Page 2 of Desired

“Well, Coach Adams gave me your number and said you might have time to help Bryce on the side. A little extra coaching. He’s feeling very unsure of himself, and no matter what I try to do to help him, he thinks I don’t know what I’m talking about. Bryce’s dad travels for work a lot and can’t be here as much as he would like. He was the one to suggest maybe extra coaching.”

  I nodded. “Well, my schedule is pretty full, but I guess we could meet either before or after practice for a little bit of extra one-on-one.”

  With a wide smile, Jeff took a drink of his beer and then motioned with his hips like he was air fucking something.

  Grabbing a pillow off the sofa, I threw it at him.

  His phone went off, and he picked it up. I could tell by the smile on his face it was his sister, Ellie.

  “That would be amazing! Can we do maybe thirty minutes of extra coaching after practice? It’s hard enough getting there on time as it is.”

  I sighed inwardly. The only reason I was agreeing to this was because I knew Coach Adams wouldn’t give this lady my number if he didn’t think she was being serious.

  “Sure, that’s fine.”

  “Great! Next practice shall we start?”

  “No problem.”

  “How much will you be charging?”

  “No charge, ma’am. I do this as volunteer work.”

  I could hear a gasp from her mouth. “Are you sure? I don’t mind paying, Mr. Mathews.”

  “I’m positive, and it’s just Gunner. Please.”

  “Wonderful! Oh, Bryce is going to be so excited. Thank you, Gunner.”

  “Um, Mrs. Williams, may I ask one thing?”

  “Of course.”

  With a sigh, I stated, “Will you please keep this between us. I don’t really want the other parents finding out I’m doing extra coaching.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice. “I completely understand. Not a word from me.”

  Hitting End, I tossed my phone onto the cushion next to me and cursed.


  “What’s wrong? Got yourself in a bit of a pickle there?”

  My head dropped back, and I let out a long groan. “Coach Adams gave my number to a mom. Guess he figures the kid needs a bit of extra work.”

  Jeff laughed. “He figures someone needs extra work . . . time will only tell if it’s the mom or the kid.”

  I reached for the only pillow left and threw it at Jeff.

  “Maybe I should have you coach the kid since you owe me!”

  “Hey, if the mom’s hot, I’m down for it.”

  Standing, I shook my head and headed down the hall. “I’m going to bed.”

  “Hey! Thanks for the double date, dude!”

  “Yep, I’ll think of my payback.”

  I could still hear Jeff laughing as I shut my bedroom door. After stripping out of my clothes, I didn’t have the energy to take a shower, so I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over me. It didn’t take long before my dreams took over.


  Her voice was soft . . . innocent.

  “Who’s there?” I asked, straining to see the shadow of the woman.

  “Drew . . . I need you. Please come find me.”

  My heart started pounding. Her voice was pleading and sent shivers across my body.

  “Are you hurt?” I cried out as I tried to move closer. Her hair fell below her shoulders, and it swung out every time she looked behind her. It was like someone was following her. The closer I got to her, the more my heart rate increased.

  Even though I couldn’t see her face, I somehow knew she was beautiful.

  “Who are you?” I asked as I reached my hand out to hers. When our fingers touched, my entire body erupted in heat. My breath caught, and all I saw were her eyes. It felt as if they looked right into my soul. They were lost and confused . . . yet filled with so much hope.

  “Please . . . Drew . . . I need you!”

  I shot straight up, sweat pouring off me.

  “What the hell?” I panted out as I tried to catch my breath. My heart was pounding in my chest.

  Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I glanced at the clock. Five in the morning. There was no way I would be able to go back to sleep now. I quickly changed and put on my running shoes. The image of the faceless woman was still planted in my memory. I’d never felt something so powerful in a dream that rolled over when I freaking woke up.

  The moment my feet hit the pavement, I took off running. I couldn’t wait for spring training to start. I was ready to unleash some of this built-up energy. The faster I ran, the more the sweat started to build.

