Chapter 12

  Herobrine felt numb now. As if someone had taken all his insides out and stuffed him full of cotton wool. There was so much going on that it felt like his mind was going to break under the strain. What had started off as a pretty normal day was now far from normal. His home was gone; his friend was gone and his dog was gone. There had been times in the past when his stupidity had caused him to lose everything. But this time it was different. This time it was far more painful and he'd lost so much more. In fact, he felt like he'd lost part of himself in the attack.

  “Come Herobrine. Follow me quickly!” the witch commanded “We must make for the Nether right now.” Herobrine followed along shuffling behind the witch. He didn’t care anymore if he was about to be killed, so be it. He wouldn’t even put up a fight. “Come this way Herobrine and I'll show you how you'll have your revenge,” the witch said taking Herobrine by the shoulder and pushing him gently into the shimmering pool of the portal.

  After a second or two of being disorientated Herobrine blinked his eyes. Standing on the Nether side of the portal everything looked and felt exactly the same as the last time he'd been here. He could hear the sounds of lava bubbling nearby and feel the heat being given off by the rocks that surrounded him. But it wasn’t. Compared to his earlier visits there were no hostile mobs anywhere. It was as if they all knew there was something evil in their presence and so kept away. Whoever this witch was she must have had great power. So why was he following her. Revenge that’s what it was. He was looking for revenge for all the wrong that had been done to him,” Herobrine thought numbly to himself.

  After a short walk Herobrine and the witch came to a huge waterfall of lava. Looking up Herobrine marvelled at the beauty of it but also the danger it held. “This way Herobrine. My home is on the other side of that waterfall. Don't fear we'll not burn,” she said and waved her hand to the side. Instantly the waterfall parted in the middle to reveal a tunnel entrance beyond it. “Come. Let me show you around my home and we'll make our plans.”

  The witch guided Herobrine to a large table that lay in the centre of a huge room. He'd been expecting the witch’s home to be a place of squalor and decay, but was surprised to see how the walls of the cave had been beautifully carved with diamonds inset in them. Sitting back and taking in his surroundings he watched as the witch returned with a goblet that contained some type of gold liquid inside. “You speak of me having revenge witch. How. What do I need to do?” Herobrine asked confused. Some of his feeling of numbness had passed and now felt that he needed answers. “I told you Herobrine I can give you an army. An army that will run by your side. You'll have revenge for your friends like I promised. Then you are free to live where ever you want, knowing that nothing like this will ever happen to you again,” she said putting the goblet down in front of him. “What do I need to do?” Herobrine asked. “Nothing much. Simply drink from this little goblet here Herobrine. Then everything will be sorted,” she said pushing the goblet closer to him.

  Herobrine looked in confusion at the goblet. Was he about to be poisoned? Thinking it over Herobrine questioned if it really mattered. Right now, he didn't care if it was poison. In one way, it might take away his pain and at the worst he would respawn very far away from here. Far away from his home far away from this pain he was feeling. Where he could make a new life for himself. Yes, that’s all he wanted. A new life for himself a life where this would never happen to him again.

  “Come on Herobrine drink up. Don’t think of yourself right now. Think about that poor girl. What they did to that poor innocent girl. She didn’t deserve that, did she? Standing there surrounded and shot down like that. That’s not part of the game, is it? And what about your dog. Did he deserve to die like that? Shot down without a thought. Monsters, they are. But monsters far, far, worse than me. I would have given them a fair chance I would have let them run away. BUT NOT THEM! They come into our world, kill, plunder and feed off everything they see. They think they're so powerful. But… we'll show them what real power is Herobrine. We'll show them that they can’t come here and do as they please. Won’t we.”

  Whatever Herobrine had thought of witches in the past this one was speaking the truth. They had killed SparkleGirl. Yes, she'd been working on the greifers side. But that didn't mean she'd had to die like that. Who knew where she was respawning right now and he'd probably never see her again. Would she ever return to the world of Minecraft when she'd been treated so cruelly like that? And Wolfie his best friend, that dog had meant so much to him. He had become more of a friend than any player he'd met in Minecraft. And now they were gone. Herobrine closed his eyes and drank quickly from the flask.

  Once the hot liquid hit the back of Herobrine's mouth it burned its way to his stomach and the pain was intense. All the while he was in agony he kept the image of SparkleGirl and Wolfie in his mind. Watching them being killed over and over again. This is for you! he thought to himself. Once the pain got too much Herobrine screamed out in agony and fell to the floor. Whatever the mixture was doing to him he felt like his body was being burned inside by hot lava. “AARGH MY EYES, IT'S BURNING THEM!” Herobrine screamed rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. Then when the pain became so intense his body shut down and he fell into unconsciousness.

  “Sleep Herobrine, let the rage fill every part of your body. I probably should have told you that your memory is now gone. Never will you remember your past life. All those happy memories will be long gone. But… there is one memory you'll keep for the rest of your life. Every time you see another Minecraft player you'll see that scene of your friend and dog getting killed over and over again. You'll re-live that pain and because of that you'll seek justice for it. You'll make them pay. They'll pay for what they've done to you, and also to us. Never again will they think they can come here and take what they want. You'll have your revenge Herobrine, but they'll ALL pay for it,” the witch said rubbing her hands with glee.

