Page 15 of Desired

  The doctor had come in and said Ellie’s wrist was sprained. She needed to rest and ice it. Once they came back with the prescription for the pain meds, I was positive Jeff’s overprotective side would kick in. He’d feel the need to nurse Ellie for the rest of the day.

  Ellie started to squirm around on the table, looking rather uncomfortable. When she looked back up at me, her cheeks flushed, and I couldn’t help myself: I chuckled. She was so damn adorable. Her tongue slid across her lower lip, and my whole body shuddered. I hoped like hell she hadn’t noticed the effect she had on me.

  “So what are the plans for Saturday night?” Ari asked while staring at Jeff. Not just staring but studying him with a deep appreciation for what his next words were fixin’ to be. Interesting. Did she like him? It was hard not to notice how her eyes seemed hopeful waiting for his response.

  “I know what my plans are; not sure about yours, Squirt.”

  “Can you please not call me that? I’m eighteen years old and not a child, you asshole!” Ari snapped back at Jeff in an angry voice.

  Jeff glared at her, but there was something in his eyes he was desperately trying to hide.

  He liked her. He fucking liked her. Then it came to me all at once.

  Ari was the girl. The one he was torn up about.

  “Well, you sure as hell act like a child, Squirt,” Jeff stated. He was purposely egging her on.

  It was time to put this to rest.

  “I thought we were having a party at the house to celebrate Ellie’s graduation,” I said with a shit-eating grin on my face. I bounced my eyes from Jeff to Ari, then back to Jeff.

  Ari jumped up. “Wait! You’re having a party at your house? For us? Oh my God. This is so awesome!” When she jumped again, she nearly knocked the sharps container off the counter.

  “Oh shit!” she whispered while straightening it back out on the counter. Ellie was grinning at her best friend.

  “Um, no, Squirt, I’m having a party at my house for Ellie. Not you.”

  Ellie’s face exploded with a full-on smile that nearly knocked me to the ground. Jesus, how could her smile make me feel this way? Her smile! This was crazy.

  “Are you for real? I mean, I finally get to meet all your friends and go to a college party?” Ellie asked, her voice filled with excitement.

  Jeff’s chest nearly puffed out, knowing his sister was so happy. “You bet I am, Ells. You only graduate from high school once. It’s one of my presents to you.” He walked over and hugged Ellie.

  I smiled as I watched the exchange. When Ellie looked at me, her smile brightened even more, and a part of me hoped that smile was meant only for me.

  “Am I at least invited to my best friend’s graduation party, dickwad?” Ari asked with sarcasm oozing out of her.

  Jeff walked over to Ari and rubbed the top of her head, like you would do to a young kid asking for you to sign their football. “If she wants you there, Squirt, that’s fine by me.”

  Ari pushed his hand away and mumbled, “Fucker.”

  Jeff and I both started to laugh. That girl was spit and fire, no doubt about it.

  They had finally come back in with Ellie’s prescription, and we were walking back out to Jeff’s truck.

  “Hey, can you swing back by the school so I can pick up my jeep?” Ari yelled out over the music. “Ellie and I both have our last shift tonight.”

  “Oh hell no is Ellie going to work tonight. She has to rest her hand, and she is on pain meds. Are you insane, Ari? Thinking Ellie’s going to work tonight.” Jefferson shouted back to her.

  I had to agree with Jeff. She didn’t need to be working.

  “Yeah, that’s not a good idea—going into work tonight, Ellie. You need to keep your hand and wrist elevated to keep the swelling down,” I said, adding my own two cents on the matter.

  Ari started laughing.

  “What are you both, her freaking mother? No, I think not. Ells can do whatever she damn well pleases, and you two asswipes have no say in it whatsoever. If she wants to go to work or not go to work, that’s her decision to make. I can’t believe you two!” Ari’s tone was harsh, and I knew it was aimed more toward Jeff rather than me.

  I gave Ellie a small grin and turned back to the front, my place in all this clearly pointed out by Ari.

  “You know what, Squirt, you’re right. I’m not her mother, but I am her brother. Ells, I don’t think it’s a good idea, honey. Plus, you’re taking the pain pills, and you really cannot use your hand.”