  Maybe Josh was right. I needed to get laid. Jerking off in the shower wasn’t cutting it anymore.

  The faster I ran, the farther the memory slipped from my mind. By the time I was back at the house, I was ready for a hot shower.

  I pushed open the door and came to a stop.

  “Look who’s here, Gunner,” Jeff said, his smile forced.

  My eyes darted between Jemma and Crysti.

  “Ladies,” I said with a quick nod. Both of them eyed me up and down. There was another girl sitting at the bar, not giving me one ounce of attention.

  “Who’s this?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the refrigerator. The girl lifted her head and gave me a polite smile.

  Damn. She was cute.

  Jemma snorted and said, “This is Kenzie. She’s helping Jeff with a little problem he has in science and technology.”

  I turned to Jeff. “Dude, I’m in that class with you. Why didn’t you just ask me?”

  Jeff glared at Jemma before turning back to me. “Because I didn’t want to bother you with it and make myself look like a stupid fuck.”

  Kenzie chuckled.

  “A stupid fuck would need help in history or something,” I stated.

  “Um . . .” Kenzie said as Jeff turned and looked at her. He shook his head, and she glanced back down to the laptop.

  I rolled my eyes. “Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked as I nodded for Jeff to follow me into my bedroom.

  Once he walked in and shut the door, I stared at him. “You didn’t want to go out with Jemma for help; you wanted help from her friend Kenzie.”

  He smirked. “She’s hot.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, she’s cute.”

  “Cute? Dude, did you see her body?”

  Frowning, I tilted my head. “No. She’s sitting at our counter. How the hell would I see her body?”

  He shrugged. “She’s in our government class too. I’m totally acing the class, but the moment she walked in, I was failing.”

  I laughed. “Christ almighty. She doesn’t look like at all like she’s interested in jumping into bed with you.”

  Jeff shrugged. “Hey, a little kissing, fondling . . . I’m all right with that.”

  The knock on the door had Jeff giving me a wink and opening it. He headed out of my room, leaving the door wide open for Crysti to walk right on in.

  “Hey there.”

  I wasn’t in the mood.

  “Hey. Listen, I need to jump in the shower and get to class,” I said.

  Walking up to me, her hand went right inside my jogging pants. She lifted her brows as she found what she was looking for.

  My fucking cock of course came to life with someone other than me touching it.

  “Well, looks like someone wants to come out and play.”

  Fuck. This girl was the last person I wanted to mess around with, but it had been so damn long.

  I took a step back as I pulled her hand out of my pants.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. Like I said, I need to get to class.”

  Folding her arms across her chest, she pouted. If she only knew it didn’t make her any more attractive when she did that.

  “Gunner, what is it going to take to get you to have sex with me?”

  “A lot of alcohol.”

  As I walked around her and headed to the bat
hroom, I heard her whisper, “Asshole.”

  It was a dick move, but one I hoped would keep her at an arm’s distance from me. At least until she got the urge to try again.

  The second the hot water hit my face, I closed my eyes. I willed the girl from my dreams to come back to my memory, but she was gone. I wish the aching in my chest had vanished along with her.

  Chapter Three – Jeff

  Kenzie was cute. Very cute. And boring as hell.

  It was our second date, and if she talked to me anymore about environmental science, I was positive I was going to fall asleep.

  “So this was fun. Want to go for a walk around Town Lake?” she asked.

  I smiled. “I can’t; I’ve got something I need to do. Volunteer work.”

  She nodded. “Dinner?”

  “Owe Gunner a favor and have to coach some little kid in baseball tonight.”

  “You play baseball too?”

  I laughed. “Not for UT; I used to in high school. Football was my number one thing.”

  “I hate football.”

  My feet stumbled back a few steps. “Excuse me? How can you hate football?”

  With a shrug, she replied, “It’s boring.”

  Laughing, I almost told her environmental science was boring.