  The witch stood back when she saw Herobrine wake up. As soon as he opened his eyes she knew the old Herobrine was gone. Now instead of two pupils in his eyes, they were replaced with two eyes that burned brightly with pain, rage and destruction. “Rise my beauty. You'll have all the armies of darkness at your command now. Everyone will bow down before you. You're now a God in Minecraft. Now go seek your justice and make them all pay!” she screamed and watched as Herobrine teleported away.

  “Herobrine is dead. Long live Herobrine!” the witch sneered and then disappeared to see what destruction her new creation was getting up to.

  Bonus Chapter - Herobrine – Revenge of a Monster

  SparkleGirl looked at her reflection in the river as she filled her bucket with water. It had been a year since the last time she'd seen Herobrine, but that had been the good Herobrine. The one that had taken her in when he didn't have to and the one who'd given her a home. But now that sweet, caring and helpful Herobrine was gone. She'd heard a rumour that he'd turned into a ghastly monster that now left destruction and death in his path.

  “It’s all my fault,” SparkleGirl sobbed to herself and wiped away a tear. Why had she ever listened to ChuckBone? Why had she ever agreed to move into Herobrine’s home, and then take it all from him the moment his back was turned? Look where that great plan had got her, killed and left to respawn back at square one with nothing to show for all her hard work. But although it felt hard for her to come to terms with what she'd lost. Herobrine had lost so much more. He'd lost his home, his favourite pet Wolfie and he'd lost himself. And she was to blame.

  How could she ever make it up to him for what she had done? If Herobrine was as mad as people had said he was, how could she even say “sorry” to him? He’d probably cut her down with his sword the first second he saw her. Then even if she did try to apologize to him, how would she ever find him in this vast world. SparkleGirl pulled the bucket quickly from the river; she couldn't bear to look at her reflection a second longer. All it did was show her as a person who had sold h
erself out for a few possessions. She was nothing but a griefer.

  Walking back to her home she wondered why she'd come back into the Minecraft world again. She could have walked away from this world and never returned. Did she really think she could just step back in time to those few happy days she'd had with Herobrine? Or had she come back to get revenge. She knew the first possibility would never happen. So maybe it was revenge that she was looking for. Not just for her, but also for Herobrine.

  SparkleGirl had heard that ChuckBone and his gang had done well after Herobrine had disappeared. After plundering Herobrine’s home and taking all they needed, ChuckBone’s gang had grown from strength to strength. She'd heard that he now lived in a huge fortress that was supposed to have over a hundred Minecraft players living in it. All under ChuckBone’s control. ChuckBone would love all that power, SparkleGirl thought to herself. From the short time she'd known him, she could see the big ego he had. It was never enough for ChuckBone to just live and survive in Minecraft; he wanted it ALL. He wanted power and people to do his bidding.

  But maybe all that was a rumour too. There were so many rumours and lies in Minecraft, who knew what the truth was anymore. Maybe that was the same as the story about Herobrine. Could someone so good really change that much and become someone so evil. If so, where would he have got all that power from? She never remembered Herobrine having magic powers before, if he had, why hadn’t he used them that day when he was almost killed by a huge spider. Only for her arrow he would've died that day. So, where had he got them. The only ones that practiced evil magic like that were the witches. But where had Herobrine met a witch, and why would she ever give him special powers. It just didn't make sense to her.

  SparkleGirl looked up from what she was doing and saw that the cubic sun was starting to lower in the sky. Having not much else to do, she took her time going back inside her home. It was peaceful at this time of day, but it also meant that the hostile mobs weren’t very far either. “Time to go boy. Let’s pack it in for the day,” she called over to her dog. Wolfie2 ran from where he'd been sniffing the ground to join her at her homes front gate. “Having fun?” she asked. She'd never thought of taming a wolf as a pet before, but after seeing the fun and love Herobrine had for Wolfie, she decided to try it out too. It was one of the best decisions she'd made since coming back. Wolfie2 was great company and a good watch dog. Whenever there was a hostile mob close by, she always knew about it.

  Like Herobrine, she'd decided to live life in Minecraft alone now. She'd been part of a group in the past and look where that had got her. Maybe Herobrine had been right. Maybe it was best to keep to yourself and not draw attention to how well you were doing. Doing otherwise would only draw griefers towards you to take everything you'd worked hard for.

  As SparkleGirl switched on the booby trap at her front door, she smiled. Herobrine had taught her well in those few days they'd been together. He'd shown her his night time routine of always checking escape tunnels and making sure weapons were in plenty. This thing had saved her many times. Standing in the courtyard of her home SparkleGirl looked up at the first star in the night sky and said a quick thank you. She might never see Herobrine again, but she was glad that she'd met him. Even if it had been under false pretensions. “Come on Wolfie2, I think we've some juicy pork chops with our names on them,” SparkleGirl said and headed to the furnace to cook supper. “It might be a busy night, and we'll need our energy levels high. Then it’s off to bed,” she said, “Who knows what’s going to come to our front door tonight. But whatever it is, we’ll be ready for it.”

  After supper SparkleGirl did a quick clean up before again, checking everything was in place, and her home was safe. She'd built her home exactly as Herobrine had designed his. So she knew that it was a tough one to get into. But even tough homes could get broken into as she had seen. Happy that everything was now in place SparkleGirl called Wolfie2 to her. “Come on boy, bedtime!” Walking to her bedroom SparkleGirl hoped she'd sleep better than she had the night before. She'd tossed and turned with a nightmare that she couldn’t shake off until Wolfie2 had woken her with his barking. She hoped tonight would be a better night.

  But she was wrong.

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