  “You don’t think she can make that decision?” Ari spat out.

  “Ari, just please stay out of this. I’m her brother.”

  “Well, I’m her best friend!”


  “So best friends have a bigger . . . status on this type of thing!”

  I turned and watched the two of them bicker. When I looked at Ellie, I knew she had come to the same conclusion I had.

  These two had the hots for each other.

  “Will you two please shut up!” Ellie shouted, causing Jeff and Ari to instantly stop talking.

  “Ari, I hate to admit this, but I really am tired, and my hand is killing me. Maybe I should rest a bit. Today has been such a long day, and I’m ready for it to be over.”

  Giving in quicker than I thought she would, Ari replied, “You’re right, sweets, I’m sorry. I’ll let them know what happened and why you can’t come in tonight. It’s our last night anyway.”

  Ari leaned in and gave Ellie a hug.

  “Thanks, Ari, you’re the best,” Ellie said.

  Jeff tensed up. He looked over to me and then back to Ellie.

  “Ells, maybe you should plan on staying the night at my place. If Mom is home, she’s going to ask you a million questions, and I’m not sure if you want to talk to her about Ryan. You keep a bag in Ari’s jeep with extra clothes in it, right?”

  The sadness that swept across her face made my stomach twist. I knew Jeff and Ellie’s mom had some problems and drank heavily, but this was crazy if she couldn’t go home with an injury simply to avoid their mom. Then again, if it meant I could see more of her, I was down for it.

  “Oh, um, yeah, I didn’t even think about Mom.” She whispered something else, but I couldn’t make out what she said.

  Ellie started chewing on her lip, lost for a few moments in thought.

  “Is that okay with you, Gunner? Ellie can take my room, and I’ll sleep on the sofa,” Jeff said, getting out of his truck to help Ellie get her things out of Ari’s jeep.

  My heart dropped to my stomach, and I had to force my hands not to shake. Fuck yes, it was okay with me. I needed to make sure I acted cool. The last thing I wanted was for my best friend to know I had a hard-on just thinking about his sister staying in our house.

  “Of course it is. Ellie can stay over anytime she likes. Our place is her place as far as I’m concerned.” I winked and smiled at Ellie, causing her cheeks to flush again.

  Goddamn did I like that.

  What happened next I was not expecting.

  “Ah, Gunner, how very sweet of you. Now I feel like I have two big brothers looking out for me. You’re such a good friend.”


  My smile faded instantly. She just put me in the friend’s corner. Had I been reading this all wrong? I mean, hell, she did just break up with her boyfriend. Did I really expect her to instantly start flirting with me?

  I was a complete ass.

  I took a few steps back and started replaying the afternoon in my head as Jeff helped Ellie out of the truck and started arguing with Ari again. Ari’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

  “Have fun, Ells! I’ll give you a call later tonight to see how your night went!”

  Ari honked her horn and drove out of the parking lot.

  I was still feeling confused and trying to figure out how I had misread Ellie. Maybe I had just wanted her to react the same way to me as I had her.

  Gently taking her arm, I said, “Why don’t
you sit up front with your brother, Ellie? I’ll sit back here.” I stressed brother for some reason, and I wasn’t sure why.

  Her eyes bounced around my face, and she dug her teeth into her lip. “Oh, okay, um, thanks. I mean, I’m sorry if I kept you from something you had to do this afternoon. Thanks for all your help by the way. I really do appreciate it.”

  My chest ached. I managed a slight grin. She was back to the fumbling, pink cheeks. “It was no problem at all. Besides the fact that you have a hurt hand, I’ve rather enjoyed my afternoon.”

  Ellie glanced down to where my hand was still holding her arm. I quickly let it go and helped her into the truck. She gave me a sweet sisterly smile as I shut the door.

  The drive back to the house was long and quiet. When we turned down our street, I let out a collected breath of air. Being in the truck with Ellie was starting to make my body overheat. I’d never been so affected by a woman in my entire life. And to top it off, she’s my best friend’s sister.

  I’m so fucked.

