the street even very young.

  A murder attempt on FLOTUS is on the go,
I would say to the Secret Service. She was talked seriously about me, and will not understand I am not President in France. You will see the clowns that answer the phone in some French administrations, even the President, what he says when you interrogate him. The priests of Tours are way beyond line. They throw me a stone even before you talk to me, or about me. They are God they pretend, frankly, in any microphone. I believe one will be killed just after he said something like he is better than me, and by inhabitants of this city even.

  I see the priest nearby as a pedophile, obviously, he is extremely possessed by demons. They like made him a dog, and this kind of man suicides in a way or another, including by extreme sinning, which would be sodomizing boys in this case. He tries to get my lynched, like it is not a grave offense here.

  'Man holding pipe shot by LAPD in DTLA', under a Mayan sign practically, it is in the news now, like filmed for me. I must show this to the LAPD. Past Friday, I simply told them via email that any Mexican can be one of those ancient Mayan, like escaping hell by Mexican shoes. The police of Los Angeles is stunned, it is serious news. They will try to sneak as long as they can now, those Mayans, which is good for us. Time is by our side, they only go weaker like that, I won this war, even just by information, you see. I am always ahead time. You see my Victory unfolding from the future. It will never stop to amaze how I predicted in time, even far ahead in the future itself.

  Citizen awareness is with can save the border with Mexico, even before you send the army, but it must be known that no Mexican is allowed to eat spicy food ever again, not even watch it, like there is a sortilege on it, and God (David Santamaria, not someone in a cloud) said so. But overcoat, do not send the tanks too late to stop that invasion, overcoat if it starts like a game. They would have surprised you by the million then, armed as you, with your own guns, like that in 24 hours, believe me. Same with the blacks... Be wary what they might do to America, like instantly if they team up, all the blacks, plus any Asian that wants troubles, and the Mexicans from the past, to lock you up. Let's email this right to the LAPD, to be forwarded to every precinct in America, up to Chicago. There are no Icy Queens here.

  A huge Miracle is going on. I might just have won entire the Mexico. I am like incarnating in them all. Defeating Satan as fire there, that ancient snake even Mayans would follow, in his anger.

  Obama lost an army. It will be peaceful in the region from now on. Like Christianized again, and me by, spreading awareness mostly, which was enough in this case. The Africans are way more violent than Mexican women, who can be flowers if you know them this well.

  It starts being known that I do Miracles even without moving from home.

  Sometimes, the German secret service wants to shoot French President Hollande. He wants to kill me so much, for things to move on for him he thinks, that he almost became a psychiatric case of auto-lying. He instantly forgets any positive thing heard about David Santamaria. They adopt that as a survival technic, but they suicide with it. He lied too much in his life to be where he is. It is like a decease, you never lie in life, not even once, or a little. Politics... they lie all their life, to promote the devil, period. I must stop them this time. Any political help by bullet is welcomed. You can shoot Merkel if it pleases you. There cannot be more efficient targets than taking down those Presidents to make advance my call. You can do that even with words, and on TV. It is not my fault if you humans are not Gods anymore, and in hell, as we speak. You do not want to say the truth. You want to criticize me. Hell was the place for that. You got fulfilled. You can criticize me as long as you want in hell. You will see, someone will attack you every night, and it is no Angel, if you are against me.

  It seems that even Canada will be with me. I am incarnated quite well in most of them. They mostly need to give up French, like a dead language, or it become a past. It is a cancer if you want a medical term. Make them learn Spanish as second language, instead of French, in any Canadian school, that is my order. If you respect one, respect this order: say good bye to France. It will be more useful for them Canadians, who are Americans anyway. Soon, they will have a bitcoin for them three Americas in one. North, Central, South. Americom. The rest goes quite well in Canada, I mean besides accepting Islam as a real religion, and not a dangerous cult... It will change I guess. Every honest Arab is with me. I just went to one this afternoon to buy bottles of water, and he was polite as me. I went to an Iranian. I know him, and his shop since the 80's. We never had a problem. I am like his favorite client, God. I bought 3 bottles of Evian, and I explained him a mystery at the same time, like that, saying nothing else than buying those bottles, with my Neo shades. The coast was 3 euros, plus 10 cents for a container, that plastic bag, and he a saw Miracles; the bottles were like giant, and me behind, Allah, he heard, say by an Angel. They are glad I smoke hash in the community. It is often the only thing they needed to hear about it. God is a cigar smoker would say a famous song in France, by Serge Gainsbourg, a famous Jew here, for how alcoholic he was.