  We both stared down at the ground. “Are you sure you can’t do dinner? Maybe even a little bit of, I don’t know, dessert afterward?”

  Christ, how did I get myself into this?

  I liked this girl the other day when she was sitting at my kitchen counter with her short little miniskirt on and innocent ponytail in her hair. I had it in my mind I wanted her. Even pictured taking her with that damn skirt up around her waist. After one date, I knew what I wanted wasn’t Kenzie. It was the girl who has been playing with my heart since she was ten fucking years old. The one who has a smile so damn big it makes my heart literally feel like it might burst from my chest when I see it. The one who I can never have because she was my sister’s best friend . . . and the only woman I’d ever truly wanted to give my heart to but couldn’t for fear she’d reject me and we’d lose the stupid-ass, weird friendship we had. The same damn girl I was fixin’ to go stalk.

  “I wish I could, but I really do need to be at the animal shelter.”

  She stared at me like I was insane. Maybe I was. I was giving up pussy to go hang out with dogs and clean up their shit, all for the chance to see her.

  How fucking sick am I? I volunteer at the animal shelter because I know how much she loves dogs, and I get to see her twice a week without her even knowing.

  “Let me get this straight: you’re blowing me off for some dogs.”

  Forcing a smile, I replied, “Homeless dogs. There’s a difference.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Jeff, I’m offering you sex. Do you get that? I mean, do I need to just come out and say I want to sleep with you? No, I want you to fuck me.”

  “Okay, I didn’t really see that coming from you.”

  “Why? Because I didn’t jump in bed with you the first night we met? I might not have done it this soon, but I thought you were giving me the vibe.”

  Damn that vibe.

  “Listen, Kenzie, you’re really sweet, but—”

  She held up her hands. “Please don’t say it. Let’s just end this here and now before my ego gets any more bruised.”

  I placed my hand on her shoulder and leaned down. Gently kissing her on the lips, I rested my forehead to hers.

  “You know, I really do think you’re hot as hell.”

  She laughed. “Well, obviously not as hot as the dogs.”

  This time I laughed. “You need me to walk you to your car?”

  Placing her hand on my chest, she shook her head. “Nah, I’ll be fine. I’m only a block away. Thanks for lunch, though.”


  Chewing on her lip, she grinned. “Whoever she is, I hope she realizes what a catch you are, Jeff Johnson.”

  I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. Standing there, I watched as Kenzie waved goodbye and walked nearly a block before she got into her car.

  Blowing out a breath of air, I made my way to the parking lot and to my truck. Glancing at my watch, I had plenty of time to get to the shelter and park in the back so I was out of sight. Each time I came in, I loaded up my truck with the trash and took it to the dumpster; it was the perfect excuse to park in the back so there was no chance she would see my truck.

  Walking up to a tree, I sat down so I had the perfect view. If there was one thing I knew about Ari, she was a stickler for her schedule. She’d come to the shelter on the two days she got out of school early. Make her rounds inside and then pick two different dogs each day to take out in the yard to play. I could see her perfectly, but she couldn’t see me through the trees. It was a sick game I played twice a week, but I didn’t care. It was the only thing that kept me fucking sane.

  “Milo! Bring me back the ball! Come on, boy!”

  I smiled as I watched Milo completely ignore Ari. I gave her five minutes tops before she wouldn’t be able to stand him ignoring her.

  “Good girl, Lucy Lou! You know how to listen, unlike Milo here.”

  Milo barked and started running off with the ball.

  “Come on, boy! Milo! This is why you don’t have a family you stupid dog! Get your butt over here!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched Ari chase Milo while Lucy Lou chased her.

  “Lucy Lou, don’t bite my butt!” Ari laughed at the game the three of them played, while I sat there and took it all in. Damn that girl. She both annoyed and thrilled me, but she always held my attention, whether she knew it or not. She had ever since the moment she first showed up on her decked-out bike.