  “Is that your truck, Gunner?” her sweet, innocent voice asked.

  Glancing over to my Ford F250, I grinned. “Yep. That’s my girl. My gramps gave her to me when I got accepted into UT. She’s a 1998 that was used on his ranch, but she’s never failed me.”

  I got out of the truck and opened her door for her as Jeff grabbed her bag.

  She chuckled. “You refer to your truck as a girl?”

  My eyes went to my truck and back to Ellie. I smiled before saying, “Yes, Ellie. I refer to her as my girl. This way I know my heart will never get broken if she breaks down on the side of the road and leaves me stranded.” And just because I could tell my smile did something to her, I added a wink for good measure.

  She swallowed hard but lifted her chin while staring into my eyes. “Well, I’m sure your heart is safe then. Aren’t Fords pretty reliable? I mean, I would hate to think of your heart being broken. It would make me sad.”

  Jesus, she was looking up at me through her eyelashes, giving me an innocent yet sexy look that made my damn knees knock together. My smile grew bigger, and for the briefest moment, I thought about giving in to my own desire for this woman. I leaned down, itching to taste those lips of hers, but stopped myself before I kissed her.

  Ellie Johnson has just beaten me at my own game.


  Jeff’s voice pulled me out of the trance I was in by those deep blue eyes of hers. I lifted my gaze to meet his.

  He said, “Dude, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Ah hell. Jeff was standing there holding Ellie’s bag, giving me a curious look. I was fixin’ to get my ass kicked.

  “Yeah, sure,” I replied.

  “Hey, Ells, you mind heading in, and I’ll bring your bag to my bedroom?” Jeff asked as Ellie made her way slowly over to him.

  She asked him something, and he smiled at her. I ran my hand through my hair and cursed under my breath. My eyes met Ellie’s, and I gave her a reassuring smile. Even she thought I was about to get my ass served to me or a very stern talk from Jeff about staying away from his sister.

  My mouth parted open slightly, and my chest tightened. Ellie was biting down on her lower lip so hard it looked like it was turning red. I wanted that lip in my mouth. On my body.

  No! Jesus, Gunner. What in the hell are you doing?

  Chapter Twenty-Three – Jeff

  Ellie walked into the house, and I turned my attention on Gunner. I had to hold my smile in because the guy looked scared shitless. It wasn’t lost on me the little exchange the two of them just had. Ellie’s attempts at flirting with Gunner were kind of cute. I knew Gunner wouldn’t make a move on her . . . at least until he got to know her and asked for my permission first.

  “What’s up, dude? Is everything okay?” he asked, clearly waiting for me to go all big brother crazy on his ass. I knew what I was about to do would throw him for a loop.

  “Yeah, dude, it’s all good. Listen, I totally forgot I had a date tonight with Rebecca. I’ve been putting it off for weeks now. If I call her now and cancel . . .” I turned back and looked at the house.

  The last place I wanted to be was with Rebecca. The girl was fucking nuts, but I had promised her another date, and she had been bugging me to follow up with it. I’d go out with her tonight and tell her I didn’t see this going anywhere and be done with it.

  Focusing back on Gunner, I went on. “Gunner, I hate to ask this of you, but can you stay home tonight and take care of Ellie? I don’t want to leave her alone. She’s never taken these kinds of meds before. I mean, I know I’m asking a lot out of you to sit and watch my sister. I think she would be okay with it. Actually, I think she might like you, dude.”

  The look on Gunner’s face was fucking priceless. He didn’t know whether to be shocked I had asked him to say at the house with Ellie or over the moon I had just said I thought she was into him. It was damn hilarious, and I’d have given my right nut to have recorded this to look back on in the future.

  After he looked around for a few seconds, he replied, “Um, no, I don’t mind at all. Jeff, can I ask you a question?”

  It was harder than hell to keep my laughter in. “You know you can, Gun. Shoot.”

  He pushed both hands through his hair and struggled with what to say. I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to tell your best friend you were attracted to his baby sister. The sister I had worked hard at keeping away from him for that very reason.