  This Iranian is not even a spy I guess. Really an honest immigrant. He makes a living in a little groceries store who does one job, opening when everything else is closed. He is my best lawyer in Tours, he always says I am Perfect, even when I was young, he would call me Allah in some way. He was the funniest shop owner in Tours. He would call everybody his Majesty, or President, so in a good mood. Life is so easy in Tours... Once you have a job, you never have a problem again in your life, not even dying. It was like you go to Heaven automatically. You would kill to live where I was back in the end, they look like saying now. It is all gone. Even this this Iranian sings less, but it is serious times. Spring is coming, and this one is me, like once Celine famously said.

  Even Jews are a cult problem to me. Not only Islam. And Catholic priests only mocks, everything, same, like they have the demon for it. I wait... I am fine, me. I do not need to be ass kicked, like all those men. And I will be there, filming any lynching, in 4K if I can. Even the Maire of Tours risks that. Jews live in paranoia you would say. It is a bit pathetic. They are very coward in the end. I mean, in Tours, there is absolutely no danger being one of the three main religions member, and thank to me.

  All these people sin horribly against God the Holy-Spirit, who him spreads love. Starting with the priests of Tours. They exaggerated with that. They tell Him he never existed, God the Holy-Spirit, in Tours. Right in his face. Like every morning, and the sin is immense. They are dying of being stupid.

  The cops of Tours defy me by doing nothing. I sent them all to hell, without exception. The whole precinct is a hell house. You should come see this if you are an honest cop from America. You would humiliate them so well, in a glance. They kill absolutely nobody in those streets, but me. And in the precinct, they only lie. It is like eating for Obama. They work for him you would say, and can nothing, for I am too surveilled, and loved by the population, in the end. They are just dead afraid, way beyond what is tolerated here. I never attacked nobody, me.

  Even German cops would be very shocked to see Tours. Any honest one I mean. My declarations are simply forgotten. They do like I lied anyway. Sometimes, they do not even read what I said, I am condemnable by definition, having proved I am God, I must pay even for the crimes of humankind. Any judge in Tours says this, I must be condemned, even for having created evil, that is Obama. And the cops help them do that. It is a mass scandal here, we wait for them with arms.

  The judges of Tours are sort of priests. They specialized in political powers, and manipulating using them. They tell you it is legal to lie about David Santamaria, and he must go to jail for your crimes. Well... I volunteer to guillotine my judge, Plaza Jean Jaures, in front the cameras, if you want to be defied, I will defy you myself.

  The guillotine is for killing snakes, not humans...

  I should crash a Boeing on the firefighters of Tours, they deserve it. The lies they spread in the Republic, it is insane, and by homosexuality! Everybody believes in them more than in the Pope himself.
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  Same with the newspaper just nearby the firefighters. Who will forgive them this silence? Not even a mention of my name nowhere in the world, like a defiance to the Angels themselves. The public will not forgive them, and they are billions with me. Most normal families accepted my names by now, where ever they are in the world. Even Ivanka Trump, or her mother, knows I am God, including the whole White House.

  The journalists being the false prophets... Bonsai men. Forbid them in Japan, they are the biggest danger in any country they are now, but especially in Japan. Your smartest enemies. They hate you for Bonsing them like that. Never put a plant in a pot again. Appreciate them outside your homes only. Have none, as I did since I knew. It is what the plants want. Do not take yourself for me around a bonsai in Japan...

  Breaking: French presidential candidate Fillon clings to presidential race, admits errors. He goes to the Presidential palace like that, rolling on the floor. Kicked by journalists. He is a snake. You are not even sure he leaves his bed ever. He lets the others push him. He is armless. The President of France is always the crummiest of them all. It is how you predict which one comes next. It is a competition they organize. This one, Fillon, came like 500 yards from my flat, to play the important guy, who has no idea I was just there. He has no arms I tell you, he cannot type an email.

  If you want another fun anecdote like this one, think of Patrick Poivre D'Arvor, a famous journalist here, like Dan Rather or Larry King, this big. Same as Presidential Fillon, he came so near from my apartment declaring like I do not exist, it deleted themselves from everywhere they existed before, by my power. That Patrick came to sign his now famous novel: A man on a lam. Quite an insult for him, the journalist who was supposed to be the first to announce me on TV. Now he writes about he is having fun instead, like I cannot talk on TV, for brain damaged or something, he decided, without even checking I can answer questions. Maybe he is the most stupid man in existence, that ex-journalist, in my opinion. His book exists, he writes many he says, and came for a dedicate like under my window, just in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire. I guess he ate in the finest restaurant he could then. I am not worth mentioning he says, but we never met, not even on the phone. We simply never talked, and I will despise him as finely, not letting him getting in my living room ever, not even for a question. I just want him lynched; going to hell being the equivalent. I am perfectly able to shoot him myself. He is lucky the police protect him, basically, and that I am not a psychopath like him. He could go to jail as well, if it was illegal to persecute me in this country. He is a renegade, his life is a felony, according to Angels, and I will never forgive him. How intense his hate of my writings, this guy.