  “Jefferson! You can’t tag me if I wasn’t it,” Ellie protested as we all stood in a circle. Me, Ellie, Rodney, and his sister Lynn.

  “Lynn was it!” Ellie argued.

  “I wasn’t it, Ellie. Rodney tagged you before you got to the tree.”

  Ellie glared at Lynn, and before I could say anything, I heard a voice from behind me.

  “Hey, y’all.”

  We all turned to see a girl sitting on top of her bike. Her very pink and sparkled-up bike.

  “I’m Arianna Peterson, but I go by Ari.”

  Ellie immediately walked up to the girl. “I love your name!”

  “And your bike!” Lynn added.

  Rodney stared at her in a way I didn’t like. He and I were the same age, three years older than our sisters, and this girl looked to be Ellie’s age.

  “Hey, I’m Rodney.”

  Pushing past me, Rodney stuck his hand out to Ari. She gave him a quick smile, then turned to me. The way her mouth moved into a full-blown smile was something I would never forget for the rest of my life.

  “And what’s your name?” she asked.

  I opened my mouth, and nothing came out.

  “That’s my older brother, Jefferson.”

  My sister saying my name caused my mouth to work again. “Jeff, I like going by Jeff.”

  Ari’s eyes seemed to shine. “I like the name Jeff.”

  “What about Rodney? You like that name?” Rodney interjected.

  Lynn and Ellie both giggled.

  “I just moved here.”

  Ellie jumped. “Oh my gosh. We can all be best of friends.”

  Glancing over to Lynn, I saw she was glaring at Ari. She walked over to me and whispered, “I don’t like her.”

  Not taking my eyes off the new girl, I asked, “Why not?”

  “Do you see the way she’s looking at you, Jeff? She likes you, and she ignored my brother.”

  I laughed and patted Lynn on the head. “And let’s hope it always stays that way.”


  I snapped out of the memory and watched Ari as she lay on the ground with two dogs now attacking her with kisses.

  “You know, I would say it’s kind of creepy the way you watch her every Tuesday and

  Ignoring Ralph, I kept my eyes on the beautiful brunette in the play yard.

  “But then again, it’s also pathetic.”

  “Hey!” I said to the old man as he made his way over to me and sat on the bench.

  “You can see her a hell of a lot better from the bench.”

  “I know that, Ralph. I don’t want her to see me.”


  “She’ll curse me out and say something snarky. Probably accuse me of spying on her.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  I turned to look at him. “No.”

  His brows lifted. “Really?”

  “I’ve known Ari since we were little. It’s just better if we don’t see each other. All we do is fight with each other.”

  Ralph nodded. “Don’t like her much?”

  “Oh, I like her enough.”

  “Then, boy, what in the hell you doing up here creepin’ on her?”

  Laughing, I sat back and rested on my hands. “It’s complicated. Ari is my little sister’s best friend. I’m pretty sure I fell for the little squirt the moment she rode up to our front yard on her flashy pink bike. It was a crush for a lot of years, something I could handle because she was younger—boys didn’t look twice at her. Then one summer she grew more beautiful, got a body, and guys started staring at her. It drove me nuts.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask the girl out?”

  “I don’t think she feels the same; at least, she never really acted like she did. I was always like her big brother. If I told her how I really felt and she didn’t feel the same or if something happened and we broke up, it would ruin our friendship.”

  For nearly three minutes, the old man stared at me. Ralph had been coming to the shelter for ten years, ever since his wife passed away. Every single day he came up here and sat for a bit, then went in and played with the cats before making his way to every single dog in the shelter to say hello.

  He finally spoke. “You mean the friendship where y’all call each other names and fight?”

  “I didn’t say we called each other names,” I said with a grin.

  “I’m assumin’, boy. Don’t sass your elders.”

  Nodding, I replied, “Yes, sir.”

  “Jeff, you been coming here for months now watching that girl. Why do you stay and help with the dogs after she leaves?”