  “Jeff, um, I mean, I don’t mind at all staying at home tonight. I didn’t have any plans, but, dude”—he let out a confused chuckle—“you’ve never let any of your friends around Ellie. Matter of fact, you threatened us with bodily harm if we ever laid a finger on her. So now you’re just going to leave her here with me alone when you used to make me leave anytime she would come over? I mean, I think she’s beautiful . . .”

  I lifted a brow, and he cleared his throat.

  “Um, I kind of, um, well, I . . . fuck . . . I don’t really know what I’m trying to say here, Jeff. I’m confused as hell.”

  Gunner looked back up toward our front door and then at me. I let out a chuckle that caught him off guard.

  “What’s so funny?” Gunner asked.

  Poor guy, he seemed so damn confused. I almost felt sorry for him. “Dude, you got it bad. So fucking bad you can’t even talk straight!” I said with a roar of laughter.

  With stunned silence, Gunner stood there. His gaze locked on me while he tried to figure this all out in his head.

  “You don’t think I didn’t notice the two of you staring at each other all afternoon? Or the fact that Ellie was devastated by what that fucker did to her, but five minutes after she saw you, she was pretty much like, ‘Ryan who?’”

  I couldn’t help it. I let out another round of laughter. Gunner Mathews was officially thrown on his ass by a girl. And that girl happened to be my sister.

  Rubbing his hands down his face, Gunner looked at me. “Wait, I’m so damn confused. Ellie has always been off-limits. Dude, you told me once you would cut off my balls if I ever so much as looked the wrong way at her. Are you trying to set me up for something here? I mean, if you want a fight, we can head to the gym and go a few rounds. Don’t play around with me like this.”

  Oh yeah, he indeed had it bad for my sister. Something had told me that once the two of them got to know each other, sparks would fly even more. I didn’t realize they would set a fire deep into my poor best friend, though.

  Putting my hand on his shoulder, I gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Listen, you’re my best friend. You’re like a brother to me. I would lay down my life for you, and I know you’d do the same for me. If I was ever going to trust anyone with my sister, it would be you.”

  Gunner’s face turned white. “Um, I need to be honest with you. I think I’m attracted to your sister. I mean, I would never disrespect you or Ellie in any way. If you tell me right now to back off and never look at her again, I’d do it. It would be
hard because I’m pretty sure your sister has had me tied up in knots for a few weeks. I’m a bit confused by all this, but if you said the word to leave her alone, I’d do it for you, Jeff.” His hand raked nervously through his hair again.

  “Ellie had a pretty fucked-up childhood thanks to our mom. She pretty much told her she was useless, just like she told me time and time again. In Ellie’s mind she’ll never be good enough for anyone. I only ask that you give her time. If she ends up having feelings for you, then see where it goes. Keep in mind that she’s innocent, very innocent, and best friend or not, if you hurt her, then I hurt you.”

  With a hard swallow, Gunner nodded. “You know I would rather die than disappoint you, man. I promise you that. I promise to take care of her whether it turns out we are friends or it becomes more than that. Always, dude.”

  I was more than satisfied with his answer. I knew deep in my heart what type of a man Gunner was. He was caring and a really good guy. He would rather die than ever hurt me or Ellie. That was evident.

  With a hard slap on his back, I started to the door. “Good to know, Gun. Good to know. I’d hate to have to beat the shit out of my best friend and roommate. Now let’s go see how Ells is settling in.”

  When we walked into the house, I called out for Ellie. She came walking down the hall in a pair of my sweatpants that were practically swimming on her and a UT T-shirt. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

  Gunner quickly walked by me and into the kitchen, where he grabbed a cold water. Ellie had no idea her cute little frumpy look probably looked sexy to poor Gunner. I almost felt sorry for the bastard.

  “Hey, honey, how’re you feeling?” I asked as I walked up to her.

  She lifted her shoulders halfway. “I guess I’m okay. I think the meds are kicking in ’cause I’m really tired.” She yawned.

  “Let me go drop this off in my room and grab a few things out of there. I really hope you don’t mind, Ells, but I had plans for tonight that I can’t change. I’ve already blown this girl off three times.” As I walked to my room, I called out, “Gunner offered to stay home and help out if you need anything.”