  Same with Bernard Pivot. No way I forgive him his silence. He has no excuses to have not even talked to me once, like I am a bad writer, not worth mentioning he says. I promise you he goes to hell, and is impressively there for a human being. More than a spy must have noticed that. This man has eyes too dark, like the enemy himself. It is amazing how he sold his soul, that Bernard. What a giant douchebag, this false writer. He can forget interviewing me, with his inferior intellect, I will not talk to this ape now that I know him better. I would not be surprised he dies in a fire, this man, Bernard Pivot, to be forgotten immediately, and by everybody, starting with me. He can pray, no way I hear what he says, he goes too in the dark for that. I am a joyous man, him, not at all. What a jerk. Pure megalomania. He pretends so hard he is me, and he is not even an intellectual in comparison to me. He wrote nothing honest in his life. Not a line is true, you can check. A pure moron you would say.

  And before I forget: no games on Sunday, video or not.

  March 6

  I am so glad Mary is coming, this spring, even closer than ever to my heart.

  Just made myself laugh figuring out that the hat I need in Los Angeles, to beat the heat, is a Zapata one, simply. This hat is a party. I guess I will buy a cap, to do not pass for crazy, first.

  I see that I can rent a car for a month in LAX, for almost nothing basically. The best thing I can do in my life now, is Tours-American Airlines desk at a French airport-Los Angeles, directly. Holidays, for a month at least.

  Yes, they are showing Janelle Monae, saying: I lie so much, I am a demon now.


  I guess my turn is coming to be the star everywhere, especially in America. Janelle is a loser; give her talents, and she loses with them, instead of winning, so easily, like it was hard what had to say on stage as an artist. Just another delusional. The falling stars of the Apocalypse are your celebrities, obviously, you see they have a giant default, each one of them, even the ones playing the Superman role. Remember what happened to Reeves... The new is just the same. Be sure of that, he tells me himself they try to fuck me, all together, any celeb you can think for, maybe except a few ones. We try Sharon Stone for example... but still no declaration came... so... let's wait more... I am friend with time, I do not fear even dying, including aging.

  Just forbid even watching soccer, it makes everybody dumb. I am the only French you need in America, and that is forever. Forget that sport, un-American, in which you watch your feet only. I advise that to every woman, never ever shoot in a ball, dance instead.

  It seems that the police of Toulouse has the leather jacket I was stolen in my apartment in 2004. Just sent this email to the Maire there, mentioning the police:

  Subject: Mon cuir Chevignon, et la police de Toulouse

  Merci de me le renvoyer 61, RUE ROUGET DE LISLE. (Blouson acheté avec mon salaire de l'été de mes 16 ans, pas cambriolé).

  Et non, je n'ai rien a voir avec la famille Moulis. J'ai essayé de marier la fille, mais un gars du coin avait une 205 GTI... 9.1L! Wow! Le gros engin!

  Sinon, a part ca, j'ai fait le bitcoin de Chrétiens, si ca vous interesse, au lieu de passer mon blouson. Merci.

  Now they want to interrogate me... not the jacket thief. When you think the police visits my apartment if I am in holidays; twice they did. They take clothes if they want and all. They are condemned. No way I let them escape hell. They can die for me if they want.

  Quel tas de fils de putes, tous les Francais, surtout policiers ou agents de mes couilles secret. It is good to tell them. Sounds right. They really are a sub-race. Apes. The world will hate them so much, they will start killing any French they want, like it is to avenge me. And never let one approach your woman, she wants to fuck you with him. Do not even approach French females, they go right to hell as well. Show no mercy, of go to hell with one of them atheists. You are forewarned. Nuke those bastards, please, including Toulouse, all big cities in this hell hole. They are no longer a human race, none an Angel will ever forgive them. During WWII, those same cops would send any Jew to hell, for a laugh, that is the Nazi camps, and they still never paid for a crime.

  They are crucified where they go, all those rotten forces, almost a billion, looking like me mostly for the modern ones. You would see, they do not even know what to do with them, there are not enough demons. Some wait like forever, years without being molested. Sometimes one gets spotted very well, and they hurt him like forever. A demon stays with him, like fascinated by the evil he would manage to do on Earth, and never he gives up interrogating him.

  Just sent an email to the gaming industry too, via Identity, the video game most promising to have fun online it seems to me. I told them to start thinking forbidding killing animals in all video games. They will appreciate, the animals. And I told them to replace it by a lab meats in-game mechanics, to replace hunting, in that game who seem really good besides this problem of animal killing. I know I will try this game. I look for one I can stay hours in, like wow, which is a real sport. Good luck kicking my ass in any video game, once I have a plan...

  On another note, I am warning the policemen of Tours that mane in the population would lynch them for me, at least invade the precinct. I just sent this email to the local town hall:

  Je detecte que les poli
ciers de Tours risquent d'etre lynches par la population. Il faudrait qu'ils se mefient de leur silence, pas de moi. Si vous je vous le dis, c'est ce c'est ce qui se passe. Vraiment beaucoup de Tourangeaux se lacheraient sur la police, au fond, et pas tendrement. Genre 5000 Tourangeaux comme ca, a aller poser des questions aux comissaires par example, et pas tendrement. Au tromblon si vous preferez. Ils veulent une declaration dans la presse, et pas dans 6 mois, que je puisse partir de Tours, on me menace encore de me couper le RSA, a la CAF...

  I feel so well home now. I do not even watch a movie, I just need supplies, voila. Water, food, some recreational, and the internet. A view on the Pacific Ocean would make it even better, especially in Malibu, but why not a modest house in Beverly Hills, for the walls, and the city. There are always discoveries to make in Los Angeles, why go live elsewhere? I just want to relax. It is the best city in the world for me. I dream to go there since I am a kid, watching TV, in France, and the C.H.I.P's, for example. You always have an American show on French TV, and I am so close of my dreams.

  They are funny in Paris, they reproach me I do not do the job of the police, and they do not give me a salary, they give it to... policemen, guns included. In the court of Tours, the female judge who sent me to jail too looks like retarded in her evolution. If you see what movie I am talking about. It is her problem, not mine. I do not look like a chimp, even less if I talked. It is meanness that transforms them like that, automatically, and none-stop. This is why I let them do. I know they already have what they deserve. You see it.

  And I was talking about Bernard Pivot again. His face is too dark. You talk to a demon, no longer a man. This guy is extremely guilty. He takes himself for Rambo, or something, but he is only an old man going to hell, the instant he dies. He should notice by now. It is weird to have a man like that, in town, believe me. They would have burned him a long ago during the middle age... eyes completely dark like he has. And the police do nothing yet... He is not even allowed to represent me, this Bernard Pivot, ask him no opinion in my name. He has no idea what I think. He is not even smart a little, in my humble opinion, just a delusional, but very psychopath for sure.

  In the meanwhile, I prepare declarations for the press/public, and reunite them in my forum. Like that it is efficient. For example, I just published this text:

  I have no Apostles this time. Never declare you are an Apostle of David Santamaria. You are allowed to say you are a Disciple, if you actually prove it/read me, and a lot. But I never hired you. I received 0 Curriculum Vitae + Motivation Letter. There are no modern Apostles. I Preside the Internet. Good night. "Bruh." This was my official declaration.

  What could help more?

  You would ask to Bernard Pivot if he heard about Bernard Pivot, he would tell you "No idea who this guy is!" It is sadly not funny for him, just for me.

  You know what I need? I need to put wheels to my living-room's armchair, and an electric motor, to go play the King here and there, but super comfy. I sleep in my armchair, almost sitting, not even on the floor anymore, and dressed, for I am so ready to leave, and ready to an emergency. I would stay four days guarding the Pope's or Satan cell door myself, making sure they die of thirst in there, or something. Only I would have the will to do that kind of thing. Legendary. I am making laugh myself, I hope you understood. But just do not let me put this Pope in the one cell they have in the Vatican, or I lock even with Obama if I can, and do just that. I can go Mythologic on you, what you think?

  The embassy of America in Paris is so disappointing. You need 10 minutes to find how to email someone in there, like they are afraid to read a mail. It is pathetic for Americans. Had to call them chickens and all. We are in 2017, and not even America said a word yet... You lied, and never believed in me God, even less Jesus-Christ, me as well. You twist religion, I mean the Catholics, and all the other cults, starting with Islam, and Israel. Let's email this to the American President.